Notes on cognitive development in the second junior group on the topic “Professions”. Lesson plan (junior group) on the topic

GCD in the second junior group on the topic: “Journey to the country of professions”

GCD in the second junior group on the topic:

"Journey to the Land of Professions"

Goal: to introduce children to professions: builder, driver, salesman, cook.

Objectives: to introduce children to concepts related to the professions of builder, driver, salesman, cook, to introduce them to the attributes of representatives of these professions, to broaden children’s horizons about professions, to expand children’s active vocabulary, to encourage children to participate in discussions, to share impressions and positive emotions.

Expected result: children have an idea of ​​professions: builder, driver, salesman, cook; As a result of the lesson, each child will be able to try himself in the role of a builder, driver, salesman, or cook.

Necessary equipment: TV, flash drive with images of professions, Lego set, two trucks on a string, conventional cargo (cubes), food models, two baskets, two pots, models of vegetables and fruits.

Open lesson scenario

"Adventures in the Land of Professions."

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an exciting journey. To the “Land of Professions”, where exciting tasks await us.

Educator: Are you ready?

The children answer.

Educator: Well, then go ahead!

Educator: How will we go on our trip?

The children answer.

Educator: We can also go by train! Go!

There is a penalty about the train.

Children pretend to be a moving train.

Educator: We have arrived! What is the name of this stop? We'll find out after we solve the riddle.

Riddle 1: Or a bus, or a minibus,

Or a dump truck with coal

He leads, forgetting about the joke -

After all, he is sitting behind the wheel!

(Chauffeur, driver.)

Educator: The stop is called “Automobile”. Guys, who drives a car? And if there is a load in the back of the car, what is it like? Do you want to become a truck driver? I need 2 teams of 2 people.

Task "Transport the cargo"

Two trucks on a rope, the cargo is at the other end of the hall. On command, load and transport cargo.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job! You have become truck drivers! Let's move on!

There is a penalty about the train.

Children pretend to be a moving train.

Educator: We have arrived. What is the name of this stop? We'll find out after we solve the riddle.

Riddle 2: I am building a high-rise building,

For people to live in it.


The children answer.

The stop is called "Construction Site". Guys, what are the builders doing?

Educator: That's right, they are building. Do you want to build one too?

The children answer.

Educator: I need 2 teams of 3 people.

Quest “Build a tower”

There is a designer on the table. Who will build a stable tower ahead of the team?

Educator: Well done, guys! You have now become real builders and built towers! Let's move on.

There's a song about a train.

Children pretend to be a moving train.

Educator: We have arrived. And listen to the following riddle:

Riddle 3: Behind the store counter

Where is the beautiful showcase?

He is waiting for buyers

And he sells goods.


The children answer.

Educator: The stop is called “Store” , and the seller is the one who sells goods in the store. If the store sells products, what is it? Do you want to become sellers? I need 2 teams of 3 people.

Task "Gather food"

There are 2 chairs on one side of the hall. Arranged on them: a skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players stand on the other side of the hall. At a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Educator: You are doing great! And there's one more stop next.

There is music about a train.

Children pretend to be a moving train.

Educator: Next stop and listen to the riddle to find out the name of the stop:

Riddle 4: Walks in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.


The children answer.

Educator: The stop is called “Kitchen.” So we found out what the cook does. Shall we become chefs now?

Task “Make soup and compote”

Children are divided into two teams. One team will “cook” the soup (name the vegetables), and the other will “compote” (name the fruits). They say one by one. The team that names the most words wins.

Educator: Well done! You completed this task too. And you and I would continue our journey through the “country of professions,” but it has come to an end and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

There's a song about a train.

Children pretend to be a moving train.

Educator: Here we are in kindergarten. Guys, where were we now? What did we do? Who cooks the soup and compote? Who transports goods by car? Who sells the products? Who builds houses, towers?

Project “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Second junior group


1 MKDOU "DS OV "Beryozka" p. Purpe Purovsky district Project "All professions are important, all professions are needed" Second junior group Educators: Romanova O. A., Kozyreva L. N. March 2014

2 Type of project: group, informational, creative, gaming, short-term. Project participants: teachers, children of the second junior group, parents. Purpose: to show how many professions exist. Objectives: To introduce children to such professions as cook, seamstress, doctor, driver, hairdresser, laundress, their work processes, and assistant objects; Instill respect for work and create a desire to work. Expected results of the project Children's knowledge of such professions as cook, seamstress, doctor, driver, hairdresser, laundress; Children’s understanding of the importance of these professions; Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge; Showing appreciation and respect for the work of adults; Creating a “Professions” folder. Design the album “Poems about professions.” Stage 1: Preparatory. Create a developing environment: Replenish the “Kitchen” corner with the following attributes: aprons, dishes, vegetables, fruits. Replenish the “Hospital” game with attributes: syringes, thermometers, phonendoscope. Introduce didactic and board games: “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Assemble a picture from cubes”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful bag”, “What’s extra?” Replenish your library with books by B. Zakhoder “All works are good”; V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”; K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”, S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”. Design the album “Poems about professions.” Add to the group the pictures “Doctor”, “Hairdresser”, “Cook”, “Tailor”, “Chauffeur”. Add transport to the boys' corner: trucks, cars, tractors, etc. Organize the educational area directly: Cognitive development “Excursion to the laundry”, “Travel to the country” Professions” “Objects around us. Seamstress assistants”, Speech development “Conversation “Me and my mother””, “Tale of the teacher and the profession of a seamstress”; Modeling “Fruits for toys”;

3 Visual activity “A beautiful napkin for mom”; Artistic work “Let's decorate clothes” applique; Organization of joint activities between the teacher and children: Excursion to the laundry; Excursion to the kitchen; Conversation about parents' professions; Didactic and board games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Who does what”, “What’s extra?”, “Assemble a picture from cubes”, “Wonderful bag”; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let’s do Masha’s doll’s hair”, “Treating Dasha’s doll’s throat”, “Delivering the goods”; Finger games “Cooking compote”, Guessing riddles about professions; Reading fiction; Album design “Poems about professions”. Organizing independent activities for children: Coloring coloring books “Professions”, “Fruits and Vegetables”; Examination of paintings on the theme of the project; Board and didactic games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Who does what”, “What’s extra?”, “Assemble a picture from cubes”, “Wonderful bag”; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let’s do Masha’s doll’s hair”, “Treating Dasha’s doll’s throat”, “Delivering the goods”; Interaction with the family: Parents telling their children about their work; A selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about professions.

4 Stage 2: Project implementation. Forms of work Contents Direct educational activities Joint activities with children in special moments Cognitive development: “Excursion to the laundry” “Objects around us. Seamstress' assistants" "Travel to the country of "Professions" (open lesson) Speech development: "Conversation "Me and my mother" "Tale of the teacher and the profession of a seamstress" Modeling: "Fruits for toys" Visual activity: "Beautiful napkin for mom" Artistic work: “Let's decorate clothes” applique Game activity: role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let's do Masha's doll's hair”, “Treating Dasha's doll's throat”, “Delivering the goods”; Didactic and board games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “What’s extra?”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful bag”; Excursion to the laundry; Excursion to the kitchen; Finger games “Cooking compote”, Guessing riddles about professions; Reading fiction; Independent activity of children Coloring coloring books “Professions”, “Vegetables and fruits”; Examination of paintings on the theme of the project; Board and didactic games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “What’s extra?”, “Assemble a picture from cubes”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful

5 bag"; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let’s do Masha’s doll’s hair”, “Treating Dasha’s doll’s throat”, “Delivering the goods”; Interaction with the family; parents telling their children about their work; organizing a photo exhibition “My Parents’ Profession”; a selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about professions. Stage 3: Presentation of the project. Creating a “Professions” folder; Album design “Poems about professions”. Appendix Finger games to the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: “Cook” We will cook compote We will cook compote, We need a lot of fruits. We will chop apples, we will chop pears,

6 Squeeze out the lemon juice, add the drain and sand. We will cook compote and treat the honest people. “The Postman” What did the postman bring us? He walks around with a thick bag. Translation, magazine, newspapers. There are 2 cassettes in the parcel. And a letter from Aunt Valya, So that they await her arrival. (we bend our finger) “Roofer” It’s not hail, it’s not thunder - the roofer is on the roof. He hits loudly with a hammer - the whole neighborhood can hear it. (knock fist on fist) He covers the house with iron so that it is dry in it. (show the roof with your hands) “Professions” There are many noble professions, (Connect the fingers of your right hand with your thumb.) Both useful and pleasant. (Connect the fingers of your left hand with the thumb.) Cook, doctor, painter, teacher, Seller, miner, builder (Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.) I don’t name everyone at once, (Clench and unclench your fists.) I suggest you continue. (Extend your arms forward, palms up.)

7 Physical education minutes for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: “We are drivers” “We are driving, we are driving a car, We press the pedal, we turn on the gas, we turn it off, we look intently into the distance. The wipers will clear the windows, Left, right. Purity! The wind will ruffle your hair, We are drivers anywhere!” “Pilots” “It’s good to be a driver, but it’s better to be a pilot.” I would like to become a pilot, let them teach me. I pour gasoline into the tank and start the propeller. Take the motor to the heavens so that the birds can sing.” “Professions” The cook cooks porridge. (Imitation with rotation of the hands) The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Waving hands) The doctor is treating Masha. (Open and close your mouth, sticking out your tongue) A blacksmith forges steel. (Clapping) The woodcutters are chopping. (Swings with bends) Masters build. (Imitation with jumping up) What will our children do, (Raising their shoulders)? Riddles for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”:

8 “Who is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses?” (doctor) “He walks around in a white cap with a ladle in his hand. He prepares lunch for us: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.” (cook) I see a plane in the sky, Like a glowing lump, It is controlled by a pilot, It’s just different... (Pilot.) All the roads are familiar to me, I feel like I’m at home in the cockpit. The traffic light is flashing for me, He knows that I am (Chauffeur.) Every day early in the morning he takes the steering wheel in his hands. It twists and turns this way and that, But it won’t eat it! (Chauffeur.) This sorceress, this artist, has not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors. She has a Mysterious power: Whoever she touches,

9 He will become beautiful. (Hairdresser.) Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously, Smelly cutlets, Salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook) Poems for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: A kindergarten cook A star sparkles in the sky, A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball, Only the cook can’t sleep The cook gets up in the dark. The porridge gurgles lightly, And the scrambled eggs sizzle, And under the delicious noise and hubbub, the appetite enters the bedrooms. We will sit together in the dining room, Like a huge family. I'll be a cook in the dining room. That's what I decided myself! Hairdresser Give me scissors and a comb, He will do your hair. The hairdresser will certainly give you a modern haircut.

10 Driver He drives the car skillfully. After all, this is not his first year behind the wheel! The tight tires rustle slightly as He takes us around the city. Drivers rustle along the roads And in the back - important, Urgent cargo: Cement and iron, Raisins and watermelons. The work of drivers is difficult and complex, But how people need it everywhere!.. We are firefighters In a bright red car We rush forward. Hard and dangerous work awaits us, firefighters. The howl of a piercing siren can deafen, We will use both water and foam to extinguish the fire. And people in trouble

11 We can help, After all, we will fight the fire boldly day and night! All professions are important: About the tailor, about the coat and about something else My brother says to me: “My coat hurts.” Even the whip turned away and looked down somewhere. Then a rag doctor came, Or simply a tailor, He gasped and groaned: - What happened? Where is the patient? My brother says: “My coat hurts.” And I just don’t understand why? The rag doctor looked at the coat from all sides, both with a smile and with a sigh. Finally, he answered: “It’s easier than semolina.” That's why your coat hurts, Because your button's life is hanging on the edge. What do you children want to become?

12 What do you children want to become? Answer us quickly! I want to be a driver. Carry different loads. I dream of ballet. There is no better one in the world. I want to become a great doctor. I will treat everyone with medicine. Very tasty, like candy. I ate it - no disease! I don't like colors. I dream of becoming an artist. Order me a portrait. I can handle it, no doubt! You, friends, don’t argue with me, I want to become the first in sports. Scoring the puck is a trifle for me, I play for Spartak! I want to become a pianist. A wonderful artist. Music has been with me since childhood, I love it with all my heart. I dream of becoming a children's teacher soon. Sing, walk, play with them. Celebrate birthdays. All professions are wonderful. All professions are important. We know that the Motherland will need our hands! L. Olifirova

13 For the vitamins, and for the manta, and for the abrasions in the dressing, Thank you, let’s say to the nurse, for your kindness and affection! Galina Anatolyevna!

14 For breakfasts and lunches, for cabbage soup and for compote, for high-calorie food, for kind care, For feeding us, thanks to our cooks! Thanks to Rafiga Rashidovna!

15 We will say thank you to the one who teaches us to dance! Who played us songs, polkas, and waltzes more than once on the button accordion! Thanks to Elena Nikolaevna!

16 We want to say thank you for the clean beds, for the round loops! Maria Zinovyna!

17 We want to say thank you to Valentina Dmitrievna for the clean robes and smooth mattresses!

18 The accountant knows mathematics, he can quickly calculate the numbers! Here is the expense, and here is the income, nothing will go to waste! Thanks to Gulnara Khasanovna!

19 and eats He fries, steams and bakes this pie, this porridge And for that he is honored, our gratitude! Thanks to Nadezhda Alekseevna!

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