Card index of walks with children of the second junior group (April, days I-IV)

Progress of observation

Walk to the roadway and watch the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. This is a highway.

The avenue is wide like a river, a stream of cars flows here.

Ask what kind of cars drive on the highway? Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that many cars and trucks are moving along the highway, and no one is interfering with each other. This is because drivers follow traffic rules.

Labor activity

Raking dry leaves to a certain place. Purpose: to teach how to use a rake correctly, to fill buckets “to a certain measure.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules. "Dashes - catching up"


Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Remote material

Steering wheels, emblem masks, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

___ September.

Walk 9

Watching the rain

Purpose: to introduce a natural phenomenon - rain.

Progress of observation

Observe the dogs being walked by their owners. Describe the appearance of the animal and its behavior. (The dog is very attached to a person, it guards his house, goes hunting with him.) He is friends with the owner and guards the house.

Lives under the porch, tail in a ring. While walking, ask the children who has a dog and who takes care of it.

Labor activity

Harvesting grass for animals in a corner of nature.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to care for animals and feed them properly.

Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog"


- learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement;

- run, trying not to get caught by the driver.

“Who needs the flag?”



- practice jumping forward, climbing through a hoop;

- cultivate dexterity and determination.

Remote material

Dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, pencils, signets, scoops, cars.

___ September.

Walk 11

Introduction to the pedestrian path - sidewalk


consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street;

develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Long-term plan “Excursions and targeted walks” (junior group 2)

Long-term plan of excursions and targeted walks

2nd junior group "Cornflower"


Excursion to the vegetable garden

Goal: Expand your understanding of vegetables. Learn to describe their features, color, shape. Find objects in the picture. Activate words in speech: carrot, cucumber, cabbage, tomato, potato.

Target walk to the tree

Goal: Getting to know the tree, distinctive features: tall (to see the top of the tree you need to raise your head), the tree has a trunk, branches, leaves on the branches.

Target bush walk

Goal: Getting to know the bush, its distinctive features: the branches are thin, the bush is low, you can reach the top.

“Where the Puddle Lives” - a targeted walk

Goal: To expand knowledge about the season - autumn, about its signs. Causes of puddles.


Excursion to the kindergarten park

Goal: Expand knowledge about the season - autumn, name the signs of autumn. Consider plants: trees, shrubs, herbs. Note that everything has turned yellow, the “golden autumn” has arrived.

To the area with older children

Goal: Getting to know children and their games. Learn to communicate with older children.

Feathered friends

Goal: Examine birds (sparrows, crows) and their body parts. Activate the words in speech: birds, sparrows, crows, fly, sit, jump, fly over.

“Grass - ant” - a targeted walk to the clearing.

Purpose: to note that the grass has withered. Late autumn has arrived. Name the characteristic signs of autumn.


Tour of the kindergarten corridor

Purpose: Acquaintance with the internal structure of the kindergarten. Showing offices (music, medical, psychologist, manager). Children's games in the music and physical education halls.

“Let’s go around the garden” - a targeted walk

Purpose: to examine the building of a kindergarten. Find group windows. Note that every house has windows, doors, and their purpose.

“Why are fences needed?” - target walk

Purpose: To note with children the purpose of fences. Reinforce that you “cannot” walk behind the fence - OBZH

Targeted walk to the music room

Goal: get to know the profession of music director. He teaches us to sing, dance, play musical instruments, and celebrates holidays. Show musical instruments and play them.


Excursion to the gym

Goal: To introduce children to the profession of a physical education instructor. Why do you need a gym? Fix with the children the purpose of the gym, equipment for physical education and sports classes.

Targeted walk to a neighboring site

Goal: introduce neighbors to children. Learn to communicate with older children. Consider how they are dressed. Why?

“We’ll go around the kindergarten” - excursion

Purpose: Examination of the fallen snow. Why is there so much snow along the fences? Artistic word:

Snow, snow is spinning

The whole street is white

We gathered in a circle

Spun like a snowball.

Looking at snowflakes on children's clothes.

Excursion to the laundry room

Purpose: To introduce the profession of a laundry operator. Show and reinforce with children the purpose of washing machines, what operations they perform for washing clothes.


“We’ll go around the kindergarten” - excursion

Goal: To consolidate the idea of ​​winter as a time of year. Activate the words in children's speech: winter, cold, frosty, ice, snow, snowdrifts.

Targeted walk to the senior group

Purpose: To introduce children to the group room of older children. Learn to communicate with older children. Orientation in space.

Targeted walk to the snowdrift

Goal: Consider the snowdrift, why it was formed (accumulation of snow) Activate the words in speech: snow, blizzard, winter, snowdrift.


“We will walk along the path” - a targeted walk

Goal: Create a joyful mood about seeing snowy buildings. Activate the words in children's speech: snowman, snowwoman, slide, labyrinth.

Excursion to the medical office

Introduce children to the profession of a doctor. To provide basic knowledge about the profession: treating patients, taking care of children’s health.

Targeted walk to the winter tree

Goal: Examine the tree, note that it is bare, there are no leaves, because it is still very cold outside.

“Let’s go around the garden” - a targeted walk

Goal: Looking at the icicles on the roof. Life safety - why can’t you walk under the roofs of houses and kindergartens? Reinforcement of safety rules.


Excursion to the winter garden

Goal: Expand knowledge about exotic plant species. Reinforce the names of plants in the winter garden with the children.

Targeted walk around the site

Goal: Expand knowledge about the season - spring. Name the signs of spring (snow melting, the sun is warming up, buds are swelling on the trees, birds are singing in the spring)

Excursion to the swimming pool

Purpose: To introduce the pool, expand children’s knowledge about the sport of swimming. To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of a swimming pool.

Target walk. Icicle watching

Goal: To see the changes, what happens to the icicles, the reasons for the drops. Give signs of spring. Artistic word:

The snow is melting, the streams are flowing

There was a breath of spring through the window,

The nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be clothed with leaves.


Excursion to the manager's office

Purpose: Getting to know the profession - manager. Take a look at her office. Expand knowledge about the profession.

“Why are fences needed” - a targeted walk to the fence. Monitoring passing vehicles.

Goal: Expand knowledge about types of transport6 ​​bus, truck, passenger car. Activate the words in children's speech: cabin, body, wheel, steering wheel.

Targeted walk around the site

Goal: Create a joyful mood. Draw the children's attention to the area, how it has changed. There was a lot of snow, but now it has almost all melted, and wooden buildings have appeared from under the snow.

“Where does the puddle live?”

Purpose: Note why they form in the spring. Why? Encourage statements (the snow is melting, the sun is warming). Show children a variety of actions with melted snow.


Excursion to the Nivkh mini-museum

Goal: introduce children to the museum, explain why a museum is needed. Look at the exhibits, children's drawings and applications with your children.

“Why are fences needed?” - target walk. Surveillance of passers-by

Purpose: Consider how they are dressed. Why? What season? Give signs of spring. Why do passersby pass behind the fence?

Target walk to the tree

Goal: To teach children to observe, compare, see a phenomenon in its development, what happened recently, what has happened now. Introduce the words into the children's active dictionary: branch, buds are swollen, young leaves appear.

Targeted walk around the site

Goal: Examine the first young grass that appears. Expand knowledge about changes in nature. Why? What time of year is approaching?


A tour of the kitchen

Goal: To introduce children to the work of a cook. Show kitchen utensils. To consolidate the understanding of the general word utensils.

Targeted walk to the garden. Observing the work of adults in the garden.

Goal: Expand children's knowledge about plants. Show seedlings, seeds. Introduce the words: beds, seedlings, seeds, vegetable garden, watering can.

Target walk to the clearing

Goal: To consolidate children's ideas about summer as a time of year. Know the signs of summer. Examine the grass, the first flowers - dandelions. Teach to recognize and name them, distinguish them by color and structure. Inspire the joy of direct communication with nature.

Targeted walk around the site. Looking at insects.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of insects. Name the distinctive features and features. Activate the words in children's speech: beetle, butterfly, summer, buzzing, fluttering, landing on a flower.


Tour along the street

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about vehicles. Introduce traffic lights. Talk about the rules of the road.

Targeted walk to the park. Observations of changes in nature

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about summer. Encourage expression, support the desire to share impressions.

“Let’s go around the kindergarten” - a targeted walk

Purpose: To watch the work of the janitor and other workers servicing the kindergarten. Transport brings products. Life safety – teaching children rules of behavior. You cannot leave the site while walking to the utility yard.

Targeted walk to a flower bed

Goal: Expand ideas about insects and flowers. What is the difference between flowers in a group and flowers in a flower bed? Develop observation, enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.


Excursion to the methodological room

Goal: Getting to know the profession of a methodologist. Viewing an exhibition of educational toys and children's fiction.

Targeted walk around the site

Goal: To form in children the correct attitude towards insects: do not offend, they are a harmless creature, treat them with care.

“We will walk along the path” - a targeted walk

Goal: to introduce the profession of a janitor. How he sweeps the paths. What equipment does he have (broom, dustpan, shovel)

Targeted walk to the flower garden

Purpose: Observation of the labor actions of adults and children: to consolidate the names of flowering plants.

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