Project on FEMP in the middle group “Entertaining mathematics” project in mathematics (secondary group) on the topic

Summary of a mathematics lesson for the middle group, topic “Journey to the land of geometric shapes”

Summary of a mathematics lesson for the middle group, topic “Journey to the land of geometric shapes”

Author of the lesson: teacher Oksana Vasilievna Burlay, Odessa private kindergarten “ABCDKids”.

Program content:

Reinforce the names of geometric shapes with children. Continue learning to determine the sizes of geometric shapes (large-small, thick-thin, narrow-wide). Repeat counting from 1 to 5 and back.

Materials and equipment: a “postman” pear, a parcel, geometric shapes, hoops.

Preliminary work: conversation on the topic “geometric shapes”, counting within 5 and back.

Individual work: counting down.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Good afternoon guys. Today we are planning a very interesting journey to the land of geometric shapes. And to make our journey interesting, I invited a guest.

(reproduction of the noise of a scooter, knocking on the door).

The Postman came to visit us, but not empty-handed, but with a gift. Do you want a gift?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Great. But the gift must be earned. You can receive a gift from the postman only if you complete all his tasks correctly. Ready?

Children: Yes!

Educator: To complete the first task you need to divide into teams. I give each team pictures with geometric shapes, with the help of which you will have to create an object that will help us approach our goal.

Educator: one, two, three - start! (Music plays during the task).

Postman: (the postman's speech is played back). Well done! You did an excellent job on this task. So, what subject have we compiled?

Children: Cars.

Educator: Correct. With the help of these machines we will go to the next task. Let's sit down and get ready to start. 1-2-3-4-5, let's start. Let's go (the sound of a car engine is played).

Educator: Stop the car. Here we come to the next task. The postman has prepared a very difficult task. I hope you handle it just as well as you did the first.

Educator: There are 3 hoops on the carpet; red, blue, green. There are a lot of geometric shapes laid out inside the green hoop. You need to divide these figures so that inside the red hoop there are large and narrow figures, and inside the blue hoop there are small and thick ones. Ready? Begin!

Postman: I had no idea that you were so friendly. Well done!

Educator: Guys, let’s get into the cars and go back. (The sound of an engine is heard).

Now I am convinced that you are worthy of my gift. (He opens the box, but it does not open.) I don't understand why the box won't open.

I remembered. I forgot about the riddles. If you guess my riddles, my parcel will open.

Riddles about geometric figures And my brother, Seryozha, Mathematician and draftsman - On Baba Shura’s table Draws all sorts of things... (Figures)

Three peaks are visible here, Three corners, three sides - Well, perhaps that’s enough! - What do you see? - … (Triangle)

I have no corners, And I look like a saucer, Like a plate and like a lid, Like a ring, like a wheel. Who am I, friends? (Circle)

I am neither an oval nor a circle, I am a friend to the triangle, I am a brother to the rectangle, After all, my name is... (Square)

Outdoor game “Repeat after the postman” The teacher plays the game using a postman figurine.

Physical education We raise our hands up, and then let them go. And then we’ll turn them around and quickly press them to ourselves. And then faster, faster, clap, clap more cheerfully.

Educator: Well, postman, are you happy with the children?

Postman: Yes. Well done. Let's try to open it again. (The box is opened and the postman gives gifts to each child).

Postman: Guys, I'm overstaying my welcome. Someone is waiting for me. See you soon.

Children: Goodbye.

Educator: Our journey has ended. What did you like? So that you forget this journey, I am handing out drawings and diagrams to you so that you and your parents can create different objects yourself.

Short-term project in the middle group


for children of the middle group “Beauty Christmas Tree”

Winter is beautiful and amazing

It's the time of year. During this period, you can go sledding, skiing, skating, and play snowballs with friends. Admire the snowflakes falling to the ground. Snow... Such a wonderful phenomenon that brings so many positive emotions that there is enough for everyone. At such a wonderful time of year, the project “Beauty Christmas Tree” was carried out with children of the middle group.

Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday for children is New Year. The pre-New Year bustle, letters to Santa Claus, decorating the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. When preparing for the New Year celebration, children often have questions: why do they decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? Why is there a Snowman on the Christmas tree? Creative activities carried out during the implementation of the project will help to understand these issues. An exhibition of Christmas trees made jointly by parents and children was organized jointly with children and parents.


Children have little knowledge about what types of Christmas trees there are in color, shape and size, that a Christmas tree can be real and artificial; that it cannot be broken, must be protected, can be decorated; there are no skills in modeling a Christmas tree and decorations from various materials and in different ways.


creating conditions for the development of creative and cognitive abilities of all project participants in joint activities when familiarizing themselves with the Christmas tree.


For children:

1. Develop in children a love for nature and the world around them, fine motor skills, speech and the ability to memorize poems, riddles, games about the Christmas tree, enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers.

2. Form sensory standards: color, size, shape during didactic games and independent artistic activities.

3. Help strengthen the coordination of children’s movements, develop the ability to respond emotionally to songs and round dances about the Christmas tree, and perform movements rhythmically.

4. Create conditions for joint creative activity (child, parent, teacher)

For educators:

1.Create a festive atmosphere during the implementation of the project in order to evoke positive emotions in all participants.

2. Replenish the development environment for the New Year holiday.

For parents:

1. Introduce the history of the origin of the New Year holiday.

2. Introduce the history of Christmas tree decorations.

3. Contribute to increasing the creative activity of parents (making crafts, posters, etc.)

Expected results:


Children know what types of Christmas trees there are in color, shape and size, that a Christmas tree can be real or a toy, it cannot be broken, it must be protected, it can be decorated; know how to model a Christmas tree and decorations from various materials and in different ways; know poems, games, riddles and songs about the Christmas tree.

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