Socially significant project “It’s easy to be healthy!”

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is a means of maintaining life, growth and development, health and high performance of a person.
Poor nutrition leads to metabolic disorders and disruption of the functional state of body systems. "What is proper nutrition"

Proper nutrition - the presence of all the necessary nutrients in the menu. Proper nutrition is a balanced diet with all the necessary substances, carbohydrates and fiber, the required amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements. Proper nutrition means limiting the intake of harmful substances.

You need to start limiting yourself from more harmful to less harmful.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

1. The energy value of food must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. 2. Balanced diet, i.e. compliance of the chemical composition of nutrients with the physiological needs of the body. 3. Mode. Proper diet

Science has accumulated a lot of information about proper nutrition, but not everyone knows it. Every person needs to know several postulates about proper nutrition:

  • take food often in small quantities;
  • avoid long periods between meals;
  • the chemical composition of food must be completely broken down by the body's enzymes;
  • It is recommended to have dinner no later than three hours before going to bed;
  • There must be a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates
  • the diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits

Physical activity

Motor activity is understood as the sum of all movements made by a person in the process of his life. This is an effective means of maintaining and strengthening health, harmonious personal development, and disease prevention. An indispensable component of physical activity is regular physical education and sports. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes.

Systematic training makes muscles stronger, and the body as a whole is more adapted to environmental conditions. Under the influence of muscle loads, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, and blood pressure rises. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscle work, the breathing rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

Physical activity is a leading factor in human health, because is aimed at stimulating the body's defenses and increasing health potential. Full physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, influencing almost all aspects of human life.

Project “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

The motto of the project: “Being healthy is great!” Project type: information - practice - oriented Project implementation Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • Formation of the problem.
  • Definition of tasks.
  • Studying methodological literature on this topic.

Stage 2: Basic.

  • Organization of work on the project.

Stage 3: Final.

  • Analysis of project results.
  • KVN: “Being healthy is great!”
  • Design of an exhibition of drawings: “It’s great to be healthy!”

Project product: book design: “About health seriously!” Problem: “Insufficient interest of children and parents in maintaining and strengthening their health” Justification of the problem

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of seven, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Introducing health-saving and health-strengthening conscious behavior to children from preschool age is an urgent problem in preschool education, because It is at this age, due to the high activity of children, that interest in correct behavior is formed and habits are formed. There is a need to find practical ways to develop a healthy lifestyle in children. The need to cultivate a culture of health is emphasized by studies of domestic and foreign scientists confirming that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

Today, preserving and strengthening children’s health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”; as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population of the Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of an individual.

Therefore, the main tasks to improve the health of children in our group are to develop their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, and to develop a healthy lifestyle. Children must learn to make the right choices in any situation, only those that are healthy and avoid everything that is harmful. To help parents instill in their child from an early age the right attitude towards their health and a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Solving the problems of cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health can be done both in direct educational activities and can be implemented in the process of educational activities during routine moments, in children’s project activities.

The system of teaching knowledge, skills and abilities to ensure and maintain health will allow you to successfully solve the problem of forming your own health philosophy and form health-enhancing habits while harmful ones have not yet been acquired, and then healthy lifestyle behavioral skills will become an integral part of life. Target:

  • To interest children and parents in understanding the need to take care of their health, protect it, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Create a book “About Health Seriously!”
  • Dates: November 2012 - April 2013.
  • Children's age: 6-7 years.
  • Intermediate result:

Conducting KVN with children “Being healthy is great!” Design of an exhibition of drawings: “Being healthy is great! Project presentation. Tasks

  • Develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children, a desire to take care of their health.
  • Get children interested in choosing behavior and actions that benefit their health.
  • Instilling in all project participants an active life position aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Expected results for the teacher:

  • Reducing morbidity among children.
  • Creating a favorable educational environment, ways to maintain health, education and personal development.

For children:

  • Beneficial influence on the development of speech, broadening of horizons, physical and moral qualities.
  • Developing forms of behavior for children that help avoid danger to the life and health of children.

For parents:

  • To form an active life position among project participants aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Project implementation stages: Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • To analyze the approaches available in the scientific literature to the formation of health-saving behavior in preschoolers;
  • To identify the level of formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among project participants and the range of interests, compliance with the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle (children of the preparatory group and their parents).
  • Defining the topic, goals and objectives, project content, predicting the result.
  • Discussion with parents of the project, clarification of the opportunities necessary for the implementation of the project, determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

Stage 2: Implementations. The stage included the integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “socialization”, “safety”, “health”, “communication”, “physical education”, “reading fiction”, “artistic creativity”, “music”, which was carried out in the process of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child and independent activities of children. Working with children: Direct educational activities: Theme “Theme “Flower of Health.” Goal: To form in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, using modern health-saving technologies of Direct Educational Activities (cryo-therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy).

Topic “Microbes” Goal: To form children’s understanding of microbes, methods of their spread and transmission, to introduce them to ways to protect the body from diseases. Clarify ideas about the role of physical education and hardening in the fight against germs and viruses.

Topic: “Travel to the country of life safety” Goal: To consolidate the concept of life safety, develop the ability to act correctly in emergency situations, generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and rules of behavior on the street.

Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” Goal: to expand and enrich children’s ideas about professions, tools, and labor actions.

Topic: “Health and Nutrition” Goal: to expand and clarify children’s understanding of nutrition, continue to teach the rules of cultural and safe behavior at the table, cultivate a desire to eat healthy food, interest children in maintaining and strengthening their own health and leading a healthy lifestyle. your body.

Topic: “There is smoke all around from cigarettes, there is no place for me in that smoke” Purpose: To introduce children to the respiratory system and the function of the lungs in humans. Form a conscious attitude towards performing stretching, relaxation and breathing exercises. Give children the opportunity to make their own decisions to protect their bodies from harmful smoke. Educational activities during regime moments. Daily preventive work: Morning exercises, preventive exercises (breathing, posture, flat feet, vision), awakening exercises, ventilation, hardening, physical education minutes, outdoor games. Conversations:

  • Communication: “To always be healthy, you need to exercise!”
  • “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “How to help myself and others?”, “How does our body work?”, “Why do people get sick?”, “How does our body work?”, “Who and how takes care of your health?”, “How to create a good mood?”, “If you want to be healthy?”
  • “Conversation about health, cleanliness” Solving provocative questions and problematic situations
  • Conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands (rhymes)


  • Role-playing games: “Clinic”, “Pharmacy”, “Ambulance”, “Kindergarten”, “Family”, “Hospital”.
  • Didactic games: “Health watch”, “I can do it - I can’t”, “Guess who called”, “Find a pair”, “Guess by touch”, “Hygiene rules”, “Good or bad”, “Harmful or useful”, “Is it possible or not”, “My day”, “Dangerously not dangerous” and others.
  • Outdoor games: “Silence”, “Stream”, “Find out who called”, “Trap”, “Tug of war”, “Sports for boys and girls”, “Dangerous situations”, “Whose circle will gather faster”.
  • Games for the development of motor creativity: “Imagine - show.” "Charging the funny little mice." "Mirror". “Guess - repeat”, “Do as I do.”
  • Dramatization games: dramatization of excerpts: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”. "Vegetable Carnival" "Piggy and Stepashka."

Looking at illustrations Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about health. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Aibolit”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, V. Radchenko “Olympic Textbook”, S. Prokofiev “Ruddy Cheeks2”, M. Bezrukov “Talk about Proper Nutrition”, G. Zaitsev “Pleasant appetite”, “Strong - strong teeth”, A. Kutafin “Vovka’s victory”, A. Barto “I’m growing” and “Dirty girl”. Making leaflets: “Rules of a healthy lifestyle!” Working with parents:

  • Consultations “Healthy family lifestyle”, “Immunity and ways to strengthen it”, “Daily routine”, “Motor activity and health of a preschooler”, “Flat feet” and others.
  • Individual conversations about the physical skills of each child, the importance of joint physical activity with children, etc.
  • Memos for parents: “Prevention of flat feet in children”, “Health is the main wealth of a person”, “Breathing exercises”, “Games in our yard”, “Prevention of poor posture in children”, “Food culture”, “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “ non-traditional hardening methods", "Magic points". “Being healthy is great!”
  • Card index "Outdoor games".
  • Parents' meeting "Strengthening and preserving children's health"
  • Newspaper release: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”
  • Exhibition of books for children and parents about healthy lifestyle.

Joint activities of parents and children: Exhibition of drawings: “Being healthy is great!” Book design: “About health seriously!” Performance indicators:

  • Reducing morbidity among children.
  • Children's knowledge and conscious understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to take care of their health.
  • Children’s ability to choose behavior and actions that benefit health.
  • The majority of project participants have formed an active life position aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health, creating conditions for maintaining this position.

Intermediate result:

  • Conducting KVN with children “Being healthy is great!”
  • Design of an exhibition of drawings: “It’s great to be healthy!”
  • Project presentation.

Project product:

  • Book design: “About health seriously!”

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Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is an integral part of human culture. It is the conscious observance of the rules of personal hygiene that distinguishes each of us from animals.

Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which helps to preserve and strengthen human health. Personal hygiene includes general hygienic rules that are the same for people of any age: proper alternation of mental and physical labor, physical education, regular meals of nutritious food, alternation of work and active rest, adequate sleep. Personal hygiene in the narrow sense includes hygienic requirements for keeping the body, linen, clothing, home clean, as well as maintaining cleanliness when preparing food. The first priority is to maintain cleanliness of the body.

One of the most important tenets of personal hygiene is skin care. This must be done not only for an attractive appearance, but also for health.

The skin is one of the largest organs in the human body. Moreover, the skin is one of the first places in the body in terms of the number of functions it performs. So, the skin is responsible for thermoregulation, oxygen enters the body through it, nutrients enter the blood through the skin, the skin is the most important of the senses. A healthy person has clean and smooth skin. The appearance of any pimples, redness or ulcerations on the skin indicates a problem with the whole body. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of your skin.

It is necessary to take a warm shower daily using a hard washcloth and soap. Do not wear underwear that is dirty or unwashed. Do not try to open abscesses or crush acne yourself. You need to choose underwear and clothes from comfortable materials. It may not necessarily be pure cotton; many modern materials are not inferior to cotton in all respects. When going out into severe frost, wear mittens and treat exposed skin with special fatty creams.

Oral hygiene is a very important component of personal hygiene. If your teeth are not in order, then the whole body suffers. If there are foci of caries in the mouth, with periodontitis or periodontal disease, the infection easily spreads to the sinuses, tonsils, and kidneys. Therefore, brush your teeth regularly twice a day. To do this, use a toothpaste and brush that suits you. If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth after your next meal, rinse your mouth, at least with clean water. It is advisable to remove food debris using dental floss or a toothpick. You should visit the dentist once every six months.

Personal hygiene is impossible without hair hygiene. Wash your hair as often as necessary to keep it clean. It’s just important to choose the shampoo. If your hair is so oily that it needs to be washed daily, you need to find a shampoo for daily use. Do not comb your hair while wet, do not use metal combs for this.

Research project “What is a healthy lifestyle?”

Oral hygiene is a very important component of personal hygiene. If your teeth are not in order, then the whole body suffers. If there are foci of caries in the mouth, with periodontitis or periodontal disease, the infection easily spreads to the sinuses, tonsils, and kidneys. Therefore, brush your teeth regularly twice a day. To do this, use a toothpaste and brush that suits you. If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth after your next meal, rinse your mouth with at least clean water. It is advisable to remove food debris using dental floss or a toothpick. You should visit the dentist once every six months.

Personal hygiene is impossible without hair hygiene. Wash your hair as often as necessary to keep it clean. It’s just important to choose the shampoo. If your hair is so oily that it needs to be washed daily, you need to find a shampoo for daily use. Do not comb your hair while wet, do not use metal combs for this.

4.5 Bad habits

Smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol consumption are those bad habits that have a detrimental effect not only on the health of the direct consumer, but also on the quality of life of the people around him. Smokers do not care about the health of their loved ones, forcing them to “smoke” with them, and drug addicts and alcoholics can simply be socially dangerous due to decreased control over their actions and loss of a sense of responsibility

Every year, up to 1.5 million people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking. Smoking weakens the immune system and leads to premature disability. A product of tobacco combustion, such as carbon monoxide, penetrating into the blood vessels, reduces the ability of red blood cells to supply the body's cells with oxygen, which stimulates the progress of diseases of the circulatory system and can lead to the formation of. Blood clots and circulatory disorders in the vessels of the lower extremities. Over time, intermittent claudication and other joint and vascular problems develop.

Constant consumption of tobacco does not have the best effect on a person’s appearance: nails and teeth turn yellow, hair becomes thinner, becomes brittle, and loses its healthy shine.

A smoker jeopardizes not only his own health, but also the health of his loved ones. It is known that the person who smokes inhales about 25% of tobacco smoke, while the remaining three-quarters goes to those around him, who are forced to become “passive smokers.”

A passive smoker, when staying in a room where people constantly smoke, only receives a share of harmful substances within one hour, which is equal to the amount received by smoking half a cigarette. At the same time, passive smoking leads to the formation of the same pathologies as in an active smoker. Therefore, the argument that smoking is everyone’s personal matter takes on a completely different color in this light. And the myth about the safety of smoking for others has long been dispelled.

Bad habits

What is a bad habit?
A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of the bad habit.
Bad habits include the following:

  • Alcoholism
  • Addiction
  • Smoking

Smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol consumption are those bad habits that have a detrimental effect not only on the health of the direct consumer, but also on the quality of life of the people around him.

Alcoholism is the most common bad habit, often turning into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the negative consequences.

Drug addiction is a chronic progressive (development of the disease with increasing symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances. Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs are highly addictive psychologically but not physically addictive. Others, on the contrary, cause strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Smoking is the inhalation of smoke from drugs, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the active substances they contain through their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Sociological research (questionnaire)

In order to refute or accept the project’s hypothesis, I invited students to answer questionnaires that included questions covering all aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

Questionnaire No. 1 “My idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle”

Questionnaire No. 2 “My physical activity”

Questionnaire No. 3 “Proper nutrition”

Questionnaire No. 4 “Personal hygiene”

Questionnaire No. 5 “Bad habits”

24 students in grades 8-9 took part in the survey.

Survey results. My idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle

Of the 24 respondents, 23 were able to accurately formulate what the concept of a healthy lifestyle means and what needs to be done to lead a healthy lifestyle. This fact proves the correctness of the first part of our hypothesis - Teenagers can competently explain what the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes. To the question “Do you think the following statement “I lead a healthy lifestyle” is true for your lifestyle? 23 respondents answered - no, one I don’t know.

My physical activity Based on the results of questionnaire No. 2, we can confidently say that the daily routine of the respondents does not correspond to the norm. They spend little time walking (mostly because they don’t have time; some only go for walks on weekends), and they sleep little. They spend a lot of time watching TV, computers, doing homework and extra classes in subjects.

All 24 respondents do not do morning exercises, citing the fact that exercises are carried out at school before the first lesson. It is also indicative that only 3 respondents attended all physical education lessons in the first half of the year; the majority missed more than 10 lessons due to illness. In winter, schoolchildren do not ski at all (only during physical education lessons); 50% of respondents skate at least once a week (although conditions have been created for this in the village).

As for summer active recreation, we can say that the time of the bicycle has long passed. Only 3 out of 24 respondents ride a bicycle at least 3 times a week; many do not recognize this type of active recreation at all. Analyzing the data, we can say with confidence that physical activity in adolescents is low and the daily routine of a modern teenager cannot be called correct.

Proper nutrition From questionnaire No. 3, we conclude that 50% of children do not have breakfast at home, eat dry food, drink a lot of carbonated drinks, crackers, chips, and sweets. Only 4 people eat first courses at lunch, they do not consume dairy products and fruits every day, and they eat few vegetables. When buying products, almost everyone does not think about their benefits or harm. All respondents understand that they are eating incorrectly.

Personal hygiene All 24 respondents know the rules of personal hygiene, and according to the questionnaire, 20 respondents fully comply with all the rules of personal hygiene, only 3 people do not always have time to do everything correctly (brush your teeth in the evening, wash your face before going to bed), 1 person could not give an answer to this question.

Bad habits Data from the Bad Habits questionnaire show that slightly less than 50% of respondents have tried smoking and drinking alcohol, with 3 people smoking (not constantly), 2 people drinking alcohol on holidays. The majority of respondents indicated that smoking and drinking alcohol can only be done from the age of 18; using drugs is prohibited from any age. The good news is that none of the respondents have tried drugs and consider it unsafe.

After processing the questionnaires, we concluded that almost all students do not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

It is imperative to carry out work to promote a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and the prevention of bad habits.

The results of questionnaires No. 2 - No. 5 prove the correctness of the second part of the hypothesis - there is practically no child who fully complies with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

In our case, almost all teenagers do not comply with the motor regime, work and rest regime, do not eat properly, only two indicators - personal hygiene and bad habits - 90% of respondents comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle. And it is necessary to carry out work to prevent bad habits so that those respondents who have already tried smoking and drinking alcohol do not have a desire to do so again.

Conclusions based on the results of the project

In the course of working on the project and analyzing the results of the sociological study, we can say with confidence that the hypothesis was completely justified. Indeed, teenagers can competently explain what the concept of a healthy lifestyle includes, but there is practically no child who fully complies with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Following the norms and principles of a healthy lifestyle is the duty of every reasonable person. A conscious attitude towards one’s own health should become the norm of behavior, the main distinguishing feature of a cultural, civilized personality.

Quality of health concerns all aspects of life. This is why developing a healthy lifestyle is of great importance. It can only be achieved by creating permanent habits. This will not take a day or two. If you really want to start taking care of your health, be patient. Where to start?

I have prepared a booklet for those who want to start leading a healthy lifestyle and I think it can become instructions for every schoolchild and even adult.

Socially significant project “It’s easy to be healthy!”

"Healthy Eating"

Parents have to come up with a lot of things to get their beloved baby to eat. And this capricious gourmand only knows that he is dodging the spoon. So how do you get your child to eat every last spoonful?

One of the most common mistakes parents make is to offer their child sweet fruit juices or milk instead of water when he asks for a drink. After all, the sugar included in these drinks reduces appetite.

A few simple tips:

Make a holiday out of your meal! During a meal, the emotional atmosphere is very important. Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners should not be used as an opportunity to punish or criticize a child for disobedience.

Try to feed your baby in the kitchen, where you eat yourself. Children are more likely to eat food if they see their parents eating and enjoying the food themselves. If your baby sees you happily eating carrots or pureed vegetables, he thinks it’s delicious and will be more likely to try such food in the future.

Do not try to force your child to eat more than he can. This can form an undesirable habit for him to put food in his mouth and keep it there without swallowing.

If possible, let your child try everything that is not forbidden to him at this age - this will only increase his interest in food.

Forcing a child to constantly eat any dish is wrong - you will only increase the rejection of this dish.

"Optimal motor mode"

The child has a strong need to move. The child receives the basis for successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes. However, the improvement and sustainability of the acquired skills, and the child’s independent application of them in various living conditions cannot be achieved only through classes alone.

In addition to daily morning exercises and a certain number of physical education classes in preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to exercise independently. For this, it is best to use outdoor games.

“Don’t be lazy to harden yourself!”

If you want to see your child healthy, you must constantly, every day, devote time to hardening procedures. The “minimum” of hardening includes the mandatory use of non-overheating clothing, air and water procedures, and hygiene of clothing and shoes. Next we will talk about the role of walks in the life of preschoolers.

“The role of a walk in the life of a preschooler”

In our kindergarten, great attention is paid to the proper organization of walks in the preschooler’s daily routine. Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Since the growing body’s need for oxygen is more than 2 times greater than that of adults, walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase the child’s endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds. Our kindergarten students play a lot and move around during walks. Movement increases metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, and improves appetite. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality.

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