Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques “Rain” in the first junior group

Non-traditional drawing technique on the theme “Autumn” in 1st junior group

Summary of a lesson on the topic “Autumn” for children of the younger group
Author: Igolkina Elena Konstantinovna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 7 “Polyanka”, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region Description of the material: my summary is designed for children of early preschool age and may be useful to teachers working in the first or the second younger group. Goal: to introduce children to the technique of unconventional drawing - “finger painting”, to introduce children to paints. Objectives: 1. develop children's memory and attention. 2. Enrich children with a variety of sensory experiences. 3. cultivate attention and interest in natural phenomena and surrounding objects. 4. develop verbal communication between children and adults and peers. 5. arouse children's desire for creativity through play. 6. develop artistic perception. 7. educate children to be responsive to music. 8. teach children to sit correctly when drawing. 9. introduce children to yellow and blue colors. 10. develop hand motor skills through finger painting. 11. create a positive emotional mood. Vocabulary work: autumn, rain, falling leaves, wind, blue, yellow. Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting autumn, rain and leaf fall. Equipment: 1. handout (drawing of an autumn tree and clouds, gouache, wet wipes).
2. hanging hoop, one with rain, the other with leaf fall. 3. demonstration material - easel. Progress of the lesson:

Light music is playing. Children are sitting at tables. Educator: Guys, the wonderful time of year has come - Autumn. All nature is preparing for winter; the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow. And the first yellow leaves are flying from the trees. The wind rustled (recorded on a tape recorder). The teacher draws the children’s attention to the leaf fall hoop. Guys, look at what beautiful leaf fall we have in our group. Let's come up to it and take a closer look at it. Guys, look how beautiful, bright, yellow it is. You like? Children: Yes. Educator: What color is the leaf fall? Children: Yellow. Educator: I will read you a beautiful poem - Yellow leaves are dancing, falling from the branches, flying. This golden fairy tale is called “leaf fall”. (O. Kiseleva) And today we will draw this incredibly beautiful leaf fall, let’s go to the tables. Children sit at tables and handouts are distributed. A drawing is drawn on sheets of paper - autumn nature. Educator: And now you and I will be wizards and draw beautiful leaf fall with our fingers. For this we need yellow paint. Here she is. Dip your finger in yellow paint and put bright dots on the leaf of the autumn tree. (The teacher demonstrates how to do this on an easel before the children begin to do the work). Educator: So we have a beautiful yellow leaf fall. Please take a napkin and carefully wipe your finger. The teacher draws the children's attention to the rain hoop.

Educator: Guys, look at the clouds frowning.
Now it looks like it's going to rain. (rain music plays on the tape recorder). Educator: Guys, let's go and play with the raindrops. P/I “Rain” The warm rain poured down, I didn’t do anything naughty: I washed the roof of the birdhouse, I washed the cherry berries... We held out our palms, The rain washed them a little.
(A. Bosev) Educator: Well, we played with the rain, and now let’s go to the tables and draw rain for our clouds in the picture. For this we need blue paint. Here she is. Dip your finger in blue paint and draw droplets under the clouds. (The teacher shows on the easel how to do everything). Look, it turned out to be autumn rain. Now take a clean napkin and carefully wipe your finger. Educator: So we got beautiful autumn pictures.

Well done boys. Well done.

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Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Rain”

Summary of the organization of continuous educational activities of children in the second junior group on the topic: Non-traditional drawing with cotton swabs and poking “Rain”
Description of the material: This summary will be of interest to preschool teachers and parents. Intended for use in the second junior group. Can be used as an introduction to the technique of drawing with cotton swabs using the poking method. Goal: Development of artistic creativity in children and activation of creative potential through non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives of the priority area “Artistic and aesthetic development” - Introduce children to a new technique of creative activity - drawing with cotton swabs - Form creative thinking, sustainable interest in artistic activity - Develop artistic taste, spatial imagination. — To develop the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works. — Develop a desire to experiment, showing vivid cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from learning new things. Educational objectives in the integration of educational areas “Speech development”: - develop activity in a conversation with a teacher (conversation based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”)
- develop the ability to hear and understand the question asked
(guessing a riddle, conversation based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”) mushroom")
- develop the ability to establish simple connections between objects and phenomena
(the mushroom grew because it rained)
- enrich children's vocabulary with adjectives
(small, huge)
and nouns
“Artistic and aesthetic development”
(musical perception) :
- development of emotional responsiveness - accumulation of musical and auditory experience in children (listening to an audio recording of “Rain” by A. Vivaldi (from the series “Seasons” - a classic for kids) - arouse and maintain interest to music, manifestations of emotional responsiveness, - to cultivate aesthetic feelings
"Physical development" - development of fine motor skills of the hand (drawing with cotton swabs, finger gymnastics "Rain") - help relieve muscle tension (finger gymnastics "Rain") - development of coordination of movements, consolidation of skills run without bumping into each other, strengthening the ability to act on a signal from an adult (p/i “Sun and Rain”) “Social and communicative development” - the ability to interact with each other, with the teacher (p/i “Sun and Rain”); conversation based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”) - introduction to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults
Planned results of ECD The child is familiar with a new technique of creative activity - drawing with cotton swabs, shows independence in artistic activity; actively interacts with peers and adults; shows curiosity; has basic understanding of the environment; speaks oral language, can use speech to construct a speech utterance in a communication situation; the child can follow rules in different activities; The child has developed gross and fine motor skills, he is mobile, masters basic movements, and can control and manage his movements. Prerequisites for UUD Communicative – the ability to listen and answer questions, seek help from an adult, express gratitude, participate in joint activities; cognitive – the ability to work according to a given algorithm; regulatory – the ability to carry out actions according to a model and a given rule; the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions Equipment used 1. A sheet of white A4 paper with a drawn cloud and a small mushroom for each child. 2. Blue gouache in rosettes for each child. 3. Cotton swabs for each child. 4. Napkins for each child. 5. Umbrella for playing. 6. Illustrations (illustration of an ant, illustrations for V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”)
7. Audio recording of “Rain” by A. Vivaldi
(from the series “The Seasons” - a classic for kids)
, audio recording of the game “Sun and Rain”
Preliminary work Reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” Learning finger exercises “Rain” Rain, rain, more fun (I shake the water from my hands)
Drip, drip, don’t be sorry!
Just don't kill us! (they shake their finger)
Don’t knock on the window in vain
(knock on the window)
Better drip on the mushrooms,
(palms down)
So that they grow!
(hands are raised up)
Progress of the lesson
Introductory stage 2 minutes Goal: creating a positive attitude, motivating children for educational activities, promoting the development of movements during the game.
Guys, look how beautiful it is here.
Today we will draw, but first guess the riddle: From a cloud, like from a sieve, Drop by drop, water drips! Right! Rain! Guys, let's play a game called “Sunshine and Rain” (to music)
— The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, the children are walking. - “Rain!” - children run and hide under an umbrella. - "Sun!" the umbrella closes - the children are “walking”. - Rain! the guys run under the umbrella again. - The sun is shining! Children are “walking” - So our game is over. Sit down at the tables, guys. Main stage 11 minutes Purpose: to introduce children to a new technique of creative activity - drawing with cotton swabs; formation of skills and abilities necessary to create creative works. Practical activities for children. Conversation Guys, who can say what kind of rain it is? The rain can be strong and light. - Remember, you and I read a fairy tale about rain and fungus? — It started raining and almost got you wet? - That's right, an ant. Today an ant came to visit us. Probably the same one that was hiding under the mushroom. - Let's remember the story about the ant: - It began to rain, and where did the ant hide? -What kind of fungus was it? This is how small the mushroom was at first (points to an illustration of a fairy tale on a magnetic board)
- And then what happened?
- Who asked the ant to treat the fungus? - And everyone fit under the little mushroom? - And why? -What did he become? - That's right, big! The fungus has become huge! - Guys, look at your leaves, what do you see there? - What fungus? — What needs to be done to make our mushrooms grow? - Guys, today we will paint not with a brush, but... with cotton swabs like this (shows)
Explanation of the method of drawing with cotton swabs. (The teacher shows how to dip a stick in gouache and use the “poke” method to draw rain.)
- Look, I dip the stick in paint and take one small step, raise my hand, take another step next to it, and another one next to it
I apply it, tear off my hand, apply it, tear off my hand, and so on until the very bottom, to the very ground. “Now you and I will draw, but first, let’s stretch our fingers.” Finger gymnastics “Rain” Rain, rain, more fun Drip, drip, don’t be sorry! Just don't kill us! Don’t knock on the window in vain. Better drop it on the mushrooms so that they grow! Practical activity - And now, guys, I will give you sticks, and you can draw rain on your pieces of paper. - Do you remember how to draw? (the teacher reminds us of the drawing algorithm)
- Guys, sit down correctly, straighten your backs and let's draw. A sheet with a mushroom and a cloud for each child:

Drawing Algorithm Explanation

Drawing that might come out

The teacher monitors the completion of the task and helps the children. The teacher introduces a new noun “rain”. While the work is being done, the music of A. Vivaldi “Rain” is played. Final stage 2 minutes Goal: to help relieve emotional and mental stress and increase the emotional mood of students. Children receiving positive assessment of their activities. The teacher sums up the educational work and gives a positive assessment to each student.
All work is posted on the board. - Look how beautiful the rain is for ...
(children's names)
, and for ...
(children's names)
the rain is heavy - a real downpour, mushrooms will grow quickly from such rain!
Well done! — Did you like drawing with cotton swabs? - Now you can paint with both a brush and a cotton swab. - Thank you for helping the mushrooms start growing. - The ant says thank you and goodbye. Application:

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Notes on finger painting in the second group of early age “Rain, drip, drip, drip”

Topic : “Rain: drip-drip-drip”


teach children to draw rain in an unconventional way of drawing
with their fingers.


1) educational: teach children to draw dots and spots with their fingers, depicting rain.

2) developmental: to form in children a cognitive interest in nature, to promote the development of creative abilities and communication skills; development of fine motor skills.

3) educational: instilling accuracy when doing work; help create a joyful emotional mood in children;


sheets of white paper with images of clouds, A5 format, blue gouache paints; wet wipes, an image of rain, variable samples to explain drawing techniques, an umbrella, a guest - Katya doll; oilcloths for drawing, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work:

Watching the rain, raindrops, clouds in the sky, reading nursery rhymes about rain.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us? (Doll)

Educator: Guys, meet me, this is the Katya doll. Look what our guest has in her hands? (Umbrella)

Educator: But for some reason Katya is very sad. She loves to walk in rainy weather under an umbrella. But the trouble is there is no rain today, that’s why she’s sad.

Educator: - Guys, can we help our guest? (Yes)

Educator: - Don’t be sad Katya, our guys will help you.

Educator: - How can you help Katya’s doll?

Educator: - We can draw rain for our guest, but what does it rain from? (from the cloud)

Educator: That's right, rain is dripping from a cloud.

Educator: Look guys, here’s our cloud, but for some reason it’s not raining. What do we do? And the brushes have disappeared somewhere. How are we going to draw rain?

Educator: - And we will draw with our fingers.

Educator: We need paint to draw rain.

Draw the children's attention to the example:

Educator: Guys, look at how we draw the rain.

Educator: I clench all my fingers into a fist, and leave one index finger, dip my little little finger in blue paint, I don’t get a lot of paint, and carefully put my finger on the piece of paper and it turns out to be a drop of rain.

Educator: Now guys, let’s go to their tables.

Educator: Guys, our fingers are tired, and so that they can draw well, we will play with them.

Finger gymnastics “Rain is knocking on my window”

The rain is knocking on my window (we clench and unclench our palms)

Drip-drip-drip (knock your fingers on the table)

The time of autumn has come (we clench and unclench our palms)

Well, well, well (clap our hands)

Educator: Our fingers have rested and we begin to draw.

Independent work. The teacher approaches each child and helps them draw correctly. The music turns on and the children begin to draw.

Educator: Guys, what did we draw for Katya’s doll? (rain) Did you like the rain we drew for our Katya? (yes) What did we use to draw the rain? (fingers)

Educator: Well done, what a beautiful rain it turned out to be, this one is blue, this one is the biggest, this one has small droplets, this one has big droplets. Thank you guys, you helped a lot.

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