Summary of an integrated lesson on fire safety in the preparatory group on the topic: “Young firefighters” lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic

"Don't play with fire"

Using examples of active and educational games, you can show preschoolers that games with matches, lighters and open fire are very dangerous. One of these could be the game “Cross it out - it’s dangerous!” Its essence is that cards with objects are written or attached on the board. Children need to cross out those that, if handled carelessly, can cause a fire.

For your information! Another active game on the theme “don’t play with fire” is “Dragon”. One “dragon” is selected, and the rest of the children dance around it and say: “We won’t have fires, the dragon won’t scare us.” When a sleeping dragon wakes up, it waves red ribbons (flames). Those who are touched by the ribbon leave the circle.

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Summary of a lesson on the topic “Fire Safety” in the preparatory group


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 4 “Firefly” Kulundinsky district of the Altai Territory Summary of a lesson on the topic “Fire Safety” in the preparatory group Compiled by teacher Pimanova O.A.

2 1. Educational task: To reinforce the concept of fire safety in children, to convince them of the need to comply with fire safety rules. 2. Developmental tasks: To develop in children the ability to act correctly in various situations and generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and on the street; develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in everyday life; develop expressive speech. 3. Educational tasks: To foster responsibility for oneself and for the lives of one’s loved ones. Teaching methods: visual, verbal, practical, game. Materials for the lesson: illustrations, cards with phone numbers. 1. Introduction of the game moment. Educator: Guess which work this excerpt is from? And the foxes took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea. The sea is burning with flames, A whale ran out of the sea: “Hey, firefighters, run! Help, help! (K. Chukovsky “Confusion”) - Do you think the foxes did the right thing? (children's answers) - Let's tell the foxes how to avoid dangerous situations associated with fire. - Today we will talk about the dangers that can happen to each of us. And therefore we must know how to behave correctly if we are in danger. Listen to an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Cat’s House.” Word after word And again the conversation, And at home in front of the stove The fire burned through the carpet. One more moment And a light light Enveloped and enveloped pine logs.

3 He climbed up the wallpaper, climbed onto the table, and scattered into a swarm of golden-winged bees. - What happened in this house? (Fire) - How dangerous is a fire? (In a fire, things can burn, an apartment, but most importantly, people can die) - Why can a fire occur? (games with matches, candle, kerosene, gasoline) - Correct (I show illustrations, place them on the board) And now I want to offer you the game “Come on, guess” 1. A coal fell on the floor - The wooden floor lit up Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with (water) 2. The insidious fire will be defeated by the one whose name is (firefighter) 3. What kind of cramped, cramped house is this? A hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters can flare up like a fire. Don’t joke with your little sisters, Thin ones (matches) 4. Hangs - it’s silent, but if you turn it over, it hisses, and foam flies (fire extinguisher). 5. If suddenly the electric iron gets hot, what should you kids do? Remove the plug from. (sockets) 6. If little sisters light matches at home What should you do? Immediately (take away the matches). 7. If suddenly a fire occurs, you must immediately call the fire department about the fire. (to report). 8. If you want to go for a walk, you don’t have to run away while closing the door in the house.

4 Have you turned everything off? (.check.) - Well done. Now let’s check if you know what phone number to call if there is a fire. (Cards with emergency numbers (01, 02, 03, 04) are laid out on the table, with the children standing with their backs to this table. In turn, each of the children turns and silently takes the card that he considers correct and stands in his place, holding the selected card in front of them (with the front side facing them). After everyone has chosen cards for themselves, the children turn the cards with the phone number). Every citizen knows this number 01. If trouble comes to you, call there quickly (the teacher shows the correct card with number 01). Physical education session Get your feet up! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.) Raise our shoulders higher, and then lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.) We place our hands in front of our chests and we perform jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking with your arms.) You need to jump ten times, Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.) We raise our knees. We perform the step in place. (Walking in place.) We stretched from the heart, (Stretching our arms up and to the sides.) And we returned to our place again. — What to do if a fire starts in the house? (children's answers). What's on our ceiling? (fire alarm) What is this (fire extinguisher), why is it needed? (there is a fire extinguisher and a picture of an alarm on the table). I suggest you look at the pictures and derive a rule from them. 1 picture. Apartment, the TV is on fire, a boy holds a blanket in his hands and throws it over the fire. Rule: if the fire is small, you can extinguish it yourself by throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it. 2 picture. The child calls number 01. If there is a fire, you need to call the fire department by calling the number picture. The boy runs out of the room.

5 If it is impossible to call the fire brigade, then you need to leave the premises. 4 picture. Apartment, a lot of smoke, a child crawling on the floor on all fours towards the door. Rule: Smoke is much more dangerous than fire, so most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, get down on all fours and crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. 5 picture. The child is standing on the balcony, and behind him there is fire and smoke. If it is impossible to get out, you need to get out onto the balcony and call people for help. And remember - you can’t hide under the bed or in the closet - this will make it harder for firefighters to find you. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator - it can turn off, stop and you will suffocate. - Now let's build a sequence of actions in case of fire. (showing illustrations). “And let’s play again, the game: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” I read poetry, and if you don’t do this, then remain silent, if you think that this is what you need to do, say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” with clapping. Which of you, seeing smoke, dials 0-1 (that's me, that's me.) Which of you runs with a bucket to flood the Cat's house? (that's me.) The table and wardrobe burned down at the same time, who dried clothes over gas? (children are silent) Admit it, kids, who takes matches without asking? Teal carelessly and on the match there is a scarlet light. You look - the match is not big - but the fire is not small. (silent) Who explains to the neighbor’s kids in the yard that playing with fire doesn’t end in a fire for nothing? (it's me) Who set fire to the grass near the house, set fire to unnecessary rubbish? Did your friends’ garage and construction fence burn down? (silent) Who furtively in the corner, burned a candle in the attic, The old corner caught fire, he barely left alive (silent) Who helps the firefighters - does not break the rules Who is an example for all the guys? (this is me) Educator: Well done. Now let's summarize: - What did we talk about today? (about the fire). - Why does it arise? (matches, candle, kerosene, gasoline) - What should we do if there is a fire? “And next time we’ll talk about other dangers that can arise both at home and on the street.”


Fire safety conversation

During the conversation, you can use various works on the topic.

Short poems for children

The famous lines of K. Chukovsky “Confusion” well describe the danger of fire using the example of fairy-tale characters:

The sea is burning with flames. A whale ran out of the sea. -Hey, firefighters, run! Help! Help!

Example of a short poem

The teacher can also come up with small and easy to remember rhymes. Rhyming lines from children's poems can remain in memory even when the child grows up.

Be careful with fire. It is very important day after day. Once you give it free rein, it will immediately destroy our house. Destroying the grass, destroying the forest, He crawled into all the cracks. There is no one faster than the beast - the terrible one will leave his mark. So as not to anger the fire, we need to keep an eye on it.

Tales about fire safety

One of the popular fairy tales for fire safety classes in kindergarten is the familiar “Cat’s House” to many. They also stage skits or perform puppet shows based on it.

Important! A kindergarten employee can independently choose and read several short fairy tales, the life lesson of which is the danger of playing with fire.

Game “Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations”

Information is more easily absorbed by young children through play. The teacher can offer to act out a short scene where the scene will be the house where the fire started. The main thing is not to forget to remind children that a game is a game, and in life they need to act clearly and quickly, resorting to the rules that they have previously learned.

Call rescuers at number 01

During the game, children need to be taught composure. When a fire occurs, they often panic and rush to hide in a safer place - in a closet, under a bed, etc. During the game, preschoolers learn to act and get out of a dangerous place together.

Safety and behavior rules for preschool children on transport

You can consolidate your knowledge with each of the children: in turn, they will have to depict or tell what to do if a fire starts in their house. The rest of the children learn from the example of others, and together with the teacher they sort out mistakes.

Note! Through play, the child learns the importance of remaining calm and disciplined.

It is also important to make it clear that in emergency situations the emergency phone number does not immediately come to mind, so you should keep a list of emergency numbers nearby. This could be notes on your phone, a piece of paper in a notebook, a bookmark in a book, etc.

To better perceive information, the game uses special props (toy phones, painted fire) or even an entire scene in the form of a room in which it looks like a fire has started.

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