A set of lesson notes for the school year on traffic rules for children of primary preschool age

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

Photo report on the “Traffic Light” modeling lesson for young children

I would like to present to you my photo report on modeling with young children on the topic Traffic Light

. As part of introducing children to basic traffic rules. Children from an early age need to be introduced to traffic rules. This acquaintance takes place in different types of activities. These are movable...

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Fun according to traffic rules in the younger group in a playful way

Summary of entertainment on traffic rules in the junior group “Traffic rules are worthy of respect!”

This event will be useful for educators, music directors, during holidays, leisure and entertainment with children of primary preschool age.
Purpose: To create a joyful mood in children, to clarify children’s knowledge about various types of transport, about traffic lights. Objectives: To introduce children to basic traffic rules; Expand children's vocabulary. Develop speed, attention, dexterity in the game, improve coordination of movements. Equipment: cars, road signs, traffic lights, illustrations depicting various types of transport, design of an exhibition of drawings.

Progress of entertainment:
Educator. Hello guys! Now I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and tell me what it says? There is a road in the way of the guys, there is a lot of transport. There is no traffic light nearby, the road sign will give advice. We need to go a little forward, Where the Zebra is on the way. “Pedestrian crossing” – You can move forward. Educator. What is the poem talking about? Children. About transport, about traffic lights, about pedestrian crossings. Educator. Guys, tell me, is it possible to play on the road or run along it? Children. No, you can't, Educator. Right! You can’t run onto the road and run along it, Educator. Let’s play a game with you. The game
is being played: “To your flags”

The players are divided into three groups.
Each group stands in a circle, in the center of which there is a player with a colored (red, yellow, green) flag. At the first signal from the leader (clap your hands), everyone except the players with flags scatter around the court. At the second signal, the children stop, squat down and close their eyes, and the players with flags move to other places. At the command of the presenter “To your flags!” children open their eyes and run to the flags of their color, trying to be the first to line up in a circle. Those who are the first to line up in an even circle and stand holding hands win. Educator. Children, what cars do you know? Name it? Children. Trucks, cars. Educator. Right! Let's repeat it again and say: what - trucks, they transport heavy loads (bricks, firewood); and people use cars to go to work and travel. Educator. Guys, tell me, what does the car have? What parts does it consist of? Name it? Children. The car has a cabin, wheels, and a steering wheel . Educator. Let’s play a game with you.
A didactic game “Name the car” is being held.
Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and name cars, develop visual memory, thinking Material: pictures of cars (car, truck, bus, ambulance, fire, police) Progress of the game Before the children Pictures of cars are laid out, and the teacher offers to name them. The child names the car, shows it, the other children show with signs whether they agree or not . Teacher. Cars drive along the road quickly, but carefully.
Do you know who helps cars drive properly? This is a traffic light. It regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the road. A pedestrian must remember: There are traffic signals - Obey them without argument! The red light tells us: -Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Yellow warning light: Wait for the signal to move Green light has opened the road The guys can cross! A song about a traffic light is being sung.
Educator. Children, who else helps drivers on the road? Children. Road signs.
A didactic game is being played: “Make a road sign like this.”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs; develop the ability to create a whole from parts; develop thinking. Material: cut-out pictures depicting road signs, illustrations of road signs Game progress: Children assemble a whole image based on a model from cut-out pictures. Educator. Well done boys. Our event has come to an end. Let's remember what we talked about today? Did you like our entertainment? (Children's answers) Educator. To avoid accidents. It is necessary to strictly observe the traffic rules and norms of behavior. You will remember, friends. On the road we are not allowed to run, jump and skip and play football with a ball. And don't think in vain. Which is not dangerous at all. Learn little by little how to cross the road.

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Summary of an integrated lesson in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old “My friend traffic light”
Author: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This material will be of interest to preschool teachers, teachers of after-school groups, and can be used by primary school teachers to conduct extra-curricular activities on this topic for primary school students. The summary is designed to familiarize children with road signs and their meaning. Purpose: To introduce some traffic signs. Objectives: - consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and their signals; - develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip according to the rules of the road. Do you agree? Answers. Educator: Imagine, you need to go on a visit and you need to cross the road, and there are cars and buses driving there. For this you need to know the rules. Listen to the riddle and tell me the answer. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stand, when to start moving. Children answer: Traffic light.

Educator: Correct. What colors are shown on the traffic light sign? Answers. Educator: What does each traffic light color mean? Answers. Educator: And now the second riddle is prepared for you: You can’t take this ribbon, And you can’t weave it into a pigtail. She lies on the ground, Transport runs along her. Children answer: Road. Educator: Tell me, can we walk along the road? Answers. Educator: Why can’t we walk on the roadway? Answers. Educator: Tell me the transport that you know? Answers. Educator: Who is driving, what is it called? Answers. Educator: And the people who travel on a bus, tram, minibus, what shall we call them in one word? Answers. Educator: I suggest you take a short break in the form of a physical minute.

The road is not a path, The road is not a ditch, First look to the left, Then look to the right. Turn to the left, smile at the friend next to you. Stomp your right foot, stomp your left foot, and go home boldly. Educator: Well done, they listened to the words carefully, performed all the movements correctly. Let's continue the conversation, listen carefully. Another mystery. A man is walking over me. He calls me a zebra. Children answer: Pedestrian crossing. Educator: What does a pedestrian crossing look like? Answers. Educator: To find out what another name is for a pedestrian crossing, listen to the following riddle. Under Seryozhka's feet there is a striped path. He walks along it boldly, and all the people follow him. Children answer: Zebra.

Educator: They answered well, you know the rules, I suggest you play a little and collect a sign. And we need to assemble a traffic light. Do we remember what colors are on a traffic light sign? Answers. Educator: What shape are they? Answers. Educator: In what order are they located? Answers. Educator: I invite you to the tables, and I suggest you assemble a road sign. Educator: It turned out to be a very beautiful sign. But in order to remember everything better and consolidate the knowledge gained, I also suggest you draw a traffic light sign. But for this, you need to stretch your fingers. Finger exercise: One, two, three, four, five. (Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.) The fingers went out for a walk. (Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.) One, two, three, four, five. (We clench one by one, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.) They hid in the house again. (We rhythmically squeeze all our fingers together.) Educator: Now, I’m absolutely sure that you will do great work. We sit down at our workstations and begin to do the work, or rather, draw a traffic light. Educator: Good work, you worked hard, you can relax.

Follow the road rules strictly, Don’t rush like you’re on fire, And remember: for transport - the road, And for pedestrians - the sidewalk! Yes, and parents are also instructed - After all, your children are looking at you. Always be a worthy example, and no trouble will happen on the road!

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