Educational project “Journalism for preschoolers as a form of socialization and media education”

Children's Journalism Project


Karabasheva Rushana Arkinovna,

teacher at MBDOU "Brusnichka"

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Purovsky district, Purpe village


The Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education defines as one of the target guidelines at the stage of completion of preschool education that “the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and feelings, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech statement in a communication situation.” For the successful speech development of preschoolers, it is necessary to create conditions in which they could talk about what interesting things happened in the group or at home, share their impressions, and express their opinions. Communication activities are closely interconnected with gaming activities. In the game, children communicate most freely, express their emotions, and reflect their knowledge of the surrounding reality, so we considered it possible to implement the game project “We are journalists.”

Project problem:

Analysis of the pedagogical process indicates that teachers experience serious difficulties in organizing work on the speech development of preschool children. Speech is the leading means of communication. However, it is used by the child as a means of communication in a situation that arises only when necessary and if there is a desire to enter into verbal interaction. The inability to organize constant meaningful verbal communication, taking into account the needs of the child, sometimes leads to underdevelopment of speech. The task of educators is to stimulate meaningful, productive communication between the child and adults and other children in various activities. Organizing situations that create the need for verbal interaction in play, during the learning process, is the professional responsibility of every kindergarten teacher. The theory and practice of preschool education have convincingly proven the need for specially organized activities for speech development, the formation of speech skills, and the mastery of coherent monologue speech.

Project goal: to promote the development of children's communication skills in play activities and children's social competence; direct children's interest from the process of playing to the process of obtaining results. Dialogue, creativity, knowledge, self-development are the fundamental components of the project.

Project objectives:

Educational: Improve monologue and dialogic forms of speech; develop the ability to conduct dialogue between adults and children; form correct sound pronunciation, structure phrases in dialogue, improve grammatical skills (declension of nouns, agreement of adjectives with nouns, use of verbs, participles, adverbs); teach children to construct independent statements, the ability to express their thoughts in detail, coherently, logically, with semantic completeness, grammatical design, and expressiveness; expand and activate your vocabulary.

Developmental: improve children’s ability to construct independent statements; — develop social and communication skills and effective interaction of children with each other, employees, parents and guests of the kindergarten, the ability to enter into dialogue; develop vital skills: cope with anxiety, consider your capabilities, make choices and decisions; to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the social role of adult labor and the importance of individual professions in the life of society; develop in children curiosity, observation, activity, and the ability to speak in public.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of belonging to a group and to consolidate positive emotions from a common, creative endeavor; cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions and their work; Build independence and self-confidence in children.

Type of project: practice-oriented cognitive-game creative open Location of the project: MBDOU Project participants: children 6-7 years old, educators, parents.

Duration: long-term project

Methodical techniques

Modeling Explanation Conversation Questions Examination Didactic games Example of conducting an interview

Planned result : Mastery of coherent dialogic and monologue speech through studying the basics of the journalist profession. Development of communication skills and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, successful interaction of children with each other, employees, parents and guests of the kindergarten. Creating in preschoolers a sense of belonging to a group, developing positive emotions from a common, creative activity. Cooperation with the family in the cognitive and social development of a preschooler and preparation for school

Pedagogical project “We are journalists”

  • April 9, 2014

Conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2014”
Nomination “Pedagogical project in a preschool institution”

Goal: development of cognitive and communicative qualities of preschool children, increasing their motivation to communicate.


  1. Create situations for children to actively communicate with peers and adults.
  2. To promote the mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture.
  3. To form a positive attitude, motives for learning about people, their role in society and relationships.

Relevance. In the seventh year of life, children developed a desire to take initiative in play and communication. Social phenomena in the world around them are of interest; preschoolers are able to assess the significance of human labor and fantasize about their purpose in the future. In dialogue, children learn self-regulation, initiative, and self-control.

In older preschool age, children are keenly interested in professions, and this can be used as a means of increasing the level of speech and communicative competence of pupils.

Immersion in the game “Journalists” helps to create situations that contribute to the gradual assimilation of forms of cognitive speech interaction in various environments - in children and adults, with close adults and just acquaintances, to overcome shyness in communication. The development of children's curiosity is facilitated by new impressions gained on excursions, in conversations, and in play tasks. The artistic and productive activities of children in the project are a means of self-expression.

Project participants: children: 6-7 years old, teacher, parents.

Duration: 8 months.

Expected results:

  1. Development of cognitive motivation.
  2. Willingness to enter into dialogue with others, ability to use speech algorithms.
  3. Products of joint creativity of children and adults: books, newspapers, albums.
  4. Enriching the plots of role-playing games.
  5. Decentralization of behavior is a manifestation of interest in people and their activities.

Project work

(Appendix No. 1)

month Activity Contents of education Educational Resources
October. Game activity “We are journalists” Gained an idea of ​​the journalist profession.Camera (toy); camera; microphones (toy); notebook; uniform cap; pencils; computer (toy).
Meeting with young journalists from school. We learned how to design a newspaper page on a topic.Whatman. Images. Headline clippings.
Excursion to the publishing house of the local newspaper "Avangard" We got acquainted with the journalists and their equipment.

Learned to ask questions.

November. Excursion to the city children's library. We got acquainted with the collections of South Ural authors. “Bend” is a collection of poems by South Ural poets, including poems by Sredina O.S. teacher of our kindergarten.

Ural Workshop is a collection of artistic works by authors of the Southern Urals.

Conversation about types of printed materials. Learned about children's magazines and newspapers from local publishers "Avangard" newspaper of the Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district and children's sections of the newspaper:



Reading and discussion of an article in the regional newspaper “Avangard”

“Pioneer Journals”, which tells about our group.

We learned to describe an event from the group’s life experience.

We discussed the interview algorithm.

No. 88 dated November 16, 2013

Article “Journals” - pioneers” by N. Smirnova.

Questions from the teacher.

Role-playing game “Journalists” We learned how to conduct interviews and publish answers in the newspaper. Group newspaper

The first issue of "Fidget" dated November 12, 2013.

December. Plot-role-playing game “Journalistic assignment”. Collected information for publishing a newspaper.Microphone. Notebook. Outline of the conversation.
Interview with parents for the creation of the newspaper “School Years of Our Parents” Learned to ask questions on a given topic. Photos of parents in their school years, stories of children.
Experiments with the camera. Getting to know the camera.

Frame selection.

We learned that the photo illustrates the text.




Experiments with audio equipment (tape recorder, microphone) Overcame the fear of a real microphone. Microphone, tape recorder.


Game situation: “Telephone conversation etiquette.” We became familiar with the rules of telephone communication. Cellular telephone.

Algorithm for telephone conversation.

Interview, report about an interesting event in the life of a kindergarten. Showed interest in the interlocutor and the ability to listen. Microphone,



Practical work on creating a newspaper. Improved newspaper design skills. No. 2 Winter issue of the newspaper “Fidgets” dated January 28, 2014.
February. Creation of the book: “My dad is the best” Familiarization with military specialties.

We made up stories about dad based on existing ideas.

Portraits "My Dad";

children's stories about dad;

Release of a festive newspaper for Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Formulated

texts of congratulations and wishes.

Cuttings from postcards, blanks of multi-colored parachutes, an airplane with photographs of children.
Plot-based role-playing game of children's choice We selected and discussed game actions and assigned roles.

We showed partnerships, cooperation, and created gaming equipment.

Lego, improvised material; training ground, sets of military equipment, elements of military uniforms, illustrations “Our Army” Map of Russia, Chelyabinsk region, the world.


Report from the spring holiday “There is no one dearer than mother in the whole world.” We learned to convey the information received from an adult’s story. Portraits of mothers, recordings of children's stories by the teacher.
Creation of the book “Our Dear Mommy” (Implementation of children's initiative.) Used figurative expressions. Files, folder, markers, glue.
“Business trip” to the kindergarten library.

Educational conversation.

We talked about the role of books in people's lives, about caring for books and about the love of reading. Children's library of kindergarten, forms for children-readers.

Reader's corner in the group.

April. Creation of the book “My Friends” Creating a visual and verbal image of a friend. Children's stories recorded by the teacher, drawings of portraits.

We still have to

April. Design of the photo exhibition “How we live happily” Selecting the most important and interesting episodes of the project. Stories about them. Photos from the life of the children of the group.

Recording of children's stories by the teacher.

An evening of meeting interesting people. Top show. Entering into dialogue, the ability to ask questions using given algorithms; listen to the interlocutor, maintain a conversation, draw a conclusion, thank the interlocutor. To form ideas about the professional training of preschool employees. A pre-designed photo exhibition of episodes from the project “How We Live Fun.”

Game paraphernalia: microphones, journalists’ caps, notepads, pens,


May. Presentation of the project, nomination of project sites. Formation of positive self-esteem, the ability to rejoice in the successes of comrades. Video or presentation “What we learned in the game “We are journalists””, compiled from stories, drawings and photographs of children.

Diplomas and books for awards.

Scenario of entertainment in a preparatory group for school

Topic: “Meeting interesting people”

Goal: Development of coherent dialogical speech. Ability to conduct dialogue. Continue to strengthen the ability to listen to your interlocutor and end the dialogue. Formation of positive attitudes towards kindergarten employees.

Progress of entertainment

Children and guests are sitting at tables. The presenter enters.

Presenter: Hello, we are pleased to welcome you to our “Meeting with Interesting People” holiday. Today we will meet interesting people who have devoted many years to working with children.

They are now here among us. And young freelance correspondents from different television channels will introduce us. All of them are future graduates of our kindergarten. They really want to meet people who are united by a common goal - to create all conditions for the young citizens of the city so that they feel good in our kindergarten, so that they attend it with joy. So, let's start getting acquainted. The first person you want to interview is...

Kindergarten is fun and nice! Well, who is the most important here? Who is sitting in the office? Who is in charge of everyone? I don't sleep at night,

Monitoring the budget, talking to mothers, Kind………….. (Manager!). (Poetry author: Irina Gurina)

The manager appears with the children. A person who cares about the well-being of the entire kindergarten, a person who knows and loves the entire kindergarten. A correspondent approaches her and asks questions that interest him:

  • Hello. Introduce youreself.
  • May I ask you a few questions?
  • Tell me, is it difficult to be a manager?
  • Where do you study to become a manager?
  • Thank you for the interesting story.
  • They give you a craft.

Host: And now the song sounds for you: “About kindergarten.”

Presenter: The next equally important profession in kindergarten. The child may have speech problems. Then we can give practical advice: The solution to the issue can only be provided by professional…. (SPEECH THERAPIST.)

  • Hello, please introduce yourself.
  • How long did you study to become a speech therapist?
  • Do you love your profession?
  • What is the most important thing in your work?
  • You spoke very well about your profession. Thank you very much.
  • They give a craft.

Sketch (children participate).

Author: A beetle met a cute wasp in a forest...

Beetle: Oh, what a fashionista! Please, please, please meet me.

Wasp: Uvaz-z-borrowed prokhoz-z-zyy! Well, a hundred zzzz this pokhozzze! You can’t imagine how snotty you are!

Author: And the beautiful wasp flew into the sky.

Beetle: Strange citizen, probably a foreigner!

Author: A beetle is running around the clearing like pretzels in frustration.

Beetle: It had to be like this

Go crazy?! Lest we find ourselves in such a position again! We urgently need to get involved with the Foreign language! (author of poems A. Krylov)

Host: Now we have learned that there are already two interesting and very significant professions. Well, let's continue our acquaintance further. Who do you think these instruments might belong to? (Shows pictures). Yes, you guessed it. These instruments belong to medical professionals. So, who wants to ask a healthcare professional a few questions?

  • Introduce youreself.
  • May I ask you a few questions?
  • Where did you study?
  • Why do you love your profession?
  • How long have you been working as a nurse?
  • Thank you for the interesting story.
  • They give a craft.

Game: "Give first aid."

Presenter: We continue our acquaintance. Now we will talk about a person who is close to every child in kindergarten:

Mommy doesn’t feel sorry for the kindness and warmth of her soul. The kids are waiting for mommy - Vasya, Masha, Galka, Pasha, Senya and Marat - The whole kindergarten is waiting for her! (Educator) (Poems by Natalia Ivanova).

Presenter: It is the teacher who spends more time raising and teaching children. Which correspondent will introduce us to one of them?

  • We are pleased to meet you, please introduce yourself.
  • May I ask you a few questions?
  • Where did you study to become a teacher?
  • What do you consider the most important thing in your work?
  • Thank you very much.
  • They give a craft.

The song “Educator” is performed.

Presenter: Our meeting is coming to an end. We did not get acquainted with all the professions of the kindergarten. People of different professions work together, together, amicably, doing everything to make you guys feel good here. I would like to end with these words:

There is one country in the world, You won’t find another like it. Not marked on the map, and the size is small. But wonderful people live in that glorious country, and wherever you look, a friend walks next to you. In that country this is the order: Everything is in the hands of the guys, And they all live together, Like a family, one unit! You probably guessed, Where do they live as one family? Well, of course, everyone found out - This is our dear kindergarten!

With this I say goodbye to you.


Despite the lengthy nature of the project, the children's interest has not waned. This was facilitated by a series of events that happened in the children’s lives. Their first journalistic "tests of writing" received a friendly response. Adults constantly supported the children and entered into the game seriously and honestly. My students received emotional satisfaction from this. Their independence and initiative have increased significantly. Books about mothers and friends were created at the request of the children themselves.

Author: Murina Lyubov Ivanovna, educator, teacher of the highest qualification category, MDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region. Teaching experience: 33 years.

Educational project “Journalism for preschoolers as a form of socialization and media education”

Author: Masimova Svetlana Novruzovna

teacher-speech therapist at MDOU “Kindergarten “Golden Cockerel” p. Pangodas"

Educational project

“Journalism for preschoolers as a form of socialization and media education”

Educational project

“Journalism for preschoolers as a form of socialization and media education”

teacher-speech therapist Masimova Svetlana Novruzovna

"Young teachers-speech therapists, educational psychologists"

Reason for the need for the project.

The problem of speech development and communicative communication remains one of the most pressing problems in preschool age, especially in children with speech disorders: general speech underdevelopment and phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment caused by dysarthria (hereinafter referred to as speech disorders).

The social activity of preschoolers with speech disorders is quite low. They do not show initiative in verbal communication, do not know how to build relationships with other people, since they lag significantly behind their peers in mastering the skills of coherent dialogic and monologue speech.

When planning correctional assistance in the conditions of a speech center, the individual development of the child and the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education are taken into account, which call for teaching preschoolers all components of speech to express their thoughts, feelings and desires, constructing a speech utterance in a situation of verbal communication. To master coherent, grammatically correct dialogue and monologue speech as a means of communication, I consider it necessary to use new, more effective tools of correctional influence.

Having studied and analyzed methodological literature and other information sources covering the issues of speech development of preschool children, she suggested that the organization of journalistic activities as a means of media education for children with speech disorders will increase the motivation of children to learn competent dialogue and monologue speech. It is planned to organize journalistic activities in the volunteer movement of the kindergarten, which will make it possible to satisfy the need of children with speech disorders for new knowledge and impressions, will promote speech development, and raise an inquisitive, independent child. This circumstance is important for adaptation in the society of peers and successful education at school for a preschooler with a speech disorder.

The participation of children with speech impairments in the institutional project of the kindergarten “Introduction of a volunteer movement model into the educational process of a preschool educational institution, ensuring the development of the spiritual and moral personality of a preschooler” will allow for the rationalization of speech and communicative competence.


Development of grammatically correct, coherent dialogic and monologue speech and communication skills in preschool children with speech impairments through the means of journalism in volunteer activities.


  1. Teaching preschoolers with speech disorders to construct independent phrases based on developed speech skills (grammatical, lexical and syntactic).
  2. Inclusion of elements of the language system acquired by preschoolers into direct communication.
  3. Formation of the ability to communicate in pairs, in a group for conducting journalistic activities (the ability to conduct an interview, conduct a report on one’s own behalf, depending on the proposed situation, compose an “article” (story).
  4. Formation of moral qualities: independence, organization, perseverance, responsibility in preschool children with speech impairments in the process of journalistic volunteering.
  5. Establishing new directions in partnership interactions with parents of students to implement corrective influence.

Project participants

: pupils 6-7 years old, enrolled in the lists of the speech center, parents (legal representatives), group teachers.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the goals.

The project idea is to organize activities for information coverage of the events of the institutional project “Introduction of a volunteer movement model into the educational process of a preschool educational institution, ensuring the development of the spiritual and moral personality of a preschooler” of children enrolled in a speech center.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct educational practices (hereinafter referred to as EP) for preschool children of the preparatory group for school with speech disorders. The OP is that children will conduct various reports, including together with real television reporters in the village of Pangody, interview participants in volunteer events, write “articles” (compose a story) about the past event, which will help develop the ability and readiness of children to a conscious choice of activity (interview or observe what is happening) and product (report, presentation, video presentation, “article”), increase the level of motivation for familiarization with sociocultural norms, master the methods of journalistic activity necessary in primary general education, activate the role of the family in the pedagogical process kindergarten.

The EP is supposed to be carried out according to the following algorithm: at the first stage, the child chooses the topic of the final product, determines the algorithm of activities in the EP, taking into account his interests. (For example: article “How I helped a friend”, video report “We fed the birds”). The results of the child’s choice are recorded on a stand in the speech therapy room. The second stage of the EP involves the practical preparation of a preschooler for the implementation of the EP in remedial classes of a speech therapist, in joint activities with the teacher. For this purpose, it is planned to use special speech therapy techniques, expand information on the planned topics of volunteer actions, and build a model of competent interviewing of action participants.

The third stage is interviewing, i.e. direct implementation of the model of interviewing action participants in the EP. Children take part in a volunteer event and ask questions that interest them. Further, the work concentrates on compiling an EP product by young journalists in the form of an “article”, a video report, or a presentation.

The final stage is presentation. At this stage, children will publicly present (present) their product to children, parents, and kindergarten staff. Video reports, “articles,” and presentations are expected to be posted on the preschool educational institution’s website, information screens in the kindergarten lobby, and in the Pangody television news.

In the interests of intensifying the pedagogical impact, I assume the use of the following pedagogical technologies: socio-game technology, interviewing technology, mnemonics.

Considering the leading activity of preschoolers, I use socio-game technology

, which promotes the speech and social development of preschool children in playful communication with peers. This technology is assumed to be the main one throughout the implementation of the entire project, since journalistic activity is built as a game-life by each child, within the group and between microgroups. This makes it possible to unite children with a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into collective work.

Interviewing technology

is supposed to be applied at the third stage of the OP.
Special techniques are used: “Communicator” (the ability to ask questions), hint diagrams (drawing up questions for a descriptive story), “Bloom’s Chamomile” (presenting questions of a different nature) Appendix 1.
This technology contributes to the formation and improvement of the child’s speech activity. Preschoolers learn to maintain sequence in the transmission of events, conduct a dialogue, plan an interview, and highlight the semantic links of the dialogue.

At the stage of organizing work on compiling a product, it is planned to use mnemonic technology,

which will ensure the ability of preschoolers to operate with the information received in the process of composing a coherent text.
For each “article” (story), mnemonic tables will be developed that will facilitate and speed up the process of memorizing and assimilating texts. With this type of activity, not only auditory, but also visual analyzers are turned on. Appendix 2
Work plan for the project.
Appendix 3
Predicted short-term and long-term results of the project.

Short term results:

The skill of constructing simple common sentences with homogeneous members has been developed; they use linguistic means to connect the structural parts of a sentence. Competently formulate and ask questions, construct an answer, supplement, and correct the interlocutor.

The ability to put forward and implement common collective decisions and work for a common result has been developed; be ready for mutual assistance, support, interchangeability.

Increasing the communicative and information competencies of parents through non-traditional forms of organizing cooperation.

Long term results:

An optimal level of speech and communicative competence of preschoolers with speech disorders has been formed, which contributes to their successful adaptation to the school environment.

Increasing the motivation of project participants for further participation in school socially oriented volunteer activities.

Assessing the effectiveness of project implementation.

100% of the children of the project participants have a large vocabulary, construct sentences grammatically and logically correctly, and are able to retell stories, describe, and compare objects; the speech is consistent and interesting in content.

100% of the children participating in the project make contact, express their point of view, know how to listen, understand and accept the point of view of their interlocutor, lead a discussion, are ready to solve social problems, and behave adequately in various life situations, including conflict ones. 100% of children and parents of project participants actively participate in project events.

Risk assessment.

Manifestation of intolerance and negative emotions towards the speech problems of children of project participants on the part of representatives of public organizations. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to inform the interviewer in advance about the peculiarities of the speech development of the project participants.

Further development of the project.

Inclusion of more children in the volunteer movement who attend classes with a speech therapist. Participation of child volunteers and their parents in activities of the kindergarten and the village of Pangody. Organization of the work of a resource press center on the basis of a preschool educational institution.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational and game project “We are journalists”

Project passport

Project organizer: Teacher of senior group No. 3 “Buttercup”

Yazkova Ekaterina Viktorovna

Project theme: “We are journalists”

Type of project: educational, gaming

Project participants: children of the senior group, teacher.

Project goal: Development of coherent dialogical speech; development of communicative and personal interaction of children with each other.

Project objectives:


1. To introduce professions related to journalism. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the media, about the role of newspapers and magazines in our lives.

3. expansion and activation of vocabulary;


  1. Develop the ability to write a story following the sequence of events. Improve the dialogical form of speech.
  2. Develop communication skills.


  1. Cultivate interest in adult work
  2. Cultivate respect for people of familiar professions.
  3. To cultivate in children the ability to set common goals, plan joint work, coordinate opinions and actions.
  4. Cultivate hard work, observation, perseverance.
  5. Promote creative and social self-expression of preschoolers;


The problem of developing dialogic speech remains one of the pressing problems in the theory and practice of speech development in preschool children, since speech arises and develops in the process of communication. Communication is a necessary condition for the formation of personality, its consciousness and self-awareness: it is the most important factor in the mental and speech development of a child.


If game methods, in particular the interviewing method, are used to solve the problems of developing dialogic speech in preschoolers, this will strengthen speech motivation and create conditions for formulating questions, constructing independent statements and reasoning.

Products of children's activities: Issue of the newspaper: “THE WORLD OF CHILDHOOD” with the design of headings.

Products of parents’ activities: pictures illustrating the scope of journalistic activity, providing attributes for the role-playing game: “We are journalists .

Final event: Game situation: “We are journalists”


Stage 1 – preparatory

  • Studying literature on the project topic
  • Development and preparation of a work plan
  • Selection of teaching aids and illustrations on the topic
  • Preparation of materials for role-playing games

Stage 2 – main (work in class. Implementation period: 5 days)

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