Project “Sorceress Autumn” for senior preschool age

Creative project at the preschool educational institution “Autumn colors, motley round dance”

  • December 21, 2016

Fast distance online competitions
Competition “Methodological collection of a kindergarten teacher”

Today, the project method, considered as a learning system, has gained wide popularity in preschool educational institutions. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education states that the content of the educational program of a preschool educational institution “should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities” in five areas of development and education of children: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development. (Order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013)

Working in a project, there is an opportunity to develop a child in all these areas. By implementing a group project, we develop in children the ability to work in a team, feel like a member of a team, make decisions, and analyze the results of activities.

Middle preschool age is the peak of curiosity, a vibrant period of discovery. The potential of preschool children grows, the desire to learn increases, which coincides with intellectual capabilities. It is very important during this period not to let the child get tired of learning. We must not forget about the change of activities within the framework of classes, about the child’s need for movement in the process of OD.

Project activities are interconnected in such a way that information obtained from one experience serves to develop and enrich with new experience, which is based on current children's interests. All this prepares children favorably for school.

Project passport

Problem . In the autumn period, we traditionally introduce children and expand their knowledge about autumn, its signs and signs, about the work of adults in the autumn period, about changes in nature, etc. And we always face the question: how can we choose more interesting events on the topic? So that autumn is not a “sad time” in the eyes of children; so that children can see all the beauty of this time of year. We developed a project, which received the following name: “Autumn colors, colorful round dance.”

Hypothesis: Each season brings beauty and charm and gives children new knowledge and ideas.

Participants : teachers, children of the middle group of the kindergarten "Luchiki", parents of pupils.

Type of project : creative - educational.

Implemented educational areas: Cognitive development; Artistic and aesthetic development; Speech development; Social and communicative development.

Project goals:

  • development of cognitive abilities and interest in further educational activities of preschoolers;
  • developing positive emotions in children from communicating with the world of knowledge.
  • unity of participants in educational relations: children, parents, teachers.

Planned results - targets:

  1. The preschooler shows interest in the natural world around him and participates with interest in seasonal observations and research and experimental activities.
  2. He speaks actively, asks questions to adults and peers, and uses speech to express his thoughts.
  3. Shows independence in various types of activities, including productive ones, and responds emotionally to visual activities.
  4. Familiar with works of children's literature.
  5. Has basic understanding of the areas of living and inanimate nature, and shows curiosity.
  6. Knows how to play alongside peers, takes into account the interests and feelings of others, adequately expresses his feelings;
    can follow social norms of behavior.

Autumn project “Autumn colors colorful round dance”

Creative project for kindergarten on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Senior group

Relevance of the project:

Autumn is a beautiful time of year.
Each of us sees different facets in it: someone sees golden leaves lying like a carpet under their feet, someone notices only puddles under their feet, and someone enjoys its gifts while walking through the forest or digging in the garden. Unfortunately, preschool children have insufficient ideas about the beauty of nature. The task of an adult is to introduce children to the brightness of the colors of autumn, teach them to see the beauty of nature, notice its features, and gain sensory experience on which their creativity is based. Author of the project:
Victoria Aleksandrovna Ostanina, VKK teacher.
Project type:
Project type:
Expected results:
- broadening the horizons of children, - attracting more parents to joint activities within the framework of the project.
MDOUDSKV "Rainbow" SPDS "Silver Hoof"
September - October.
Working hours:
during and outside of classes.
Number of project participants:
23 children and their parents, teacher - Ostanina V.A., music director.
Children's age:
5-6 years.
Materials and equipment:
red and green leaves, a pair for each child, musical equipment, a selection of songs about autumn, an “Autumn” costume, dry leaves of various trees, glue stick, PVA glue, colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, jars and glue brushes, colored pencils, wax crayons, gouache, brushes, water jars.

Stage 1. Goal setting. Target:

Formation of children's ideas about autumn changes in nature.
- expand children’s understanding of the signs of autumn; — intensify the cognitive activity of children; - cultivate a love for the nature of the native land; — develop children’s creative abilities, the ability to work with various materials.

Stage 2. Project development. 1. Introduce all participants in the project activity: children, parents to the topic of the project, set them up for successful work, and interest them in its implementation. 2. Create conditions in the group for the implementation of the project: prepare literature, illustrations, visual aids, musical repertoire, necessary materials, tools and devices for children’s productive activities.

Stage 3. Basic. Organization of project activities. 3.1. Game activity.

Didactic games: “Vinaigrette”, “Wonderful bag”, “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”. “Tops and roots”, “The fourth odd one”, “Which tree is the leaf from?” Role-playing games: “Harvest”, “Fruit and Vegetable Store”. Board games: Dominoes “Vegetables and Fruits”, Lotto “Vegetables”. Outdoor games: “Scarecrow”, “Falling Leaves”, “Catch a Leaf”. Fun game "Bunny in the garden." Finger gymnastics: “Mushrooms”, “Autumn, autumn”, “Late autumn”.

3.2. Artistic and speech activity.

*** Reading poems about autumn: I. Bunin. “Leaf Fall” (excerpt); A. Maikov. “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind...”, Irina Galavina “Queen Autumn”, Akhmed Erikeev “Autumn has come”, . *** Conversations: “Vegetable Pharmacy”, “Golden Leaves”, “Gifts of Autumn”. *** Reading proverbs and sayings about autumn, solving riddles. See Appendix No. 3. *** Solving riddles about autumn. (see Appendix No. 4) *** Musical activities. “Leaves are falling...” Music by M. Krasev, lyrics by M. Evensen, “Goodbye, Autumn”, Lyrics by I. Yavorovskaya Music by A. Kudryashov (See Appendix No. 5) Dance - “Dance with Autumn Leaves”, music by A. Filippenko.

3.3. Productive activity.

Goal: to continue to teach children to work in various techniques and with different materials, to teach them to create work according to a planned plan, to teach them to complete the work they have started, to learn to work both individually and collectively; cultivate accuracy when working with scissors, glue, natural materials.. - Drawing: “Falling Leaves”, “Autumn Flowers”, “Rain”, “Harvest”, “Mushrooms”; — Application: “Autumn Forest”; — Applique from dry leaves: “Autumn Fantasies”, “Autumn Waltz”, “Autumn Flowers”; — Modeling: “Mushrooms on a stump”, “Vegetable basket”, “Mushroom basket”; — Craft from dry leaves “Owl”; — Collective work “Leaf fall in the garden.”

3.4. Exhibition of books and illustrations “Golden Autumn”

Goal: to instill a love of reading, looking at paintings and illustrations, and teach to see beauty in nature.

3.5. Working with parents.

— A selection of books and illustrations about autumn. — Making a laptop “Autumn” — Joint activity of children and parents: drawing “Golden Autumn”

Stage 4. Final. Exhibition of drawings “Golden Autumn” Exhibition of children’s and parents’ works “Autumn has come to visit us!” Entertainment “Welcome to autumn!”

Appendix 1. Poems about autumn.

Ivan Bunin Leaf fall (excerpt)

The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And Autumn, a quiet widow, Enters its motley mansion.

A. Maikov. “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind...”

Autumn leaves are circling in the wind, Autumn leaves are screaming in alarm: “Everything is dying, everything is dying! You are black and naked, O our dear forest, your end has come!”

5 The royal forest does not hear their alarm. Under the dark azure of the harsh skies He was swaddled with mighty dreams, And the strength for a new spring is ripening in him.

Irina Galavina “Queen Autumn”

Queen Autumn, an important person - A train of yellow leaves, and a wreath - a crown. From rowan berries, clusters of red-scarlet berries turned out to be more beautiful than corals. Dear autumn, you are generous with gifts of mushrooms and berries, bright flowers. Golden autumn, you yourself are rich, You shower the earth with precious gold,

You dress in a red, downy fur coat, To help survive the harsh winter.

“A hedgehog curled up under a bush”

A hedgehog, wet and prickly, curled up under a bush. And the rain mows down over the forest, dispersing the clouds. Dressed in red leaves, the tree stump smiles. I stood dry all summer, and now I'm soaked through.

Akhmed Erikeev Autumn has come.

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch tree are burning golden. Do not hear the cheerful Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away to distant lands.

APPENDIX 2. Finger games. “Mushrooms” Self-massage of the fingertips (for each line of poetry - kneading the pad of one finger). Climbed out on a hummock - little finger Small mushrooms: - nameless Milk mushrooms and bitter mushrooms, - middle Saffron milk caps, red mushrooms. - index Even a small stump - a big one could not hide his surprise. - large Honey mushrooms have grown, - index Slippery boletus, - medium Pale toadstools - nameless Stand in the clearing.

“Autumn, autumn” Autumn, autumn, look! Three palms touching each other. The yellow leaves are spinning, Smooth movement of the palms Quietly lying on the ground. Palms stroke our knees The sun no longer warms us, We clench and unclench our fists in turn The wind blows more and more, Synchronously we tilt our arms to the sides Birds have flown to the south, “Bird” from two crossed hands The rain is knocking on our window. Drum your fingers on your palms We put on hats, jackets We imitate And we put on boots. We stamp our feet We know the months: Palms knock on our knees September, and October, and November. Fist, rib, palm.

“Late Autumn” The sun is already barely warm; Connect one by one, starting with the thumbs of both hands (for each sign).

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Migratory birds have flown south; The trees are bare, the fields are deserted, The ground is covered with the first snow. The river is covered with ice in November - Hands are clenched into a lock. It's late autumn in the yard. They spread their hands in front of them.

Appendix 3. Proverbs and sayings about autumn. In the autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it whistles and tears, it pours and blows snow. There is no turn from autumn to summer. Fear autumn: winter is behind it; don’t be afraid of winter: spring is behind it. (Azerbaijani proverb). One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn (Japanese proverb). Autumn rain sows thinly, but lasts a long time. In autumn, the crow has heaps of bread. In autumn, livestock gets fatter, and people become healthier. In autumn the sparrow is also rich. Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair. Autumn will come and ask for everything. Autumn is a stock-up, winter is a pick-me-up. Autumn - eight weather conditions. The autumn night travels on twelve carts. Warm autumn means a long winter.

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