Summary of direct educational activities on labor education on the topic “Collective work in a corner of nature” for children of senior preschool age

Card index: Labor in nature and in groups. Senior group card index (senior group) on the topic


"Watering indoor plants."

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the needs of plants for light and moisture, to teach how to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants by their leaves. Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in your actions, work skills. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment and a desire to take care of it.


"Washing houseplants."

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the methods of watering (in a tray, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); cultivate a desire to care for plants. Invite children to help as much as possible, clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants.


“Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle.”

Goal: To teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s understanding that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Teach children to independently determine the need for watering (by the color and condition of the soil, by the appearance of the plant), and remind them of the watering technique.


“Green landing on indoor plants”

(remove diseased leaves, fertilize).

Goal: To teach children to determine by the condition of indoor plants what actions are necessary to care for them (watering, cleaning, loosening, fertilizing), to correctly perform the corresponding labor operations, and invite the children to tell about the purpose of each of them.


"Taking care of plants."

Goal: To clarify previously acquired knowledge about ways to keep plants clean, to teach children how to choose a method for removing dust from a plant, focusing on the features of its appearance and structure.


"Loosening the soil of indoor plants."

Goal: Teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques and rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy. Foster an ecological culture and respect for the environment.


"Planting onions."

Goal: To teach children to set a goal, prepare a workplace, tools and clean up after themselves. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the onion and the conditions necessary for onion growth. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an environmental culture, a desire to achieve results, and participate in a common cause.


"Sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables."

Goal: To give children knowledge that every plant has seeds. Learn the sequence of actions required when sowing seeds; make a hole in the ground (for sowing seeds, each time marking with a stick the distance between them and the grooves for small seeds; teach to observe cultural and hygienic skills when working. Consolidate children’s knowledge about what time, what seeds are sown in boxes in the group for preparation seedlings, and which seeds are sown in open ground. Develop labor skills and abilities. Foster an ecological culture, respect for the surrounding nature, and a desire to take care of it.


“Planting seedlings, caring for them.”

Goal: To form children's ideas about the main stages of plant growth and development (seed, seedling, stem with leaves); about the basic methods of growing plants and caring for them (planting in loose soil, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding). Be careful when planting seedlings, as the plants are very fragile. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.


“Learning to make our beds.”

Goal: To bring to the awareness of children how to properly make the bed; cultivate independence, accuracy, and the desire to help adults. Foster a responsible attitude towards self-care work and independence.


“Helping the nanny put bedding on the beds.”

Goal: To teach how to sort bed linen according to their belongings, to cultivate a desire to help the nanny and respect for other people’s work. Cultivate a desire to work, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.


"Changing dirty towels."

Goal: Maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the assignment.


"Dining duty."

Goal: to teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer. Wash your hands thoroughly, put on the duty officer's clothes, and set the table correctly. Clear dishes after meals; brush off tables. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to see disorder in the table setting. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.


"Order in the dressing room closet"

(together with an assistant teacher)"

Goal: to teach children to maintain order in their personal wardrobes: empty the closet of clothes and shoes, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, and neatly put the clothes back in place. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work in a team environment.


"Washing chairs."

Goal: to teach children to help the nanny keep the chairs in the group room tidy and clean: wipe them with a damp cloth; put in place. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.


"Washing building materials."

Purpose: To teach how to wash, dry and lay building materials, to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the play area, to wash building materials with a soapy solution prepared by the teacher, to rinse and dry them; observe the rules of personal hygiene.


"Washing dolls."

Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing dolls: rinse soaked dolls, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.


“We wipe the dust off the shelves for games and toys.”

Goal: Continue teaching children to wipe dust from shelves with a damp cloth. Develop labor skills and abilities. To cultivate aesthetic taste and the desire to work for the benefit of others.


"Bringing order to the group."

Goal: To form in children a conscious desire for order, the habit of putting away toys after playing. Improve the ability to draw up a work plan and select the necessary materials for upcoming activities.


"Order in toys"

Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order: wash, dry, wipe and put in place. Develop hard work and the ability to see disorder; be careful when working with water. Cultivate respect for your own work and the work of others.


"Washing doll clothes."

Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing doll clothes and bedding. Teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; prepare the necessary supplies for washing and drying, as well as a workplace; know how to use soap. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.


“Washing napkins used for visual arts.”

Goal: to teach children the skills of soaping, rinsing and wringing out napkins, to continue to form a work culture (tidiness in the process of work).


"Work in the book corner"

(restoration of books).

Goal: To teach children to choose books that need repair, carefully glue them (to use glue and scissors correctly, to use napkins). Cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a desire to work, and maintain order.

Card number 24.

"Book Repair"

Goal: to teach children to peck at books, use glue and scissors correctly, and use napkins.

Develop labor skills, eye, fine motor skills, creative imagination. Foster a desire to work for the benefit of others, treat books and toys with care.

Card number 25.

"Washing my combs"

Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing combs: rinse soaked combs, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water.

Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

Card number 26.

"Class Duty"

Goal: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of an attendant: lay out materials and aids prepared by the teacher for the lesson on tables; wash and put them away after class. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Summary of work activities with children of the older group (work in nature).

Summary of work activities with children of the older group (work in nature).

Summary of work activity in the senior group “Care for indoor plants”

Title: “Let's Help the Flower Fairy”

Age: senior group

Goal: continue to develop a caring attitude towards indoor plants



  • consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants
  • Concretize children’s ideas about the living conditions of indoor plants


  • To encourage the desire to carry out various tasks related to caring for plants in a corner of nature, to continue to form the idea that man is part of nature and that he must preserve, protect and protect it.
  • To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about plant care techniques and the sequence of work


  • strengthen the ability to care for indoor plants

Preliminary work: conversation “Why are plants needed?”, reading fiction (E. Serova “Our Flowers”, E. Vovk “Whose Flowers are Better?”, riddles, poems); viewing the presentation “Indoor Flowers”, viewing illustrations “Indoor Plants”, diagrams “Plant Needs”; drawing “Geranium”, decorative modeling “Chamomile”, outdoor game “Collect a bouquet”, didactic game “Collect a flower”

Materials: watering cans, rags, basins, sprayers, water, tassels, fairy costume, flower tokens, oilcloth, apron

Structure of activity Materials, game center Methods Teacher’s activities (Children’s activities)


Surprise moment Problem situation Guiding questions

A fairy enters the group

F.: Hello, children, I am a flower fairy. I love flowers. But, I heard the sad call of flowers from your group, they are calling for help. They say they have difficulty breathing and are thirsty.

Q: Guys, how do flowers breathe (with leaves) And if they say that it’s hard for them to breathe, what could be preventing them from breathing? (dust, dirt)

F.: how can I help them (We need to wipe them from dust

We need to water them)

But are they still thirsty?

Q: How can you determine whether a flower really needs to be watered? (Touch it with your finger - if the soil is wet, then don’t, if it’s dry, then you need to water it)

F.: you are so smart!

II. Joint goal setting

(Action plan)

material: watering cans, rags, basins, sprayers, water, brushes, indoor flowers, oilcloth, apron

Guiding questions individual assessments; general assessment;

Q: Let’s help our flowers rejoice and breathe freely again?

What do we need for this? (watering cans, rags, basins, sprayers, water, brushes, oilcloth, apron)

Well done, you know everything!

Where can we get everything we need? (in the closet, ask the nanny)

Let's distribute the work. What is the name of this flower with large leaves? Well done, Olya! Who will wipe the dust from its leaves? How will you do this (I’ll put the piece of paper on my left palm, and with my right hand with a damp cloth I’ll carefully wipe the sheet.)

Great, Lisa! You clever!

Will you press hard on the leaf? (No, because the leaf may break)

Well done.

Next comes the distribution of work. Sprayers, watering cans, brushes. Asking exactly how and what not to do. Praise after every answer

Let's prepare everything we need.

What should you do first? (lay down oilcloth)

Well done, Petya! Why do we lay down oilcloth? Then what do we do? (We put basins on the table, wet and wring out the rags) Yes, well done, let's get to work!

children help prepare equipment


(children's activity management)

material: watering cans, rags, basins, sprayers, water, brushes, indoor flowers, oilcloth, apron

Guiding questions individual assessments; general assessment;

V.: Now let's put on our aprons and get to work. Where do we start?

From watering! who wanted to water, Zoya?

Well done! Now Kolya and Zoya will water the flowers and you and I will wipe off the dust from the leaves so that the plants can breathe. What did we say plants breathe? Why do we need plants, remember?

Yes that's right. We really need plants for life. They help us breathe clean air, taking away bad, dirty air. Therefore, we must help the flowers remain clean and always watered. Well done!


(Result, reflection)

Guiding questions individual assessments; general assessment; mutual assessment

F.: You did a great job! I hear the flowers singing with joy that they are now so clean and well-groomed. ( background music, choir

) Do you hear?
And for your help, I want to give you one magic flower each. ( cardboard flowers
) She will send you the most vivid dreams of summer if you put it under your pillow. You will no longer forget that flowers need to be constantly looked after, will you? Smart girls! Thank you children, goodbye!

Q: Did you like helping the flowers? They also really enjoyed being clean. Mila sprayed the small leaves very well, well done! Petya is also smart, he remembered how to wipe large leaves! ( Praise each individual separately

). You are so smart, you know everything, you do everything quickly and well! So hardworking! Well done! Let's put everything in its place so that we can have cleanliness in the group too! After all, when everything is clean and tidy, it’s good!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Abstract "Collective work in nature"

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion of collective work in nature.



  • Teach children how to plant different types of plants,
  • Introduce the characteristics of plant growth and development and how to care for them.
  • To develop in children the ability to work in a large team, to teach them to evaluate common work, their share of participation in it, and the work of a friend from the standpoint of achieving a common result.
  • Improve labor skills in caring for plants, the ability to independently use equipment, and work at a uniform pace.


  • Develop gross and fine motor skills.
  • Develop curiosity, intelligence, and cognitive abilities.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards physical work.


  • To cultivate hard work, a sense of mutual assistance, friendliness, and accuracy.
  • To develop strong-willed qualities, patience, endurance, the desire to achieve a common goal, and conviction in the social significance of work.
  • To cultivate a love for nature, respect for it, and care for living things.


Seeds of various plants, soil, scoops for pouring soil, cups for planting seeds, watering cans with water, sticks for loosening the soil, oilcloths, aprons, toys (any).


Educator - Guys, this morning, our friend, the dog Sharik, turned to me and asked me to help plant seeds.

Sharik - Hello guys, I decided to plant different flowers, can you help me, otherwise I can’t do it alone?

Children - Yes!

Educator: Tell me guys, what time of year is it now? (winter) Where can we plant plant seeds? (in a group) Why can’t they be planted outside? (they will freeze in winter) And then, when the sprouts appear, can we plant the seedlings on the plot?

Children - Yes, but we just need to wait until spring, so it’s warm, then we can plant our seedlings in the ground on the site.

Sharik - Oh, guys, I forgot how to plant seeds correctly.

Children are reminded of the sequence of planting seeds - first we pour soil into a glass, then with a stick we make a hole, shallowly (there is a division on the stick), then we put one seed and carefully sprinkle it with earth using a small spoon, then we carefully water it with water and put it on the window.

Sharik - Why do you need to put it on the window?

Children - So that the sun warms the seeds and they sprout faster.

Sharik - Well, let's quickly plant the seeds.

The children start working. When the seeds are planted, an analysis of the work done is carried out. Children evaluate their own work.

Sharik - Oh, thank you very much guys, I’m glad that there are such good helpers, in the spring we will meet again to plant our seedlings on the plot. Goodbye.

Children clean up their workspaces and sit down to draw pictures “How I planted a seed.”

Then everyone together creates an observation book “How a seed grows”

Next >

Construct of work in nature “Caring for indoor plants” for the older group

Principles of preschool education (FSES):

1) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

2) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

3) supporting children’s initiative in various activities;

4) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

5) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Principles of education:

formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and teachers; creating a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift; education through interaction.

Principles of training:

principle of accessibility; principle of visibility; the principle of systematicity and consistency; scientific principle; principle of consciousness; principle of activity.

Education methods:

artistic expression, competition, task, assignment.

Teaching methods:

verbal (conversation, explanation, comments, encouragement, emotional stimulation); visual (demonstration, display); practical (exercise).



pictures of flowers (ficus, chlorophytum, geranium), flowers (ficus, chlorophytum, geranium), flower care schemes (ficus, chlorophytum, geranium).


aprons, tokens, oilcloth, scissors, napkins, sprayer, watering can.

Educational and methodological kit:

1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013.

2. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate basic educational program for preschool education (pilot version) / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional –M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2015. – 368 p.

Preliminary work:

conversation about types of flowers and ways to care for them.


Stages Methods Activities of the teacher Children's activities Planned result
. Motivation for joint activities. Objectives:
Motivate children for upcoming joint activities, jointly identify a work goal. Foster a desire to participate in joint work activities.
Emotional stimulation, artistic expression, conversation, encouragement The teacher invites you to join in a joint activity.

-Children, would you like to guess the riddle?

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round.

-What is this? (Indoor flowers)

-Children, do you know the name of the profession of a person who takes care of flowers? (Florist)

-I know that you also really love taking care of flowers.

-Would you like to try being a florist today?

-We will take care of flowers, but it’s not just that we will have florist competitions in caring for flowers.

-To participate in the florist competition, I suggest you unite into three teams.

Discuss in the group the name of the florist team; it will, of course, be related to flowers.

Children approach the teacher, enter into dialogue, and show initiative. Children are motivated for the upcoming joint activity, the work goal is highlighted. They show a desire to participate in joint work activities.

Forms of labor organization in nature in the preparatory group

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What are the forms of organizing the work of preschoolers accepted in kindergartens - assignments, duty, collective work? What opportunities for raising children are hidden in each of them? Let's consider these forms of work

1) Instructions. Labor assignments are the simplest form of organizing children's work. They have a special educational significance when working with children of primary preschool age. A work assignment is understood as the assignment of a specific task to a child, which he must complete alone or with one of his peers. To assign means to oblige the child to do some kind of work related to both self-service and work for the team.

In the practice of educational work with children, individual assignments are especially common. From here, opportunities are created for the teacher to develop labor skills. The assignments are varied in difficulty (simple, complex), nature of execution (short-term, episodic, long-term). Special opportunities for developing skills are provided by long-term assignments, when the child is responsible for some task for a certain period of time.

Assignments are especially important between 3 and 5 years. At the age of 6, children can participate in three types of duty. This is serious work that also requires preliminary preparation.

In preschool groups, children’s physical capabilities expand and they gain experience in independently completing assignments. Many assignments included in their responsibilities are of a permanent, systematic nature. At the same time, the instructions do not lose their significance.

2) Duty. Duty duties are a more complex form of organizing children’s work compared to assignments. They require more independence from the child. Duty duties are of great importance in raising children: those on duty always perform work that has social significance and is necessary for the team. This helps, in accessible specific matters, to form in children a desire to work for the sake of others, to show an attitude towards their comrades, towards animals and plants located in a corner of nature, and also to develop their ability to help an adult, to notice where help is needed.

The duties of older preschoolers are gradually becoming more complicated both in the content of work and in the forms of unification of children, in terms of the requirement for independence and self-organization in work. Children are regularly on duty in preparation for classes, in a corner of nature. Usually two children are assigned to each type of duty.

Nature corner duty is introduced in the senior group. The meaning of this type of duty can be explained in class. The teacher draws attention to the new inhabitants of the living area and tells how to care for them.

He especially emphasizes the importance of careful ongoing care of animals and plants: only under this condition will they be happy in the group. During the lesson, the teacher can also show some of the techniques of those on duty: how to spray plants with a spray bottle, how to prepare water for watering plants, etc.

It should be noted that the work of those on duty will be more successful if the teacher constantly instills in everyone an interest in the corner of nature.

In preparation for the school group, the amount of work of those on duty can be increased: children make sure that the animals always have green food (they occasionally sow oats); They grow greens for the table, with the help of the teacher, they transplant flowering plants from the lawns and transfer them to the group.

3) Teamwork. In the senior and school-preparatory groups of the kindergarten, common work activities are systematically organized, uniting all the children of the group at once.

So that all children can take part in collective work at the same time and the teacher can supervise their work, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

— all children can be united only after they have acquired the necessary experience of working in a small team

- when determining the content of general work, the teacher includes in it only those types of work, the skills of which the children master well enough and strive to keep all children occupied.

“The joint work of children should be especially appreciated - these are the beginnings of collective work,” says Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. “The child’s strengths are best developed in collective work.”

Pages: 1

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