Dynamic breaks, according to thematic weeks, for children of the first group of early age.

Games to develop coordination


◈ Are you busy or have nothing to do with your child?

◈ Hang a rope over the doorway and tie a bell to it. The child must crawl under it back and forth without touching the bell. If the bell rings, it means the child has lost.

◈ You can also use two ropes with two bells, tying their ends to the backs of the chairs. The distance between the ropes should be at least 50 cm. Let the child try to climb between them, trying to prevent the bells from ringing.

Get it

◈ Tie a bell, a ball or any other toy to the doorway. The baby must jump and get the object. Give him a task - touch the toy 5 times. If it works, it means you won.

Hit it

The game teaches you how to hit a target from a distance.

Necessary equipment: basin, small ball or fir cones, acorns.

◈ How to play: place the basin on the floor. Invite your child to throw a ball there from a distance of 20–30 cm. If you hit it, it means you’re clever and won. You can throw balls, cones, and acorns.

◈ Reinforce: during a walk, draw a circle on the asphalt - the child must throw a small object into it, for example, a ball or a pebble. You can arrange a competition - whoever throws the most objects into the circle is the winner!


The game teaches you to hit a target from a distance and a moving target

◈ How we play: in winter there is a lot of entertainment on the street. Playing in the snow is a healthy and fun activity for kids. Whoever has the most hits on the target - for example, a hill or a tree trunk - gets a prize.

◈ Attach: snowballs can be thrown into a bucket or box.

Obstacle course

◈ In rainy weather, when you can’t walk outside, play at home: set up an obstacle course. For example, a child must jump from a high chair, walk along a “rope” (a rope lying on the floor), crawl under the rope, jump on one leg to the high chair where there is a flag, bell, ribbon, etc., and pick up this object. If a child completes the entire obstacle course without making a mistake, give him a prize! He is the winner!

◈ The obstacle course can be changed and expanded: throw the ball into the basket, roll the ball along the path, etc.

"Girl on the Ball"

◈ Many people have large balls at home, on which it is useful to do exercises while lying on your back or stomach; roll, pushing off the floor with your hands; sit down and lie down. Come up with interesting and useful exercises together with your child. Invite him to transform into a circus performer - a flexible gymnast. And you will see what miracles your baby is capable of.


◈ Remember that game in which you have to hook a fish with a fishing rod with a magnet? The main thing is that you have a magnet on a string, and you can easily make fish yourself (for example, from corks and nails). The one who catches the most fish is the luckiest fisherman.


◈ This game needs to be played by three people. Two participants stand at a distance from each other, the third is in the middle. The players need to throw the ball to hit the participant standing in the center. And his task is to dodge to the side. This game can be played on a walk, on a picnic, on the beach.

Ball, ball, jumps deftly

◈ How many fun exercises you can do with a ball! Throw and catch it; throw into a hanging basket; throw the ball, clap your hands and catch it; run and fight him off as he goes; dribble the ball to the drawn line; hit it and count the number of hits, etc. Such games perfectly develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

How to understand that a child needs neurogymnastics

Today, the number of children who have complex developmental disorders has increased significantly. They face learning difficulties and find it difficult to adapt to a certain environment. To solve this problem, you need to carry out kinesiological correction.

Neurogymnastics classes are prescribed for children aged 7-12 years. Training can also be carried out during the preschool period. Gymnastics develops a child’s intelligence, teaches him to read and write. After the exercises, the body is completely restored, as the immune system increases.

Important! Specially selected home exercises coordinate the work of the right and left hemispheres, and also develop the interaction of the body with the intellect.

Brain gymnastics exercises for children excite a certain part of the brain and turn on the mechanism for unifying thoughts. Therefore, the child can easily perceive a new lesson.

Is it necessary to carry out preventive procedures for a child?

Reasons and objectives

If the child is already attending primary school, then you need to pay attention to his abilities. After all, some children find it difficult to learn new material. They face memory problems. Children have undeveloped speech and increased fatigue. To eliminate difficulties associated with learning and communication, the doctor should prescribe appropriate training.

Lesson on FEMP and parental consultations in preparatory groups

Note! The reason for contacting a neuropsychologist may be somatic diseases, childhood hyperactivity, or the child’s unstable psyche.

Objectives of kinesiology classes:

  • Development of interhemispheric specialization.
  • Development of interhemispheric interaction.
  • Development of commissures (interhemispheric connections).
  • Synchronization of the hemispheres.
  • Development of fine motor skills.
  • Development of abilities.
  • Development of memory and attention.
  • Speech development.
  • Development of thinking.
  • Elimination of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

How neurogymnastics is useful for a preschooler

Neurodynamic gymnastics for children makes it possible to solve a lot of specific problems, and not just strengthen interhemispheric interaction. The benefits are as follows:

  • stimulates memory and mental activity;
  • helps to obtain the energy necessary for learning;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • improves motor skills, both fine and gross;
  • has a beneficial effect on the writing/reading process;
  • increases productive performance;
  • builds self-confidence in public speaking, which will certainly be needed at school, when the child will need to read a report in front of an audience, as well as take exams.

There are exercises of a static and dynamic nature

Static balance is standing on your toes, on one leg, on the toe of one leg. Children master them in game tasks such as “Who can stand longer” (heron, stork, swallow, steadfast tin soldier, etc.), as well as in general developmental exercises: squatting on toes, alternate leg swings, stretching while raising on toes, etc.

Dynamic exercises are targeted motor tasks aimed at a specific result; walk (run, gallop, dance) along the bench; I jump (get off) at the end; walk along the bench, stepping over objects; walk along a bench with an object in your hand; with a bag on his head; walk one after another through the snow; hit a target with a snowball while standing on a snow bank (bench), etc.

The difficulty of the exercises depends mainly on the height and width of the support, as well as on the method of movement.

Naturally, kids move along a wide and low board or bench. But they walk at the usual pace. The elders can run, jump, and dance on such a bench. And with the usual step, the elders are asked to walk along the beam of an inverted bench (width 10 cm).

Thus, motor tasks can be varied endlessly.

The complexity of the tasks increases if the movement is carried out on an inclined plane - on a board raised at one end, on a bench attached to the gymnastics wall, on the slope of a wooden slide, on the side of a hill or ravine.

It is interesting to combine dynamic and static balance in one task: reach the middle of the bench (log) on ​​your toes (with an added step - heel to toe, side step, variable dance, etc.) stand, straighten your leg forward (to the side, back), bend over, squat down, turn 360°, stretch upward (clap your hands above your head), reach the end and jump forward (to the side, backwards, with a turn in flight).

You can complicate the task by varying the position on the waist, to the shoulders, to the sides, behind the back, behind the head, up.

Any exercise with increased support, with appropriate control and assistance from the teacher, contributes to the formation of correct posture and forces the child to monitor the position of the body. Exercises using a bag of sand on the head are aimed at developing correct posture: if the head drops, the bag falls. The bag fixes the correct position of the body at the preparatory moment. The teacher himself must place the bag on the baby’s head.

The methodology for guiding exercises in balance should take into account the readiness of children and stimulate their greatest possible independence.

In the younger group, exercises are predominantly play-based. For example, the teacher says: “Let’s go along the path to visit the doll; Walk through the puddles, raise your legs higher; Let's ride the dolls down the slide (children climb the slide with dolls in their hands and slide down the slope),” etc.

The teacher’s comments during the process should be optimistic: “Look how smooth Seryozha’s back is... Well done, Sasha, he’s walking in small steps... Everyone hold your head like Sveta...” If children often hear: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll help you...” - they lose confidence.

In the middle group, the exercises become more complicated not only quantitatively (narrower is the path, steeper is the hill), but the methods of performing tasks, as well as their volume, change: to complete one task, you can use different methods of action, alternating them. For example, children walk on their toes to the middle of the bench, and then at a normal pace; to the middle of the board - with a heel-to-toe step, and then - by jumping on two legs or running; Children walk to the middle of the bench to the right, then turn 180° and continue moving to the left.

In the older group, much attention is paid to the development of motor initiative and independence of children. In accordance with this task, there is a quantitative and qualitative complication of exercises in balance. The task could be as follows: “...You will walk on your toes until the middle of the bench, and then - as you wish...”, “... We will move along the bench in different ways - do not repeat the movement that someone has already done...”

In addition to traditional movements on benches and paths, it is necessary to more often use technically interesting scattered movements - circling in combination with walking and running and stopping at a signal on two and on one leg, including with eyes closed; walking, running, jumping backwards towards a blank wall, including with eyes closed.

Balance is improved not only through gymnastics. Huge opportunities for developing this quality lie in sports exercises (bicycle, skis, sleds, sliding on ice paths, etc.).

Competent organization of children is fundamentally important, especially in tasks characterized by duration of action. The movement of children along paths and benches should be continuous. Movements over a large area (circling, etc.) are performed simultaneously.

Teaching preschoolers general developmental exercises

General developmental exercises

General developmental exercises intended for the development of individual muscle groups are a powerful means of strengthening health in general: they improve the activity of the motor analyzer as a whole, activate metabolism, train the cardiovascular system and respiratory apparatus. As a result, the overall performance of the body increases.

The educational effect of general developmental exercises is enormous. Being the main content of daily morning exercises and an integral part of most physical education classes, they form motor skills. The execution of movements is accompanied by verbal comments from the teacher. Children quickly learn the names of exercises and their details, body parts, indicative concepts and terms, instructions, tips, hints. The mutual understanding that arises during the learning process has a positive effect on the quality of movements of preschoolers and helps to solve (with the active participation of the children themselves) the most important educational task - the formation of correct posture in children.

General developmental exercises actively develop coordination - the ability to coordinate simultaneous movements of different parts of the body; flexibility - the ability to perform movements with greater amplitude; balance - stable position on reduced and increased support; accuracy - the ability to record movement in accordance with some signal; spatial and temporal orientations - performing movements in the right direction, in the appropriate rhythm and tempo.

Imitation exercises awaken children's creative imagination. The objective features of general developmental exercises teach children to act in a coordinated manner, and musical accompaniment actively promotes this and develops artistic taste.

Thus, general developmental exercises are an effective means of all-round development of a child.

Characteristics and classification of general developmental exercises. General developmental exercises are characterized by the fact that in each of them the dynamic work of some muscles and the static load on others are coordinated. This ensures selectivity of effects on specific parts of the body. Exercises consist of elements that can be performed separately. Therefore, you can arbitrarily increase the load on one or another muscle group for the purpose of, for example, correction.

Depending on the degree of dominant effect on individual muscle groups, general developmental exercises are classified according to anatomical criteria:

1) for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

2) for the muscles of the trunk;

3) for the leg muscles.

To use general developmental exercises in different forms of working with children, they are usually grouped according to the principle of the complex. Complex - a selection of exercises that provide stress on all major muscle groups. The pedagogical orientation of the complex depends on specific tasks. For example, a set of general developmental exercises for physical education classes, in contrast to morning exercises, should provide not only general, but also special training for the successful performance of basic movements. But the constant criteria for correct selection are the coordination of movements according to anatomical characteristics, their placement according to the principle from top to bottom (the first exercise is always for the arms and shoulder girdle), and the presence of different starting positions.

The starting position is the position of the torso, legs and arms before starting the exercise. The differentiation of the load on the muscles (dynamic, static), the degree of load, stable body position, the complexity of the exercise, the amplitude of movement, and the combination of motor actions depend on the starting position.

In general developmental exercises for preschool children, the following starting points are typical:

1) for the body - standing, sitting, lying (on the back, stomach, side), as well as a stand with bent legs (on one and two knees, on all fours);

2) for legs - basic stance (heels together, toes apart), closed stance (toes and heels together), legs apart (slightly apart, shoulder width apart, one leg in front, the other behind), crossed stance (one leg in front another);

3) for the arms (in relation to the body) - arms are extended (down, forward, to the sides, up, back), arms are bent (at the waist, to the shoulders, in front of the chest, on the head, behind the head).

By varying the starting positions, you can create numerous variations of the same exercise. Each correctly constructed exercise ends in the starting position.

Using objects in general exercises. General developmental exercises are performed without objects and with objects (rattles, cubes, flags, ribbons, hoops, sticks, with natural materials - pine cones, snowballs, etc.), on objects (benches, chairs), near objects (at the gymnastic wall and trees, etc.) etc.).

The use of objects gives the exercises the character of specific tasks (lift, put, reach, reach), makes the assigned motor task understandable, and helps children control their actions.

Objects enhance the corrective function of exercises, especially hard ones (sticks, hoops, benches, etc.), creating a resistance effect. Naturally, small muscles also improve - objects have to be grasped, held, and transferred from one hand to another.

The main criterion when choosing subjects is expediency. The item should work for the exercise, increase its usefulness, and not just keep your hands busy. The subject and action should be logically combined. For example, cubes that must meet above the head or behind the back stimulate completeness and accuracy of actions; turns with a stick give the greatest effect if the stick is placed behind the back on the shoulder blades or on the bends of the elbows, and not in the arms extended forward; exercises with a large ball should be structured so that you can free your hands from time to time and take a deep breath, etc.

In this regard, the usefulness of exercises with a circular rope is questionable: children of different heights, with different arm lengths, “tied with one rope,” involuntarily pull it each in their own direction. Such exercises bring nothing but dissatisfaction.

The age of preschoolers must also be taken into account. In younger groups, objects that create a predominantly emotional effect dominate - rattles, ribbons, cubes, plumes.

Methods of teaching general developmental exercises. The purpose and meaning of the guidance methodology is to enrich and improve the motor experience of children. The choice of specific methods and techniques for teaching general developmental exercises depends on the age of the children, the type of exercises, the form of organization of physical education, and the specifics of pedagogical tasks.

At the same time, the teacher’s leadership efforts concentrate pedagogical techniques typical for any age group:

1) arrangement (placement) of children to perform general developmental exercises;

2) distribution of benefits;

3) methods of presenting exercises;

4) monitoring the progress of exercises.

Junior group. Children of the younger group perform general developmental exercises together with the teacher. At the first stage of training, children are placed randomly on the playground. The teacher should help find a comfortable place for those who do not know how to do this on their own. You need to see all the children at the same time, so the teacher should stand on the short side of the playground facing the children. Subsequently, when the children line up for exercises in a circle, the teacher stands with the children in a circle, and not in the center. In order for all children to clearly see the teacher’s face, he must periodically move in a circle.

The method of distributing items needs to be carefully thought out so that as little time as possible is spent on this organizational moment, and the children’s independence increases. At first, the teacher himself distributes cubes, rattles and other objects, placed for convenience in an open box.

Saving time and at the same time teaching children to walk in a large circle, you can first arrange objects in a circle. After finishing the exercises, the children will put them in the box themselves. Gradually, children learn to disassemble objects without slowing down. It is advisable to place the aids in the direction of movement of the children on the right - on a bench, chairs standing in a row, stationary shelves, special stands and even directly on the floor,

In younger groups, preliminary demonstration of general developmental exercises is not used: impulsive kids do not know how to wait. The more important is the expressive naming of each exercise, which helps children understand and remember the action being performed.

Many exercises have traditional names - conventional (tilt, turn) or figurative (bicycle, skier). If there is no traditional name, it is advisable to provide your own. For example: “We will show our palms and hide them... We will show how geese flap their wings... We will be monkeys who eat bananas...” Naming ensures children’s psychological readiness for action.

Children should not be required to have a clear starting position. But it is necessary to prepare children to perform exercises, at least in the most general form. The playful tone of communication with children will help the teacher in this situation: “Put your feet on a narrow path... Place your feet so that you get a wide gate... Hold your palms as if they were hidden together in one mitten...” Gradually, conventional terminology is being replaced by generally accepted ones.

Providing more or less coordinated motor reactions, the teacher pronounces the actions and performs them together with the children.

Performing the dominant imitative exercises in younger groups (sparrows, geese, beetles, trains, etc.) requires the teacher to use various means of artistic expression - appropriate intonation of voice, facial expressions, and necessary gestures. In other words, in order to interest the kids and provoke an appropriate response, the exercise must be played.

Middle group. Increased functional capabilities and acquired motor experience are a good basis for improving the teaching of general developmental exercises in all of the above parameters for children in the middle group.

Most often, to perform general developmental exercises, children are formed into links, which are led forward by the link members appointed by the teacher. As already mentioned, there should be few links (3-4) and they should be placed along the site. But it is also possible to form a circle, especially if the complex is dominated by exercises in the starting position sitting and lying down, and the children have not yet learned to keep their distance.

In cases where exercises sitting and lying down are performed while building in links, it is necessary to order the children to turn half a turn to the right or to the left. (Otherwise they will interfere with each other: after all, they opened at outstretched arms, and they are shorter than the legs.)

If the group consists of children of contrasting height, then after changing into links the teacher should go to the opposite side and invite the children to turn around so that those who are shorter are in front.

In the interests of business or just for variety, sometimes you can be placed on the site chaotically: “Let's see if everyone knows how to find a comfortable place for themselves...”

The most rational way to distribute benefits is to analyze them as you go. It is necessary that children learn to do this without slowing down the pace of movement.

Sticks and hoops are added to the already familiar cubes, ribbons, and flags. Children will have to master different grips of these objects so that the movement does not look constrained and natural coordination is not disrupted. The stick can be carried horizontally, holding the middle with an overhand grip. You can direct it “nose down”, for which the index finger must be straightened along the stick. In the “stick on the shoulder” position, its lower end should be supported with the index finger and not fixed with the hand. The hoop can be held with a straight hand with an overhand grip, or it can be carried by hanging it on your shoulder, naturally moving your hand. When performing general developmental exercises, objects must be held as the action dictates.

The most characteristic complication of general developmental exercises in the middle group is their execution under counting. This ensures coherence and clarity of movements and is an important indicator of children’s learning. The account must record the action. This should be emphasized when showing.

In contrast to the younger group, when learning general developmental exercises, as a rule, there is a preliminary demonstration combined with an explanation. The teacher's procedure:

- name the exercise (this ensures psychological readiness for action);

- show the exercise, accompanying the demonstration with an explanation;

- prepare children for the execution by naming the details of the starting position, for example: “Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides with your palms up...”;

— ensure the simultaneous start of execution with the command “Start-nay!”;

- start the exercise with the children, and after 2-3 repetitions, let the children continue it independently;

- ensure the simultaneous completion of the exercise, for which it is necessary to emphasize the count of “two” during the last repetition.

The main goal of general developmental exercises is the formation of correct posture. Posture largely depends on the position of the spine and pelvis. If the muscles of the torso are developed evenly and the thrust of the flexor muscles is balanced by the thrust of the extensor muscles, then the torso and head are kept straight. The general point of monitoring the implementation of general developmental exercises is to maintain and constantly increase muscle tone. It is necessary, in particular, to ensure that in the initial standing position the weight of the body is evenly distributed on both legs. The habit of weakening one leg leads to the fact that the pelvis takes on an oblique position and the spine bends to one side. Symmetrical exercises (side bends, alternating leg raises, etc.) should be repeated an even number of times so that the load on both sides of the body is equal.

The teacher monitors the correct execution of the exercises. It is very important to be able to count rhythmically. At the first stage, you need to alternate counting with instructional words (bend over - straighten up... one - two...). The rate of counting depends on the nature of motor actions. So, bending and turning in a lying position, raising straight legs in a sitting position and the like are performed at a slow pace.

The teacher’s verbal comments - tips, advice, directions, assessments must fit into the rhythm and tempo of the exercises. Sometimes it is necessary to help a child with action - to correct, support. The teacher must be able to do this without interrupting or stopping the other children.

Senior group. Older preschoolers must perform general developmental exercises clearly, expressively, harmoniously, and rhythmically.

In addition, general developmental exercises are fertile material for the development of children’s motor creativity, stimulating proactive and independent actions. The teacher’s task is to create situations in which children could realize the acquired motor experience and show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Formation into links is carried out by rebuilding through; three in the middle of the site. In this version, each child is active, forced to quickly navigate in space, and not passively follow the leader. To perform exercises in pairs, children line up through the middle in twos or fours. In the latter case, it is advisable to use crushing and reduction.

Formation in ranks, in a checkerboard pattern, in concentric circles, and in natural conditions, even chaotically, is also used.

The manuals are usually understood by children as they go along, although other options are possible. For example, the teacher announces to the children who are ready to do the exercises that they will do exercises with different objects and everyone can take what they want (a stick, a ball, a hoop, flags, etc.). The links fall apart for a short time, and then each one falls into place.

The teacher’s scheme of actions is, in principle, the same as in the middle group. But the display may be partial. It is practiced to use actions without display for the purpose of specific control.

Demonstration of exercises by children can be used to stimulate children's ingenuity.

The quality of children’s exercises, their coherence and expressiveness largely depend on the teacher’s ability to count and make verbal comments into the rhythm and tempo of the exercises.

Counting records the action and teaches children self-control.

Section 13: Teaching preschoolers outdoor games

Organization of outdoor games in different age groups

Games with sports elements

Organization and conduct of sports activities in the summer

Organization and conduct of sports exercises in winter

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution to health, educational and educational problems.

Active movements, determined by the content of the game, evoke positive emotions in children and enhance all physiological processes.

Situations on the playground, which change all the time, teach children to use motor skills appropriately, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities naturally manifest themselves - reaction speed, dexterity, eye, balance, spatial orientation skills, etc.

The need to obey the rules and respond appropriately to a signal organizes and disciplines children, teaches them to control their behavior, develops intelligence, motor initiative and independence.

Outdoor games broaden children’s general horizons, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, and animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; improve mental processes.

Thus, outdoor games are an effective means of diversified development.

Classification of outdoor games. For ease of practical use, games are classified. A distinction is made between elementary outdoor games and sports games - basketball, hockey, football, etc. Outdoor games - games with rules. In kindergarten, mainly elementary outdoor games are used. They are distinguished by motor content, in other words, the dominant basic movement in each game (games with running, jumping, etc.).

Based on their figurative content, outdoor games are divided into plot-based and plotless. Story games are characterized by roles with corresponding motor actions. The plot can be figurative (“The Bear and the Bees,” “Hares and the Wolf,” “Sparrows and the Cat”) and conventional (“Traps,” “Fifteen,” “Dashes”).

In plotless games (“Find a partner”, “Whose link will be built faster”, “Create a figure”) all children perform the same movements. A special group consists of round dance games. They are performed to the accompaniment of a song or poem, which gives a specific flavor to the movements.

Competitive games differ in the nature of game actions. They stimulate the active manifestation of physical qualities, most often speed.

According to dynamic characteristics, games of low, medium and high mobility are distinguished.

The kindergarten program, along with outdoor games, includes game exercises, for example, “Knock down the pin,” “Get in the circle,” “Overtake the hoop,” etc. They do not have rules in the generally accepted sense. The interest of the players is aroused by attractive manipulations of objects. The competitive type tasks that follow from the names (“Who will hit it more accurately”, “Whose hoop is spinning”, etc.) in addition to the competitive one, also have a spectacular effect. They bring the little ones to games.

How neurogymnastics exercises affect the brain

Thanks to kinesiological training, positive changes occur in the child’s body, for example, the child becomes strong, plastic, resilient, and flexible. Neurogymnastics for children, a set of exercises aimed at combating problems in the development of intelligence, also allows you to identify the child’s hidden abilities.

Important! The dynamic process is needed if you want to improve the quality and content of your life and enjoy the movements.

Children need to do stretches while lying down, sitting, or standing. The child himself chooses characters that are interesting to him. For example, you can depict any animal, flower, bird, etc.

Exercises that have a positive effect on the brain

Classification of exercises

Here are a few exercises that have a beneficial effect on the human brain:

  • "Brain Buttons"

Note! This physical education will help you to have a positive attitude towards performing certain actions. Charging alerts the vestibular apparatus.

To perform the action, you need to draw indentations between the first and second ribs with one hand. The other hand should be placed on the navel area. This exercise optimizes brain activity.

  • "Hooks"

Such movements will help you get involved in any process and fully perceive the information. The influence of kinesiological training helps to activate the functioning of the intellect. The steps need to be repeated up to 10 times. To begin with, you can try up to 5 times.

Drawing lesson on the topic “Who do you want to be” in preparatory groups

Physical activities can be performed standing, sitting, lying down. The main condition is to cross your ankles. Then you need to stretch your arms forward, crossing your palms towards each other. Your hands should be kept at such a distance that your elbows are lowered to the bottom.

  • Exercises for rest

Anyone who does gymnastics must rest regularly.

Note! A child’s body is a fragile mechanism, so children should not be subjected to heavy loads. Music and dance are suitable for relaxation. Charging occurs slowly three to five times.

Using physical education minutes and physical education breaks in kindergarten classes

IN CLASSES (Consultation for educators)
Prepared by: teacher - Shchetinina I.V.


All types of physical exercise - such as outdoor games, gymnastics, physical labor, games with elements of sports - are included in the concept of active recreation. This entire complex is aimed at preventing or relieving fatigue in children, accelerating recovery processes in the cerebral cortex, and improving blood circulation in individual organs. Physical education breaks and exercise minutes serve the same purpose. When carrying out physical training breaks and minutes, new foci of excitation are created in the cerebral cortex through physical activity, which cause inhibition in previously excited areas, thereby relieving fatigue. In order for a physical training break or a minute to achieve the desired effect, the physical activity must be sufficient for children. Small physical loads do not significantly affect the increase in the child’s performance, and large loads even have a negative effect. This means that it is especially important to correctly dose physical activity during physical exercise breaks and minutes. The dosage of physical activity depends on the selection of physical exercises. Basic principles for constructing complexes of physical pauses and minutes:

  • Exercises for various muscle groups;
  • Use of moderate physical activity;
  • Avoid monotony, maintain children's constant interest in physical exercises.


Physical training breaks are a set of physical training exercises and games carried out between classes for the purpose of active recreation. There are two forms of organizing children for physical education breaks:

  1. Children performing movements independently;
  2. Frontal performance of physical exercises under the guidance of a teacher.

Children’s independent performance of physical education exercises during a physical education break has the goal of teaching them how to use the time between classes wisely. To conduct physical education breaks, you should prepare the necessary equipment and aids in the room in advance: create a condition that arouses interest and desire to engage in physical exercise. It is important that children understand well the rules for using the proposed equipment. When carrying out physical education breaks, it is especially important to monitor the dosage of physical and emotional stress. FOR EXAMPLE:

children were asked to perform a set of exercises with a ball or were asked to divide into 2-3 groups: The first group threw rings in the game “ring throw”, and the second played with pins. But this option can lead to an overdose of physical activity. The organizational (frontal) method of conducting physical education breaks can be of a combined nature and consist of a set of physical education exercises, outdoor or round dance games. Outdoor play serves as a means of emotional release, and the set of exercises combined with it is an organizing and disciplinary element. This complex is made up of exercises familiar to children that activate the main muscle groups. An example of a physical education break in a mixed age group (5-7) years between classes on speech development and drawing. Children line up in a circle, walk in a circle, alternating movements: 4 steps on their toes and on their heels, 4 steps of normal walking with hand clapping. Then the game “Entertainers” is played (in an even circle). Each “entertainer” offers 1 exercise. Each exercise is performed 3 times. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Then the children walk hand in hand and walk on their toes to the drawing class. The duration of a physical education break for children of senior preschool age is 5-8 minutes. Physical education breaks are not held on days when a music or physical education class is second on the schedule. Games don't have to involve a lot of movement.


These are short-term breaks in classes of 1-2 minutes for physical exercises in order to prevent fatigue, maintain mental performance and prevent postural disorders. The timing of the physical education minute is dictated by the nature and content of the lesson. On average, this will be the 12th - 14th minute of the lesson, because... It is during this period that motor restlessness begins to appear in children and the greatest number of distractions is noted. The selection of physical education exercises depends on the specifics of the lesson being conducted. In drawing and sculpting classes, the main focus should be on active flexion and extension of the fingers, free shaking of the hands, etc. In classes on speech development and mathematics, etc., exercises for the back muscles, stretching with deep breathing through the nose should be offered.

  1. Exercises should have a positive effect on the children’s body, improve the functional activity of those organs and systems that were previously at rest.
  2. Exercises should be simple, interesting and familiar to children, and can be performed in a limited area.
  3. Exercises should be organically included in the content of the lesson.
  4. The exercises should be performed at a calm pace (at the pace of the child’s breathing) and be accompanied by the formation of rational breathing skills.

The physical education minute can merge with the content of the lesson. For example:

During a counting lesson, the teacher shows the children a card with the number 8 and asks them to clap their hands (raise and release their hands, knock, jump, etc.) 1 time more or less, etc.
In some cases, a physical education minute may be distracted from the lesson. For example:
during a design lesson in a preparatory group.

  1. IP: - sitting at the table, hands resting freely on the table. Continuously bending and straightening your fingers, slowly raise your hands up and lower them onto the table (3 times).
  2. IP: - sitting at the table, hands below, fingers clasped; 1-2 - raising your arms along the body and turning them with your palms up, stretch - inhale, 3-4 - return to the IP - exhale (3 times).
  3. IP: - standing at the table, hands on your belt. Turn the body to the right, left (3 times).

Or: 1. “Stretching”

IP: - arms in front of the chest, hands clenched into fists.
Arms to the sides, palms up, open your hands, straighten and spread your fingers, simultaneously lean back and stretch (inhale), lean forward slightly (exhale) - 4 times. 2. “Squat”
IP: - rise on your toes, hands to your shoulders, press your elbows to your body, shoulders turned, squat on your toes, knees apart.
Back straight, arms forward with palms inward, hands clenched into fists, stand on tiptoes, hands to shoulders, squat, return to standing position. Do not hold your breath – (4 times). 3. “Bends of the body”
IP: - feet shoulder-width apart, arms below, hands clenched into fists.
Bend to the left, left hand to the knee of the left leg, right along the body up. Straighten up and return to standing position. The pace is slow. Children are very fond of the exercise accompanied by a poetic text:
“Pinocchio stretched - 1-2,1-2 Pinocchio turned - 1-2,1-2 Spread his arms to the sides - 1-2, 1-2 Bent down and walked - 1-2, 1 -2" ***** "Also with the foot: top, top, top And with the palms: clap, clap, clap Once with your head, nod like that. Both hands stretch out Once here, twice here That's all - there's no difficulty here" **** * “The wind is blowing in our faces, The tree is swaying The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter The tree is getting higher, higher” ***** “One - a squat, two - a jump, And again a squat, And then again a jump - Hare exercise! Show me how? ***** “The bird is jumping, As if dancing. The bird flaps its wings. And takes off without looking back - This is a bird's exercise! Can you do that?” ***** “All kids know how to turn from their toes to their heels. Inhale and stretch, Sit down and straighten up" ***** "We go out onto the platform, Exercise begins: One step in place, two forwards, And then vice versa" ***** "I will ask those sitting to stand up and follow the commands. Everyone, breathe! Don't breathe! Everything is fine. Relax! Raise your hands together! Perfect! Let go! Bend over! Straighten up! Stand up straight! Smile!”


The proposed games and fun will help make your winter walk emotional. Most of them are based on natural movements: walking, running, climbing, throwing, jumping. 1st exercise

: “Pathfinders” - the teacher walks through clean snow, the child follows him, stepping one after another.
Options depending on how the adult goes. 2nd exercise:
Jump from track to track with both feet.
3rd exercise:
Run to a certain tree, a snowdrift, run around it several times, run around holding hands, like a snake, or spin around in pairs between some objects or toys placed.
4th exercise:
You need to alternate running with walking so as not to overheat.
5th exercise:
Jump over a lump of snow from a place or a run, jump around it on one leg, on two, gallop, stamping your feet and clapping your hands.
6th exercise
: You can use a bench: walk along it, step over it, jump off the end, run around, walk, crouch or separate without touching each other.
7th exercise:
Rods and sticks are suitable for various exercises.
The teacher holds the twig at the level of the child's chest or waist. Bend down and walk under the twig without touching it. Lower it lower, to the level of the child’s knees and hips, and invite him to step over. Two sticks placed in the hut are convenient for climbing. 8th exercise:
“With sleds”, “Be the first” Place the 2nd – 3rd sleds in parallel at a distance of 2-3 steps.
Run around, sit down first. Get on the sled and get off it. The child sits on the end of the sled, pushing off with his feet, moving to a certain landmark (tree), running around the tree (relay race or competition) - returning. 9th exercise:
Throwing snowballs at a target, up, above a tree, above a Christmas tree, through it, into the distance: “Throw further than me,” “Throw behind the flag,” “Throw with your left and right hands.” Since we have snow very rarely in Crimea, instead of snowballs we use cones, of which we have plenty, and we play the game “Pathfinders” like this: the teacher walks, and the child must place his foot exactly in the footprint of the teacher’s removed foot, we call the game "Through the swamp." And of course, the teacher must monitor safety precautions when playing with sleds, snowballs or cones, explaining to children how to throw a snowball or cone so as not to hit someone in the face or head.

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