Project “Paper Sorceress” project (preparatory group)

Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper”

Title: Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper” Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, project activities, Senior group of kindergarten Author: Kurakalova Lyubov Sabirovna Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten “Teremok” » Location: Tomsk region. Alexandrovsky district. Aleksandrovskoe village

Project on the surrounding world “Such different paper”

Project participants: children and parents of the senior group

"Sunny bunnies"

Project manager: teacher of the highest category

Kurakalova Lyubov Sabirovna

Type of project: educational - creative.

Project duration: short-term (from October 5 to October 9, 2015).

Age group: senior (children from 5 to 6 years old).

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Cognitive development;

Objective of the project:

To form a stable cognitive interest of children in the process of discovering new, unusual knowledge about a familiar object - paper.

Project objectives:


  • Systematize ideas about the properties of paper. Practice agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number. To clarify and expand children’s ideas about paper, its different types, qualities and properties. The use of paper in human life. Develop investigative actions and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the process of performing various actions with paper (creases, tears, absorbs water). Get children interested in working with paper


  • Develop logical thinking, attention and memory.
  • Develop basic research abilities and cognitive interests.


  • Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature.
  • Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us, curiosity.

Relevance of the project:

Paper is a child-friendly and universal material that is widely used in a child’s life. Children draw on paper, do appliqué, and encounter paper in different situations throughout the day. Children actively work with paper, but despite this, they do not have enough knowledge about the variety of paper and its properties. Children have no idea where paper came from, how it is made, and do not know the types of paper. Therefore, the need arose to create this project in order to diversify children’s knowledge about such a seemingly familiar material - paper.

Planned results:

Children will learn the history of paper creation;

generalize knowledge about paper - as a material that has certain properties and qualities and learn a new property of paper - soaking in water;

increase children's interest in learning about the world around them;

will consolidate knowledge about the cause-and-effect relationships of the ecological state of the Earth and human life;

Children will learn how to make paper at home.

Teachers will be able to:

Establish successful cooperation with parents;

Organize a high substantive and organizational level of the project;

Enrich the subject-development environment;


The use of a variety of effective methods to familiarize themselves with the properties, quality and types of paper increases children’s interest in the surrounding reality and the desire for independent knowledge.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage:

— selection of literature, visual and didactic materials: educational board games, illustrations, presentations and videos

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