Summary of a music lesson in the junior group “Musical Rhythms of Winter”

Summary of a music lesson for children in the junior group of the “Grey Cat” kindergarten


"Grey cat"


- strengthen children’s skill of movement in accordance with the nature of the music

- continue to learn to recognize familiar works

- continue to teach children to start movements after the introduction and change movements in accordance with changes in the content of the song

— continue to teach children to get used to a game situation, to recreate the necessary images

- develop a sense of rhythm, pitch hearing

- develop the perception of dynamic shades and the correct reaction to them

- develop vocal skills, creative expressions

- cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, a love of music

- continue to teach how to extract sounds from the simplest DMI

Methodological support:

toy - cat, phonograms, DMI, flowers.

Preliminary work:

Learning musical and didactic games “Loud-quiet”, “Cat and Kittens”, listening to “Lullaby” by S. Razorenov, learning songs “Winter has passed” by N. Metlov, “Sun” by T. Popatenko, dance, games, finger gymnastics.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the “March” and say hello.

M/R: Listen, guys, to my riddle:

Soft paws, scratches on paws. Who is this? (cat)

M/R: Yes, cat, I have a cat friend. She felt sad today, and she asked to join us for a lesson and play with you. Hear the cat meowing, but for some reason I don’t see her. She was probably scared of you. Let's look for her, and the music will help you. (the music sounds louder and quieter. Loud - the cat is close, quiet - the cat is far away. Children walk around the hall, find the cat)

M/R: We found a cat, let's say hello to her. The cat wants to know your name. Sing your name. (Children sing names). Guys, do you know how a cat walks? Let us turn into kittens and depict how they walk: spin, turn, and turn into kittens! (Children imitate the movements of kittens). Guys, let's play with the cat (sit down)

Finger gymnastics is performed:

“Listen, guys, I want to tell you:

We gave birth to kittens, exactly five of them.

One - the kitten is the whitest, two - the kitten is the bravest,

Three is the smartest kitten, and four is the noisiest,

Five is similar to three and two, the same tail and head.”

M/R: Guys, the cat has kittens, but she doesn’t know how to put them to sleep, tell me, what kind of music can be played to make the kittens fall asleep? (lullaby)

Listening to “Lullaby” by S. Razorenov, after the hearing they answer the questions:

— what is the character of the music?

— what is the tempo of the music?

— what dynamics?

M/R: Well done, guys, now the cat has learned how to put the kittens to sleep, and let's play the game “Cat and Kittens” with the cat (pairs of notes are played in turn: mi-do - kitty, b-sol - kitten; children guess and sing “meow”)

M/R: Guys, the cat really liked playing with us, she felt very happy, and she wanted to sing a funny song

Children sing the song “Winter has passed” and then play along at the DMI

M/R: Guys, spring has come and the sun is shining in the sky, let's sing the song “Sun” to the cat (children sing)

M/R: Guys, flowers have bloomed from the sun’s rays and from your cheerful song, let’s dance with them

Children dance “Dance with Flowers” ​​by M. Rauchwerger

M/R: The cat really liked your dance and wanted to play with you.

Game “Sun and Rain” by M. Rauchwerger

M/R: We played a lot of fun, but it’s time for the cat to go home to her kittens.

The children say goodbye to the cat, the results of the lesson are summed up, and the children leave the room.

Summary of the GCD music lesson for the junior group “February”

Summary of a music lesson in the junior group “February”


To foster emotional responsiveness to music


Promote the development of singing skills: sing without tension, at the same tempo with everyone, pronounce words clearly and clearly, convey the character of the song (affectionately, melodiously)


Learn to play along on children's percussion musical instruments


Learn to move according to the two-part form of music


Develop the ability to move to music

rhythmically and according to the character and tempo
of the musical
work with objects.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room to

hall, built in a circle. Musical greeting
The chant song “Hello”

Music hand: Hear, a strong wind rose, a blizzard swirled and sang its song: “Uh-oh, I’ll notice...”

How does the wind blow? Let's all blow together.

A strong wind suddenly blew,

Blown away the tears from your cheeks.

Breathing exercises “Wind”


I. p. - o. With. Exhale completely through your nose, drawing in your stomach.

1- take a full breath, pushing in your stomach.

2- hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

3 – forcefully release air through clenched teeth with several jerky movements.

Music hands The wind has died down, and now you can ride down the hill. Our tongues are ready.

Articulation gymnastics “Gorka”

That's a slide, what a miracle!

The tongue arched out elastically.

The tip touches the teeth,

The sides rush to the top.

(The tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised)


Children to the music

sit on the chairs. Spoons are prepared on the table.

Music of hands. Guys, look here, what is this? (Spoons)

What can you do with spoons
(Children's answers)
It turns out you can play
And now you will find out what kind of music
we will perform.
Listen carefully to the music
and think about whether its speed has changed.
Performed by R. N. M. “Oh, you, the canopy”
at different tempos.

After listening, the children, together with the teacher, clap their hands to different parts of the music

. And then several children are called to perform on spoons.

Music hands How attentive you guys are, listen to the intro to the song. (The intro to the song “We Sang a Song”

Who remembers the name of this song? (Children's answers)
. Right! Come on, we'll all sing it together! (We remember the verses we learned with the piano, learning the last verse. Performing the song from beginning to end.)

Music hands Well done, they sang well! And now I invite you to a fun dance (Children stand up in a scattered position)


Learning the dance from the show “We are cuties, tumbler dolls!”

Muz.ruk: Our lesson is over. Did you like it?

?What interesting things did we learn today?
(Children's answers)

Summary of a music lesson for children of the 2nd junior group

Musical lesson with a game situation for the 2nd junior group “Find the cat”

1) Training tasks:

- learn to move in accordance with the character of the music, with an easy run and a cautious, soft step;

- learn to recognize familiar works;

- teach to start the movement after the introduction and change the movement in accordance with the configuration of the song content;

— teach children to get used to a game situation, to recreate the necessary images.

2) Developmental tasks:

- develop a sense of rhythm;

- develop vocal and singing abilities, the ability to intonate within an octave, creative expressions;

- develop pitch hearing;

- develop the perception of dynamic colors and respond correctly to them.

3) Educational tasks:

- cultivate a kind attitude towards animals;

- cultivate a love of music, a desire to sing together;

— foster a culture of communication.

Progress of the lesson

The kids enter the hall and greet the guests.

Music manager. Listen, guys, to my riddle.

(Sings). Soft paws,

There are scratches on the paws.

Who is this? (Kids answers.)

Music manager. Yes, cat. You understand. I have a cat friend. She felt offended now, and she asked to join us for a lesson and play with you. But somehow I don’t see her. Surely she was hiding? Let's look for it, and the music will give you a clue.

Music sounds: sometimes louder, sometimes quieter. The kids walk around the hall and find a cat - a soft toy.

Music manager. We found the cat, let's say hello to her.

The song improvisation “Hello, kitty” sounds.

Music manager. The cat wants to find out your name. Sing your name to her. (Kids sing.) Girls, how is the cat walking? What are her paws like? (Movements to the music.) Like small kittens frolicking, playing, rolling balls on the floor. (Movements to music.)

Now listen, whose song is this?

A musical and didactic game “Cat and Kitten” is held. The music manager plays pairs of notes in turn: mi-do (kitty), B-sol (kitten). Kids guess and sing the answer.

Music manager. And now our cat wants to sleep. Let's put it on the pillow. And let's play her a lullaby. How should you sing a lullaby? Let's pet the cat while listening to music. From ears to tail. (Kids make movements to the music.)

The song “Grey Kitty” is performed, music by V. Whitman, lyrics by N. Naydenova.

Music manager. Now let's wake up the cat. Music will help us with this.

The introduction to the song “First Snow” sounds, music by M. Mikhailova, words by Y. Akim.

Music manager. It seems she hasn't woken up. Did you recognize the song? (Kids answers.)

Let's sing it, maybe then the pussy will wake up.

The kids sing the song “First Snow” from the seats.

Music manager. Now our cat has woken up and invites us for a walk. Let's sing this song with movement. Don’t forget to make lumps of snow to lose and play snowballs with your cat.

The song “First Snow” is performed with movement.

Music manager. There was so much snow! The snow, like a snow-white downy scarf, covered the greenish grass and paths and bridges.

Do you like winter, guys? What do you like about winter? (Kids answers.)

What do we affectionately call winter? (Kids answers.)

Why is our familiar song called Zimushka, and why is it a crystal song? (Kids answers.)

Let's sing the song "Crystal Winter". Let's sing it funny, cheerfully, show how you know how to have fun in the winter. Take a look at who you'll be sledding with

A song with the movement “Crystal Winter” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, words by T. Boyko, according to the text - at the end - the kids raise their hands up.

Music manager. Look what a tall hill we have built. Pay attention: there is also a hill in the distance. Who do you think is sleeping there? (Kids answers.)

In winter, the bear sleeps in its own den, sucking its paw. Let's not make any noise, but sing a song about it, but if the bear wakes up, we'll run away from it.

The game-song “Snow, Snow” is performed, music by Y. Sionov, lyrics by I. Tokmakova.

At the end, the kids run away to their chairs.

Music manager. Did you enjoy the lesson? Who came to visit? You were good kittens, and the kitty taught you to sing and listen closely to music. Let's say goodbye to her and the guests. See you soon.

Musical lesson in the 2nd junior group.

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