Complexes of general developmental exercises in the younger group

Complexes of general developmental exercises in the younger group

Nelly Rutskova

Complexes of general developmental exercises in the younger group

Complex No. 1 (handkerchiefs)


1."Play with a handkerchief"

I. p. O. s., handkerchief in the right (left)
hand below. B. Raise the handkerchief up and lower it to the floor. Bend over and pick up the handkerchief. Breath

arbitrary. (4–6 times)


2."Move the handkerchief"

I. p. O. s., arms to the sides, handkerchief in the right hand. B. 1 – extend your arms forward, transfer the handkerchief to your left hand (exhale)
2 – spread your arms to the sides (inhale)
3 – extend your arms forward, transfer the handkerchief to your right hand (exhale)
4 – i. p. (inhale)
. 4–6 times.

3."Hide behind a handkerchief"

I. p. Standing, handkerchief below in both hands. V. 1 – sit down, handkerchief in front of your face (hid)
exhale; 2 – i. n. inhale. 4–6 times.


. I. p Standing, the handkerchief lies on the floor in front of you. Jumping in front of a handkerchief, alternate with walking. Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “Breeze” ( breathing exercise )

. I. p O. s., hands with a handkerchief in front of him. B. Blow on a handkerchief. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 2 (without items)



. I. p. O. s., hands below. B. 1 – rise on your toes, arms up through your sides, inhale. 2 – return to i. n. exhale. 4–6 times.


I. p. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. B. Tilt the head to the right (left)
side, inhale. 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s., arms along the body. B. Raise your right shoulder up, and. p., raise your left shoulder up, and. p., inhale. 4–6 times.


. I.p. Sitting on the floor, legs pulled together, clasp your legs with your hands. B. Rolls to the right, left. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


. I. p. Legs are foot-width apart, parallel. B. Jumping on two legs, alternate with walking. Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “I’ll grow big” ( breathing exercise )

p. O. s. B. 1, 2 – raise your arms up, stretch well; 3, 4 – lower your arms down, lower yourself onto your entire foot, say “U-u-u!”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 3 (medium ball)


1."Look at the ball"

p. O. s. , the ball is below in both hands. B. 1 – rise on your toes, lift the ball above your head, inhale; 2 – return to i. p., say “down”
, exhale. 4–6 times.

2."Pass the ball"

.AND. p. Feet width apart, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. B. 1 – extend your arms forward, transfer the ball to your left hand, exhale; 2 – spread your arms to the sides, inhale; 3 – extend your arms forward, transfer the ball to your right hand, exhale; 4 – i. n. inhale. 4–6 times.

3."Roll the ball"

p. Sit legs crossed, ball on the right (left)
side on the floor. B. Roll the ball to the right and left sides in front of you. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.

4."Play with the ball"

.AND. p.O.S., ball in front of the chest. B. Throwing the ball up. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Feet width apart, ball in front of you. B. Jumping on two legs with a ball in hands. Alternate with walking. Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “Show the ball”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. ,ball in front of chest. B. 1, 2 – take a deep breath; 3, 4 – make your lips a tube, exhale calmly, extend your hands with the ball forward (show the ball)
. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 4 (without items)


1."Look Around"

.AND. r Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. B. Turns the head to the right and left sides. 2 times.

2."Pick an Apple"

.AND. r Feet width apart, arms along the body. B. 1 – rise on your toes, raise your right hand up (pick an apple, exhale; 2 – i.p. inhale;

3 – rise on your toes, raise your left hand up, exhale;

4 – i. n. inhale. 3 times.


n. Squatting, hug your knees with your hands. B. Straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up (the flower has blossomed)
. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


I. p Lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. B. Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your arms, press your head to your knees (curl into a ball)

Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


.AND. p O. s. , arms are bent at the elbows. B. Jump legs apart, arms to the sides. Alternate with walking. Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “Hedgehog”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Look to the right (left, take a deep breath. Look straight, say: “F - f - f
.” 2 - 4 times.

Complex No. 5 (cubes)


1."Knock the cube against the cube"

. I. p Feet width apart, arms with cubes along the body. B. Raise your hands with the cubes up through your sides and hit them against each other. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.

2."Hit the cubes on your knees"

n. Feet at the width of the foot, hands with cubes on the belt. B. Bend over, tap the cubes on your knees, say: “Knock, knock.”
Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.

3."Knock the cubes under your knees"

.AND. p. Sitting on the floor, arms with cubes bent at the elbows. B. Raise your legs up, hit the cubes under your knees. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.

4."Put and Take"

.AND. p. Legs slightly apart, arms with cubes behind the back. B. 1 – sit down, put the cubes on the floor, exhale;

2 – i. n. inhale;

3 – sit down, take the cubes from the floor, exhale;

4 – i. n. inhale. 4–6 times.

5."Jumping with cubes"

.AND. p.O.s., arms with cubes bent at the elbows. B. Jump legs apart, arms with cubes to the sides. Alternate with walking. Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “Blowing on the cubes”
breathing exercise ) .I. p.O.S., hands with cubes in front of the chest. B. The cubes lie on the palms, blow on the cubes. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 6 (without items)



.AND. n. Feet width apart, hands on the belt. B. Turn your head to the right (to the left, return to i.p. Breathing is arbitrary. 4–6 times.


. I. p. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. B. Bend your arms to your shoulders, clench your fingers into a fist. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


p. Legs slightly apart, arms raised above the head and clasped into a fist. B. 1 – lean forward, say “Uh”
; 2 – and. n. inhale; 4–6 times.

4."Birds are pecking"

.AND. p. O. s. , hands are lowered behind the back. B. Sit down, tap your knees with your fingers, exhale. 4–6 times.

5. Jumping. I. p. O. s. B. Jumping legs apart, hands on the belt. Alternate with walking.

Breathing is voluntary. 2 times.

6. “Ah”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Inhale, hold your breath. Exhaling, say: “A – a – a – a – ah!”
. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 7 (leaves)


1."Play with the leaves"

.AND. n. Legs feet-width apart, arms with leaves along the body. B. 1 – lift the leaves forward; 2 – up; 3 – wave; 4 – and. n. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.


p. O. s., hands with leaves on the belt. B. Simultaneously swing the right (left)
hand up and the left
hand down. Breathing is voluntary. 4–6 times.

3."Put and Take"

.AND. p. Legs apart, hands with leaves on the belt. B. 1 – sit down, put the leaves on the floor, exhale; 2 – and. n.;3 – sit down, take leaves from the floor, exhale;4 – i. n. 4–6 times.

4."Turn around"

.AND. p. Legs slightly apart, hands with leaves behind the back. B. Spin to the right (to the left, hands with leaves to the sides. Breathing is arbitrary. 2 times.


. I. p. O. s., arms with leaves bent at the elbows. B. Jumping from foot to foot. Alternate with walking. Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. “Let’s blow on the leaves”
breathing exercise ) .I. p. O. s., hands with leaves in front of the chest. The leaves lie on the palms, blow on the leaves. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 8 (without items)



. I. p. Legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. B. Tilt your head to the right (to the left, return to i.p. Free 4-6 times.


.AND. p.O.S., hands behind back. B. Clench your fingers into a fist, raise your hands up, shake your fists. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Feet width apart, palms of hands connected in front of chest. B. Turn your torso to the right (to the left, spread your arms to the sides. Exhale. 4-6 times.


n. Sitting on the floor, legs apart, arms supported behind. B. Raise your right (left)
leg up, tilt your head towards your leg. Arbitrary. 3 times.


. I. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Jumping on both legs, hands on the belt. Alternate with walking. Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. “I will grow big”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. B. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes; And. etc., say “u-u-u”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 9 (flags)



. I. p. Legs feet-width apart, arms with flags along the body. B. 1 – raise the flags to the sides; 2 – up; 3 – forward; 4 – i. n. Arbitrary 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s., hands with flags on the belt. B. Sit down and knock the flags on the floor. Exhalation. 4–6 times.


.AND. p. Legs apart, hands with flags behind the back. B. Lean forward, spread your arms to the sides. Exhalation. 4–6 times.

4."Turn around"

.AND. p. Legs slightly apart, hands with flags in front of you. B. Spin to the right (to the left, arms with flags to the sides. Free. 2 times.


.AND. p.O.S., arms with flags bent at the elbows. B. Jumping from foot to foot. Alternate with walking. Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. “Let’s blow on the flags”
breathing exercise ) .I. p.O.S., hands with flags in front of the chest. B. Inhale, blow on the flags. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 10 (without items)



.AND. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. 1 – raise your shoulders up; Inhale, 2 – lower your shoulders down. Exhalation. 4–6 times.


n. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. B. Raise your right (left)
arm through the sides, move it forward, spread your body to the left, lower your arms down, return to i. n. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Legs slightly apart, hands behind back. B. Perform squats, touch your forehead to your knees and hug them with your hands, exhale. I. p. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Lying on your back, arms along the body. B. Raise your legs and arms and dangle them in the air. Arbitrary. 3 times.


. I. p. Legs together, hands on the belt. B. Jumping forward and backward. Alternate with walking. Free 2 times.

6. “Stretch”
breathing exercise ) .
I. p. Legs slightly apart, arms along the body. B. Raise your arms up through your sides, stretch well. Bend over and, as you exhale, say: “Wow!”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 11 (hoop)


1."Look at the hoop"

p. O. s., hoop at the bottom, girth from the sides. B. Raise the hoop up, stretch, look at it, return to i. p., say “down”
. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. p. O. s., hoop in front of the chest. B. 1 – turn to the right, inhale; 2 – i. p. ;3 – turn to the left, inhale; 4 – i. p. 3 times in each direction.

3."Show me the hoop"

I. p. Legs wider than shoulders, hoop in front of you. B. Lean forward, stretch your arms forward - up, head straight to “show”
the hoop. Exhalation. 4–6 times.


n. Feet width apart, hoop in front of you. B. Sit down, stretch your arms forward, say: “Sit down!”
, return to and. n. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. p. Standing in a hoop, feet together. B. Jumping in a hoop. Alternate with walking.

Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. Walking on a hoop. I. p. Standing on a hoop. B. Walking on a hoop. Arbitrary. 2 times.

Complex No. 12 (without items)



.AND. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Tilts the head back and forth. Inhale - exhale. 4–6 times.

2."Pull - Push"

.AND. p. O. s., right hand forward, left hand bent at the elbow, palms forward. B. Alternating right and left hands. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


n. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back below. B. Bend over and tap your index fingers on your knees and say: “Ta-ta-ta!”

4–6 times.


I. p. Lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. B. Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your arms, press your head to your knees (curl into a ball)

Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Legs together, hands on the belt. B. Jumping forward and backward. Alternate with walking. Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. “I will grow big”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. B. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes; return to i. etc., say “u-u-u”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 13 (without items)


1."Show your hands"

n. Legs slightly apart, hands behind back. B. Stretch your arms forward (show your hands)
. Exhale. 4–6 times.


.AND. p. O. s., arms moved to the sides. B. Turns the body to the right - left.

Arbitrary. 4–6 times.

3."Small big"

n. Sit down with your hands clasping your knees (we are small)
Stand up, stretch your arms up (we are big)
. Free exercise. 4–6 times.

4."Rocking chair"

.AND. n. Lying on your back, legs bent, knees pressed to your chest. B. Wrap your hands around your knees, press your head to your knees, rock forward and back on your back. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s. B. Run quickly in place, raising your knees high. Alternate with walking. Free 2 times.

6. “Wind”
breathing exercise ) .I. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. 1, 2 – take a deep breath;

3, 4 – make your lips a tube, do not exhale quickly. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 14 (big ball)


1."Look at the ball"

p. O. s., ball below, girth from the sides. B. Raise the ball up, stretch, look at it, return to i. p., say “down”
. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. p.O.S., ball in front of the chest. B. 1 – turn to the right; inhale, 2 – and. P. ;

3 – turn to the left; inhale, 4 – and. p. 3 times in each direction.

3."Show me the ball"

n. Feet wider than shoulders, ball in front of you. B. Lean forward, stretch your arms forward, head straight to “show”
the ball. Exhalation. 4–6 times.


n. Feet width apart, ball in front of you. B. Sit down, extend your arms with the ball forward, say: “Sit down!”
, return to and. n. Arbitrary. 4–6 times.


.AND. n. Ball in both hands. B. Jumping from one foot to another. Alternate with walking.

Arbitrary. 2 times.

6. “Show the ball”
breathing exercise ) .
I. p. O. s., ball in front of the chest. B. 1, 2 – take a deep breath; 3, 4 – make your lips a tube, exhale calmly, extend your hands with the ball forward (show the ball)
. 2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 15 (without items)



.AND. n. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. B. Circular movements of the head to the right and left. Free 2 times.


p.O.S., arms bent at the elbows. B. Raise and lower your shoulders, performing circular movements with your arms, saying: “Chuh - chuh!”
.Freedom 4–6 times.


p.O.S., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. B. Tilt the torso to the right (to the left, hands slide along the body, saying: “S - s - s!”
. Arbitrary. 4-6 times.


I. p. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. V. Flounder, like “a beetle has fallen and cannot get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.” Free exercise 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Jumping on both legs. Alternate with walking.

Free 2 times.

6. “I will grow big”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. B. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes; Return to i. etc., say “u-u-u”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 16 (rattles)


1."Play with rattles"

.AND. p. Legs slightly apart, hands with rattles below. B. Raise your hands up and play with rattles. Free 4–6 times.

2."Show me the rattles"

n. Legs wider than shoulders, hands with rattles below. B. Lean forward, stretch your arms forward – up, head straight “show”
the rattles.

Exhale 4–6 times.


p. Sitting legs crossed, hands with rattles on the belt. B. Tilts the body to the right (to the left, hands slide along the body, right (left)
up. Inhale

2 times.


n. Feet width apart, hands behind your back. B. Sit down, extend your arms with rattles forward, say: “Sit down!”
Exhale 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s., hands with rattles in front of the chest. B. Jumping on both legs. Alternate with walking. Free 2 times.

6. “Let’s blow on the rattles”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes; Return to i. etc., say “u-u-u”
.2 – 4 times.

Complex No. 17 (without items)



.AND. p.O.S., hands below. B. 1 – rise on your toes, arms up through your sides; Inhale, 2 – return to i. n. Exhale 4–6 times.


n. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. B. Raise your right (left)
arm through the sides, move it forward, spread your body to the left, lower your arms down, return to i. n. Free 4–6 times.


p.O.S., feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. B. Tilt the torso to the right (to the left, hands slide along the torso, saying: “S - s - s!”
. Arbitrary 4-6 times.

4."Birds are pecking"

. I. p. O. s., hands behind the back. B. Sit down and tap your knees with your fingers. Free 4–6 times.


. I. p. O. s., hands on the belt. B. Jumping on both legs. Alternate with walking.

Free 2 times.

6. “I will grow big”
breathing exercise ) .I.
p. O. s. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes; Return to i. etc., say “u-u-u”
.2 – 4 times.

It's time to get up!

It’s simply impossible to sit still in the morning! If a couple of minutes ago a sleepy baby, rubbing his eyes, got out of bed, now he looks more like a miniature model of a perpetual motion machine. The task of mothers and fathers is to channel this endless energy into a peaceful direction. This is where exercises for kids, disguised as casual play, will come to our aid.

WHO recommends that children aged one to five years spend at least 180 minutes a day in various physical activities [1]. This is important for bone and skeletal health, proper metabolism, and the development of cognitive and motor skills. This means that with morning exercises we found a use for at least five minutes. We are sharing with you several exercises where the main character is a cute hedgehog. You can buy such a soft toy and hold it in your hand while charging. And if the baby likes another animal, then simply replace the hedgehog with it.

Warm-up: the hedgehog wakes up and goes to the lawn

  1. Walk in a circle for 20 seconds.
  2. The hedgehog is in a hurry - run carefully for 20 seconds.

Hedgehog in the sun

  1. We stand on our legs, slightly apart.
  2. Hands down.
  3. Without sudden movements, tilt your head towards your right shoulder.
  4. We do the same in the other direction.
  5. Three repetitions are enough.

Hedgehog reaches for an apple

  1. We sit on the floor.
  2. We bend our knees.
  3. We put the handles behind our backs.
  4. We smoothly stretch forward and put our head on our knees.
  5. We repeat three times.

Hedgehog rides a bicycle

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. We raise our legs and bend them at the knees.
  3. We begin to “twist” our legs as if we were riding a bicycle.

Hedgehog is hiding

  1. We stand with our hands down.
  2. We squat down and cover our faces with our palms.
  3. We do it at a moderate pace.
  4. We repeat four times.

Basics of physical education

When organizing physical education classes for children aged 3 years, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the age-related characteristics of the development of the body.

What a 3 year old child can do:

  • walk and run independently for a short time;
  • jump in place and forward or backward;
  • throw the ball and catch it from a short distance;
  • control your body and maintain balance;
  • understand the rules of the easy game and adhere to them for a certain period of time.

When starting to accustom your child to physical education, you need to study his individual characteristics and consult a pediatrician. Regular and dosed physical activity affects the child’s general attitude towards sports, his ability to withstand long-term physical education classes in kindergarten and school. Already at 3-4 years old, parents can make a choice of sports section, note what the child shows the greatest interest in - running, gymnastics, playing with a ball and other equipment.

Maintaining regular exercise will also help accustom your child to a sports regime, strengthen the skeleton and various muscle groups, develop endurance and proper distribution of energy.

At the age of three, much attention should be paid to:

  1. The muscles of the back and legs are the main training areas on which the overall development of all organs, internal systems, as well as the spine and posture depends.
  2. Abdominal muscles – improvement of the digestive system.
  3. Exercises for the diaphragm and breathing help saturate the body with oxygen.

General strengthening exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

Wind up a ball

An adult gives the child a ball of thread with a long end and shows how to wind the thread around the ball, making circular movements with the brushes.


The child stands straight, arms down at his sides, feet shoulder-width apart. Now we run, making circular movements with straight arms forward, up, back and in the opposite direction.


To the poem “The plane is flying, and the engine is humming: “oo-oo-oo-oo-oo”,” the child runs with his arms outstretched to the sides, tilting his body first to the right, then to the left. You can make big swings with your arms.

General strengthening exercises for legs

In addition to simple but effective catch and tag, there are other play exercises for preschool children that will help strengthen their leg muscles.


An adult laid out fish on the floor. The child holds with both hands the hoop (our net), which is in the adult’s hands. You need to sit down together, lowering the “net” into the sea to catch as many fish as possible. At the same time you can practice counting.




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