Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Voronina Valentina Filippovna

Teacher of MADOU “Kindergarten No. 20 “Cinderella”


Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Form of implementation : quest game


Purpose of the parent event:

rallying the parent team and building effective team interaction.

Tasks: 1

. Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

  1. 2
    . Each participant’s awareness of his role and function in the event;
  2. 3
    . Developing the ability to work as a team with your children.

Preparatory stage of the final event.1.

Making invitation cards for each family and a general announcement in the group with a plan for the parent event.
Preparation of tasks for each educational area
Making an emblem for each child (two teams).
Selection of physical education minutes.

  1. Video. Report “the life of our group” with the results, what we learned during the school year” 9.
    Phonograms of musical recordings.
    Plan for the final event with the participation of parents of the quest game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge” 1.
    Introduction to the topic of the quest game (disclosure of the topic) 2.
    Distribution of leading parents among educational sites
    Distribution of children into 2 teams according to emblems.
    “Orientation by map, route determination by riddle.”
    Route No. 1: “Artistic and aesthetic direction” - to the art studio curator: teacher Voronina V.F. leading parent - Durneva A. A.
    Route No. 2 “Cognitive development” - psychologist’s office curator: teacher Goncharenko V.L.
    leading parent - Zenkina N.A. 7.
    Route No. 3 “Social and personal development” music room curator: teacher Goncharenko V.L.
    leading parent - Kuznetsova S.A. 8.
    Route No. 4 “Speech development” - group “Rainbow” curator: teacher Voronina V.F.
    leading parent of Koryakin Yu.G. 9
    Route No. 5 “Physical development” - gym – leading parent Kozlova E.Yu. 11.
    Watch the Video “The Life of Our Group.”
    Result of the event.
    Awarding parents with certificates . 13.
    Reflection: “wishes”. Booklets for memory.

Progress of the event:

Music is playing in the music room. Parents are gradually gathering. There is a photo of “our group” on the projector.


Good evening, dear parents! We are glad that you found the time to come to our meeting today. Our meeting is dedicated to the final event, in which you will see the results of the development of your children for the 2017-2018 school year. We will conduct it in the form of a West game. In the game, we invite you to become participants in the educational process, which will allow you to independently see your children in action

Dear parents!!!

At our first meeting, we introduced ourselves and talked about how important the role of parents is in raising their children. And indeed, all of us, both educators and parents, are united by one goal, to raise smart, responsible, kind and sympathetic children. To achieve this goal, we need to be united and friendly. We've been together for a year now. During this time, we got to know each other well and I suggest that you give each other compliments in a chain. Unity game “Compliments”

Host: Quest

is an adventure game in which guys will travel and perform certain tasks. Our goal is to see, through children’s play skills, how to navigate their surroundings, independently solve and complete tasks, and work in a team.

The rules of the game are as follows:

We will travel through five educational areas: 1. “Speech development”, you will see how children’s speech improves and develops.

  1. “Cognitive development” you will see how children navigate the world around them.
  2. “Artistic and aesthetic” is the creativity of children, their self-realization.
  3. “Social-communicative” development of the personality of children, their spiritual, moral and patriotic education.5. “Physical development” is our physical education, where students improve their health

To begin with, we need to select 5 parents who will lead the game with their children. (Parents' choice)

Children will be divided into 2 teams. They will be identified by their emblems. We teachers will be curators, transferring children along the routes. The remaining parents become assistant presenters and will travel with their children.

At each educational site there will be an envelope with a task for children. After completing the task, the riders give part of the picture to the children, and the curators transfer the children to another educational site.

The presenters are waiting for the second team. With the second team you complete the same task, and when finished you go to the gym with the children. This is the final route.

Dear parents!

In carrying out tasks, it is necessary to organize children and direct them to complete tasks. You try to use all your parental (pedagogical) knowledge in the organization.

Having identified parents as leaders and distributed them among educational sites, two groups of students set off on an “Entertaining journey through the land of knowledge.”

At the end of the trip, the lead teacher sums up the results.


Quest - game over! Dear parents! What aroused your greatest interest? What did you see in your children? Are you satisfied with the results of your children's activities? What did they do, and what else do they need to work on? I think that each of you saw your children: confident and not confident, solving problems and going towards goals, able to collaborate with their peers. Some of you have determined for yourself what is difficult for your child and how to help him with it!

Second part of the event Presenter:

Now we invite you to watch the video “The Life of Our Group”. The report is conducted by Nasibullina Arina. Children will tell you about what they do in kindergarten, what they learned new and interesting. Leading:

As we can see from the video, the children independently told you how they live in the group, how their play day is structured, and what it is full of.

Presenter: Reflection

Dear our parents! We thank you for taking part in our event. This year has been difficult, but fruitful, you have been participants in the educational process, not only now, but throughout the entire academic year. Participated in various all-Russian city competitions. Each family made a certain contribution to the development of the subject-spatial environment of our group and our kindergarten as a whole. We are teachers and the administration of the kindergarten “Cinderella” thanks you and wants to award you with certificates…………

Awarding parents with certificates.

We have prepared mugs for you. These are like signal cards. If you are satisfied with our meeting today, please raise the green circles, and if not, then raise the red circles. Write to us your wishes and suggestions. What did you like? And what else would you like to see? Are you satisfied with the results of your children? Put your wishes in our box, and we will read and be sure to take into account all your suggestions!!!

At the end of our event, we give you booklets about children’s active recreation and safety during the summer.

The official part of the event is over (we’re letting the jury go. And we ask you to stay for a minute. A competition for the best site has been announced in our kindergarten. We ask you to take part in it. Thank you! Plus acceptance


“Speech development” Game: “Guess it” Purpose of the game:

describe objects from pictures, find significant features in them;
recognize an object by description. Equipment :
subject pictures in a box, part of a cut picture, diagram - hint.

The presenter reads the letter

. Hello guys! Look how beautiful my box is, it’s not simple, but magical. It contains different pictures for you. Only those who know how to solve riddles can get the picture. And I think that you all know how to write riddles. I suggest playing the game “Guess It.” If you find it difficult to write a riddle, you can look at the diagram.

"Cognitive development" Game - lotto "Seasons"

Purpose of the game:

select pictures - signs for “Seasons”

Progress of the game The presenter
reads the letter
. Hello guys! “Seasons” is asking you for help. We are in trouble. A strong wind blew in and confused all our signs. A catastrophe may occur on earth. We know you'll be going on vacation this summer! What if it snows and flies and you freeze! Or the frost will freeze the river, what will happen to the waterfowl! Help us identify the exact signs of each season. We thank you in advance!

“Social and personal development” Game “Collect the flag”

Purpose of the game:

to form in children ideas about the Russian flag and the symbolic purpose of colors.


pictures “Flag of Russia”, strips of cardboard for the flag.

Progress of the game

The presenter reads the letter

Hello guys! Cheburashka is writing to you. I really want to go to forest school. But Crocodile Gena asked me if I was ready for this, and began asking questions about the Motherland, about the flag of Russia, but I could not answer a single question and then Gena said that they might not take me to the forest school because I am not I even know what the flag of our Motherland is. I really want to learn how to assemble the flag of my Motherland from cut-out pictures.

Guys, can we help Cheburashka?

First let's talk. — What is the name of our country? (Our country is called Russia.)

— What are people who live in Russia called? (Russians.)

- Do you love your homeland? Tell me, what does it mean to “love your homeland?” (Do not do bad things, protect, guard her, serve the army, respect elders.)

Look, on each table there are parts of pictures: rectangles of white, blue, red cardboard, a long brown rectangle “shaft”. You need to collect the Russian flag.

Conclusion: That's right, our flag has three stripes: white, blue, red. What do the three colors on the Russian flag mean? (white color - birch, purity, blue color - sky, hope, red color - dawn, glory and courage). Guys, for helping Cheburashka, he gives you part of the picture you are looking for.

Artistic and aesthetic development" modeling "Caterpillar"


create an image of a caterpillar from several identical elements - modules, use additional items for the caterpillar horns.

Progress of the game

Today we will sculpt a caterpillar. Who knows what the caterpillar will turn into in the future? That's right, a butterfly. The caterpillar is the busiest child in the world. She needs to eat so much to turn into a butterfly that she has no time to play. Our caterpillar will be made of balls of different colors. I suggest you make your own caterpillar from plasticine balls. Conclusion:

Everyone completed the task successfully, some of the work was particularly notable for its neat execution.
The work is over, let's gather all our caterpillars and make an exhibition in a group. Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

“Quest game” as a form of joint activity between preschool children and their parents.


, it should be unusual, but safe for children,


, to increase the interest of children, methods of movement can be different,


, there should be a sufficient number of them with visits to little-studied “corners”;

selection of tasks;

preparing props for each task;

design of each station where participants perform a task;

When methodically developing tasks, it is necessary to rely not only on the children’s existing knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the child’s zone of proximal development.

In the House of Children's Creativity No. 2 in the city of Irkutsk, in the Umka association, quest games were held for preschoolers. In the quest game “Sea Voyage!” Children, together with pirates, searched for hidden treasures, completed pre-prepared tasks (built a ship using the origami technique, put together a puzzle, looked for differences, performed a pirate dance, showed their physical fitness, and more). The second quest “Super Agent School”, at the request of parents and children, was graduation. The quest involved 12 parents and two teams of children of 15 people each. Each team was accompanied by an agent and a photographer. The tasks for children were selected taking into account the age characteristics and interests of the children. During the game, students independently overcame obstacles to achieve their goal. They consolidated the skills of basic types of movements (throwing, jumping, running and agility, etc.), showed their abilities (guessing fruits by taste), completed a task using the origami technique, solved mathematical “tricky” problems, children learned to use binoculars (read a message from super agents), made up words from letters, and so on.

During the quest game, all participants received a colossal charge of positive energy, the children were more relaxed in communication, which increased cognitive and speech activity, they learned to solve problems together, which leads to the unity of the children's team.

A huge advantage in holding such an event is the joint work of the teacher, students and parents as a single team.

The basis for the success of any quest depends on the chosen topic, how relevant and interesting it will be for 5-7 year old children. Having even a little knowledge on this topic, and having received a certain freedom of thinking and action, with minimal adult intervention, children will be able to independently achieve the desired result. The role of the teacher in this case comes down to unobtrusively directing children's reasoning in the right direction, and not to a direct hint! Thus, the quest game stimulates teachers to transition from an authoritarian style of working with older preschoolers to partnership relationships.

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