Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten

Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten


We listened to the teacher, got acquainted with the principles, remembering which, you will learn to communicate correctly with your child. Now let's give the floor to the parents.

***Exercise “Family Commandments”

Parents make a small list of family commandments, customs, rules, prohibitions, habits, attitudes, views that all family members adhere to. Everyone reads out this list. This exercise allows you to compare your ideas about family life and upbringing with the ideas of others. Question for analysis: “Which commandments satisfy you and which do not?”


And now we have a “cafe break”. Music directors will play with you. Musical game "Merry Round Dance".

***Exercise “Finish the sentence” (or “Spicy dish”).

The teacher begins the sentence and passes the baton to any parent who continues it. The exercise provides an opportunity to share with each other the experience of raising a child.

“Communication with a child is...” “Parents, through dialogue with the child, make him feel...” “My love for the child is...” “When strangers make comments to my child...” “If I see that my 4-year-old son is being “beaten.” “peer... “When a child makes me angry, I -...” “When my child behaves badly at the table...” “I start a conversation with the child about his bad deed...” “I forgive my child very quickly, because...” “If the child has done something wrong...” “The husband unfairly punished the child, I -...” “In our family, we have “punishment-reward” -...”

(if you find it difficult to continue, break the statement into parts).

Presenter: Station “Our Children”.

We will watch a video of your children and find out what they think about parenting issues.
Video “Through the Mouth of a Child” (your children were asked the same tricky question “Are you raised at home? How?” The children’s answers, of course, will make you laugh...
Presentation “Message to parents from a child.”

Host: “Cafe break” with physical education instructor M.V.
Kurbatova. Physical exercise "Journey to the forest." The train is leaving

As we see from the video, some children associate the word “education” with the word “punishment.” Think about this, dear parents...

And we are approaching the “Punishment and Reward” station

, where we are met by an educational psychologist

Dear parents! I'll start with the questionnaires (analyzes).

Raising a child is a complex pedagogical process and it is not possible without punishment and encouragement. How do parents punish their children? Your answers: - put in a corner; - deprived of pleasures, such as going to the store for shopping or visiting; - limit watching animated films and playing games on the computer; - change the intonation of the voice, facial expression; - discuss the offense, have a heart-to-heart talk. Indeed, these are acceptable methods of punishment. It should be remembered that corporal punishment, ignoring a child for a long time, deprivation of love and affection are not allowed. The action, the undesirable act, is condemned and punished, not the child’s personality. What is punishment? Punishment is not at all the action of the punisher, but what happens in the soul of the child being punished, what he experiences at the same time. From a psychological point of view, this is a well-known unpleasant, oppressive feeling of shame and humiliation, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible and never worry about again. Without this feeling, punishment is just an open act of violence. It is not educational. Punishment has a triple meaning: the child must understand, realize his action, correct himself and not do it again. How are things going with incentives? They are more effective as an educational tool. If punishment only stops bad actions, then encouragement focuses on good ones and reinforces them. The best reward for a child is the knowledge that he brought joy to his loved ones, and a gift in addition only symbolizes this. From the parents' answers it follows that they generally do not experience any particular difficulties in raising their child. Some parents note that their children are sometimes disobedient, stubborn, and restless. At preschool age, children's voluntary behavior is not yet sufficiently developed. They are impulsive and restless. With the right educational influence, these shortcomings are corrected with age. The main thing, as already said today, is to accept your child for who he is, understand and love him.

Summary of a non-traditional parent meeting in the senior group

Parent meeting in the senior group of a preschool educational institution
Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Secondary Professional Education "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" Kindergarten "Goldfish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. This material will be useful for educators when conducting non-traditional parent-teacher meetings with children of senior preschool age.
Goal: Formation of stable motivation among parents to preserve and improve the health of their children. Tasks. To develop cooperation skills between children and parents, to increase the level of parents’ knowledge in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health, healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education.
Summary of a parent meeting in a non-traditional form for the senior group “Health is movement.”

The meeting takes place in the form of a game-competition between children and their parents. (in the gym)

Progress of the meeting.
Educator. Hello, children and dear parents.
We are very glad to see you as our guest. Thank you for finding your free time and coming to the meeting. Today the topic of our meeting will be a conversation about health,” health is a movement. And today it is very important for us adults to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. Properly organized physical education promotes the mental development of children, as favorable conditions are created for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and all other organs and systems, which helps better perception and memory. Children develop all mental processes (thinking, speech, imagination). The words of J. Rousseau come to mind more and more often: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.” Questions for parents.

Well, in your opinion, what is a healthy child like?
(Parents' statements) Educator. Raising a child healthy means teaching him to lead a healthy lifestyle from a very early age. Now let’s listen to the poems that our children will tell. 1. You need to make friends with sports For all those who are not yet friends with it. It will help you all cheer up. It is very necessary for your health. 2. Guys should know. Everyone needs to sleep longer. Well, don’t be lazy in the morning. Get ready to exercise! 3. In order to maintain health and strengthen your body, my whole family knows there must be a daily routine. 4. In the morning, harden yourself, douse yourself with cold water. You will always be healthy. There is no need for unnecessary words. Educator. And now a little warm-up. (children and parents perform rhythmic exercises with flags to cheerful music) Educator. Well done! Dear parents, please answer our questions. -What are the components of a healthy lifestyle, do you know? (Parents’ statements) Educator. Right.
This is a daily routine, walks in the fresh air, physical education, proper nutrition, morning exercises, hardening and others. Well done, parents. And now our guys will answer questions. Questions for children.

-Who is called healthy?
How should you behave if you are sick? What should you do to be healthy? (Children's answers). Educator. And now we will compete with your parents.
The game is played: “Who can lower the hoop faster?”

Children and parents are divided into groups. Each group stands in front of a certain line at arm's length to the sides. Place a hoop in front of each group. At the signal “one”, the first of the columns tilt their torso forward, take the hoop on the sides and lift it up. Then they lower them onto their shoulders, over the body and lower them to the floor, quickly step over and rush to the end of the column. The teacher focuses the attention of parents and children on who skipped the hoop correctly and stood at the end of the column earlier, and marks them with a flag. Then, at the signal “one”, other children and parents from the columns do this. The column with the most flags wins. Game continues.

2nd game "Swipe the ball"

On command, the first participants use a stick to drive the ball to the pin, circle it around and return to the team, passing the stick to the next player.
The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins. Educator. Well done everyone, parents and children. Thanks everyone. It’s not for nothing that they say that sport is life, and “Health is movement.” Listen and guess the riddles. 1. Pass, attack and kick The ball hit the goal again! So that the goalkeeper fails, the player needs skill (Football) 2. In this sport, the players are all dexterous and tall They love to play with the ball And throw it into the hoop The ball hits the floor loudly, So this is... (Basketball) 3. Horse, rope, log and bars, Rings next to them I don’t dare to list A lot of equipment Beauty and plasticity Gives us... (Gymnastics) Educator. Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.
A game is being played with parents “Pass the ball”

Parents stand in a circle, pass the ball around, the teacher begins the sentence and the parents finish by throwing the ball, for example, My child will be healthy if I... Teacher. Well done! I would like to give you some recommendations. Teach children to play sports games and perform elements of sports games; Develop correct posture skills; Teach your child to take care of his health. Now let's listen to a song about sports. Educator: Our meeting has come to an end. Thanks everyone. Be healthy and happy!

We recommend watching:

Scenario of a leisure program for older preschoolers Notes of a parent meeting in the form of a business game for a kindergarten Notes of a parent meeting for a kindergarten. Senior group Game workshop for parents of the nursery group of the kindergarten

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Parent meeting in a non-traditional form “Journey to the Land of Childhood” junior group

Parent meeting in a non-traditional form

"Journey to the Land of Childhood"

Prepared and conducted by:
teacher of the 2nd junior group Natalya Nikolaevna Panichik
Goals: to optimize the conditions of communication parent-parent, teacher-parent, parent-child, create a single creative team aimed at developing the harmonious development of the child’s personality. Tasks:

  • Improve practical communication skills using verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
  • Creating conditions for free creative experimentation with artistic materials and tools.
  • Improving the relationship between productive activity and other types of children's activities.

Progress of the lesson Before starting work, the teacher informs the topic and purpose of the meeting. - Hello, dear parents! I am glad to see you in this beautiful hall. Our meeting is unusual. Today we will take a trip to the land of childhood. 1

Exercise “Group Rules”. Materials:
a sheet of Whatman paper on a board, a marker.
Before we start work, we will determine the rules that we will follow. (Participants take turns offering their options, and the presenter writes them down on whatman paper. For example: do not interrupt, do not criticize, do not correct, be active, etc.).


Childhood is the most wonderful time in our life.
It is with childhood that the most vivid and unforgettable memories are associated, since we are surrounded by the most dear to our hearts, the dearest and most beloved people. And you probably remember how kindly your mother or grandmother, aunt or uncle addressed you. Attention, in front of you are multi-colored pieces of paper on which you will write your affectionate name and attach it to your chest. Next, all participants will address each other exactly as they did in childhood. 2. Exercise “Tender name”
Parents in the music room are placed on chairs in a semicircle.
On the table there are empty name tags and markers (or small multi-colored pieces of paper and pins) according to the number of people present. Assignment:
choose a piece of paper and use a felt-tip pen to write an affectionate name from your childhood (for example, how your grandmother, mother, etc. addressed you), attach a badge to your chest and take turns talking about your memories.

Exercise “Travel in a Time Machine” Teacher:
Once upon a time, we were all children and believed in miracles! They loved fairy tales and believed in the magical power of the flying carpet and the self-assembled tablecloth. Now let’s build our own time machine and go to our childhood country. There may be many options, but we will focus on one. Dear girls, hold hands, smile at each other and close your eyes. children). Dear girls, hold hands, smile at each other and close your eyes. -The gray days, the hustle and bustle of everyday life, household chores, and problems at work are left behind. You feel that your friends are nearby, you become stronger, freer, you can handle any task. We are at the goal, here it is, the land of Childhood!!! You probably forgot that the sky is bluer here, the sun is brighter, the grass is greener, and the candies are sweeter. (Parent opens eyes)

4. Exercise “Collage”.
2 Whatman paper, markers, glue, pencils, scissors, several color magazines, posters, pictures, etc.
divide into two groups and do joint work on the topic “What is childhood?” using all available materials. At the end of the work, one participant from the group presents their collage.

Exercise “Miracle Tree”. Material:
decoration - wood with leaves with tasks on the back side.
a miracle tree grows on the edge of the valley. What girl didn’t dream of becoming an actress or singer as a child, our country is giving you a chance to try yourself in this role. Tear off a piece of paper from it and complete the task (theater competition). Tasks: using facial expressions and gestures, show how you walk in the rain, or how you overslept on your way to work, etc.

Creative task “Seven-colored fantasy road.”
Musical accompaniment (relaxation)
In childhood, everything seems bright and colorful to us, so all children love to draw. Feel like children. Show how you can draw with improvised means (cellophane, gouache, foam rubber, vegetables, album sheets, toothpicks, plastic forks, wet wipes, etc.) - Now we will create a wonderful gallery of paintings, and you will come up with names for them.

At the end of the lesson, the meeting participants drink tea at a round table, but still address each other by affectionate names.

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