“Life Safety Quest Game “Path of Safety” for children of senior preschool age

Safety fun for the senior group “Safe Behavior Experts”

Irina Smirnova

Safety fun for the senior group “Safe Behavior Experts”

Safety fun for the senior group “Safe Behavior Experts”

Goal: To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about correct behavior in difficult life situations


Educational: Develop a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans, analyze ways of behavior in them; consolidate basic knowledge of fire safety and basic understanding of road safety rules, knowledge of healthy and unhealthy food.

Developmental: Develop memory, attention, observation, motor abilities of preschoolers; to form a positive emotional and sensory perception of the surrounding world.

Educational: To cultivate a culture of street behavior, respect for one’s health, and a sense of self-preservation.

Progress of the event:

Teacher 1: Good morning, guys! We know that you are all very smart and know almost everything in the world! This is true? Of course yes!

Educator 2: And today we invite you to check how well you know the safety rules.

Teacher 1: We have prepared interesting tasks and games for you.

Educator 2: Various guests will come to us who will help us remember the rules of safe behavior. You are ready?

Together: Let's begin!

Teacher 1: Let me invite our first guest. This is Bulat's dad. He works in the police, in the traffic police. Monitors drivers and pedestrians on the road to ensure everyone follows traffic rules. Let's say hello.

Dad's short story about his work.

Educator 2: Our guys know the traffic rules very well! Do you want to play with them and check them out? Then I suggest you look at the screen.

The game “Right - Wrong” is played according to traffic rules. Children sit at a safe distance from the screen and pick up red (wrong) or (green) cards (correct).

Traffic police inspector: Well done, guys, you did a great job. I suggest taking a photo for memory.

Traffic police inspector: All the best to everyone! Follow traffic rules and be healthy!

Educator 1: To be strong and healthy, you must follow the rules of safe personal hygiene! Do you know what hygiene is? Let's check it now.

The first teacher conducts a quick survey on personal hygiene, the second goes to change into a doctor’s costume.

1. How many people can comb their hair with one comb?

2. How many people can brush their teeth with one toothbrush?

3. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

4. What to do if you feel bad (get sick?

5. When should you wash your hands?

6. Do you need to clean your ears?

7. Should you be afraid of doctors? Of course not! By the way, one of them came to our kindergarten.

Doctor: Good afternoon! Didn't you call the doctor?

Educator: They called!

Doctor: Is someone sick?

Educator: No! Everyone is healthy! But you, as a doctor, know exactly which foods are harmful to health and which are healthy! Can you help us check our guys?

Doctor: With pleasure!

The game “Harmful - Useful” is played. Photographs of various foods are laid out on the floor. Only healthy food is placed in the refrigerator.

Doctor: Your guys know everything perfectly! I am very pleased! And now it’s time for me to take on the next challenge, see you soon!

Educator: Well, we will continue. The fire safety inspector has prepared the next task for you. Attention, on the screen! (image of a fire safety inspector, sound recording):

Dear Guys! Every day there is a fire in the world because of a child's prank. This is a very scary incident! (video showing about the fire)

Are you guys playing with fire? (No) Well done! How many of you know what to put out a fire? (children's answers) That's right, but the main enemy of fire is, of course, water. And I suggest you play the game “Put out the fire.”

Two adults are holding a blue cloth. Children - lights (with red attributes: ribbons, neckerchiefs) must run from one side of the hall to the other under the cloth. Meanwhile, adults lower the cloth and cover as many lights as possible.

Inspector PB: Did you like the game? (Yes) Well, it’s time for me to return to work. Goodbye! Follow the safety rules and be healthy!

Teacher 1: How wonderfully you coped with all the tasks!

Educator 2: You are great! Now we know for sure that in a difficult situation, you will find the right solution to resolve it!

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