Vitamin fairy tale methodological development (senior group) on the topic


A Tale of Healthy Vegetables

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived King Luke. And he had a daughter, Princess Lukovka. The kings of neighboring states did not like him. They shed tears for him. But one day at the royal ball that the king gave for his princess, a miracle happened. Prince Pea fell in love with the princess. King Pea found out about this and became very angry. He forbade Pea even to see Princess Onion. Prince Pea did not listen to his father. Then King Pea turned to King Tomato for help. King Tomato lived in a neighboring state; there was an evil troll wizard. He knew how to do magic. Turned King Luk and Princess Lukovka into shells. He threw them on the river bank. The prince grieved and went to look for the princess. He wandered through the forests and fields and met the good wizard Radish. I turned to him for help. Help me find my princess. Radish gave the prince magic seeds and said: “Plant these seeds in the ground, plants will grow and you will have a hint on how to find Princess Onion. He took the Pea seeds, thanked the Radish and left. I planted the seeds in the ground, watered them with water and waited. The prince waited and waited, and the plants grew. Yes, so fragrant, aromatic, and the prince figured out what kind of plants they were: dill, lettuce, parsley. The plants bent low to the ground, bent down to the prince and poured colorful peas out to the prince. The peas rolled along the road, and the prince followed them. The prince walked for a long time or a short time to get the peas, and the peas brought him to the castle where the sorceress Radish lived. She did not like vegetables and harmed them in every possible way. She saw Prince Pea and asked: “Why did you come to me?” I'm looking for my princess, Onion, help me? But the evil witch did not want to help the prince at all. She thought about how to harm him. If you complete my tasks, I will help you, but if not, then you won’t find the princess,” said the sorceress. Guess the riddles. The prince guessed all her riddles. “Now prepare me a tasty, healthy salad from vegetables,” said the witch. Prince Peas prepared a salad for the witch, the witch tried the salad and suddenly became kind. She thought the salad was so tasty and healthy. She gave the prince a magic feather. The feather led him to the river and fell on the sandy shore. And suddenly the shell that was lying on the sand turned into the beautiful princess Onion and King Onion. The prince took the princess by the hand and led her to the castle, where King Pea was waiting for them. The king rejoiced at the return of his son with the princess. And they began to prepare for the wedding. They invited guests, the kings of neighboring states. We prepared healthy vitamin salads and began to feast. All the kings measured the vegetables of neighboring states and began to live in peace and harmony. This is the end of the fairy tale; those who listened were well done.

Author: Bragina I.E. teacher of VKK MKDOU No. 1 “Rucheyok”

Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region.

Valeological tale. "The Tale of Vitaminka"

Vera Lavrova

Valeological tale. "The Tale of Vitaminka"

In one house, in the kitchen, in a beautiful jar on a shelf, there lived Vitaminka . She was still small, only recently she was brought into this house. Her sisters and brothers lived in the bank, but she was the most curious. One day she wanted to see: “What is there, behind the walls of her native bank?” And when the can was opened, it quietly jumped out and rolled.

She rolled across the table and ended up in the domain of the sweet King Sugar. Everything around was sticky and sweet, airy and white as snow, and Vitaminka immediately fell into this cotton candy.

King Sugar had no children and Vitaminka : so small, round, and shiny, like a little white button. King Sugar ordered his subjects: Baron Candy and Count Toffee to grab Vitaminka and bring her to the royal chambers. And so they did. Poor Vitaminka was neither alive nor dead from fear. She was sprinkled with sweet powder, wrapped in a marshmallow blanket and placed in a crib made of candy. Vitaminka was scared , she couldn’t breathe. And when they fell asleep in the palace, she quietly rolled out of her crib and rolled unnoticed past the guards.

Vitaminka was rolling , and suddenly a forest grew in front of her, but it was not a forest with trees, instead of trees there were different cigarettes, the grass was made of tobacco, and the clouds were made of tobacco smoke. She wanted to turn to the side when she fell into a swamp of beer, the beer gurgled and foamed, poor Vitaminka almost drowned . But the big, fat frog Sausage came to her aid; she invited her to stay with her, but Vitaminka asked to show her the way. The frog Sausage had a kind heart and she helped Vitaminka .

Vitaminka rolls , and here in front of her is a wonderful valley! Beautiful birds and butterflies fly. It was a valley of vegetables and fruits, the country of Fruitovia. The residents here were cheerful and friendly. Their houses were made of vegetables and fruits, juice clouds floated across the sky, they melted and spilled fruit or vegetable juice over the country. There were no kings, everyone was equal. In the morning, residents worked in factories where they made healthy fruit and vegetable preparations, and in the evening the country glowed with thousands of lights! Fairies flew in and illuminated the country with their magic lights. Vitaminka really enjoyed visiting Aunt Strawberry and Uncle Tomato, they didn’t have children, and they invited Vitaminka to stay with them , she happily agreed. She grew up and turned into a large and useful Vitamin , they began to call her Multi-Vitamin-large .

One day a telegram came to Fruktovia: the girl Alice was sick, and no medicine was helping her. Vitaminka to help the girl . Alice and Vitaminka became friends . The friendship between Vitaminka and Alice helped other children, the children stopped getting sick and their friendship is still strong!

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

project for an environmental lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten.

Objectives:• Introduce children to the concept of vitamins, why they are important;• Consolidate knowledge of where vegetables and fruits grow;• Learn to describe vegetables and fruits by their characteristic features: color, shape;• Education.

Introduce 3-year-old children to vegetables and know their names. Develop sensory sensations.

Introduce 3-year-old children to vegetables and know their names. Develop sensory sensations.

Methodological development. Abstract of the educational activity “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” for the group “Children with complex defects” We continue to stimulate children’s interest in objects around them.





Vitamins themselves are not “building materials” for the body. They rather refer to substances that regulate, normalize and stimulate this “construction”: they ensure normal metabolism, the best and most complete absorption of food components, the smooth functioning of the main body systems, mechanisms of growth and development, and promote normal hematopoiesis. Children need vitamins for performance and activity.

To perform all these diverse and complex functions, you need a very small amount of vitamins (for children, in total they will amount to a grain the size of a millet grain). The body's daily need for vitamins is calculated in thousandths of a gram, but life without them is impossible. It is not for nothing that these substances were called vitamins - after all, “vita” translated from Latin means “life”.

Vitamins were discovered by the Russian doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin. Back in 1880 in Tartu he carried out his classic research. One group of mice was fed natural milk, the other was fed a milk-like mixture that contained everything except vitamins. After some time, all the mice of the second group invariably died. Thus, N.I. Lunin showed: natural milk contains substances that ensure the life of animals. These substances turned out to be vitamins.

Modern vitaminology has stepped far forward. It has become known that vitamins not only normalize metabolism, but also increase the body’s vital activity, stimulate performance, especially of the brain, and increase the body’s resistance to disease, cold and other unfavorable factors.

So, children need vitamins for full development. The norms of vitamins for a child’s body are much lower than for adults. This should definitely be taken into account when choosing a vitamin complex for your child, as well as when creating a children's menu.

It is difficult for children to explain the complexity of the structure of the human body and the processes of obtaining useful substances from food. This is easier to do in a playful way, using poems about vitamins and their benefits. They will introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and also help them distinguish between vitamin-containing foods .

Vitamins are ripening in Polina's garden. Here hang on each branch Multi-colored tablets: Bright red - raspberry, Reddish - rowan; Blue - serviceberry peas, and currant catkins - Scarlet, shiny. Try it - it's real! (E. Bratukhina)


Andryushka has oranges. Pavlushka has grapes. And Masha has tangerines. Everyone is very happy about the fruit! Vitamins, vitamins are very important for the guys. Gleb eats bananas, Nina eats. And Serezhenka is a pomegranate. (S. Loseva)

What are vitamins?

What are vitamins? Why did they get into onions, into milk and tangerines, into black bread, into carrots, into apricots? Let me look at them in okroshka, Through my grandfather’s glasses - Who are they? Motes? Midges? Little people? Spiders? Maybe in pepper and parsley, invisible to the eye, very small guns firing at bacteria?! If so, then I definitely need Vitamins - I’ll eat tangerines for an afternoon snack, I’ll drink milk at night! (S. Loseva)

The little daughter has scarlet cheeks. Because vitamins are on Irina’s menu every day. Juice in a glass and compote. My daughter drinks it regularly. Irina has Vitamins A, B, C on her face.

(L. Bogdan)


In a banana and yogurt, in a handful of raspberries - There are wonderful vitamins everywhere. They protect us from all kinds of diseases. The more of them in food, the healthier the food. (A. Grishin)


Aunt Nina has a lot of different vitamins in her cupboard. Choose as you would in a shop window, in a vitamin store. In addition to apples, there is jam, Vitamin cookies! In the cup there are raspberries (they also contain vitamins!) There are grapes on the branch And I am very happy about them, But now my hand reaches out to the vitamin with the letter “Ka”. Because everyone knows that eating it is always healthy. This sweet, colorful Vitamin is my candy!

(N. Tarasov)


Vitamins are good for us, I know that for sure. Only I don’t use them from tablets. I get them from food that is tasty and healthy. Where are they hiding? Very interesting. Mom explains to me. They hide everywhere. You are from fruits and vegetables, get them quickly.

(O. Kovalchuk)

Friends Vitamins

To grow and develop, you need to eat right. Do not carry dry food, consume vitamins! You need to eat cheese for breakfast - Vitamin A boost! Spread the sandwich with butter and you’ll get B1 right away. We need to drink milk, be friends with vitamins! We will definitely eat meat, fish and eggs! And we will gnaw nuts, so that we can stock up on protein! Children will develop if they eat right!

I eat a lot of vitamins and strengthen my discipline. I want to be healthy in order to serve my Motherland. We can’t buy health, everyone needs to keep an eye on it. It's better to start from an early age, don't waste a minute.

*** In life we ​​need a lot of vitamins, we can’t count them all now. We need to eat more Meat, vegetables and fruits - Natural products, But chips, always know, This is unhealthy food.


Aunt Zina's living vitamins are growing. Different vitamins: Green and red. All of them, from “A” to “U”, are in plain sight in the garden. Everyone is like the Sun, necessary, beautiful and friendly. Peas hanging in the garden are tastier than chocolate. Carrots and celery, what could be more important? Vitamins of the highest quality, Not a hacienda, but a resort. Living vitamins Grow at Aunt Zina's, We collected two baskets of them for the name day!

(N. Anishina)


To be strong, agile, healthy, cheerful You shouldn’t eat chips and drink Coca-Cola. Eat an apple, plums, lemon, oranges - Fruits and berries contain vitamins. We can cope with a runny nose, flu, sore throat. It’s not chips that will help us, but those vitamins that live in berries, fruits, vegetables, in cheeses, cottage cheese, milk and borscht... Everyone likes juicy, ripe pears, eating strawberries, blueberries, currants... In various products - from fish to raspberries, there are vitamins that are essential for life. They are called: K; E; D; A; IN; C, Contained - in greens, in cereals, in eggs... It is so important what we drink and what we eat. We also need sunlight. So that our teeth and eyesight are good, our hair and skin are a sight to behold, our food must be varied. By color - green, and yellow, and red... From bitter onions - to sweet raspberries... And with food we will get all the vitamins. They just cannot be increased immensely. Therefore, you need to limit yourself: If you eat more than one orange - twenty-five, you may have to call a doctor.

(G. Shestakova)

Vitamins are valuable substances, without them we would be nowhere. To be healthy, strong, strong, you need to be friends with vitamins.

There are many vitamins - you can’t count them all, but there are the most important ones among them. Without them, the body cannot exist, study, work, or relax.

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Its benefits to the body are great. It increases immunity and drives away diseases.

Vitamin C is found in fruits and is also found in many vegetables. Rose hips, sweet peppers, black currants are the main sources, as well as sea buckthorn, apples and lemons.

Vitamin A is needed for vision, for normal body condition. There is a lot of it in fish and seafood, as well as in red, orange, vegetables and fruits. In carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, parsley, peppers, apricots.

Vitamin B1 - thiamine, Such a useful gentleman. It strengthens the digestive and nervous systems and preserves excellent memory. There is a lot of it in buckwheat, potatoes and beans, in walnuts, rice, vegetables.

Vitamin B2 is needed by the eyes, liver, skin, and nervous system. It improves the condition of nails, hair, tissues are renewed and grow. It is found in eggs, red fish, milk, meat, cheese, mushrooms, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B6 is a valuable substance; it has a good effect on all processes. Changes occur in the blood, liver, and nerves; Vitamin B6 has a beneficial effect. Eat currants, beans, spinach, bananas, meat, fish and eggs. And nothing will hurt you.

Vitamin B9 - folic acid, necessary for normal hematopoiesis and growth. This vitamin improves appetite and ensures a healthy appearance. It is found in green vegetables, cauliflower, carrots, and beans.

Vitamin B12 in any weather, Activates the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. B12 is a growth vitamin. By consuming it, you grow quickly. It is found in such foods as meat, fish, cheese, eggs and seafood.

Vitamin D strengthens teeth and bones, drives away all misfortunes from us. Eat fish, eggs and caviar. Position your body for good.

Vitamin E strengthens our body, protects us from diseases and other disasters. Slows down the aging process, Prevents the development of heart disease. Eat meat, eggs, milk, nuts, greens, cherries, beans and grains.

There are also many vitamins. Replenish your body with them strictly. Then you won’t get sick, you will have fun and sing songs.

(L. Petrova)

Growth vitamins

Who respects radishes? Who loves radishes? It grows very quickly! - We ran to the garden, There we picked radishes into large bowls. If it hits a tooth, you can only hear: CRACK, CRACK! And growing up every day, We are growing! LET'S GROW! LET'S GROW! Do you want to grow up? It's so simple! Eat vitamins for growth!

It's spring outside, and we're tired. But why, what is happening to us? The streams are running, and the last of the snow is melting, And again we are missing something.


To avoid getting sick in winter, you need to eat vitamins! Not icicles or snow, Better than mommy's lunch! Mom knows why, We love delicious food - We have no need for illness, Because on the nose.....

New Year is coming soon: What is he bringing us in the bag? New delicious harvest, Appetizing loaf: A basket of berries, A little bit of fruit, A little bit of vegetables, So that the baby grows!

Vitamins for health

To avoid getting sick in winter, you need to eat vitamins! There are so many of them A, B, C, and of course E and D, Strengthen your body and improve your vision, Vitamin A will help - this is without a doubt, Our food is full of them - you need to eat sour cream, Children need milk and eggs so early in the morning. Bread products are rich in vitamin B, and vegetables and fruits will help you find vitamin C. And so that D comes, my friend, you eat cheese and cottage cheese. So E is in a hurry to help - to block the path to disease. You eat nuts, greens, and the body to protect it. They save you from diseases and you can’t live without them. After all, vitamins are power, they are reliable friends!


I should probably take some vitamins. Not only oranges, tangerines, But also carrots, beets and cabbage, Then we won’t be so sad.

To grow healthy and beautiful! We must make friends with vitamins. There are a lot of them - a whole alphabet! And each vitamin has its own sound.

“A” - serves to make our eyes shine, “B” - will keep our nerves strong, “C” - is good for teeth and bones. You can even treat guests to it.

“D” is like a ray of spring sunshine. It will give you a good mood. For a cheerful heart and so as not to get bored, We need “P” - it is in green tea.

There is no way to leave aside the wonderful vitamin called “E”. It’s funny, but it’s important for beautiful skin. It’s in the oil and in sea buckthorn too.

There is also calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, All this is very necessary and useful, I can’t count all the vitamins, Well, it’s time for me to go home, and it’s time for you to play!

Small, like specks of dust, There are vitamins in the world. Adults and children know how these little ones are needed.

We must all love foods: Meat, vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins. The number is countless.

In cottage cheese and milk, in sausage or flour, there are a lot of vitamins in cheese, in cherries, apples, figs.

Found in condensed milk and stewed meat, a lot in fried liver. In cranberries, blackberries, plums, pears, melons and olives.

In fish, butter and sour cream, in corn, radish, semolina. Vitamins in yogurt, in buckwheat, healthy porridge.

In juice, fermented baked milk, kefir, in marmalade and ice cream. In sprats, eggs and rice, in bread, tea, peanuts.

We can’t count everything, Vitamins are everywhere. They are useful friends! Their huge family

It will help us become stronger. We must know everything about them. Let's start with vitamin A and learn everything about it.

It is useful for gastritis and ulcerative colitis, for skin diseases, and will help restore vision,

Important for stunted growth. It’s easy to remember what it is! Adults and children should eat cod liver.

The fish oil here is natural and vitamin-rich - ideal. There is a group in vitamins, we can count them.

For example, B1 is a very important vitamin! It is very necessary and useful for peptic ulcers.

Treats liver, diabetes And there is nothing better for the heart! You can add anything to your diet that contains dry yeast.

There is also vitamin B2. Everyone always needs him! It normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

With hepatitis, wounds, ulcers, He is always ready to help. Delicious pork liver. The chop will help you.

This important vitamin is found in boiled beef kidneys. And B3 can enhance the effect of drugs,

He will help the body and give good advice. He shows care, only improves work

The entire vascular system, Treats if there are problems of the Heart, brain, Functions of the bloodstream.

And there is a lot of this vitamin in mackerel and sardines. Both peanuts and wheat are useful in the diet,

And we need to know about vitamin B5! There are many to list! It will help with burns,

Ulcers, polyneuritis, eczema, dermatitis and bronchial asthma, if there is an ulcer in the stomach.

It is often used and is available in tablets. There is a good vitamin called B6!

The heart rate slows down, the bile in the liver is separated and leads to an improvement in the function of blood circulation.

It is in sardines and horse mackerel, in boiled, smoked form, in mackerel and herring there is this vitamin B6.

B12 is prescribed if the liver fails. The hematopoietic apparatus will be happy with the vitamin.

He will help you with the problem, If there is a problem in the nervous system. It will not be in vain to eat Liver, meat, sprats in oil,

Drink powdered milk and love Swiss cheese. S- and it’s simpler ascarbinka, Little vitamin!

She will be seriously afraid of her vitamin deficiency. We eat sweet peppers, so we will defeat the virus!

Chew currants, parsley and drink a mug of rose hips! Colds will not be scary, blood vessels will become strong,

The body will try to resist viruses! Vitamin U is excellent, all attention to it!

Whoever has a stomach ache, Sclerosis develops, If the function of the Digestive glands suffers.

Here cabbage needs juice, a fresh bunch of parsley, and beets, always ready to help.

Vitamin D is very strong and will improve bone cells. It will help with fractures AND skin diseases.

With rickets, just great! Treats people's psoriasis. People all over the world know the benefits and benefits of fish oil.

It is not in vain that you can offer to eat smoked eel. In vitamins, there is a Vitamin in the family called E.

It is found in soybeans, there is a lot of it in oils, in corn, sunny, soybean, sunflower.

It dilates blood vessels, improves muscle nutrition, is useful for neuroses, and treats skin diseases.

Vitamin K will help if there is a protein deficiency. Will stop without a doubt, If there is bleeding.

Spinach is very necessary here. It is rich in vitamin K. And all cabbage, any kind And raw, boiled,

Sauerkraut, and in borscht, and in delicious green cabbage soup. Vitamins are found in foods, meat, vegetables and fruits.

But nutritious food does not always help. And the scientists gathered, tried very hard together,

And they created drugs, and they have a rich composition. Synthetic acids and chemical rocks.

The resulting vitamins are essential for people. Available in tablets, for children there are also pipettes.

In powders and capsules, in bottles, ampoules. Vitamins are already in candies, in small dragees.

But all people should know: It is necessary to strictly observe and carry out treatment only as directed. (E. Tikhonova)

You can also watch the cartoon Smeshariki with your kids. Pin code "Correctional nutrition" . The series talks about the importance of vitamins in our diet. Krosh, Hedgehog and Barash decide to outwit the iron nanny and eat foods they hate for each other. But the secret always becomes clear. The wise Sovunya will tell our friends what vitamins are needed for what, and what will happen if they are excluded from the diet.

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The Tale of Vitamins from the Garden

A fairy tale about healthy vegetables.

I want to tell you a story...

One day the boy Vanya had a dream in which he found himself in a wonderful place - the Kingdom of Vegetables. He saw a path and walked along it. And suddenly he hears a conversation. He looked around, there was no one. Only vegetables are there. I came closer to the beds and saw the vegetables talking. Not just a conversation, but an argument.

- I'm the most important! - the potato spoke loudly.

- Why? – asked the smiling cucumber. - After all, I am also useful and very handsome!

- Because I satiate better than other vegetables, I give all people strength for the whole day! - answered the potato.

- No, I’m the most important! – the orange carrot did not agree with the potatoes and cucumbers. – Do you know how much of a special vitamin I have – beta-carotene? It is useful for good vision. Whoever eats me, a carrot, will see well until old age. You just have to eat it with sour cream, so my vitamins work correctly and become much more useful.

Vanya listens to the carrot and nods his head. That's why it turns out that grandma sees well and doesn't wear glasses even when she knits and sews. She probably loves carrots.

“Girlfriend, you’re not the only one rich in beta-carotene,” answered the pumpkin. – I also have a lot of it, as well as other useful vitamins! I help a person fight autumn and spring diseases when it is damp, cold and windy outside. I also have vitamin C!

- Oh, if you want to get vitamin C, then contact me! – the sweet, fleshy red pepper laughed. – I have sooo much of it! Even more than in yellow lemons and orange oranges! I help with colds and strengthen the body.

- I am a red tomato, I cheer you up! If you eat a tomato, you will smile a lot.

- And I’m also one of the healthiest vegetables! - Broccoli smiled, curly cabbage, adjusting its green leaves. - And what is there in me! Whether you cook me or eat me raw, they’re full of vitamins! And my taste! Do you know what kind of soup I make?

“Well, well, friends, don’t get excited,” said the bow in a bass voice. – Have you heard the saying “The bow cures seven ailments” ? That's what they say about me. This means that I can cure and protect people from many diseases. And they add me to all dishes. They don't taste as good without me.

Then the vegetables suddenly noticed that they were being watched and immediately fell silent, as if they had not just been arguing with each other.

- These are miracles! – Vanya whispered, and then the dream ended. It was his mother who woke him up, calling him to eat.

The boy realized that he was very hungry and ran to wash his hands. Along the way, he remembered what his mother prepared for breakfast today. And when I remembered that she was talking about pumpkin porridge, I was happy. Now he will always eat his mother’s soups, porridge and salads and will become strong, agile and healthy. Since then, Vanya has never been capricious again, ate well and began to get sick less. And when he saw that they were indulging in food, he always told other children about his wonderful dream.


Live vitamins

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha who did not like to eat fruit. Give her sweets, cookies, cakes, but she refused to eat tasty and healthy fruits.

One morning the girl woke up and realized that she had no strength at all. I couldn't even get out of bed.

-Are you sick? - Mom asked worriedly.

- Probably not. But I don’t feel like getting up at all, even though I seem to have gotten enough sleep,” Masha answered.

Mom understood what was going on. It’s winter, but my daughter doesn’t eat fruit, so her body doesn’t have enough vitamins.

“Let me prepare a magic salad for you - from living vitamins,” my mother suggested.

- How is it? - Masha asked in surprise.

“You’ll see now,” with these words mom went to the kitchen, took an apple, banana, orange, persimmon and pear. She washed and cut the fruit, added cream and honey, mixed it and brought it to the girl.

- What is this? - Masha was surprised.

“We are living vitamins,” the fruits answered in unison.

“I have a lot of iron for good hemoglobin,” the apple proudly declared.

“And I have a lot of B vitamins, which your nervous system really needs,” said the banana.

“I have a lot of vitamin C for a strong immune system,” exclaimed the orange.

“And I have a lot of iodine for your mind and development,” said the persimmon.

“I have a lot of fructose and folic acid,” responded the pear.

- We also feed your beneficial bacteria in your tummy so that your intestinal microflora is in order! - the fruits said in unison.

Masha ate a healthy fruit salad and noticed how much strength she had noticeably increased. Since then, instead of sweets and chocolates, the girl prefers to eat healthy fruit salad, which saturates her body with vitamins and energy.

The Tale of Vitamins from the Garden

One summer Seryozha was visiting his grandmother in the village. It’s nice to be in the village - sunshine, river, clean air. You can play outside with the kids from morning until dark! Only Seryozha and his grandmother often quarreled. And why? The grandmother prepared delicious lunches of fruits and vegetables for her grandson, but the boy did not want to eat them. “I don’t like this. I won't do that. I don’t eat this red stuff! Take away that little green thing!” - this is what the grandmother heard every time she persuaded the boy to sit at the table. Grandmother was upset, and Seryozha himself felt unpleasant about offending her, but he couldn’t help himself.

One morning, before breakfast, a boy went out into the yard to say hello to the sun. Suddenly Seryozha heard someone’s voices from the direction of his grandmother’s vegetable beds. He looked around, there was no one. I came closer to the beds and my mouth gaped in surprise. It was the vegetables in the beds talking to each other. They didn’t just talk, they argued.

- I'm the most important! - declared the potato. – I fill you up better than any vegetable, giving you strength for the whole day! - No, I’m the most important! – the orange carrot did not agree. – Do you know how much vitamin beta-carotene is in me? It is very good for the eyes. Whoever eats a lot of it will see well until old age. Seryozha listens to the carrot, and nods his head. This is why grandma sees so well and doesn’t wear glasses even when she sews or knits. She probably loves carrots. “You’re not the only one, my friend, rich in beta-carotene,” answered the pumpkin. “And I have a lot of it.” As well as other useful vitamins! I help a person fight autumn diseases when it is damp and windy outside. I also have vitamin C! - Oh, if we are talking about vitamin C, then you should contact me! – the fleshy sweet red pepper laughed. - I have so much of it! More than lemons and oranges! It helps with colds and strengthens the body. - And I’m actually one of the healthiest vegetables! – the curly broccoli cabbage smiled, straightening its green leaves. - And what is there in me! Whether you cook me or eat me raw, they’re full of vitamins! And the taste! Do you know what kind of soup I make? “Well, well, friends, don’t get excited,” said the bow in a bass voice. – Haven’t you heard the saying “The bow cures seven diseases”? It's about me. This means that I can cure a person of many diseases. And in general they add me to all dishes. They don't taste as good without me. Then the vegetables suddenly noticed that they were being watched and immediately fell silent, as if they had not just been arguing with each other.

- These are miracles! – Seryozha whispered, and then his grandmother called him to breakfast.

The boy realized that he was terribly hungry and ran to wash his hands. Along the way, he remembered what his grandmother had prepared for breakfast today. And when I remembered that she was talking about pumpkin porridge, I was happy. Now he will always eat grandma’s soups, porridge and salads and will become strong, agile and healthy.


The therapeutic effect of fairy tales

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than one where the main characters are people. This way, the child can quickly get acquainted and “make friends” with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting fairy tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasy, dreams and daydreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, etc. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That's why not only children, but also adults like them so much.

About the benefits of vitamins for children. Multivitamins - harm or benefit?

The long-awaited spring has arrived! Each of us has our own associations with the awakening of nature from winter sleep - ringing drops, young green grass so touchingly and fervently making its way through the melted snow, flocks of chirping sparrows in the bushes... And everyone has certain plans for spring that have not changed for years. For some, these are seasonal concerns related to gardening, for others, it is at this time of year that they undergo certain health examinations and cosmetic procedures. And for several years now, at the beginning of March I go to the pharmacy to choose a multivitamin complex. However, given the fact that not so long ago vitamins from my favorite brand disappeared from the shelves, and others, which I also trust, are very expensive, I began to think - do I need synthetic vitamins at all? Now we will try to figure it out.

Vitamins give us a full life

Vitamins are absolutely necessary for human life. This is an axiom. Since vitamins are involved in many biochemical reactions in the body, acting as catalysts for various processes, normal metabolism is impossible without them. A lack of vitamins leads to metabolic disorders and many diseases - from seasonal colds and a tendency to viral infections as a result of decreased immunity, to serious and dangerous diseases - scurvy, rickets, severe nervous disorders, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, cancer. In addition, the unpleasant consequences of vitamin deficiency manifest themselves in the form of increased fatigue, inability to concentrate, as well as depression, excess weight and skin problems. It would seem that what is the difficulty - go to the pharmacy, buy the box you like, take a beautiful colored pill, and enjoy life! But no, it’s not that simple, unfortunately.

Data on the benefits and harms of synthetic vitamins are contradictory

Among the many modern publications on vitamins, some prove the harm of synthetic vitamins and dietary supplements. Some talk about low-quality drugs, others about the incompatibility of artificial supplements with the human body, other authors emphasize that we do not buy vitamins in jars at all, but only their individual components, which are not at all equivalent to their natural counterpart. They also indicate a reduction in life expectancy, the development of heart disease and the risk of cancer of the digestive system when consuming large amounts of artificially synthesized vitamin preparations. Is it really? Let everyone decide for themselves what to believe.

The benefits of natural vitamins are undeniable

Of course, the benefits of natural vitamins are not questioned. Therefore, if you lead a healthy lifestyle - eat rationally (several meals during the day, a varied menu, including milk and butter, eggs and meat, vegetable oils, fresh fruits and vegetables in any form; the products on your table are fresh and organic clean), regularly spend a lot of time in the fresh air during daylight hours, get enough sleep, if you have no or minimized stress factors - then you can easily do without multivitamin complexes! However, if in the morning you wake up tired, without the desire to do anything, if you are often nervous, walk a little and eat sandwiches, hamburgers and cola, then you need to take pharmaceutical vitamins. In addition, specialized vitamins should be taken by children during the period of active growth, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly and people during the period of illness and recovery from it. But, in any case, it is advisable to discuss the need to take vitamin supplements with your doctor.

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