Pictures for children on the theme “Summer” for activities in kindergarten and at home

What to tell children about summer

The main “summer” topics that can be used for conversations with children are:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • berries, mushrooms;
  • insects, birds, animals;
  • people's activities in the garden, in the forest;
  • types of outdoor recreation (travel to the sea, summer sports);
  • safety of children in summer.

The first of these sections are suitable for toddlers, and the rest for older preschoolers. They allow you to select pictures about summer for both very young children and future first-graders. You can use both subject images (berries, flowers, sandbox toys) and subject compositions:

  • “The first day of summer has arrived!”;
  • “What do children play outdoors in the summer?”;
  • “What are the rules of behavior on the water and why are they needed?”

Properly selected illustrations help increase the effectiveness of speech development exercises and make them more interesting. Various pictures about summer are excellent visual material that makes it possible to conduct useful activities, as well as exciting games with preschoolers of different ages.

Work in the garden

Animal world

Russia Day

Outdoor games

Walk in the woods

Children care about nature


Paper is one of the most accessible materials for creating handicrafts, and the variations of crafts made from it are very diverse, which will definitely not leave your child indifferent.

Ladybug made of colored paper

In the summer you can meet countless hardworking ladybugs flying through fields, vegetable gardens, and flowers. Children really like these beetles, they are beautiful and bright. Your child will love to make their own ladybug with their own hands.

We will need:

  • Colored paper or cardboard in red, orange and black;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Felt pen and simple pencil;
  • Eyes (you can buy them at a craft store or cut them yourself);

It is necessary to cut out the future body of the ladybug from orange colored paper or cardboard. Below is the template.

You will need to bend this template along the dotted lines. Next, cut out the remaining templates. These will be the wings, antennae and legs of our ladybug. We also cut out circles on the wings.

The wings need to be glued on both sides of the future ladybug. If for some reason the wings turn out to be too large, the excess part can always be cut off. Next, you need to glue the antennae and eyes onto the body.

The last step remains - the legs of our ladybug! We glue them on the bottom.

Our wonderful “Ladybug” craft is ready!

Craft “Sheep in the meadow”

Your child can easily make this craft with his own hands and get a cute little sheep that looks like a cloud.

We will need:

  1. Green cardboard;
  2. Colored paper;
  3. Scissors and glue;
  4. Single-layer white napkins.

Green cardboard will serve as a background. Cut out grass, flowers, sun and clouds from colored paper and glue them onto cardboard. You can cut out a strip of blue colored paper and make a blue background - the future sky.

From white colored paper you need to cut out the body and head of our future sheep, gluing them onto green cardboard.

Next, use a pen or markers to draw her eyes, nose and mouth.

Take white napkins and roll them into circles of various sizes. This is the future wool of our sheep. Then glue it onto the body, spreading it over the entire area.

This is such a wonderful sheep we have! It will undoubtedly delight both children and adults.

Craft "Sunflower"

The summer season is characterized by countless different flowers that decorate our nature and benefit all living things. Walking out into a field of sunflowers on a warm summer day, you never cease to be amazed by their beauty and grandeur. Make the same beautiful flower with your child and please him and yourself!

We will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Green cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Glue;

Initially, you need to select a background - this will be a green field on which our flower will grow. If desired, you can additionally cut out a strip of blue sky.

Next, we proceed to the manufacture of plant parts. You need to cut out a stem and leaves from green colored paper. From yellow - petals. Orange paper is suitable for the future core.

All parts must be glued with green cardboard.

Next, pour glue into the middle of the core and glue sunflower seeds in a circle, you get a kind of spiral.

Try to glue them as close to each other as possible so that the glue is not visible and the seeds are well fixed on the surface of the colored paper.

The craft is ready!


  • Select one subject picture from a thematic group of images (mushrooms, berries, insects), describe it, listing as many characteristics as possible.
  • Make up the story “Summer Vacation” using images of children:

- In the woods; - on the beach; - in the country.

  • List the signs of summer based on several subject paintings depicting nature or the city.
  • Talk about one of the wildflowers using several photographs or drawings.
  • Select several subject pictures (from the whole set) on the topic: Summer in the forest, write a description of each of them.
  • Tell one of several fairy tales or stories in pictures, selected according to the topic.
  • Come up with riddles for each subject image from the series: “Children playing in nature.”
  • Continue the sentence “Hello summer, you came to us with .....”. You can list the signs of the season, seasonal changes in the world around you. You need to complete the task based on subject or plot images on the topic.
  • Tell them that animals also enjoy summer, that their lives change a lot at this time of year. The drawn animals in the pictures should be a kind of “clues”.
  • Draw a verbal portrait of one of the people in the picture, describe the appearance features of one of the tourists or vacationers on the beach.

Applications on a summer theme

Applications are very useful for children of different ages, as they contribute to the development of hand motor skills and creative thinking. This type of crafts also helps to create unimaginable pictures that will appeal to both friends and family members.

Application “Meeting Summer”

A very beautiful and easy-to-make applique that is suitable for school-age children and kindergartens.

Necessary materials:

  1. Green or blue cardboard;
  2. Colored paper;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Glue;
  5. Black felt-tip pen.

You need to take a sheet of white paper and cut it in half. Roll one half into a tube and glue the joint. This will be the trunk of our future birch tree

Next, using a black felt-tip pen, we apply small black stripes to the base of the birch, and then glue the resulting trunk onto the cardboard.

We take green colored paper and randomly tear it into pieces of medium and small sizes - this is the future birch foliage. After this, we glue it onto cardboard on the top of the trunk to form the crown of the tree.

In addition, you can cut and glue flowers, sun and clouds.

A beautiful landscape is ready!

Application “At sea”

A very entertaining and unusual applique of various types of cereals that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Materials for production:

  • White cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Semolina;
  • Millet;
  • Rice;
  • Buckwheat.

You need to take a sheet of white cardboard and spread the glue evenly over its entire surface.

Next we form the beach. To do this, you need to sprinkle the lower part with semolina. You can make the top edge uneven so that it looks like there are raised areas in the sand.

We form a sun on the upper part of the sheet on the left. To do this, take glue and draw a circle on it, and then pour millet on it and give time for everything to dry.

After this we need to make the sea. To do this, apply glue over the entire surface over the beach, leave space for the sky, and then sprinkle the area with rice. In the future, the rice can be painted with blue, light blue and white gouache to make the sea three-dimensional.

Finally, we decorate the beach by applying a small amount of glue on it in different places, and then sprinkle everything with buckwheat - these will be shells.

Leave the application for a while so that it can dry.

Application “Summer meadow”

This applique is made from natural material and is very beautiful in its design, helping to convey all the beauty and lightness of summer.

We will need:

  1. Blue cardboard;
  2. Dandelion flowers;
  3. Large to medium sized leaves;
  4. Glue;
  5. Any other white flowers (other color options are possible)

Glue the leaves onto blue cardboard at the bottom. You can start with large ones, and then glue the rest on top of the larger ones to give the applique more volume. This will be the field. Leave the leaves for 1-2 minutes so they can dry and set.

Next, we glue flowers of absolutely any color and size on top of the leaves.

Afterwards we decorate the sky. We make a circle and rays of our future sun from dandelions, and use white flowers for this. To create clouds. They can be of different sizes and shapes.

Leave the application for a while and let it dry.

Handmade crafts are very important for school-age children and those who are still in kindergarten. You will receive invaluable positive emotions, strengthen your relationship with your child and help him develop motor skills, imagination and creative thinking.

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