Lesson summary "Transport" for children of the second junior group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group of the kindergarten "Transport"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group of the kindergarten "Transport"

Program content:

Teach children to identify and distinguish between transport and types of transport, identify the main features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.), develop coherent speech and the ability to answer questions.


Pictures of an airplane, car, bus, etc.; flannelograph, toys - airplane, car, bus.

Progress of the lesson: Kitty (a child from the preparatory group for school in a cat costume) comes to visit the children. The cat came with gifts: he brought riddles and object pictures. Educator

Our cat loves to ask riddles. Try to guess them. Kitty
. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz, the beetle runs down the street. And they burn in the beetle's eyes. Two shiny lights. (Car) The teacher invites the children to find the answer among the object pictures laid out in front of them and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a car on a flannelgraph. The cat asks the following riddle: What a miracle this blue house is. There are a lot of kids in it. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (Bus) The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of a bus on a flannelgraph. The cat asks the following riddle: Swims boldly in the sky, outrunning the birds in flight. Man controls it. What is this? (Airplane)

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and pick up the desired picture. Children find the answer; one child puts a picture of an airplane on a flannelgraph.

Didactic game “Show and name”

The teacher shows pictures depicting types of transport, clarifies their components and purpose. Then he gives each child a picture depicting one type of transport and explains the rules of the game.


I will talk about a car, bus, plane, etc. If this vehicle is in your picture, pick it up and name it.

Game: “What we hear, we will repeat”


The streets are noisy from traffic. Let's remember and name the sounds that we hear.

The car tires rustle on the road: Sh – Sh – Sh

The pilot starts the airplane engine: R – R – R

The plane flew: U - U - U

They start the motorcycle and it crackles louder and faster: D – D – D – D – D

A train passes by: Chukh - Chukh - Chukh

Physical school

A plane flies by, and I’m about to take off with it. ( Children look up and follow the flying plane with their fingers.)

He pulled back the right wing and looked,

He took the left wing back and took a look. ( They move their hands up alternately and follow with their gaze


Short-term project on speech development in the second junior group on the topic: “Transport”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - combined kindergarten No. 3 "Romashka"

Short-term project on speech development in the second junior group on the topic: “Transport”


Teacher Kurbangalieva A.V.



Children of primary preschool age need comprehensive speech development, including the enrichment and activation of vocabulary, the development of the grammatical structure of speech, as well as coherent speech.

Relevance of the problem:

Speech helps children consciously perceive the world around them and is a means of communication. Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in early preschool age have great difficulty catching up, and in the future this gap in speech development affects their further development.

Objective of the project:

speech development of children of primary preschool age at different regime moments on the topic “Transport”

Project objectives:

• purposefully enrich children's vocabulary; expand children's understanding of types of transport as means of transportation.

• Introduce children to different types of transport.

Expand children's knowledge about the profession of driver, pilot, machinist, captain

develop grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;

• develop children's need to communicate with adults and peers;

• cultivate a desire to listen to works of fiction more often;

• increase the competence of parents in matters of speech development of their children;

Working with parents:

1. Consultations on the topic: “Advice from a speech therapist on the topic of the week “Transport”, “Come on, little finger, let’s get to work!”, “Recommendations for parents on the development of a child’s speech”, “Speech development of a 3-4 year old child”, “Speech development children of primary preschool age."

2. Consolidating at home the knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten on the topic of the project.

3. With the help of parents, replenish the subject-development environment with new didactic games and manuals on the topic “Transport”

4. Folder – movement “Getting to know Transport”

5. Design of an exhibition of family crafts: “My favorite transport.”

Project participants:

teacher, pupils of the second junior group, parents.

Project type:

short. 3 weeks.

Expected results:

  • Children have developed an initial knowledge of traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the road and on the street. Children's interest in the topic.
  • Formation of a clear understanding of vehicles.
  • Children take the initiative on their own: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; show creativity, activity and detail in their work.
  • They enjoy drawing, sculpting, and playing various games.
  • To expand the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of safe behavior of children on the roads and their participation in joint activities.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1
- Preparatory:
1. Setting the goals and objectives of joint activities;

2. Selection of card files of didactic games, finger games, articulation gymnastics. Outdoor games, plot-based role-playing games, poems, riddles, physical exercises, coloring books. On the topic “Transport”, cut-out pictures.

3. Selection of illustrations Special. Transport, Road signs.

4. Selection of board, printed and didactic games.

Stage 2

Main stage:
1. Examination of subject pictures on the topic: “Transport”, “Road Rules”

2. Didactic game: “Dominoes Transport

3. Finger gymnastics - “I have toys.”

4. Articulation gymnastics - “The steamboat is humming”, “Steam locomotive”

5. S/r games: “Bus”, “Let’s move the dolls across the road”, “Chauffeurs”, “Train”, “Drivers and pedestrians”, “Transport”, “On city roads”.

6. Conversations on the topic: “Getting to know the street”, “Stop, the car!”, “Quiet, there’s a pedestrian on the road!”, “Our assistant traffic light”, “Our helpers are cars”, “Types of public transport”, “Who works in transport";

7.Reading fiction.

8. Lesson on speech development

on the topic: writing a descriptive story about a toy
(car, plane, steam locomotive)
9. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Airplane”


10. Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (application)

Topic: "Truck"

11. P/games: “Find your color”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Red, green”, “Planes”, “Tram”, “Colored cars”

12. Solving riddles about transport.

13. Coloring pages: “Different types of transport”

Stage 3 - Final stage:

1. Creation of the Album “Modes of Transport”

2. Exhibition of books and illustrations on the topic.

3. Design of an exhibition of family crafts on the theme: “My favorite transport”

As a result, we can conclude


Children know and call:

  • Types of transport, signs and traffic rules.
  • They know general concepts and name the differences on the topic: “Transport” and “Traffic Rules”.
  • Make up a short story based on the picture about behavior on the road, with the help of an adult.
  • Children have developed an initial knowledge of traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the road and on the street.
  • Children take the initiative on their own: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; show creativity, activity and detail in their work.
  • The most characteristic features of transport are identified (passenger, cargo, passenger.)
  • Significant enrichment of the dictionary.

From parents

there was an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with teachers, and participate in the life of the group.

Synopsis of an educational lesson in junior group II on the topic “Transport”

Program content:

1. Strengthen children’s knowledge about trucks, cars, and buses. Give the concept that everything is transport.

2. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road (they cross the street in special places, you only need to cross when the traffic light is green).

3. Develop attention and memory.

4. Develop self-control and the ability to listen to other children.

Materials for the lesson:

  • Toys: trucks and cars of different colors and sizes, bus;
  • Cars, trucks, buses (different colors) cut out of cardboard and cut into two parts;
  • Street layout (houses, cars, traffic lights, little people, road signs);
  • Flags of three colors (yellow, red, green);
  • Traffic light layout;
  • Steering wheels.

Individual work:

1 – consolidate in speech the words transport, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, roadway.

2 – learn to clearly pronounce the words passenger, cabin, transport.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, look how many cars are in our garage? (A lot of cars.)

- What color are they? (Red, yellow, green, etc.)

– Do you like these cars? (Yes.)

- Alyosha, take the car you like. Tell me, what is she like? (Car.)

-What does the car have? Tell and show.

(The child names and shows the wheels, steering wheel, seat.)

-Who drives the car? (Driver.)

– What is the name of the place in the car where people sit? (Salon.)

(The words driver, salon are repeated by two children, choral answers.)

– Vika, take this car and tell us about it.

(The teacher offers a truck. The child names and shows the body, cabin, wheels, and their color.)

- Guys, tell me, who drives the car? (Driver.)

-Where is he sitting? (In the cockpit.)

– Why does the car have a body? (They carry cargo in it.)

– What kind of cargo? (Sand, bricks, boards, snow, etc.)

The teacher offers to tell the third child about the bus.

- What is this? (Bus.)

- What colour is he?

– What does the bus have? (Steering wheel, wheels, seats.)

– What is the name of the place on the bus where people sit? (Salon.)

The teacher addresses all children:

– Tell me, what are the names of the people who travel on the bus? (Passengers.)

– Who drives the bus? (Driver.)

- Well done boys. You spoke well about all the cars. How can you call them in one word? (Transport.)

(The words salon, passengers, driver, transport are repeated by two or three children, as well as in chorus.)

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables.

– On your trays you have various cars (trucks, cars, buses) cut out of cardboard and cut into pieces. Your task: to assemble a car from parts.

Children's work:

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children what kind of car they got, what color?

- Guys, tell me again, how can you call all the cars in one word? (Transport.)

- Now come and look here. This is a street layout. Tell me, what is the name of the part of the street where the cars go? (Roadway - choral and individual answers.)

(The teacher offers to show the other children the roadway.)

– What is the name of the narrow path near the roadway where people walk? (Sidewalk - two children repeat.)

(The teacher invites other children to show the sidewalk on the model.)

– Show me where to cross the road?

(Children show a pedestrian crossing.)

– What is the name of this striped path? (Zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing.)

(After individual answers, the children repeat the words sidewalk, pedestrian crossing all together.)

– Can children cross the road alone? (Not possible, only with parents, holding the hand of an adult.)

– What color of traffic light can you cross the road at? (On green.)

(The teacher shows the layout of the traffic light.)

- Guys, what is this? (Traffic light.)

– What do you think it is for? (So ​​that cars don’t collide when driving; so that they don’t run into people, so that people cross the road safely).

– What do cars do when the traffic light is red? (Standing.)

- To yellow? (They are getting ready to go.)

- To green? (They go.)

Now we are going to play a game. You are car drivers. Take the steering wheels. I have flags in my hands - green, yellow, red. They represent the colors of the traffic lights. If I raise a red flag, you... (children add) - stand, yellow - turn on the engine, press the pedals, green - drive. Rule for everyone: drive without bumping into each other.

The game is played 2-3 times.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to go to the garage where the toy cars are and play with them.

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