Complexes of morning exercises for young children
Mosienko Elena Yuryevna, teacher of MKDOU No. 16, Novosibirsk
Complex No. 1. 1. Game “Come to me” - walking in a group in one direction. 2. Light running in all directions - they flew like little sparrows. 3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. After the teacher says: “Where are your hands,” the children stretch their arms forward and say: “Here are our hands.” (repeat 5 – 6 times). 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs apart, hands behind your back. When the teacher says “hide their legs,” the children squat and clasp their legs with their hands. After the words: “Where are your legs?” the children straighten up, stomp their feet in place, and say: “Here are our legs” (repeat 2–3 times). 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Continuous half-squats on slightly bent legs (repeat 6 – 8 times). 7. Easy running on your toes. 8. Walking in a flock behind the teacher around the room.
Complex No. 2. 1. Walking in a flock behind the teacher. 2. “Birds are flying” - easy running in all directions. 3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, lower them, say “Chick-chirp.” Repeat 4 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, hands on your belt. Turn to the right (left), return to the starting position. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Birds are pecking” - lean forward - down and tap your fingers on your knees, say: “peck - peck”, return to the starting position. Repeat 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms down. “Birds are jumping” - jump easily on two legs; “Birds are flying” - running in a free direction. 8. Walking in a flock behind the teacher.
Complex No. 3. 1. Walking as a group in one direction, stopping at the “stop” signal. Give each child two rattles. Repeat 2 – 3 times. 2. Running with rattles and stamping in place alternately with the right and left foot. 3. Free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body, rattles in hands. When the teacher says “show me the rattles,” the children pull the rattles forward to the sides and say “Here!” When the teacher says “let’s hide the rattles,” the children hide the rattles behind their backs. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: the same. Sit down, tap the rattle on the floor, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. Repeat 4 – 6 times. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms down. Jumping in place on two legs, simultaneously shaking rattles and running lightly. 7. Walking of the whole group in one direction.
Complex No. 4. 1. Game “Riding the bus” - walking with a stomping step by the whole group in one direction. 2. Easy running in all directions. 3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 4 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Turn the body to the right (left), return to I.p.. Repeat 4 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Bend forward - down, bending your knees, say “bom”, return to I.p.. Repeat 4 - 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Pull your legs towards your body, sliding your feet along the floor, return to I.P. 4 – 6 times. 8. Jumping in place and running in a straight direction - the balls are jumping, the balls are rolling. 9. “We’re leaving by bus” - the whole group follows the teacher.
Complex No. 5. 1. “Ride by train” - formation and walking in small groups one after another. 2. At the signal “let’s run”, run scattered throughout the hall. 3. Walking and forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, lower them, say: “chik - chirp.” 4 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. “Flap your wing” - turn to the right (left), move your hand back, return to I.p. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, shoulder-width apart. Bend forward – down, saying: “pi – and – and – t”, return to I.p.. 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise your bent legs up and flounder like a bug turned over on its back, return to the I. p.. 4 - 6 times. 8. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher.
Complex No. 6. 1. “Let’s go for a walk” - formation and walking in a column one at a time. 2. “Run to me” - running in a forward direction. 3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Raise your arms up, wave them, lower them down. 4 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Turn to the right, clap with both hands, return to I.p. Do the same in the other direction. 4 – 6 times. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Bend forward - down, bending your knees, and touch the floor with your hands, return to I.p. 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping on two legs in place and easy running. 8. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher.
Complex No. 7. 1. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher, raising your legs high. Stop at the stop signal. Repeat 2 times. 2. Lightly run after each other. 3. Walking and free formation. Take the cubes. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body, cubes in hands. Stretch your arms forward - to the sides, say “Here!”, hide your hands behind your back. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, cubes on the floor in front of you. Take the cube with your right hand, turn to the right, put it further back, return to IP, turn to the right again, take the cube, put it in front of you. Do the same to the left. 3 times. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, cubes in hands. While squatting, bend over, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, bend over again and pick up. 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place on two legs and running. 8. Walking in pairs in a circle.
Complex No. 8. 1. Walking in a column one at a time. 2. Jumping in place and running. 3. Forming in a circle with the help of a teacher. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands up and clap your hands, return to IP. 4 – 6 times. 5. IP: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Turn to the left, slam your palm on the floor from behind, say “knock”, return to IP. do the same to the right. 4 – 6 times. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend forward - down, return to standing position. 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs straight, hands under your chin. Stretch your arms forward, bend over, return to standing position. 2 – 3 times 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. Continuous squats with slightly bent legs. 9. “Let’s take a walk” - calm walking.
Complex No. 9. 1. Walking with high steps. 2. “Birds are flying” - easy running in all directions. 3. Walking and forming in a circle. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Swing” - swinging your arms forward and back. 6 times. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. “Wind-up toy” - turns right, left, when turning, say: “trick.” 2 – 3 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart. Leaning over, sit down, say “sit down”, return to standing position... repeat 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs, bent at the knees, to your chest, return to standing position. 4 – 6 times. 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. “Sparrows jump and fly” - jumping in place and running in all directions. 9. Walking one after another.
Complex No. 10. 1. “We walk” - walking in pairs. 2. At the signal “run” - run. Repeat 2 – 3 times. 3. Walking, free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Show how tall the tree is” - raise your arms up through your sides, return to the i.p. repeat 4 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt. “Who is behind the tree” - turn to the right (left), straighten up. 4 – 6 times. 6. I.p.: the same. “Who is under the tree” - bend down, sit down, say: “Sit down”, return to IP. Repeat 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: get on all fours. "Bears" - walking on all fours. 8. Walking in a flock behind the teacher.
Complex No. 11. 1. Walking one after another, stopping at the signal. 2. Running in all directions. 3. Walking and free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Show your palms” - stretch your arms forward - to the sides, return to the standing position. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs. Turn to the right, say “Here!”, return to SP. Do the same to the left. 3 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. Bend forward - down, knock on your knees with your fists, return to the standing position. Repeat 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs extended, arms in front of your chest. Stretch your arms forward, bend over, return to the starting position. 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. “The balls are jumping, the balls are rolling” - bouncing in place and running in a straight direction. 9. Walking one after another (snake).
Complex No. 12. 1. Formation in a column. Walking in a column one at a time. At the “knock-knock” signal, stop and tap your finger on your finger. Repeat 3 – 4 times. 2. Running in all directions. 3. Walking and free formation. Take the ribbons. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Swing your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands with ribbons below. Turn to the right (left) with a simultaneous wave of the hand up, return to I.p. 6. I.p.: the same. Bend forward - down, wave the ribbons in front of you, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, arms along your body. Pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, tap your hands on your knees, return to I.P. 4 – 5 times. 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, arms to the sides. Jumping in place and easy running. 9. Walking one after another.
Complex No. 13. 1. Walking in pairs in a circle. 2. “Horses” - walk with your knees raised high. 3. Walking, free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. “Show your palms” - extend your arms straight forward - to the sides, return to I.p. 4 – 5 times. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. Turn to the right - back, slam your palm on the floor, say “Clap”, return to I.p.. Do the same on the left side. Repeat 2 – 3 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Small and big” - sit down, clasp your legs with your hands, return to I.p. 4 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, knock on your knees with your fists, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place and then running. 9. Walking one after another.
Complex No. 14. 1. Walking in a flock. 2. At the “Planes” signal, lightly run across the room, arms to the sides. At the signal “airfield” the children stop. Repeat 2 – 3 times. 3. Walking, free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. “Let’s wave to the plane” - raise your hands up, wave them, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hands on your belt. “Show me where the plane is” - turn left - back, move your left hand, wave it, return to I.p. Do the same on the right side. Repeat 2 – 4 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. “Planes are landing” - lean forward, bending your legs, say “sit down”, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your stomach, legs straight, arms in front of your chest. “The plane flew” - spread your arms to the sides, bend over, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 8. Light running and jumping on two legs. 9. “Let's go by car” - walking with a stomping step.
Complex No. 15. 1. Walking one after another with rattles in hands. 2. Light running and stamping in place alternately with the right and left foot. 3. Walking and free formation in two columns. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms down, rattles in hands. Swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 5. IP: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. “Hide the rattle” - turn to the right, hide the rattle behind you, say “No”, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 2 – 3 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Lean forward, tap your knees, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Stomp your feet, raising your knees as high as possible. Repeat 8 times. 8. Walking in a column one at a time.
Complex No. 16. 1. Walking randomly throughout the hall. At the signal “pipe”, stop and “play” the pipe. Repeat 3 – 4 times. 2. Walking in a circle while hitting the tambourine slowly, while fast children run in a circle. 3. Walking and forming in two columns. 4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides, lowering them, say “chik - chirp.” Repeat 5 – 6 times 5. IP: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands on your belt. “Birds are looking for grains” - turn to the right, touch the floor with your hand, say “here”, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. “Birds are pecking” - squatting, bend forward, tapping your fingers on your knees, say: “Peck, peck,” return to the starting position. Repeat 3 – 4 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. “Birds are bathing” - raise your bent legs and arms, move them, return to I.p. 5 – 6 times. 8. I.p.: become pairs, holding hands, legs together. Walking in pairs and jumping in place.
Complex No. 17. 1. Walking in a column one at a time. 2. “Bunnies” - bouncing in place and then running. 3. Walking, free formation. 4. I.p.: stand straight, lower your arms. “Swing” - swinging your arms forward and back. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross your legs, arms in front of you. “The bunnies hid the carrot” - turn to the right, move your hand back, return to I.p. The same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction. 6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Lean forward - down, clap your hands. Return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times. 7. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your legs bent at the knees, pat your hands on your knees, return to I.p. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 8. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Run in different directions and jump at the sound of a tambourine. 9. Free walking.
Complex No. 18. 1. Walking in a flock in one direction with ribbons in hands, running in the opposite direction.
Repeat 2 times. 2. Walking and free formation. 3. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Raise your arms to the sides, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times. 4. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands with ribbons in front of you. Turn to the right, touch the ribbons to the floor behind you, return to I.p. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3 – 4 times in each direction. 5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Bend over, sit down, touch the floor with the ribbons, return to I.p. Repeat 4 – 5 times. 6. I.p.: lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Pull your bent knees to your chest, touch your toes with your hands with ribbons, return to I.P. Repeat 5 – 6 times. 7. I.p.: stand straight, legs together, lower your arms. Jumping in place on two legs and running. 8. Walking forward and backward. Complex of morning gymnastics Walk in the swamp Plan - summary of organized educational activities in physical education The role of ground gymnastics for choreography >