Project on sensory development in the first junior group

Long-term project in an early age group “Entertaining sensory skills”

Andreeva Galina

Long-term project in an early age group “Entertaining sensory skills”

Prepared by Andreeva G A and Tyurminova M E

Relevance: Sensory education is the basis of intellectual development, develops observation, has a good effect on the aesthetic sense, is the basis for the development of imagination, develops attention, gives the child the opportunity to master new methods of subject-cognitive activity, influences the expansion of the child’s vocabulary, the development of visual, auditory, figurative, motor and other types of memory.

goal: formation and development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old


1. to form sensory representations of children 2-3 years old about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size.

2. make games and aids for the development of sensory skills

3. development of cognitive processes, fine motor skills, attention, imagination, memory in children.

4. interact with parents in the process of developing sensory abilities.

Expected results: Children: As a result of systematic work, the child develops. The development of sensory culture contributes to the development of speech, fine motor skills of the hands and all mental processes. Developmental aids make it possible, when children are in kindergarten, to independently implement sensory development tasks with the creative approach of the teacher.

Parents: improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Establishing trust and partnership relationships with them.

September October. Topic "Quantity"

Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the project. Analysis of the PPRS group. Consultations for parents "The role of sensory culture in the life of a child"

.Making educational games for determining quantities.

November December. Theme "Magnitude"

Consultation for parents “How to teach children to distinguish between quantities through play.” consultation for parents “Take care of health from a young age.” Production of educational games.

January February. Theme "Color"

Master class for parents “Do-it-yourself color recognition games.” Consultations for parents “Color in a child’s life.” Making educational games.

March, April. Topic: “Introducing Form”

Written consultation for parents on the topic “Fine motor skills - how and why to develop it”, consultation with elements of a master class for parents “Game on the way to kindergarten” Consultation for parents “Games in the kitchen”. Making games by teachers.

May. Topic "Results of the year" Final diagnostics, summing up, monitoring. Final event of the project: Holiday for parents and children “Entertaining sensory skills” with an invitation from the administration.

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