Drawing lesson: “Spring has come, the birds have arrived”

Specifics of drawing birds in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Children 5–6 years old are able to create beautiful, expressive drawings and convey the shape of objects and their components well. Children's horizons broaden significantly: new knowledge is acquired in the process of observing the world around them and reading fiction. The guys can already depict objects that they have never seen (as for birds, this is, for example, a penguin).

The color spectrum with which children work is expanding. The drawing is based on beautiful color combinations.

If in elementary and middle preschool age children depicted birds in the form of checkmarks, then in the older group the teacher’s task is to teach them to draw them correctly. The teacher must form in children an idea of ​​the external appearance of birds, an understanding that they all have a similar structure, although they differ in color, size and shape of body parts. The children learn that all birds have an elongated body and the same head position. When moving, the position of the head and tail changes, and the wings open.

Drawing birds should ideally be preceded by modeling on a similar topic.

In order for preschoolers to realistically depict birds, preliminary work must be carried out before such classes: observing birds on walks, looking at numerous illustrations.

There are some difficulties in drawing birds. Children must learn the basics of depicting them. The drawing begins with an outline - an elongated body in the shape of a large drop (pointed towards the end) and an oval head. After this, wings, a tail, paws and an eye near the beak are added. The accuracy and quality of the entire drawing depends on the correct contour.

The teacher explains to preschoolers how the bird's body parts are located during flight and when moving on the ground (the tail is straightened or folded). In addition, you can draw birds pecking at food or sitting on a tree branch.

Of course, it is better to start depicting birds in the older group with those individuals that children can observe in everyday life: this is a sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, pigeon, etc. We must teach the children to notice the difference between birds themselves, compare them, highlight key features, then drawing will be easier. For example, an owl is round and fat. The stork is thin-legged with a long graceful beak. The swan has a long neck, is very beautiful, with large, sweeping wings. The penguin seems to be dressed in a tailcoat, clumsy, with short wings, and has a funny crest on its head. The rooster has a powerful chest, strong legs, a beard, a beautiful comb, and most importantly, a multi-colored tail. The bullfinch is distinguished by its red breast.

When preschoolers learn to draw realistic images well, the teacher can invite them to depict a bird in a fairy tale interpretation - “Firebird”, “Bird of Happiness”, “Magic Bird”. Note that this topic is creative, and the teacher offers children several diverse samples for familiarization. In addition, children choose their own colors.

Materials used and base

Birds in the older group are depicted on a sheet of paper of the usual size. When painting with gouache or watercolors, the base is tinted in advance by the teacher. If children have to draw birds soaring in the sky, then it should be a blue background.

For collective work, the teacher offers the children a sheet of whatman paper, where, depending on the nature of the composition, they first draw a tree with many branches, a large feeder, or a village poultry yard.

Preschoolers of this age draw birds with both paints and colored pencils. It is better to paint white birds, for example, a swan, a stork or a goose, with gouache so that they are more visible against a colored background. The same applies to black and white - penguin and swallow. A titmouse, a bullfinch, an owl, a chicken, a sparrow, and a dove can be drawn with colored pencils or even wax crayons. In some cases, felt-tip pens are also suitable, for example, when depicting a bright cockerel.

Drawing with felt-tip pens

To preliminary draw the outline, use a simple pencil.

Techniques and techniques that should be used when drawing in the senior group

When drawing in the older group, the teacher should practice with the children the techniques of correctly painting a silhouette with a brush. Small parts of the body - beak, eyes, paws, tail - are carefully painted on with the tip of the brush. In this case, the instrument should be held in your hand almost vertically. The larger oblong body of the bird and its wings are painted over with all the pile, while the brush is tilted towards the paper. When the paint dries, you can additionally use the tip of the brush to indicate the direction of the feathers - the image will become more realistic.

Hatching with a pencil should be done in one direction, in addition, there should be no white spots inside the outline.

Depending on the size of the part to be painted, preschoolers should adjust the range of their hand movements.

Additional types of visual activities used, the relevance of an individual approach

The image will become more original, and the productive activity itself will be more exciting for children, if you diversify the composition with applicative or plasticine elements. For example, a bird can peck at a worm or caterpillar molded from plasticine (in the form of a flagellum or sequentially stuck balls). Small black eyes of birds can be sculpted from plasticine. If a bird soars in the sky, you can depict the sun using plasticineography. A bullfinch can sit on a rowan branch with sculpted red berries.

Applique details will be especially appropriate when drawing fairy-tale birds. This can be colored foil, shiny sequins or candy wrappers. You can decorate an elegant cockerel in a similar way.

Simple bright bird

Let's start learning to draw birds with a simple example. To work we will need:

  • album in A4 format;
  • multi-colored pencils of different hardness;
  • eraser;
  • black felt-tip pen.

Now let’s learn how to draw a bright bird step by step:

  1. From the very beginning, we need to draw the silhouette of the future bird with a simple pencil.
  2. Place the album in a vertical position. We draw a semicircle at the top. From each end of the semicircle we draw a strip and round it towards the end. These are future wings.
  3. To give the wings the desired look, megamaster.info suggests: add a drop to each line. Draw a few more long ovals at the bottom.
  4. We finish drawing the body of the bird. From one wing to the other we draw a semicircle, which will depict the bird’s tummy.

  5. At the bottom of the body you need to mark the legs. On one side, we depict two triangles with semicircular wide sides. We draw the same triangles on the other side.
  6. Our bird will sit on a small branch. Draw two stripes under the paws. It is not necessary to make them even, because perfectly even branches do not exist.
  7. The silhouette of the bird lacks a beautiful tail. We draw it starting from the branch in the form of two long triangles, but without sharp ends.
  8. Let's move on to the muzzle, let's start with the beak. It can be made into a triangle. We mark the eyes slightly above the triangle. They can be oval or round.

The sketch is ready. Wipe off all the extra stripes and correct those that didn’t work out the first time. Trace the sketch with a black felt-tip pen.

Start coloring:

  1. Color the eyes black. Leave small white dots inside for highlights.
  2. Shade the beak with a red or orange pencil. To make it more expressive, make the sides of the beak brighter than the center. Paint the paws in the same way.
  3. Our bird will not be bright, we will make it rainbow. Let's start painting the body, and let's start with the wings. We will decorate them in green. Using the same principle as we painted the beak, we shade the wings. The same color can be used to paint the tail.

  4. Shade the thin top line at the top of the head with a bright orange color. From this bright border, continue adding subtle touches of orange to the beginning of the breast.
  5. After the orange color, we use a yellow pencil to decorate the breast. Here you don't have to make subtle strokes. Make the color immediately bright and stand out.
  6. We finish coloring the bird by decorating the lower part of the tummy. Let's paint it green. You need to color from light to dark.

The work is ready. All you have to do is color the branch on which it sits, and you have learned how to draw a bird with multi-colored pencils.

Specific options for compositions (including collective ones) within the theme

Drawing for senior group students is offered in winter (December). Traditionally, this is the composition “Birds Blue and Red” (based on the poem by the Japanese poet Kitahira Hakushu “Bird, Red Bird”). The children learn to recreate a poetic image in a drawing, choosing the appropriate color palette and beautifully arranging the birds on the base.

A little later (for example, in February), the children can be offered the composition “Birds at the Feeder” (pigeons, tits, crows, sparrows). Moreover, it can be organized as a team effort. Please note that this work must be preceded by modeling.

In winter, it would also be appropriate to draw a bullfinch or a penguin.

After sculpting the rooster (in the spring), the teacher invites the children to draw this beautiful bird. The same applies to the turkey, which is designed as a decorative composition in the form of a Dymkovo toy: children draw this bird with its tail spread like a fan and paint it with characteristic patterns. At the same time, the emphasis is placed not only on object drawing, but on developing a sense of rhythm, color and composition in the design of the pattern.

Drawing birds is good to coincide with April 1, when Fr. On this day, children can depict any bird of their choice or those that preschoolers have not yet drawn (for example, an owl, a swan, a stork, etc.).

At the end of the school year, the children can be offered a creative topic - drawing a fairy-tale bird.

Note that the plots of the drawings can be associated with outdoor games on a bird theme: for example, “Day and Night” (owl), “Dog and Sparrows.” “Birds in the Nests” “Sparrows and the Cat.” These will be plot compositions.

In addition, preschoolers really love drawing based on fairy tales. In this regard, we can offer them the following topics:

  • Based on the plots of Russian folk tales: “Hen Ryaba”, “Finist - a clear falcon”, “Winged, shaggy and oily”, “Cockerel and bean seed”, “Brave cockerel” (“Zayushkina’s hut”.
  • “The Swan Princess” (based on the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).
  • “Rooster and Paints” (based on the work of Vladimir Suteev)
  • “Cuckoo” (illustration for a Nenets folk tale, it could be a bird with a woman’s face and hair)

Older preschoolers enjoy doing work collectively. The teacher can offer them the following topics: “Poultry farm” (poultry), “Poultry canteen”, “Duck with ducklings”, “Hen with chickens”.

Drawing domestic and migratory birds: lesson notes

Author's full nameTitle of the abstract
Volokhova O."Brave Cockerel" Educational objectives: learn to draw a cockerel with watercolors, conveying its characteristic features and creating an expressive image. Developmental tasks: develop color perception, sense of proportions, improve brush painting technique. Educational tasks: cultivate love and caring attitude towards poultry. Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”. Demo material: a picture of a rooster, an audio recording of a rooster crowing. Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, watercolors, sippy cups, brushes, coasters, napkins. Progress of the lesson: Teacher's story about a rooster. It turns out that this bird was not always domestic. The ancestors of the rooster from India and China lived in the forest in trees and built nests on the ground. Loud singing was their protection from other birds. Domestic roosters have not lost this habit either. Villagers tell the time by the crow of a rooster. “The first roosters” sound at one o’clock in the morning, an hour later the second roosters sound, and at four o’clock the rooster’s voice is heard throughout the village, announcing that dawn will soon come. The guys look at the image of a rooster and a hen with a chicken, find out how they differ. The rooster is larger, it has a crest on its head, “spurs” on its legs (sharp claws for protection), and bright plumage, especially the tail. The teacher reads a poem about a cockerel.

Walks like Napoleon, my handsome rooster. He delights my eyesight and delights my ears: “Crow!” Ko-ko-ko! Rise sunshine! He loves fight. He loves power. He is as formidable as an eagle. And what is a fox's mouth and a kitchen cauldron to a hero! - Cuckoo! Ko-ko-ko! Here's some grain for you, chickens! A conversation about the character of a cockerel.

A conversation about the character of the rooster in this work (brave, courageous, courageous, capable of protecting hens and chicks). He is like this in almost all fairy tales. The teacher asks the children in which fairy tales the cockerel appears. The teacher reports that since ancient times, people believed that the crow of a cock protects the house and embroidered the image of a rooster on towels, tablecloths, and painted it on dishes and furniture. Preschoolers are also asked to pretend to be a rooster. The game “Fighting Roosters” is played: two participants hide their hands behind their backs and, standing on one leg, try to push the opponent out of the circle (with their shoulder or torso). Independent work - drawing a cockerel.

Exhibition of children's works. The teacher sums up the lesson and says that the cockerels will protect the children from adversity.

Geleverina Yu."Wintering Birds"
The lesson begins with a game with a ball: children, standing in a circle, take turns naming the bird. Conversation about birds: · Where we meet them (in the city, in the forest, on reservoirs). · how they differ from each other (size, color, singing, habitat) · Where they find food in winter (in feeders, berries on trees). · What can be put in the feeder (bread, grains, seeds, lard). · How birds keep themselves warm in winter (they tuck their legs under them and hide them in the fluff).

The didactic game “Cut Pictures” is played: children in pairs pick out images of birds.

Physical school is carried out:

  • The swallows were flying
  • (they run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings)
  • All the people were watching.
  • The swallows have sat down
  • (squats with hands clasped behind back)
  • All the people were amazed.
  • We sat down, we sat,
  • (make rhythmic head tilts)
  • They took off and flew.
  • Let's fly, fly,
  • (they run in a circle again, waving their arms)
  • They sang songs.

Didactic game “Finish the sentence (for example, a magpie is a wild bird, and a chicken...).

The teacher reads the poem “Feeder”

On a winter day, among the branches, the table is set for guests. The hut is new, a dining room for everyone, calling for dinner, to taste the crumbs. What kind of table among the birches is it in the open air? In the cold he treats the Birds with grain and bread

Children are invited to draw a wintering bird of their choice.

Borodacheva O.V."Owl"
The lesson begins with a riddle about an owl:

  • Sleeps during the day, flies at night, hoots, scares people. Eyes glow in the darkness - She is a thunderstorm for all mice.

The teacher recalls with the children the fairy tale “The Owl” by V. Bianchi, and knowledge about the significance of this bird in nature is consolidated. Looking at pictures of an owl. Highlighting its distinctive features: large head and eyes, almost no neck, thick plumage. Rounded wings and a short tail help this bird fly silently. The owl's eyes, although large, see practically nothing. Since this bird is a predator, it has a powerful curved beak and sharp claws. The didactic game “Who Says What” is played (children reproduce the voices of various birds).

Physical exercise "Owl"

  • An owl, a big little head, sits on a branch, turns its head (children shake their heads, squats), does not fly during the day, does not scare mice (Children shake their fingers), Night comes, the owl flies out to hunt (Children fly in a circle). The day comes and the owl falls asleep. (Children sit at tables).

The teacher explains the principle of drawing an owl, and then the children begin the practical part of the lesson (the owl is drawn sitting on a tree branch). Analysis of children's drawings: the teacher asks to highlight the largest owl, the smallest, as well as the sad and cheerful one. The outdoor game “Day and Night” is played.

Fomina I.A."Swan"
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher tells the children that an artist she knows gave her black and white pictures. We need to figure out together what is depicted on them - the children are shown slides depicting silhouettes of different birds. Preschoolers name them, highlighting characteristic features for each (for example, a swallow has a forked tail, a stork has a long neck, legs and beak). The conclusion is that all these birds are migratory.

The didactic game “Finish the sentences” is played (all phrases are related to the swan).

Demonstration of a sample image of a swan (swimming in the lake). Discussion on how to complete the drawing.

Before working independently, children warm up their fingers by rolling a pencil between them.

Independent activity of children. Exhibition of works. The teacher appoints one of the children as a tour guide, and he talks about the children’s works.

Drawing a parrot with felt-tip pens

This drawing will be simple, but everyone will like it for its brightness. For your upcoming creativity, prepare:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • set of markers.

If everything is prepared, you can proceed with the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Using a simple pencil on paper, draw two ovals.

    We make one at the top small, the other larger. The one we drew on top is for the future head, the bottom one is for the torso.

  2. From the large oval, below, we draw four stripes down. Three long and one short. This is a sketch for the tail.
  3. We draw wings. One wing will be located on top of the large oval. We make it in the form of a large drop. We draw the second wing, on the other side. Draw the shape of half a droplet.

  4. Draw the beak. Place it on the left side of the head. Please note that the parrot's beak should be crooked. The upper part of the beak is similar to a triangle with the top curved downwards.
  5. We begin to make the outlines of the parrot. Draw the final image with a pencil. We give the final appearance to the head and torso. We erase the auxiliary lines.
  6. Let's finish drawing the branch on which the parrot will sit. It has the shape of a wave. Pushing off from the branch, we bring out the paws. They will look like elongated ovals. Don't forget to add small claws to the paws.
  7. To make the twig look beautiful, you can add leaves to it. It is advisable to make leaves of different shapes.

  8. Let's start designing the appearance of the parrot. Determine the place where the eye will be and draw a circle at this point. Inside we draw several more small circles, and in the last one we depict highlights.
  9. Draw the tail. We outline the area of ​​feathers in the form of ovals with pointed ends. Erase all auxiliary strokes.

Well, you have learned how to draw a sketch of a parrot. Now we can start coloring, for this we will need felt-tip pens. Choose bright colors, because the parrot should stand out with its colors.

  • Let's start painting it red, use it to decorate the parrot's body;
  • we paint the beak and the upper part of the wings yellow, and the middle of the wings orange;
  • You can decorate a few feathers on the tail with orange, paint the rest of the feathers blue;
  • color the branch brown and the leaves green;
  • All that remains is to paint the eye, paint the very last circle black leaving highlights, leave the rest alone.

Trace the outline of the drawing with a black felt-tip pen.

The picture is ready, with the help of simple instructions, you were able to cope. To such a parrot, all that remains is to add his faithful friend - man.

Examples of finished works by senior group students on the topic with comments

The cockerel is one of the favorite birds that preschoolers love to draw. After all, he has such a bright coloring, an elegant comb, a beautiful beard (works “Cockerel”, “Brave Cockerel”, “Dymkovo Rooster”). The chicken in the picture “Ryaba Hen” looks charming.

As practice shows, children also like to portray an owl, since this forest bird of prey has an unusual appearance (compositions “Owl-owl”, Owl - round head”, “Owl with an owlet”).

Swans look beautiful in children's drawings (“Beautiful Swan”, “Swan Princess”). It is worth noting the wonderful collective work “Swans on the Lake”.

Drawing a fairy-tale bird is an opportunity to show your creative imagination and experiment in choosing colors (drawings “Firebird”, “Magic Bird”).

Photo gallery: children's drawings of domestic and migratory birds

Pencil drawing

Drawing with watercolors

Decorative painting with watercolors Decorative painting with watercolors


Gouache drawing

Watercolor drawing

Gouache drawing

Pencil drawing

Pencil drawing

Watercolor drawing

Watercolor and pencil drawing

Pencil drawing

Pencil drawing

Watercolor drawing

Gouache drawing

Pencil drawing

Pencil drawing

Watercolor drawing

Gouache drawing

Birds are one of the topics that encourage unconventional drawing. For example, swans, geese, and doves are often painted with palms (the work “Pigeons”, “Swans”, “Sparrows”, “The Swan Princess”, the collective composition “Birds”). The ruffled feathers of a chicken and a duckling are best conveyed using the poking method (“Chicken and Duckling”). And a shaggy owlet can be depicted using crumpled paper (“Owlet”).

Photo gallery: step-by-step drawing of swans, owls, ducklings and chicks

Palm drawing

Palm drawing

Palm drawing

Poking drawing

Teamwork using unconventional techniques - palm painting

Palm drawing

Drawing with crumpled paper

Finger painting

Palm drawing

Poking drawing

In the older group, it is appropriate to use step-by-step drawing. Based on the diagram, children almost never make mistakes. They are developing an algorithm for depicting a bird, and soon the children will be able to draw birds on their own.

Firebird image

Before you figure out the features of how to draw a firebird, pay attention to the fact that this is a fairy-tale character. Therefore, you can add any elements, taking into account your own imagination and desires.

Most often, the firebird has:

  • A lush crest-crown on the head.
  • Massive tail, similar to a peacock.
  • Of course, such a bird should be depicted exclusively in color to show the richness of the color.

If the points are taken into account, the drawing will turn out to be detailed and anatomically correct. Some skill will be needed, it is worth depicting the same bird several times to choose the best angle and understand how to do each part of the body.

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