Long-term planning for modeling in the first junior group

Long-term planning for modeling in the first junior group

Olga Azimova

Long-term planning for modeling in the first junior group

Long-term planning for modeling in the first junior group (2 - 3 years old)

Planning was compiled in accordance with the program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Used Books.

1. D. N. Koldina “Modeling and drawing with children 2–3 years old. Class notes"

2. I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten. Early age"


Topic of the week: “My favorite kindergarten”

Lesson 1

Topic: “Cookies for the cat”

Program content:

Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce the properties of plasticine: it wrinkles, rolls, flattens, tears.

Develop imagination.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 7 z. 1

Topic of the week: “Fruits and vegetables”

Lesson 2

Theme: "Cucumber"

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll a ball out of plasticine using circular movements between their palms;

roll out a thick column, giving it an oval shape.

Develop precision of movements.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

D. N. Koldina p. 14 z. 9

Topic of the week: “Gifts of the forest (berries, mushrooms)”

Lesson 3

Theme: "Sunflower"

Program content:

Continue to develop children's ability to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms and flatten them with a finger on top. Develop the ability to accompany the words of a poem with appropriate movements.

Develop visual skills.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 9 z. 3

Topic of the week: “Golden Autumn”

Lesson 4

Topic: “Leaves are falling, falling”

Program content:

Develop the ability to create a relief image from plasticine - pinch off pieces of yellow, red, orange, apply to the background and attach (press, smear, with fingers.

Develop a sense of color and tactile sensations.

Cultivate interest in making a long “path” from individual plasticine “pictures”.

I. A. Lykova s. 26 z. eleven


Topic of the week: “We want to be healthy!”

Lesson 5

Theme: “Little snakes”

Program content:

To develop the ability of children to roll out a roller (“sausage”) of plasticine on a board with direct movements of the hand.

Develop the ability to concentrate.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 10 z. 4

Topic of the week: “Me and my family”

Lesson 6

Topic: "Kolobok"

Program content:

Strengthen children's ability to roll a ball in a circular motion between their palms. Practice the ability to bring a product to the desired image with the help of additional material.

To develop the ability to understand the content of a fairy tale.

Develop speech and thinking.

Cultivate hard work.

D. N. Koldina p. 21 z. 16

Topic of the week: “My home, my city”

Lesson 7

Topic: “Window for the cockerel”

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll out approximately identical columns from plasticine using straight hand movements and connect their ends. Develop the ability to clearly and loudly pronounce the words of a song; understand the content of the poem.

Develop thinking.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 25 z. 20

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Lesson 8

Topic: "Caterpillar"

Program content:

Strengthen children's ability to roll a ball in a circular motion between their palms; learn to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional material.

Develop attention.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Develop attention.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

D. N. Koldina z. 26

Topic of the week: “Professions”

Lesson 9

Topic: “Colored pencils”

Program content:

Continue to improve the children’s ability to roll out plasticine columns on the board with forward and backward movements and connect them. To develop children’s ability to accompany the words of a poem with appropriate movements.

Develop attention.

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

D. N. Koldina p. 23 z. 18


Topic of the week: “Birds”

Lesson 10

Topic: “Chicken Worms”

Program content:

To develop the ability of children to roll out a roller (“sausage”) of plasticine on cardboard with direct movements of the hand.

Develop interest in literary works.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 11 z. 5

Topic of the week: “Pets”

Lesson 11

Topic: “Delicious cookies”

Program content:

Arouse interest in creating three-dimensional and silhouette figures from dough. Show how to obtain an image using baking molds. To introduce the silhouette - to develop the ability to trace the shape with a finger (along the contour line). Compare the properties of dough, clay and sand.

Develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Foster curiosity, initiative, and interest in visual arts.

I. A. Lykova s. 22 z. 7

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals”

Lesson 12

Topic: “Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs”

Program content:

To develop the ability to model the image of a hedgehog: insert “needles” into the “body” sculpted by the teacher. Choose your own material for the parts (matches, toothpicks, cocktail straws, seeds, spruce needles, etc.) and thereby convey the characteristic features of the hedgehog’s appearance. Develop the ability to string plasticine balls onto the “needles” of a hedgehog.

Develop a sense of shape, fine motor skills, and coordination in the eye-hand system.

Develop the ability to make choices.

I. A. Lykova s. 38 z. 23

Topic of the week: “Toys”

Lesson 13

Topic: "Rattle"

Program content:

Continue to train children in rolling a ball out of plasticine between their palms, and from it on the board, using straight hand movements, roll out a column; decorate the product.

Develop auditory perception.

Develop the ability to overcome difficulties.

D. N. Koldina p. 28 z. 23


Topic of the week: “Winter Beauty”

Lesson 14

Topic: “Soap Bubbles”

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to apply plasticine onto cardboard;

make “impressions” on plasticine using a felt-tip pen cap.

Develop speech, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of fingers.

Develop the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for your actions.

D. N. Koldina p. 22 z. 17

Topic of the week: “Clothing”

Lesson 15

Topic: “Nose for a snowman”

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll a ball using circular movements of their palms; roll out a thick column, and then at one end narrow the column into a cone, giving the elongated shape of a carrot.

Develop attention and perception.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

D. N. Koldina p. 15 z. 10

Topic of the week: “Winter's Tale”

Lesson 16

Topic: “What a Christmas tree”

Program content:

Continue to develop the ability to create the image of a Christmas tree in collaboration with the teacher and other children: roll out the flagella and attach them to the trunk - a post. Strengthen the ability to roll out a lump of plasticine with direct movements of the palms (by repeating one action many times). To develop the ability to use a stack - to divide a column into pieces (practical mastery of the basic concept of “part and whole”). Introduce the color green (by association).

Develop a sense of shape and fine motor skills.

Foster independence.

I. A. Lykova s. 43 z. 28

Topic of the week: “Hello, New Year”

Lesson 17

Topic: “Christmas tree”

Program content:

Continue to practice children rolling small balls out of plasticine using circular movements between their palms.

Develop children's speech, thinking and memory.

Cultivate the ability to rejoice.

D. N. Koldina p. 13 z. 8


Topic of the week: “Winter fun”

Lesson 18

Topic: “Snowmen play snowballs”

Program content:

Develop the ability to sculpt a ball - roll it out in a circular motion with your palms.

Develop a sense of shape and fine motor skills.

Cultivate accuracy and independence.

I. A. Lykova s. 46 z. 31

Lesson 19

Topic: “Bagels, bagels”

Program content:

Develop the ability to roll out a column (cylinder) and close it into a ring. Show design options for molded products (sprinkle with semolina, poppy seeds, pierce holes with a pencil, plastic fork or toothpick).

Develop shape perception and fine motor skills.

Cultivate interest in making bagels and bagels.

I. A. Lykova s. 54 z. 39

Topic of the week: “Safety Week”

Lesson 20

Topic: “Tasty treat”

Program content:

Develop the ability to sculpt a ball by rolling it in a circle in your palms. Introduce the shape of a ball using the example of different “treats” (bun, apple, candy, orange). Show a variety of forms of confectionery products (cookies, gingerbread, bun, cake, candy, bagel) to enrich visual impressions.

Develop a sense of form, fine motor skills, coordinate the work of both hands (achieve synchronous movement when rolling in a circle).

Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones.

I. A. Lykova s. 48 z. 33

Topic of the week: “Health Week”

Lesson 21

Topic: "Apple"

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll a ball out of plasticine using circular movements between their palms and give it the shape of an apple.

Develop logical thinking.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 19 z. 14


Topic of the week: “Animals of distant lands”

Lesson 22

Theme: "Banana"

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on a surface limited by an outline. Learn to distinguish fruits by taste and color.

Develop memory, speech and thinking.

Cultivate neatness.

D. N. Koldina p. 20 z. 15

Topic of the week: “Dishes. Food"

Lesson 23

Topic: “Delicious pie”

Program content:

To develop the ability of children to flatten a plasticine ball between their palms, giving it the shape of a flat cake. Improve the skill of decorating a product using additional material.

Develop aesthetic perception.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 16 z. eleven

Topic of the week: “Me and my dad”

Lesson 24

Topic: "Airplane"

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll out plasticine columns on the board with forward and backward movements and connect them. Teach children to accompany the words of the poem with appropriate movements.

Develop attention.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones.

D. N. Koldina p. 24 z. 19

Topic of the week: “Folk toys”

Lesson 25

Topic: "Tumbler"

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to create the image of a toy by attaching plasticine balls to each other: large on the bottom, small on top. Improve the skill of assembling a whole from several parts.

Develop imaginative thinking.

Cultivate interest in folk toys.

D. N. Koldina p. 29 z. 24


Topic of the week: “Mom’s holiday”

Lesson 26

Topic: "Candy"

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll balls from plasticine using circular movements of their hands; roll out thick columns using straight movements; learn how to design a craft.

Develop fine motor skills.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p18. h. 13

Theme of the week: “Awakening of nature”

Lesson 27

Topic: “These are the kind of icicles we have!”

Program content:

To form children’s ability to form associative images of natural objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt cylinders (columns) and sharpen one end with your fingers. Improve your ability to use a stack. Arouse interest in modeling icicles of different lengths and thicknesses.

Develop a sense of shape and fine motor skills.

Cultivate an interest in nature and conveying one’s impressions in visual arts.

I. A. Lykova s. 62 z. 47

Topic of the week: “Young researchers”

Lesson 28

Topic: “Look at our fingers!”

Program content:

To develop the ability to model characters for a finger theater: roll out a ball (for the head, add details - attach eyes from beads, seeds, pull out or pinch ears. Arouse interest in playing with created crafts - stringing on fingers and performing simple movements to the beat of a poem (finger play) .

Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Cultivate an interest in your hands and the “discovery” of their capabilities.

I. A. Lykova s. 79 z. 64

Topic of the week: “Objects around us”

Lesson 29

Topic: “This is the bridge we have”

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to sculpt pillars (cylinders) - logs for bridges. Show the possibility of aligning columns - logs along the length - cut off the excess in a stack or pinch off (tear off).

Develop a sense of form and size (length, composition ability.

Foster independence.

I. A. Lykova s. 70 z. 55


Topic of the week: “Book Week”

Lesson 30

Topic: “Pies for Mashenka”

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms and flatten them with a finger from above in a limited space. Improve the ability to listen to a fairy tale and understand its content.

Develop hand coordination.

Cultivate a sense of compassion.

D. N. Koldina p17. h. 12

Topic of the week: “What is good and what is bad”

Lesson 31

Topic: “The sun is a bell”

Program content:

To develop children's ability to sculpt the sun in the form of a plasticine picture from a disk (flattened ball) and rays (flagella). Show the possibility of combining different shaped parts in one image.

Develop a sense of form, rhythm, fine motor skills.

Cultivate a vivid emotional response to the folklore image of the sun.

I. A. Lykova s. 66 z. 51

Topic of the week: “The World of Plants”

Lesson 32

Topic: “Help yourself, bear!”

Program content:

Develop the ability to form a ball and slightly flatten it with your palms into a disk to obtain cookies and gingerbread. Show a variety of confectionery products (cookies, gingerbread, buns, cakes, candy, bagels) to enrich the visual experience.

Develop fine motor skills and coordination of both hands (achieve synchronous movement when rolling and flattening the shape in a circle).

Foster interest in making treats for toys.

I. A. Lykova s. 52 z. 37

Topic of the week: “Underwater world”

Lesson 33

Topic: “Huge Whale”

Program content:

Continue to develop children’s ability to roll a ball out of plasticine between their palms; pinch the plasticine between your palms and make a cut with a stack.

Develop attention.

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

D. N. Koldina p. 27 z. 22

Topic of the week: “Underwater world”

Lesson 34

Theme: “Fluffy clouds”

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to create relief images from plasticine in a modular way - pinch off pieces, apply to the background and attach (press, smear) with their fingers. Diversify the ways of dividing plasticine into parts (pinching, tearing, unscrewing, cutting in stacks).

Develop a sense of form, texture, tactile sensations. Strengthen your fingers and hand.

Cultivate interest in creating a beautiful fluffy cloud from pieces of plasticine of different colors.

I. A. Lykova s. 34 z. 19


Topic of the week: “Victory Day”

Lesson 35

Topic: “This is the kind of fireworks we have!”

Program content:

Give an idea of ​​fireworks as many beautiful multi-colored lights. To develop children’s ability to create the image of a fireworks display from plasticine balls and flagella of different colors - lay them out on the background and lightly press them with a finger. Strengthen the technique of rolling out pieces of plasticine using circular and straight movements of your palms.

Develop perception of shape and color.

Cultivate an interest in observing beautiful phenomena in the surrounding life and their reflection in visual activities.

I. A. Lykova s. 76 z. 61

Theme of the week: “Blossoming spring”

Lesson 36

Topic: “Chick in the nest”

Program content:

To develop the ability of children to sculpt 1-3 chicks according to the size of the nest. Initiate the addition and playing out of the composition (worms in their beaks).

Develop a sense of form and composition.

Cultivate interest in creating a collective composition “Chicks in the Nest.”

I. A. Lykova s. 72 z. 57

Topic of the week: “Insects”

Lesson 37

Topic: “These are the legs of a centipede!”

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to sculpt images based on a roller (cylinder): roll out columns with direct movements of the palms “back and forth” and slightly modify the shape - bend, add small details (legs, eyes).

Develop hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Cultivate interest in depicting living beings.

I. A. Lykova s. 36 z. 21

Theme of the week: “Hello, summer”

Lesson 38

Topic: “Pictures on the test”

Program content:

Show different ways of obtaining images: handprints and various objects, finger drawing, laying out patterns from various objects (beads, buttons, seeds, peas).

Compare the properties of dough, clay and sand (dry and wet).

Develop fine motor skills and aesthetic perception.

Foster curiosity, initiative, and interest in visual arts.

I. A. Lykova s. 21 z. 6

Thank you for your attention.

Good luck with your work!

Long-term planning for modeling in the second group of early age

Elena Tsygantseva

Long-term planning for modeling in the second group of early age


(Name of organizational educational activity)

Number of hours per week: 1

Number of hours per academic year: 36

No. Topic, number of hours, date Goals of activity Planned results - targets of preschool education

1 Gingerbread for a bear

Learn to use visual material - plasticine, roll a piece of plasticine into a ball and slightly flatten it, follow the rules for working with it. Takes an active part in productive activities.

2 Pie for a cat.

Learn to form round lumps of plasticine; evoke a desire to sculpt. Takes an active part in productive activities.

3 Let's treat the mouse to peas

Learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, roll them between your palms in a circular motion, and place the product on a board; introduce the color green. Takes an active part in productive activities.

4 Crumbs for ducklings

Learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine and carefully place the finished products on a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

5 Bagels for the cat

Learn to roll the sticks between your palms with straight movements of your hands, connect the ends of the sticks, forming a ring; develop fine motor skills of the hands. Takes an active part in productive activities.

6 Dog bowl

Learn to roll out sticks from plasticine between your palms using straight movements, carefully place finished products on a board, and instill an interest in modeling . Takes an active part in productive activities, masters the basic movements when performing movements.

7 Fence for kids

Continue getting acquainted with the material, learn to roll out sticks from plasticine between your palms using straight hand movements; teach to work collectively, instill an interest in modeling . Takes an active part in productive activities.

8 Grass for the cow

Continue learning to roll out sticks from plasticine between your palms using straight hand movements; distinguish the color green; Carefully place the finished product on the board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

9 Pies for animals

Improve techniques for working with plasticine; consolidate the ability to form rounded lumps from plasticine. Takes an active part in productive activities.

10 twigs for the goat

Learn how to roll plasticine sticks between your palms using straight hand movements; consolidate knowledge about the shape of different objects, carefully place finished products on a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

11 Carrot for the bunny

Arouse children's interest in actions with plasticine, enrich sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, improve the ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements, teach them to distinguish the color red, and cultivate the ability to enjoy their work. Takes an active part in productive activities.

12 Seeds for a mouse

Strengthen the ability to pinch off pieces from a whole lump of plasticine, roll small balls between the palms in a circular motion, and instill interest in visual arts. Takes an active part in productive activities.

13 Rolling one ball for a snowman

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms and make balls in a circular motion; learn to carefully lay finished products on a board, admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

14 Berries for birds

Strengthen the ability to pinch off pieces from a whole lump of plasticine, roll it between your palms in a circular motion. Participates in bird watching from the window and in productive activities.

15 Multi-colored balls

Reinforce the techniques of rolling plasticine between your palms; instill interest in visual arts. Takes an active part in productive activities.

16 Roof sticks

Strengthen the ability to work with plasticine, roll it between your palms with straight movements, and admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

17 Pipes for guys

Reinforce the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms with straight movements, teach how to work carefully. Takes an active part in productive activities.

18 Snowman (rolling down large and small balls)

Improve the ability to roll a ball of plasticine between your palms in a circular motion, teach to distinguish the color white, and encourage adding additional details to the product. Takes an active part in productive activities.

19 Apples

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, make balls in a circular motion and other previously acquired skills; continue to learn to distinguish green. red, yellow colors, admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

20 Carrots for the bunny

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms; consolidate previously acquired skills. Takes an active part in productive activities.

21 Bowls for bears

Practice rolling balls from plasticine using circular movements of your hands, flattening a lump in your palm; learn to make indentations with your fingers, develop an interest in modeling . Takes an active part in productive activities.

22 Saucer

Strengthen the ability to roll balls from plasticine balls using circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece, neatly finished product onto a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

23 Gingerbread for the bunny

Continue to practice your plasticine modeling ; evoke a desire to sculpt. Takes an active part in productive activities.

24 Puppy Cookies

Strengthen the ability to roll balls from plasticine balls using circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece, and identify round-shaped objects. Takes an active part in productive activities.

25 Berries for bullfinch

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms; learn to carefully lay finished products on a board, admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

26 Body

Continue to practice modeling skills from plasticine , roll out the plasticine with straight and circular movements of your hands, make indentations with your fingers, and admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

27 Rays for the sun

Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine sticks with direct hand movements, carefully place the finished product on a board, distinguish and name the yellow color. Takes an active part in productive activities.

28 Pies for grandma

Strengthen the ability to form rounded lumps from plasticine, instill interest in visual arts. Takes an active part in productive activities.

29 Spring grass

Learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll them into sticks, carefully place them on boards, and distinguish the color green. Takes an active part in productive activities.

30 Cheese for the mouse

Strengthen the ability to roll balls from plasticine balls using circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece, and carefully place the finished product on a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

31 Colorful wheels

Strengthen the ability to roll balls from plasticine balls using circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece, and consolidate knowledge of colors. Takes an active part in productive activities.

32 Egg

Continue learning how to roll a ball out of a lump of plasticine and carefully place the finished product on a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

33 Ladder

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms, work carefully, and place finished products on a board. Takes an active part in productive activities.

34 Cucumber

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms, consolidate previously acquired skills: distinguish the color green, admire finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

35 Sausages for pussy

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms and admire the finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

36 Strawberry

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms, consolidate previously acquired skills: distinguish the color red, admire finished products. Takes an active part in productive activities.

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