Drawing lesson “Chamomile wildflower” using several non-traditional art techniques in the second junior group


Summary of educational activities

“Drawing using the poke method “Yellow dandelions”.”

Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly when drawing.

Draw flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the pokes, without going beyond the contours of the image

Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Instill accuracy when drawing. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

Equipment: green gouache; a brush with stiff bristles, a sheet of paper 1/2 A-4, a cloth napkin for drawing, a paper napkin, a jar of water, a stand for the brush.

Conversation about the first spring colors with children.

Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year, Spring, is coming soon. All nature will wake up from a long sleep. It will become warm again, the sun will gently warm the earth, the first flowers will appear. Which flowers will bloom first? (children's answers).

Teacher: “I’ll tell you a poem about an unusual flower.” Reading the poem “Dandelion” by O. Vysotskaya.

Look how beautiful the dandelion is! (Video of a spring dandelion blooming). How is he similar to the sun?

Children: “It’s the same round and yellow.”

Educator: Hear, someone is buzzing. Who is this?

The teacher asks a riddle:



The teacher brings a toy bee into the group.

The little bee found out that a dandelion had blossomed in our group. The bee really wants to collect sweet nectar.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get them?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

drawing “Tree” using the method of blowing paint from a tube.

Non-traditional form of conducting classes.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form in the 2nd junior group. Educator Kovaleva Galina Vasilievna MBDOUd/s o/v19 “Kolobok”. TASKS: Teach children to draw in a non-traditional form of rice.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form in the 2nd junior group. Educator Kovaleva Galina Vasilievna MBDOUd/s o/v19 “Kolobok”. TASKS: Teach children to draw in a non-traditional form of rice.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in a non-traditional form on the topic “Preparations for the winter.”


Drawing in the first junior group “Flower for Mommy”

Irina Komarova

Drawing in the first junior group “Flower for Mommy”

Drawing in the first junior group ( first year of kindergarten for children)

«Flower for mommy»

To develop children's interest in classes on artistic and aesthetic development ( drawing )

.Cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards loved ones.
Evoke an emotional response, a desire to give a gift to your beloved mother. Teach children to hold a brush correctly in their right hand, independently, paint with paints using different colors , fill the sheet with strokes, spots, focusing on the reference lines.
Materials. Sheets of paper with reference lines ( "stems" drawn with

greeting cards “Happy March 8th”
gouache paints of different colors , brushes, jars of water, napkins, easel.
Preliminary work. Reviewing greeting cards; reading poems, stories, singing songs about mom.

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the first junior group: “Basket of flowers for Mommy” Summary of a lesson on application in the first junior group: “Basket of flowers for Mommy.” Purpose: 1. teach children to glue cut out flowers.

Daily planning in the first junior group “Our Mommies” Daily planning in the 1st junior group From 1.03 to 7.03 theme of the week “Our Mommies” 1.03, Friday Educational activity 1Music.

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Autumn – pictures for preschool children (4-5-6 years old) for kindergarten classes

Looking at pictures in kindergarten, drawing and coloring on different topics is one of the most interesting types of work. Teachers, with the help of thematic illustrations, exhibitions and visualization, form various concepts in preschoolers.

Looking at the signs of autumn in pictures for children, kids understand the features of this bright, colorful, but cold season.

We’ll talk about how to use illustrations and autumn-themed coloring books in kindergarten and what issues to cover in class in our article.

Day of Knowledge

Outdoor games

Autumn nature

Autumn in the garden

Walk in the woods


How to conduct classes

Illustrations, colorful drawn or photographed images are used in kindergarten classes; if you show an object, the phenomenon in close proximity does not work. Pictures for children “Autumn” should be hung on stands and shown to children from the end of August, when there are almost no signs of the arrival of September-October on the street.

In thematic classes, you need to use the following types of work with preschoolers:

  1. Carefully examine images and photographs. Drawings are distributed to children on tables. If the lesson is conducted with children 3-4 years old, it is printed out large and shown to the children from the hands of the teacher.
  2. A short lecture. The teacher talks, the children listen. The lecture should not be boring; color it with epithets and images. Focus on the signs of autumn, late and early, color features of the season, weather conditions, and adults’ activities in harvesting. Children aged 5-7 years can be trusted to tell their own story using pictures. In this case, the teacher helps with leading questions.
  3. Discussion. The teacher needs to ask the children a few questions: What did you see? What time of year is this? Why did you decide so? Etc.
  4. Games and tasks with pictures. After discussing the topic “Autumn” and looking at the paintings, invite children to color the plot image, and for preschoolers 5-6 years old to create a composition with paints and pencils.
  5. Final lesson. Conduct it in the format of a creative workshop. It can take place in November, when children observe changes in nature already on a walk with their parents or group. Give older preschoolers the task of drawing autumn and telling about their impressions. Pupils of the younger group - make a craft from natural material together with their parents, memorize a short poem.

Autumn pictures for kindergarten children are a way to create strong connections between time, phenomenon, and nature. They need to be used not only directly, showing them to preschoolers, but also gradually.

Set up a themed stand, hang illustrations and works of famous artists on the walls of the playroom, create a laptop with pictures on the theme of autumn for children and a mobile folder with your parents.

Autumn pictures

The thematic folder “Autumn pictures for children in kindergarten” needs to be filled with different images and photos. The plot of the drawings can be divided into several groups.

Signs of autumn

The illustrations always depict colorful leaves, rain, puddles, items of autumn clothing, and birds flying south. Based on the pictures, the child will be able to navigate changing weather conditions and will be able to choose shoes and a jacket for a walk independently.

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