Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Mushroom world” outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic

Game 6. Speech game “Riddles - descriptions of mushrooms”

This game develops children's coherent speech, teaches them to express their thoughts sequentially, “read” the plan in pictures and compose a text according to the plan.

The usual description of any mushroom can be done according to this plan in pictures

Description of mushrooms: plan in pictures

For example: “This mushroom is called boletus. The boletus can grow very large. His hat is bright orange, very bright, strong, smooth. Like a red cap on your head. That is why it is also called “redhead”. The leg of the boletus is grayish-white, strong, plump. Boletuses grow in the forest under aspen trees. This is an edible mushroom. You can make soup from it, you can fry boletus mushrooms, you can make mushroom cutlets or mushroom gravy, pies.”

Riddle - the description differs from the usual description of a mushroom in that the driver does not say the name of the mushroom. You need to guess what kind of mushroom it is from the description.

You can even play the game on the road or in transport. The driver describes a mushroom. Guessers guess what kind of mushroom it is. If the description is not very detailed, then they can ask additional questions to the driver.

To make a wish, you can take a set of pictures “Mushrooms” (the download link is given above).

Plan of the riddle - descriptions of the mushroom

The easiest way for a child to create a riddle is with a plan in pictures:

- what size mushroom is it,

- description of the hat,

- description of the leg,

- where it grows,

- what can be made from it,

- final question: “Guess what kind of mushroom”

An example of a riddle - a description of a mushroom: This is a small mushroom. It always grows next to other similar mushrooms - like a family. The mushroom has a smooth, orange cap with a carved edge. And his leg is thin. This mushroom grows in mixed forest. This is an edible mushroom. You can prepare many delicious dishes from it: (listing dishes known to the child). Guess what kind of mushroom this is?” (chanterelle)

First, the adult asks the riddles to the child, and then the child will be able to tell you similar riddles. If it is difficult for him to construct the text of the riddle, then help your child:

a) asking the beginning of phrases: “What kind of hat does he have? And his leg... This is a mushroom..."

b) questions based on pictures - plans: “What kind of cap does this mushroom have? Where does it grow”, etc.

all the educational information about mushrooms in the article “Mushrooms in fairy tales, stories, pictures, videos and tasks for children”

How to choose the right riddles about mushrooms according to the child’s age, how to compose a riddle about a mushroom together with your child , 95 riddles with answers and pictures can be found in the article “Riddles about mushrooms.”

Abstract of NNOD “Mushrooms”

Author of the lesson: Davydova Svetlana Alekseevna.


Clarify children's knowledge about mushrooms and the rules for collecting mushrooms. Introduce children to proverbs about mushrooms, teach them to understand the meaning of proverbs. Teach children to understand the origin of the words-names of mushrooms.

Practice memorizing, clearly and quickly pronouncing tongue twisters. Strengthen knowledge about numbers, the ability to count a given number of objects, solve addition and subtraction problems. Improve visual skills.

Develop creative imagination, speech, thinking.


Pictures or photographs depicting mushrooms. Mathematical fans with numbers. Planar images of mushrooms (in large quantities).

Simple and colored pencils, sheets of paper.

Examples of children's work for the lesson “Mushrooms”.

Progress of the lesson:

– There is a proverb: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with mushrooms.” How do you understand it? Why are there a lot of mushrooms in autumn? What weather do they like? Damp, rainy, but warm weather. This is exactly what happens in early and mid-autumn.

If it’s raining and warm, the mushroom considers it lucky!

- And here’s another proverb about mushrooms: “A mushroom that is torn out is lost forever, but a mushroom that is cut off at the root produces a bag of offspring.” Can you explain the meaning of this proverb? Mushrooms should not be pulled out by the roots, but cut off, leaving the root in the ground - then new mushrooms will grow.

So why do they say: “Not every mushroom is put in a box”? There are edible mushrooms that can be cooked and eaten, but there are poisonous mushrooms - not only can you eat them, you can’t even touch them! What poisonous mushrooms do you know? Fly agaric, toadstool, false honey fungus.

Poisonous mushrooms contain poison that can cause poisoning. Even if you don’t touch the mushroom, but trample it with your foot, the poison will remain on the shoes; shoes are removed by hand, and hands are not always washed thoroughly.

Yes, besides, if a mushroom is not good for a person, this does not mean that it needs to be destroyed.

- Here's a fly agaric. It is poisonous to humans, but suitable for forest dwellers. Deer greedily search for fly agarics and eat them. Snails and slugs gnaw holes in the caps of fly agarics. Squirrels even dry them for the winter. For medicinal purposes. People, by the way, have also already learned to use fly agarics as a cure for some serious diseases.

What do the names of mushrooms tell you?

No, the names of mushrooms are incomprehensible to me: Little pigs don’t grunt, baby pigs don’t worry, honey mushrooms don’t scream again, little goats don’t butt, foxes don’t have fur coats.

How do you know whose joke it is?

– Some names of mushrooms indicate the place in which they grew. What kind of tree do you think boletuses grow under? Under the aspen tree. And under what tree do boletus grow? Under the birch tree. And under what trees do oak trees grow? Under the oak trees. The name honey mushroom comes from the word “stump”, because from one stump you can collect a whole basket of honey mushrooms.

– And some mushrooms were named for their color and appearance. Chanterelles were named so for their orange color, similar to the color of a fox fur coat. Pallid grebes are pale gray in color. People simply call the mushrooms called gray row mushrooms or little mice.

What color are saffron mushrooms? Red, orange-brown. What about green mushrooms? Green. Try to guess why the morel mushroom got its name? It is all in folds, as if wrinkled.

Mushrooms have butter caps that are shiny and sticky, as if smeared with oil.

Russulas are mushrooms that can be eaten... raw.

Patter about mushrooms

- Let's learn and try to quickly say the tongue twister: “Grisha walked, walked, walked, found a porcini mushroom.”

Gymnastics for the eyes

Find with your eyes a picture of a mushroom, which is considered the most important among all mushrooms. (Boletus or porcini mushroom)

Find with your eyes a picture of a mushroom that is “red but dangerous to health.” (Amanita)

Find with your eyes a picture of a mushroom, about which you can say “butter head.” (Oil Can)

Find with your eyes a picture depicting such mushrooms:

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these - Adults and children know. They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose.

(Honey mushrooms)

Solve puzzles about mushrooms

– Solve the riddle and show the answer-number on the math fan.

The hedgehog went mushroom hunting. I found ten saffron milk caps. He put ten in the basket, and the rest on the back. How many saffron milk caps are you carrying on your needles, hedgehog?


One day Leshy and Vodyany were wandering through mushroom places. And they soon found two huge fly agaric mushrooms under the spruce tree. We walked around the aspen trees and found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms have been collected?


Mushroom picking

– Select a number on the mathematical fan other than those that were answers to the problems. Show which numbers you chose. Now go to the carpet clearing and pick as many mushrooms as your number shows.

Drawing “Fairy Mushroom”

– We saw many different mushrooms in pictures and photographs. Some mushrooms were seen in the forest or on the table, prepared for food. And I suggest you draw a fairytale mushroom - one that no one has ever seen, one that can only exist in a fairy tale.

– Think carefully, what is the character of your mushroom? Kind, angry? Or maybe it will be a warrior mushroom, a sage mushroom, a fashionable mushroom or a house mushroom. Or maybe you can come up with and draw a whole family of fabulous mushrooms.

What will your mushroom look like? High or low? Thin or wide? What shape is his hat?

Think about the colors you will use to paint your mushrooms.

And also don’t forget about the background: if you leave the background white, it will look like a mushroom is growing in the snow.

Download the summary of NNOD in the preparatory group, topic: “Mushrooms”

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