Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Umbrella”
Author: Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher of GBOU “School No. 842”, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a summary of GCD on the topic “Umbrella” for children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old). This material will be useful for educators working with children of older preschool age. This is a summary of educational activities aimed at making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Integration of educational areas: Artistic and aesthetic development, speech development. Purpose: Making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Objectives : Continue to introduce children to the method of twisting a circle into a cone. To form children's ideas about the transformation of flat figures into three-dimensional forms. Improve the ability to write stories about objects. Developmental: Develop the ability to keep a sequence of operations in mind and achieve the final result. Develop children's creative abilities, sense of shape, color, composition. Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards handmade crafts. Preliminary work: Together with the children, cut out blanks (multi-colored circles with a diameter of 20 cm), small parts for decorating umbrellas. Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, demonstration by a child, practical activities for children, questions for children, use of fiction. Materials and equipment: Umbrellas, circles of colored paper (diameter 20 cm), colored paper (for decorating crafts), cocktail tubes, plasticine, glue, scissors, napkins, oilcloths.
Organizational moment Educator: Children, we have opened a new store, and you will find out what is sold in it by guessing the riddle . In autumn, he is often needed - If the rain is pattering on the puddles, If the sky is in black clouds, He is the best helper for us. Open it over yourself and arrange a canopy for yourself! (umbrella) The teacher takes the children to a display case with umbrellas. Invites children to look at it and make their own conclusions about what product is sold in the store. Educator: Children, you guessed correctly, today we will visit an umbrella store, then we will make them ourselves and decorate them. Didactic game “Umbrella Store” A seller is selected using a counting table. The buyer must describe the umbrella he has chosen in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what kind of umbrella he is talking about.

Physical school There is a cloud in the sky oh-oh-oh! (Hands to the head, tilts left - right)
Everyone is running, hurrying home.
(Running in place)
I’m the only one laughing, I’m not afraid of the black cloud.
(Turns the head left - right)
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder, I'm walking under an umbrella!
(Walking in place)
Blue, red, and striped, And flowered, and polka dots,
(Alternately bend your fingers)
A very colorful umbrella with sparkles...
(Hands up, “lanterns”)
I couldn’t count them all.
(Turns left - right)
My grandmother and I walk under a green umbrella and sing a song about the miracle of umbrellas.
(L. Brailovsky)
Work in a creative workshop Educator: Today I suggest you make umbrellas from colored paper and decorate them beautifully. The teacher repeats with the children safety precautions when working with scissors and glue. Discusses the procedure for doing the work with the children. Used for display by children. Educator: What do you think needs to be done to find the middle of the circle? Children: Fold the circle in half and in half again.

Cut along one of the fold lines to the middle.

Glue the pattern elements onto the circle.

Roll the circle into a cone and glue it together.

Glue a piece of plasticine on the back side.

Insert a tube into the plasticine and bend it.

The umbrella is ready. During the work, the teacher monitors safety precautions (working with scissors, glue), the correct folding of umbrellas, provides individual assistance, and offers to decorate the umbrellas independently according to plan. Analysis of children's works The teacher suggests making an exhibition and examining it. Summary What new and interesting things did you learn?
Which moments were your favorite and why? Exhibition of children's works

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Lesson “Umbrellas for gnomes”

Program content:

Learn to make a three-dimensional toy (umbrella), consolidate the skill of cutting a circle along the contour by eye, and develop interest in the design of the toy. Show the dependence of the height of the cone on the size of the cut out part of the circle (the larger the cut out part, the smaller the height of the cone).


A square of colored paper with a drawn circle (the diameter of a saucer). Strips of colored paper (5x10) for the umbrella handle, scraps of colored paper for decoration, a pencil, a glue brush, scissors, several samples of umbrellas with different designs.

Preliminary work: The teacher teaches children to find the center of the circle by dividing it into four equal parts (in half, then in half again), without smoothing the fold line. The center of the circle is pressed with two fingers to form a cross.

Organization of the workplace: Children sit around shifted tables. For each child, the material is laid out on one tray.

Progress of the lesson:

Creating play motivation: The teacher reminds the children about the kind, good gnome Ole Lukoya, who has unusual umbrellas: black and colored: “Every evening he comes up to the sleeping children and opens his umbrellas over them. If a colored one opens it, the children dream of colorful, very interesting fairy tales all night long. He opens a black umbrella over those who disobeyed or played pranks that day. And then the children don’t see any dreams all night.

Many children know about this gnome and always, and always go to bed, waiting for the gnome-wizard to open a colored umbrella over them, and they will see an interesting fairy tale in their dreams. But Ole Lukoje does not have time to visit all the children at night, so he asked the other gnomes to help him. They agreed, but they don't have umbrellas. Ole Lukoje asks you guys to make a lot of colored umbrellas for the gnomes."

Demonstration of methods of work: The teacher shows a sample and asks: “How many parts does the umbrella consist of? (of two – roof and handle). What shape does the roof of an umbrella resemble? (circle )". Children cut out a circle from a square along the contour. Then find the center of the circle. The teacher shows how to cut out part 4 from a circle along the marked lines (like a piece of pie). Then he invites the children to fold the development and the cone to form the roof of the umbrella, and says: “Before gluing, I advise you to make different decorations for the umbrellas. Under such umbrellas you will have very interesting dreams and colorful fairy tales.” The teacher shows several options for decorating an umbrella. It is better to use geometric shapes: squares, triangles, circles. It is advisable to cut out the circles in advance or give the children a small diameter circle template. The teacher reminds a more rational way of cutting out identical parts - from paper folded several times.

After the children decorate the umbrellas, they glue them together: they smear only one of the cut lines and put the blank on it with another cut. The gluing area is smoothed with your fingers.

The umbrella cap is made, now we need a handle. The teacher shows and explains how to do it: “put a strip of paper with the long side facing you. Place a pencil on the edge and carefully twist the strip onto it, but not all the way. Spread the remaining part with glue and then screw it onto the pencil until the end. Run your fingers along the line and pull out the pencil. It turned out to be a tube - this is the handle of an umbrella.”

Next, the teacher invites the children who cope better with the task to make a colored cap for the gnomes. The child also receives a square in which a circle of the same diameter is drawn. You need to fold the circle in half, cut half and make a cone out of the semicircle. The teacher helps children establish a relationship: the larger the cut part, the smaller the height of the cone.

Job evaluation: Conducted on behalf of the gnomes. When analyzing crafts, attention is paid to the ability to cut a circle along the contour. Carefully and cleanly glue the cut sides to each other. Find an interesting pattern to decorate the umbrella.

Open lesson “Umbrella”

Yulia Drozd

Open lesson “Umbrella”

Goal: Formation of cognitive activity of children in the study of experimental activities

• Strengthen children's understanding of the properties of paper, fabric and other materials.

• Tell about the history of the appearance of the umbrella .

• Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, curiosity. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, as well as defend your opinion, prove that you are right

• Activate and enrich children's vocabulary. Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments;

• Foster in children a sense of respect for their peers.

• Foster a love of nature.

• Understand the importance of an umbrella in people's lives .

Material and equipment: Mini umbrellas made of different materials (paper, knitted, fabric, raincoat, oilcloth)

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by Voskobovich and
by Voskobovich.

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Travel in an Umbrella”

Liliya Masenko

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Travel in an Umbrella”

Summary of a lesson on teaching children storytelling

based on the paintings " Journey in an Umbrella "


Goal: To develop children’s ability to compose a coherent story based on plot pictures, to build a sequence of events in accordance with logic. Encourage children to engage in creative storytelling.

Educational: practice composing a complete story based on a series of plot pictures, using different types of sentences.

To develop the ability to foresee the further course of events and the actions of the heroes. Strengthen ideas about the composition of a story. Activate children's vocabulary.

Developmental : develop memory , attention, thinking, creative imagination, monologue and dialogic speech.

Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to a friend’s story, follow the story, and intervene in time to continue the story.

Equipment: teddy bear, umbrella , paper flags, rope, multimedia equipment.

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