DIDACTICAL GAMES AND EXERCISES on the lexical topic “Kindergarten”material on speech development (preparatory group)

Material for the competition “Game Methods”

Board games

Authors: Elena Derunova and Yana Syaina, teachers of the “Pochemuchki” group at GBDOU No. 16, Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg.

The game task determines the game actions and is the task of the child himself. During the game, the child’s attention is drawn to performing game actions.

Goal: development of concentration, logical thinking, attention, ability to analyze a situation, intelligence, fine motor skills.

Objectives: - consolidate ideas about the heroes of the Violet Forest, geometric shapes used in games; teach to distinguish and compare them with each other and name them correctly; — enrich and develop children’s vocabulary; - create a desire to play in a team; - develop attention, visual memory, observation.

Educational objectives in the game: - activation and updating of the vocabulary for the game; - expansion and clarification of the dictionary on the topic of domino game, lotto game - game, rules, order in the game, players, market, game progress, points, color; — improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (prepositional-case constructions, formation and use of adjectives in the comparative degree); — improving the syntactic aspect of speech (composing complex sentences);

Developmental tasks: - development of coherent speech, speech hearing, thinking, visual attention and perception, fine motor skills. Educational objectives: - formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, cooperation skills, the ability to play by the rules, without breaking them, but by agreeing with each other. Educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical education.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the characters-heroes of the “Fairy Tale Labyrinth Game”; discussion of their image, character, history of their life in the Violet Forest; inventing fairy tales about them; recalling fairy-tale situations from various technology games.

Dominoes "Fairy-Tale Heroes"

Children's age: 3-5 years.

Material: cards with drawings of heroes of the Violet Forest – 200 pieces. cards with drawings of the characters’ halves – 400 pieces. They are dismantled in smaller batches.

Instructions for the game:

1. Domino game in the usual version: cards are distributed to children in 6-10 pieces. Choose a driver in any way. Children follow each other, putting their cards on the field. If necessary, take additional cards in the “bazaar”. The winner is the one who first runs out of cards and there are none in the “bazaar”.

2. Lay out the cards one after another, without repeating the character’s drawing, but placing a different one each time - Geo, Raven, Lopushok, All, Slice, Fifa Caterpillar and so on. Calculate how long the path would be if you do not repeat the drawings of the characters.

3. Build columns of pictures, where in the first column the first picture is Baby Geo. Second column, first picture – Raven Meter. Third column, first picture – Lopushok. And so on. At the same time, place identical heroes in the first row in each column. For example, in the first row everyone has Mishik, in the second row there is the kitten Timoshka, in the third there is Invisible All. Count how many columns there are, how many rows there are in each column.

4. Tasks for the children - to populate a house with 5 floors and 5 entrances so that the inhabitants do not repeat themselves. Baby Geo went to visit his friends - in the first entrance he went 2 floors up - who did he come to visit?, on the 3rd floor he went 2 apartments to the right - who did he come to?, from there he went to ... any direction . The kid came to the middle apartment on the middle floor - who was he visiting? Where can he go now (direction of movement and number of floors or apartments) - the game “Fly”.

5. Build a table of dominoes - 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, etc., so that the drawings of the characters do not repeat. We ask the children who stands where, who is friends with whom, who is above whom, below whom, who is the neighbors on the right, on the left, standing between whom. Various options for questions on plane orientation.

Didactic games

Didactic games are a type of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of raising and teaching children. These games are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities is manifested in them.

In kindergarten, in each age group, there should be a variety of didactic games. The need to select a variety of games does not mean that you need to have a large number of them.

The section of the site, didactic games in kindergarten, contains many interesting publications for educators on various topics:

  • Didactic games for children 2-3 years old
  • Didactic game for teaching literacy
  • Didactic game on traffic rules
  • Didactic games as a means of developing imagination in older preschoolers
  • Didactic games in kindergarten and at home
  • Didactic games on ecology (card index)
  • Didactic games, exercises and manuals with a programmed task For classes with children of older preschool age
  • Long-term plan of didactic games for children in the middle group of kindergarten
  • Development of logical thinking in children through didactic games and exercises
  • Card index of didactic games in kindergarten “All professions are needed, all professions are important”
  • Card index of didactic games on ecology in kindergarten
  • Didactic game with children
  • A selection of didactic games, poems, riddles for preschool children
  • Stages of conducting didactic games for the speech development of children in the senior group of kindergarten
  • Didactic game for children 3-5 years old on physical education
  • Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the development of speech of young children on the topic Didactic games and exercises
  • Didactic game as a means of sensory education for children of primary preschool age
  • The role of didactic games in the mental development of preschool children
  • Didactic game “Children and the Road” for children of senior preschool age
  • Card index of didactic games middle group of kindergarten
  • Didactic games and exercises for the development of auditory perception
  • Development of visual perception in preschool children with visual impairments through didactic games and exercises
  • Development of vocal and choral skills of children of senior preschool age through musical and didactic games and exercises

Didactic games - travel - are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children. Didactic game in experimental activities - contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in the environment, develops basic mental processes, observation, and thinking. To achieve positive results in the development and learning of children through the organization of didactic games, it is necessary to comply with the conditions.

Didactic games for children in kindergarten card index with goals. This section presents educational games for various age groups: 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 years. Didactic games for children 2-3 years old. Didactic games for children 2-3 years old are suitable for games with kids.

A didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of teaching children, an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Types of didactic games:

  1. Games with objects (toys).
  2. Board-printed games.
  3. Word games.

Games with objects are based on children’s direct perception and correspond to the child’s desire to act with objects and thus become familiar with them. Didactic games for preschoolers to develop memory.

Didactic games in preschool educational institutions have their own forms of organization and main functions. Play is the main activity of a child, which has a significant impact on the formation of his personality. Children's games can be both entertaining and educational. In addition, there are universal types of children's games that include both. The concept of a didactic game. A didactic game in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) is a method of comprehensive education of a child’s personality associated with gaming activities.

Didactic games - differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher. In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects, size, and color.

Games “Loto – Colorful Gnomes”

Material: cards of a large field, differing in color - gnome heroes: red Kohle, orange Ohle, yellow - Jelly, green - Zele, blue - Gele, blue - Sele, purple - Fi, white - Belyash, gray - Serge, black - Chernysh.

Cut-out pictures - gnomes, geometric shapes, game details - 10 colors.

Option 1: all fields and drawings in the pictures are the same size.

Field of 4 parts. In the center there is a colored gnome, on top there is a circle, a square; below - a triangle, a rectangle - when you put all the figures on a large field - the drawing of a gnome is not visible.

Field of 6 parts. First row – petal, gnome, circle; second row – checkbox, square, circle.

Option 2: Sizes of fields and cards – large, medium, small. Place the cards on the field depending on the size of the picture and the field.

Option 3: the size of all three fields is large. The drawings on them are large, medium, small.

Field of 9 parts. The first column is a petal, a flag, a turtle; second column – Hedgehog One, red gnome Kohle, one from Transparent Number sticks; third column – circle, triangle, square.

Explanations: – the petal is opposite the circle – because their shape is the same – a circle; The flag is opposite the triangle - because the cutout on the flag is triangular; The turtle is opposite the square - because its shape, legs, and head are similar to a square. Hedgehog One and the number 1 together with the red gnome Kohle - because red is the first color in the rainbow. Hare Deuce and number 2 - together with the orange gnome Okhle - because orange is the second color in the rainbow and so on.

Instructions for the game:

1. Fill in all parts of the large field with pictures of the appropriate color and size. Many people can play, maybe 1 child can take the cards themselves and put them in the appropriate places.

2. The presenter fills in large fields with pictures - with errors - the size, color, shape does not match. The child is looking for where the mistake is.

3. Lay out all the cards with pictures on the table (first with one type of lotto, then more pictures). The classification task is to collect and arrange all the gnomes, red, light, bright, dark, one after another on the table; all red (blue, yellow, green) cards; all circles, squares, flags; all are not round, not blue, not big; all the numbers, all the little animals; build a tower of pictures - at the bottom - large pictures, above - medium ones, even higher - small ones.

4. Change of size. Place large pictures on the small gnome, small ones on the middle one, medium ones on the large one.

5. Color change. Place blue cards on the red gnome, gray cards on the black one, and white cards on the yellow one. Collect all the colorful pictures on one field.

6. Change of properties - color, size, shape. Collect on one field all the drawings that are not repeated in color, size, or image.

7. Make a train of trailers - each trailer differs from the previous one in one of the properties (image, color, size).

8. All rearrangements are clearly stated by the child, why you put this particular drawing - a change in properties.

9. Two rows of cells - 6 (or less or more) on each row. On the first row are red, yellow, blue, green, light blue, and gray gnomes. On the second row there are geometric shapes of the same color, but in a different order and one cell is empty. The gnomes were walking and lost their bags, found them and mixed them up. Let's help them take their handbags, their colors. You can only move pieces to an empty cell. The gnomes are waiting for us to help them. First, the figure is placed on an empty square of the desired color, like the top gnome - this is the first pair - how many squares and in which direction did we move it? Then again on an empty cell we place a figure of the corresponding color like the top gnome. Thus, all the gnomes teach their colored bags.

Games for teachers to develop children's speech

The problem of speech development and mastery of the Russian language is very relevant today. Although the problem primarily concerns schools, its roots go back to preschool education. It is here, in kindergarten, that teachers, through games with children, can lay the foundation for correct speech and a responsible attitude towards the Russian language in a child.

In 2014, the average Unified State Examination score in the Russian language decreased by 2.3% compared to the previous year. And the minimum threshold has been reduced from 36 to 24 points. 0.3% of graduates scored 100 points in this most important subject. And less than 36 - 20% - are children entering the first grade, even in the most prestigious educational institutions of the city, who do not know how to coherently express their thoughts, preferring to express themselves in monosyllabic sentences.

An integrated approach to speech development in kindergarten and school can help solve this problem. Kindergarten teachers can use speech development games in their programs. The child, with the help of an adult, gradually masters words and sentences, learns to speak beautifully, comprehensively and correctly, using various nuances of the Russian language. The child’s vocabulary is enriched, his logic and imagination develop.

"Decipher the words"

six-year-old children (the game works better in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten) into real intelligence officers.

Children are invited to read the inscriptions encrypted on cards with drawings. Each letter in the word is replaced by a number corresponding to its serial number in the alphabet. The teacher needs to push the children to understand this key if they cannot figure it out on their own. The pictures can depict those objects or phenomena that are currently being studied in classes on the surrounding world or scenes from favorite fairy tales.

A more complicated option is to solve whole sentences - captions under pictures.

"Magic bag"

The teacher forms a “Magic Bag”, putting in it a lot of small objects interesting for the child: toys from Kinder Surprises, keys, some stationery, small cars, animal figurines, buttons, a skein of thread, some souvenir items - a nesting doll, wooden spoons and so on. The main thing is that the items are varied in functionality and material and are familiar to children.

Then the teacher begins the fairy tale, invites the children to continue this fairy tale, taking turns pulling out one object each from the bag and developing the plot.

During the entire game, the teacher needs to help the children develop the action, since sometimes the story of children taking out an object from a magic bag is limited to one phrase: “They met him and moved on.”

This game involves the principle of bringing objects to life, you can also tell the children about this, having previously remembered with them in which fairy tales they encountered a similar technique.

"Rhymes and non-rhymes"

This game teaches children to perceive rhyming and non-rhyming words and leads them to writing poetry.

The teacher invites the children to remember some poems they know and determine how they differ from ordinary speech. Then he explains that the coincidence of the last three or four letters in words is called rhyme. Offering children excerpts from poems and prose works known to them, he asks them to determine whether there is rhyme or not.

The second option is for children to find some object around them and determine rhymes to it.

Another version of this game is when the teacher offers the beginning of a poetic stanza, asking the children to finish the second line of the poem with a rhyme, and then reads it as it actually happened. Children evaluate their creativity together.

For this part of the game, it is best to take poems known to children. You can play from the age of five .

The fourth version of the game: the teacher gives the children rhymed words and asks them to determine whether there is a rhyme or not. In order to make the game more interesting and effective, the adult also gives the children erroneous phrases where there is no rhyme, helping them, if they find it difficult, to determine this.

The game “Rhymes and Non-Rhymes” enriches children’s vocabulary, teaches them to coordinate nouns with verbs, and develops phonemic awareness. During the game, children learn to feel the word and compose simple poems.

"One and Many"

You can play from the age of three . For this game to develop speech and attention, you need sets of small items:

  • buttons,
  • pens,
  • pencils,
  • Christmas tree unbreakable toys,
  • sets of animals (can be made from different materials, but depict the same animals: bunnies, cats, dogs, horses, sheep; toys 5-12 cm in size made of PVC - plastisol, a soft, rubber-like material produced by the Vesna toy factory, are well suited for this purpose ").

The player’s task is to say how many objects - one or many - are in front of him.

Second option. The teacher asks the child to leave one or put many objects.

The game can have a lot of continuation options. Each option develops in the process of studying a new topic:

  • numbers - count how many objects are in front of you;
  • animals: choose from all the animals only cats, only dogs;
  • size, magnitude: collect all the largest animals together; and now - the little ones; determine which animal is the smallest and the largest in size;
  • actions: name which animal can do what (the cat meows, scratches; the dog barks, guards, and so on);
  • domestic and wild animals: name which animals live at home and which ones live in the forest;
  • color: find objects that are the same color;
  • shape: find all round objects; all square;
  • length, width: find the longest, widest, shortest, narrowest object; determine an object that is longer, shorter, wider, already given by the teacher, and so on.

The game develops a child’s vocabulary, helps kids learn to use singular and plural nouns and verbs, compose small sentences, and compare objects. This set of items with various additions can also be used for the game "Magic Bag".

"Above and Under"

This game is from the category of outdoor games. It simultaneously develops in children the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech, and motor activity and coordination of movements. It is better to play the game on the site during a walk.

To play, you will need gymnastic benches or small hills on the ground, a hill or a veranda available on the site. If the game takes place in the hall, then hoops and jump ropes.

Children stand in one line, the teacher gives tasks to place themselves in a certain relationship to any object, and the children complete them. The teacher gives the children instructions: do not rush, do everything carefully, and monitors the safety precautions for completing tasks.

Examples of tasks:

  • Stand on the bench.
  • Stand behind the bench.
  • Stand in front of the bench.
  • Climb to higher ground.
  • Hide behind a hill.
  • Hide in the gazebo.
  • Stand on the jump rope.
  • Stand behind the jump rope.
  • Stand in front of the jump rope.
  • Get into hoops.
  • Stand in pairs with each other.
  • Place yourself next to each other.
  • Position yourself in front of each other and so on.

After completing the last task, which can cause confusion and laughter in the children, the teacher talks about the relativity of the arrangement of objects: “If we are on a bench, then where is the bench? That’s right, below us!”, and so on.

Lotto "Seasons"

“Winter” - blue background; numbers - 12 (December) - Hedgehog One and Bunny Two, 1 (January) - Hedgehog One, 2 (February) - Bunny Two; gnomes Belysh, Gele, Sele, Chernysh, Fi - the colors of winter; in the picture, children are playing in the snow, building a snow fort, dressed in winter clothes.

“Spring” - light green background; numbers – 3 (March) – Bat Three, 4 (April) – Mouse Four, 5 (May) – Dog Five; gnomes - Kohle, Ohle, Jelly, Gele, Zele - the colors of spring; in the picture, children are going to plant a tree, a girl is picking flowers; snowman melts; a stream flows; trees bloom; a bird flies to the birdhouse; children are dressed in spring clothes.

“Summer” - light green background; numbers - 6 (June) - Cat Six, 7 (July) - Crocodile Seven, 8 (August) - Monkey Eight; gnomes - Kohle, Ohle, Zele, Gele, Sele - the colors of summer; children swim in the lake, pick flowers; the boy catches fish, the girl catches butterflies.

“Autumn” - orange background; numbers - 9 (September) - Fox Nine, 10 (October) - Hedgehog One and Magnolik, 11 (November) - Hedgehog One and Hedgehog One; gnomes - Kohle, Okhle, Jelly, Serge, Chernysh - autumn colors; in the picture, children hid under an umbrella from the rain and are walking through puddles, a cloud has covered the sun, a hedgehog is carrying mushrooms, birds are flying away, the trees are yellow, orange, leaves are falling, mushrooms are growing.

The playing fields depict the same landscape of the Violet Forest, at different times of the year and with different heroes. In the cut-out pictures, find drawings suitable for each season.

Playing field “Winter” - a winter forest in snow and snowdrifts, a house, Raven Meter, the wizard Invisible All, little pebble Karchik.

Playing field “Spring” - the picture shows the nature of the spring period, the Christmas tree is green, the snow is melting, streams are running, snowdrops are blooming; figures of Baby Geo, Mishik, girls Dolki, Lucha of the Lord, Karchik sitting on the roof of the house.

The “Summer” playing field is a green summer forest, all the trees are in foliage; Golden fruits hang on two of them; daisies and bells have bloomed, butterflies are flying; figurines of Philemon Cotterfield the Cat, Krabych the Crab, Fifa the Caterpillars, Zhuzhi the Bee, Timosha the Whale, Captain the Goose, and three Little Frogs.

Playing field “Autumn” - autumn yellowed forest; Lopushko, Elephants Lyap-Lyap and Lip-Lip, Okolesik, Krutik Po, Spider Yuk, Raven Meter sits on the roof of the house.


The child’s goal is to assemble the picture correctly.

Objectives: - the purpose of the cut pictures is to teach the child to compose a whole from several parts; correlate the images of parts of the drawings with the holistic image of real characters; — in the process of playing with pictures, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, expands his vocabulary, and his speech becomes more active; - develops logical thinking, attention, visual perception, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, creative imagination, perseverance, concentration; - promote the development of the ability to compare, contrast, analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions; — cultivate patience, the desire to independently assemble the picture to the end.

Instructions: It is proposed to assemble one whole image from a set of pictures. The child must tell who is depicted and what he knows about the drawn characters. Give the children all the pictures from all the puzzles - a task for classification, analysis, generalization - sort into groups.

Colorful gnomes

Digitized animals




Residents of the Violet Forest

Features of educational games in the younger group

Game is a unique mechanism that allows you to develop various qualities in a child. Thus, educational games in the younger group allow you to develop the child’s psyche, attention, fine motor skills, and logical thinking. Educational games for the youngest children have as their main goal the overall development of the child and his preparation for the next stage of development - preschool age.

In early preschool age, it is important to teach a child abstract thinking, logical analysis, planning and forecasting, and correct perception of the surrounding reality. Developmental games for preschool children are based on careful study and characterization of objects. Children are offered puzzles, mosaics, and various geometric shapes that develop the child’s spatial orientation. As a rule, in a preschool institution, games are played in groups, when children work together to solve assigned problems. Doing tasks in a group allows the child to learn how to work in a team, learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, thereby learning the basics of relationships.

Educational games in kindergarten in the younger group are selected taking into account the developmental characteristics of children 3-5 years old. At this age, children are characterized by a certain independence and intolerance to adult help during games. The child strives to complete the task independently. As a rule, being under the care of parents, the child does not receive the same freedom of action as in kindergarten, where the child, being in a group of peers, cannot receive full attention from the teacher. The main task of the teacher is to monitor the child’s actions, analyze his abilities, acquired skills and abilities, as well as correct the educational process so that each child in the group receives comprehensive development.

Special attention in teaching and raising children in kindergartens is paid to physical development. Educational games in kindergarten are organized so that the child moves during the game and receives a certain physical activity. One of the exciting activities for children in the younger group is playing with suspended multi-colored paper butterflies, which will only be able to “fly” when the children blow on them with all their might. In this simple and uncomplicated game, the child develops coordination and lungs. The game can be modified and supplemented with the task of making the butterflies fly in a certain sequence: first red, then yellow, then blue.

"Who lives where?"

Children's age - from 2-3 years - easy tasks with 2-3 conditions, 4-7 years - more complex tasks.

Game objectives:

- development of verbal-logical thinking - abstract thinking, during which the child acts not with things and their images, but with concepts about them, formalized in words or signs, with the help of which the relationship of a certain type of object to another type of object is established; - with the help of verbal-logical thinking, you can develop the ability to reason and draw conclusions from these judgments; — develop the ability to compare several judgments; to form and improve the ability to draw conclusions, plan solutions to problems, analyze the conditions of problems; - develop children's attention, memory, logical thinking, observation, and concentration. Materials and equipment: figurines of heroes of the Violet Forest; details of the games “Lanterns”, “Miracle Cross-1”, “Miracle-Tic-2”, “Miracle-Tic-3”, “Miracle-Honeycomb”.

Preliminary work: children’s games with educational games, drawing up various models, according to a sample, according to a description, according to one’s own plan; discussion of what details each model of an object consists of, what this or that image of an object may be; what different houses can be like, what they can be built from, who can live in it (Blooper Elephant or Fifa Caterpillar) and why.

Game situation:

The inhabitants of the Violet Forest got tired of living in their houses and decided to change houses. So they changed several times and were completely confused about whose house was where. - Guys, let's help our friends return to their home.

Option 1. Take any 2 heroes (for example, Baby Geo and Meter Raven) and any 2 simple geometric shapes from the game “Lanterns” - houses made of a square and a triangle - red and blue. The teacher asks the children: - Baby Geo lives in a blue house. Where does Raven live? (in the red house); - small and large houses. Does the baby live in a big house where Raven lives? (in a small house); - houses built from parts of any game - “miracle puzzles” - houses are the same in shape (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval) and size (large or small), but have different roofs and windows. Choice of two options - roof - small or large, semicircular or triangular, windows - two different options from “Miracle Honeycomb”, “Miracle Crosses 1, 2, 3”.

Various options for tasks using geometric shapes of different sizes, colors, finishes (windows, roofs).

Option 2.

Take 3 heroes (Zhuzha the Bee, Mishik, Fifa the Caterpillar) and 3 different houses. For houses, different geometric shapes are chosen, different in shape and size: there should be 2 different shapes and 2 sizes - a large square, a small square, a large triangle.

Condition: Mishik lives in a big house, Zhuzha lives in a triangle. Where does anyone live? Reflections: Mishik lives in a big house - which means it could be either a big square or a big triangle. But, since Zhuzha lives in a triangle, Mishik can only live in a large square. There is a small square left for Fifa.

Conditions may include negation - not square, not big.

The houses are the same. Zhuzha does not live in a square - that is, in a triangle. Fifa does not live in a big house - that is, in a small square. Mishik lives in a large square.

Option 3.

3 houses are taken: 1st and 2nd - identical in shape, 3rd - different in shape; or 2nd and 3rd - identical in decoration (roof, windows, door, chimney on the roof), 1st - different from them in finishing of the house.

Condition. The 1st house is a square with a single window, the 2nd house is a square with a double window, the 3rd is a rectangle with a single window. Mishik lives in a square house; Zhuzha lives in a square house; Zhuzha lives in a house with a double window.

Answer. Mishik is in the 1st house, Zhuzha is in the 2nd, Fifa is in the 3rd house. Drawings – different versions of 3 houses

Option 4.

4 heroes and 4 houses for them are considered. House options are made up of game details.


Children's age - from 3-4 years - easy tasks on 3-4 cells of the "Carpet Chest", 4-7 years - tasks on 4-10 cells of the "Carpet Chest".

Objectives of the game: - to develop and improve the ability to examine the conditions of problems, the ability to plan solutions to problems, the ability to consciously solve problems to the end; - develop attention, memory, thinking, observation, concentration, visual perception; - develop the ability to navigate on a plane - left, right, up, down, up right - Peacock, down right - Pony, up left - Lion, down left - Doe; - develop counting skills - the number of steps in cells, subtract a smaller number from a larger number.

Materials and equipment: “Carpet Box”, cards of numbers of any variant (animal figures, numbers from the game “Transparent Number”, “Dominoes”, a set of numbers on a carpet).

Progress of the game.

Option 1. For children of senior preschool and primary school age. On the “Carpet Casket” in the first row, in each cell on top there are numbers from 1 to 10 in order. One of the numbers is missing - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ..., 8, 9, 10. (no 7).

On the second row, the numbers from 1 to 10 are arranged in random order. No number is the same as in the first row. 2, 5, 6, 1, 3, …., 10, 4, 8,9. (no 7).

Task: rearrange the numbers in the second row so that they are the same as in the first, in ascending order.

Condition: you can only put a number in an empty space.

Game situation: identical numbers (little animals) walked in pairs along the paths of Kovrovaya Polyana, but one of them wanted to have fun and ran away from his friend, and then got lost. Let's guys help him find and catch up with his friend.

Questions for children:

— neighbors of numbers in the first row; who is behind what number; who is in front of some number; who stands between two numbers; who comes after a certain number; who is fifth (any) from the end. - who is in first place in the second row; who is 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc; who stands before 5, after 4, behind 7, between 4-6, etc. - what is the number to the right above 6 on the second row; bottom left of 5 in the first row; any question on orientation - Lion, Peacock, Pony, Doe; — what number is missing in the first row? – 7; - Which seat is empty in the second row? – 6th cell; — where is the number that needs to be put here? – number 6 is in cell 3; — what number can we put in its place? – 6; - how to do it? – move 6 by 3 cells to the right; - how to check if we did it right? – 6-3=3 steps to the right; — what next number can we put in its place? Which cell is empty? – put the number 3 on the 3rd cell; - Where is the number 3 now? – on cell 5; — how should we move it? - left 2 cells; - how to check? – 5-3=2 steps to the left; - which cell is empty and what number can we put there? – in cell 5 you can put the number 5; — where is 5 now? How can I move it to its place? – the number 5 is in the second cell, move it 3 cells to the right; - how to check? – 5-2=3 steps to the right; - what will we do next? – empty 2nd cell, put the number 2 in it, now it is in 1st cell, move it 1 step to the right, check 2-1 = 1 step to the right; - what do we do next? – empty cell 1, number 1 is in cell 4, it must be moved 3 steps to the left, check 4-1 = 3 steps to the left; - the following actions? – empty cell 4, number 4 is in cell 8, it must be moved 4 steps to the left, check 8-4 = 4 steps to the left; - what's next? – empty cell 8, number 8 is in cell 9, you need to move it 1 step to the left, check 9-8 = 1 step to the left; - further? – empty cell 9, number 9 is in cell 10, you need to move it 1 step to the right, check 10-9 = 1 step to the right; - and what is the last number out of place? – number 10, it is in the seventh cell, you need to move it to the right 3 steps, check 10-7 = 3 steps to the right; - now all the numbers are in their places, are they the same in the first and second rows? - Yes; — what number is missing in both rows? - 7.

Option 2. Starting from 3 years.

On the “Carpet Casket” in three cells on the first row there are any two figures (there can be: images of geometric shapes, objects, letters, numbers, people, heroes of the “Purple Forest”, animals, transport - on any topic currently being studied in group).

In the second row, below them, in three cells, these same two figures are located in a different order (for example, in the 1st row - a square, an empty cell, a circle; in the 2nd row - an empty cell, a circle, a square).

Task: rearrange the figures in the second row so that they are in the same order as in the first row.

Condition: you can only place a piece on an empty space.

Children can rearrange the figures themselves on the “Carpet Casket” one by one; The teacher encourages the children to pronounce the necessary actions: which cell is free, what needs to be placed there, where the desired figure is, how the figure can be placed - how many cells to the right or left it needs to be moved.

For children who successfully complete different versions of tasks and exercises, a larger number of cells are used in the game - 4, 5, 6 and up to 10.

The whole group of children on their “Mini-Larchiks” does the same work as on the “Kovrograph Chest”. You can first ask the children to rearrange the figures on their mats themselves. Then check how it turned out on the Carpet, each time the child must pronounce his actions - which cell is empty, which figure needs to be put there, where this figure is, how to move it to the empty cell.

Options for solving problems may be different for each child, depending on the arrangement of the figures. When children cope with easy tasks on 3 cells, we increase the number of cells from 4 to 10.

Didactic games on traffic rules

Goal: — consolidation of children’s knowledge about various types of transport (passenger, cargo, passenger); traffic signs;

Objectives: Educational: 1. To form children’s ideas about various types of transport. 2. Consolidate knowledge about sensory standards of color. 3. Practice distinguishing objects by shape and size. 4. Familiarize children with a graphic representation of the letters of the alphabet. 5. Expansion of vocabulary. 6. Preparing the child for reading; learn letters, learn to read syllables; remember the sequence of letters of the alphabet; 7. Remember the emblems and names of cars. 8. Consolidate knowledge about traffic signs.

Developmental: 1. Develop concentration. 2. Develop visual and figurative thinking. 3. Develop the ability to combine objects based on certain characteristics (classification).

Educational: 1. Stimulate children’s ability to negotiate with each other about upcoming joint activities 2. Cultivate interest in the rules of behavior on the road.

DIY didactic games for speech development for children 4-7 years old

DIY didactic games

on speech development for children 4-7 years old

Didactic game "Seasons"

This game is intended for use with children aged 3 to 7 years.

Purpose of the game:

to help clarify and expand preschoolers’ ideas about the seasons, seasonal changes occurring in living and inanimate nature, the development of connected speech, and cultivate interest in cognitive and play activities. Each age group has its own version of the game.

Didactic game «

has a developing, educational and educational meaning. It can be used in almost any type of children's activity. This game is perfect for individual, subgroup and frontal work with preschoolers.


4 pictures depicting the seasons, and cut cards with signs of the seasons.

The game must be preceded by a conversation.

For example:

In winter the days are short. The sun is low and warms weakly. Snow falls. Cold. People wear winter clothes. In winter we celebrate everyone's favorite holiday - New Year.

In spring, the days become longer. The sun is warming better. It is getting warmer. Snow is melting. Streams are flowing. Leaves appear on the trees. Grass begins to grow. Flowers are blooming. Migratory birds arrive. People wear demi-season clothes. In the spring we celebrate everyone’s favorite holiday - March 8th

In summer the sun is high, shines brightly, and warms well. The weather is hot. Flowers bloom and berries appear. People wear summer clothes. You can swim in natural reservoirs and sunbathe.

In autumn, the days become shorter and shorter. The sun is lower. It's getting cooler. The vegetable harvest is ripe. Leaves are falling from the trees. Migratory birds fly south. It rains often. People wear warm clothes. The most famous autumn holiday is the Day of Knowledge.

Game task

is to put cards with signs of the season in the windows of the corresponding card and explain your choice.

Rules of the game:

Large cards are given to the participants of the game. Small cards are laid out on the table. Children take turns taking one card at a time and see if this card is suitable for a large card, if there is such a sign for this time of year. If not, the small card must be placed back on the table. The first one to close all the windows wins. The game can be used both in classes and in children’s free independent activities.

Each age group has its own version of the game.

Didactic game

“Cleaning the room: put it on the shelves”

Purpose of the game:

promote the development of logical thinking, memory, speech, the ability to generalize and justify.

Didactic task:

Exercise children in classifying objects. The child is required to find a group of similar objects, primarily by purpose, and arrange them on the right shelves.


a box in the shape of a cabinet with shelves and cut cards with objects.

Progress of the game:

We lay out cards with drawn objects in disarray on the table. We invite the child to do the cleaning. You need to arrange items on shelves according to their purpose and name the group (clothing, dishes, toys, shoes, household chemicals, medical supplies).

“Carlson Away”

The goal of the game:

consolidating the use of relative adjectives and the method of their formation in children’s speech, activating the vocabulary of adjectives.


A large card with Carlson and the Kid and small cards with images of treats (jam, sweets, juice).

Progress of the game:

Children take turns taking small cards and calling out the treats.

For example:

Imagine that Carlson came to visit us. He has a great sweet tooth, and we need to treat him with something tasty.

What can we treat Carlson to? Jam! What kind of jam? Banana (orange, strawberry, etc. - put the desired card). What else can we treat Carlson to? Sweetie! What kind of candy? Banana (orange, strawberry, etc.). ... Juice. Banana, orange, strawberry juice.

“My, my, mine, mine”


exercise children in classification, correlating nouns of masculine, feminine, neuter gender; enriching the vocabulary by selecting words; teaching children to agree nouns with possessive pronouns my, mine, mine, mine.

Rules of the game

consist in the correct selection by participants of cards with images of characters and objects, the name and names of which must be ordered in accordance with masculine, feminine, neuter genders.


Large cards of four and small cards with objects

The cards depict a Hedgehog with an apple and small cards depicting objects

Progress of the game:

Cards are placed on a special field, separate for each type. After finishing sorting the cards by gender, the children must explain their choice. Children are invited to put pictures on the apple windows called “Mine, mine, mine, mine.”

Be sure to say at the same time, for example: “my fish.”

“He, she, they, it”


exercise children in classification, correlating nouns of masculine, feminine, neuter gender; enriching the vocabulary by selecting words; teaching children to agree nouns with pronouns he, she, they; and also to develop in children the ability to distinguish the gender of possessive pronouns mine, mine, mine.

Rules of the game

consist in the correct selection by participants of cards with images of characters and objects, the name and names of which must be ordered in accordance with masculine, feminine, neuter genders

Children are invited to arrange the pictures into houses called “He”, “She”, “They”. The child puts pictures about which one can say “my” in the house called “He”, pictures about which one can say “mine” - in the house “She”, “mine” - “It”.

Didactic game

"Sound Clock"

(how the words differ).

This didactic game will help you figure it out and understand that one single letter can change the meaning of an entire word.

This game is perfect for individual, subgroup and frontal work with preschoolers

Each age group has its own version of the game.


consolidate, clarify and activate children’s knowledge about the spoken word

And thunderous material:

large size “Sound Clock” manual and cards with objects.

Option 1. (for children 4-5 years old)

Rules of the game:

1.Say the names of the objects depicted.

2. Find two word names that sound similar and point to them with the hands of a clock.

3. Find two words - names that are not similar in sound and point to them with the hands of a clock.

4. Find two short words, indicate with arrows, and vice versa - two long words.

5. Find two word names that begin with the same sound.

Option 2. (for children 4-7 years old)

Rules of the game:

1. Select and name the first and last sound in the names of the pictures.

2.Name first those pictures that begin with voiced consonants, then with voiceless ones.

3. Determine what is the first and last sound in the name of the picture: hard or soft consonant, vowel.

4.Choose words that begin with the same sound as the name of the picture pointed to by the small arrow.

5. Find words ending with the same sounds as the name of the picture, which is pointed to by the small hand of the clock.

6. Come up with phrases consisting of two, three and four words, be sure to include the names of those pictures that the small hand of the clock points to.

Didactic game
“Guess the word”
(puzzles for preschoolers)

Read by first letters is a very fun and entertaining game for children aged 5-6 years, which also develops reading skills. These are the simplest puzzles. The game develops memory, attention, logical thinking, phonemic hearing. The game reinforces the ability to identify the first sound in a word and write it using a letter, reading skills, and sound-letter analysis. Target:

to train children in identifying the first sound in words and composing words, to promote the development of phonemic hearing.

Game material:

cards with pictures, a set of letters and symbols (blue, green and red squares)

Didactic task:

Having identified the first sound in the name of each picture, guess the word and read it (lay out the word with symbols and letters)

Progress of the game:

Children solve the word by identifying the first sound and lay out the word using symbols and letters.

Didactic game

"Treat the animals"



practice dividing words into syllables, finding long and short words (forming an idea of ​​the syllabic composition of a word).

And thunderous material:

Three large cards depicting a spruce, a birch and a bush, cards with pictures
Progress of the game:

The teacher suggests:

1. put words-delicacies for forest dwellers under a bush, fir tree and birch. Under the bush you need to put words consisting of one syllable, under the Christmas tree words consisting of two syllables, but under the birch tree words - of three syllables.

To do this, you need to determine the number of syllables (parts) in a word.


Apple. The word apple has three syllables. The first syllable is YAB. I will put it under a birch tree (you can clap the word).

2.Name the shortest word. Find the longest word

Didactic game

"Syllable watch"

This is an interesting, entertaining game for children 5-7 years old that develops reading skills. The game develops memory, attention, logical thinking, phonemic hearing. The game reinforces the ability to identify syllables in a word and contributes to the development of sound-letter analysis of the word.


practice composing words from syllables;

Game material:

manual "Syllabic clock"

Rules of the game:

Using syllables, game participants form words that are encrypted in the manual and place arrows on them (you need to add another syllable to one syllable, so we get a word).

Syllables: KO-PA - RA -SA -TY - LA - FOR - LI

As a result, we get the words :
fox, Lisa, linden, goat, bark, braid, cats, couple, Lara

Didactic game

"Magic Circle"


exercise in identifying the first sound in a word, promote the development of phonemic awareness. Continue to expand children's vocabulary through the use of qualitative, possessive and complex adjectives. Continue to practice the formation of different degrees of comparison of adjectives, adverbs and the use of nouns in the instrumental case.

Game material:

manual "Magic Circle"

Rules of the game:

The tool consists of four rotating wheels. On the first circle there are cubs. on the second - the mothers of the cubs, on the third - the house (dwellings), - on the fourth - parts of the animal’s body: tails, paws, fur.

Children spin the wheel and find the mothers their cubs, a home, identify parts of the animal’s body, and thus answer questions :

Who with whom? Where live? Whose House? What part of the body is this? Whose tail? Whose paws?

Children's answers:

A little fox and a fox live in a hole. Fox hole, fox tail


And if a fox has a long tail, does that mean what kind of fox is it? - long-tailed


And if a hare has a short tail, what kind of hare does it mean? - short-tailed


The wolf's tail is long, and the fox's tail is even……longer, more…. long


The bear has a tail…..small, and the bunny has an even….smaller tail.

“Find your car your garage”

Material: 14 garages - 7 primary colors, each color has its own car brand; Silhouettes of cars of different colors and the emblem of the car brand.

Methodical manual:

Game task: Find each vehicle its own garage.

Rules of the game: The child takes the car, you need to name the make of the car and determine its color, and then choose the appropriate garage.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Option one Look what happened, all the cars got lost. Help the cars quickly and take them to the right garage. Educator: Option two These are not simple garages, but colorful ones. Take the car of the desired color and take it to the desired garage. (children select a car according to the color of the garage) Educator: Option three And so, look carefully. How are the garages different here? Large and small garage The answer, of course, is yours. Choose the right size car, and take it to the right garage. (children select a car according to the size of the garage) Educator: Option four Kid, now look at the garages here are so different. Each one has its own car, look at the picture and boldly move forward! (children select the car according to its shape). It should be noted that the bright silhouettes of cars attract the attention of children. They happily send the cars to the garage, naming them, identifying the car make and color. Both the playing cards and the silhouettes of the cars are quite practical and durable, which allows the teacher not to worry about the safety of the kids and the breakdown of the game. The game can be used for group activities with children. But the game is especially good for individual lessons with children.

"Automotive ABC"

The alphabet will quietly and naturally enter the life of every child who begins to get acquainted with written language. Interest is the main principle underlying this board game. After all, nowadays it’s very difficult to surprise children with anything! With the help of games, you can help your child prepare for school or make his first steps at school easy, consolidating the acquired knowledge at home, in play, and develop imagination and resourcefulness. “From recognition to action” - this is how one can designate the entire spectrum of a child’s actions with gaming material. To avoid many school difficulties, it is necessary to teach the child to hear, recognize and distinguish the sounds of his native language as early as possible.

Material: - 4 playing tracks with letters; - cardboard cards of letters and car emblems. - chips and dice.

Goals of the game: - To familiarize children with the graphic representation of the letters of the alphabet. — Expansion of vocabulary. — Preparing a child for reading. - Learn letters, learn to read syllables; — Remember the sequence of letters of the alphabet; — Remember the emblems and names of cars. — Development of coherent speech, memory and attention, imagination and resourcefulness.

Rules of the game:

First option: We study the letters and emblems of cars. Before starting, children, together with the teacher (parents), get acquainted with the basic rules, examine the playing paths and study them. Then, next to the field, you should lay out the playing cards with the pictures facing up (the letter and emblem of the car brand). From the proposed cards, select a card with a letter and place it on the playing track, corresponding to the letter (or emblem).

Second option: The participant rolls the dice, counting down the required move, places his chip (or car) on the selected letter, then selects a suitable card with the emblem of the car brand or letter. If the child answers incorrectly, he misses his turn. The first one to complete the entire route wins. Having placed the cars at the start, the opponents alternately roll two dice (one regular, the other in the color of the traffic light), and, depending on the traffic light readings, move along the road. A green light, according to tradition, allows movement, a yellow light instructs to re-roll the die, and a red light means skipping a move.

Third option: Find a couple. From the cards offered, you need to choose a pair. To help children, cards with the letter and car emblem are the same. For example: N – Nissan, O – Opel, A – Audi.

Fourth option: Make up a word. You can make words in different ways: • From letters alone; — (DREAM) • From car emblems alone; - (Suzuki, Opel, Nissan) • Mixed - (at the top of the letter, at the bottom of the car brand)

“Do-it-yourself didactic games for speech development” presentation on speech development on the topic

Slide 1

“Didactic games for speech development with your own hands” Completed by: Educators of the State Budget Educational Institution. garden No. 70 group No. 4 Larionova L. L and Donskikh I. IN

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using play as the main means of speech development Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. Breathing exercises and exercises of the lips, teeth, and tongue are aimed at developing correct speech. Much space is devoted to adding words from movable letters and writing. Didactic games - activities with materials and toys, aimed at analyzing the world around us and consolidating ideas about it in words.

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Breathing gymnastics The formation of speech breathing involves, among other things, the production of an air stream, which is considered one of the necessary and significant conditions for producing sounds.

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“Magic Discs” A series of didactic games for the development of coherent speech and literacy “Magic Discs”. The manual will assist in the formation of syllabic structure, in improving the grammatical structure of speech and reading skills, expanding vocabulary, and developing phonemic perception. 1. Didactic game “Pick a Rhyme”: Purpose: to learn to select pairs of rhyming words; develop phonemic awareness. Game options: One of the players spins the disk, the other player selects a picture whose name rhymes. For example: cone-bear, etc.

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2. Didactic game “Make a sentence”: Purpose: to teach children to compose sentences of various types, using given words, verbal creativity, and imagination. Game option: Each player spins his disk, then the players take turns coming up with sentences with the words that match on the disks. For example: You can discuss in advance what sentences should be (with prepositions, how many words, etc.) For a correctly composed sentence, the player receives a chip. 3. Didactic game “Make a word”: Goal: reading and composing two-syllable words. Game options: one child can make two-syllable words. A teacher and a child or two children can play. One sets a syllable, the other selects a second syllable to make a word.

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4. Didactic game “Pick a letter.” Goal: to train children in identifying the first sound in a word. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds and letters they have learned. For each picture we select the letter with which the word begins. Having previously determined what the first sound is heard in the title of the picture.

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Didactic manual “Houses” for the development of speech of preschoolers Description: I bring to your attention the didactic manual “Houses”. The manual is intended for preschool children, as well as for children with speech disorders. It is used in the educational field of “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading Fiction”. Can be used both for individual work and for working with small subgroups. Promotes speech development and consolidation of acquired speech skills.

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Purpose: to practice dividing words into syllables. The teacher invites the child to place residents in houses in accordance with the number of the house and how many syllables there are in the name of each resident. - Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which house.

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Didactic game for developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis “Parse the word” Game progress: A picture is attached to the sector with a question mark with a clothespin. The child is offered the following tasks. 1. Determining the place of a given sound in a word (dolphin). The child attaches the clothespin to the desired place on the diagram. Easy option: The child marks the location of the sound with a large clothespin. Difficult option: The child determines what sound it is and marks its position on the diagram with a red, blue or green clothespin.

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2. Divide the word into syllables (train). The child attaches as many clothespins to the desired sector as there are syllables in the word. 3. Identify the stressed syllable in the word (drum). The child attaches a sliver to the sector with the number of the stressed syllable. 4. Drawing up a sound diagram of a word. Using red, green and blue clothespins, the child makes a sound diagram of the word. Depending on the goals of the lesson, the child can complete certain tasks or do a complete analysis of the word.

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Didactic game for speech development “Magic Chests” Goal: development of phonemic hearing, sound analysis at the beginning of a word. For children 5-7 years old. Material: chests of red, green and blue, object pictures. Progress of the game: 1-2 children play. In the red chest we collect those object pictures that begin with a vowel sound, in the green chest we collect soft consonant sounds, in the blue chest we collect those that begin with a hard consonant sound. The “Magic Chests” manual is used by teachers of general education groups in kindergartens in their work to reinforce sound analysis.

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Didactic game “Fun Fishing” for preschool children (4-7 years old) Objectives: - To form phonetic-phonemic representations and the syllabic structure of a word. — Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech. — Stimulate the development of mental and cognitive processes. — Maintain emotional and positive comfort. — Contribute to the development of children’s communication and communication skills. Description of the game: this game consists of a set of fish with pictures, “aquariums” with letters, 2 fishing rods. This game can be used both in individual and group activities. You can use fish with pictures with either the same group of sounds or different ones.

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Game management: (options) Automation of sounds 1.Say correctly. 2.Say it straight. Formation of phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure of the word. 3. Determine the first sound in the word. 4.Name the last sound in the word. 5. Determine what vowel sounds are hidden in the word? 6.Divide the word. 7. Count the number of sounds in a word. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 8.Who is this or what is this? 9. One is many.

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10. Which one? Which? Which? 11.Say kindly. 12. Do the math. 13. Continue the row. Development of coherent speech: 14. Make up a sentence with this word. 15. Come up with a riddle.

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Didactic game “Who eats what” The child is asked to attach clothespins with animal faces to a circle with the types of food that exactly this animal eats. There are a total of 12 animal faces and twelve types of food. The names of these animals are written on another circle, for those children who have already learned to read.

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Didactic game “Read by first letters” Purpose of the game: strengthening reading skills and sound-letter analysis of words, developing attention, memory and logical thinking. Rules of the game: Invite children to read the word from the first letters of the picture and make up this word from the letters.

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Didactic game “Chamomile” Goals: Develop the syllabic structure of the word. Develop the skill of dividing words into syllables. Develop motor skills, coordination of movements, abstract logical thinking. The manual represents the centers of daisies with a diameter of 20 cm with an image of a syllabic pattern and a beetle where there is one syllable, a fly where there are two syllables, a butterfly where there are three syllables. Images of insects in the cores provide additional visual support. The manual also includes a picture of a bee and petals. On each petal there are pictures of words with a different number of syllables (one-, two- and three-syllables). Children take the petals one by one, name the picture depicted on it, determine the number of syllables in the word and independently insert the petal into the corresponding core.

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Didactic game “Locomotive” A game for the development of logical thinking and speech of preschool children “What first, what then”. By completing tasks, kids will learn to generalize, understand the sequence of the plot, cause-and-effect relationships, and develop attention, observation, and coherent speech. The child is asked to arrange the pictures in order in a certain sequence. Then compose detailed stories based on the pictures.

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Didactic game “Shop” A didactic game that can be used as a printed board game and as attributes in a role-playing game. Integration of educational areas: social - communicative, cognitive and speech development. To develop in a preschooler the ability to think logically, analyze and synthesize information, draw conclusions and conclusions, generalize and specify, classify ideas and concepts.

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Game-simulator for sound-syllable analysis of words “Choose a scheme” Goal: improving sound analysis skills, developing phonemic hearing, thinking and perception. Materials: The game is a set of plastic eggs with pictures and sound patterns. It is known that when teaching both writing and reading, the initial process is sound analysis of speech, therefore the development of sound analysis and synthesis is a very important component both in correctional work and not only.

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Thank you for your attention

"Road Alphabet"

Instructions: - cover all fields of the large map with the corresponding pictures with traffic signs; - name the letter of the large field and what the corresponding traffic sign means; - a game for orientation on a plane: which letter (sign) is on the 1st row in the 3rd cell, on the 5th row in the 5th cell, under the letter B, above the letter O, to the right of the letter L, between P and S, and so on; - game “Fly” - the car was driving through the city - from the gas station it went to residential buildings - how? 2 cells to the right and 1 cell down; Then she drove along the Circular Traffic to the parking lot - how? 1 cell down and 1 cell to the left, down 1 cell; - what signs are drawn in red - why? – prohibiting. What signs are drawn in blue - why? – informational. Find round, triangular, rectangular, square signs and tell where they are located; — which letters are drawn in red, which ones in blue, which ones in green? Where are they located; — a walking game: start on the letter A, roll the dice one by one, walk around and name the letter and the sign on which the chip (small car) lands. Agree in which direction we will walk in the lower rows (like a snake - in a zigzag or always starting from the first cell on the left). If you hit a red letter, you must skip a move. Whoever does not know the name of the sign or the letter either misses a move or returns back to the previous cell.

"Car ABC" and "Learning the Alphabet"

Instructions: - lay out all the cards with pictures of cars on a large playing field, naming the letters and make of the car; - what color are the letters, what color are the cars; where are they located? — find similar cars by shape; - in the "Automotive ABC" - orientation on the plane - where they are located - under..., above..., between..., left-right,; game "Fly" - moving down-up-right-left by a certain number of cells; - in “Learning the alphabet” - orientation on the plane - where they are located in relation to other pictures;

"Emblems and car brands"

Material: a large field on which emblems and names of cars are depicted in English and Russian.

Instructions: - place small cards with car emblems on a large field in the appropriate place; Name the make of the car, if possible - describe what it looks like (circle, oval, with letters, with arrows, etc.); - walking game: throw the dice and walk from a certain cell by agreement from row to row, name the make of the car; — tasks for orientation on a plane: where they are located, below-upper-right-left, under, above, between, left, right of a specific model; - describe what color the emblem is and what is depicted on it; - find from memory car models from the games “Car ABC” and “Learn the Alphabet” and combine them with emblems.

Didactic games aimed at enriching the knowledge of preschool children about their hometown

"Wasp Buildings"

Didactic task

. To develop children's powers of observation, the ability to find similarities and differences in the buildings depicted in the pictures, to activate children's vocabulary, to name the historical monuments of the city, to cultivate a love for their hometown.

Game rules

. Select only identical buildings in different pictures. The one who doesn't make a mistake wins. The paired pictures are looked for by the one the arrow points to.

Game actions.

Search for identical pictures. Arrow rotation.

Progress of the game.

Children sit at a table on which pictures are laid out. There are many of them (10 – 12), they are all different, but some of them are the same. Following the direction of the arrow, the child looks for a black and white photograph taken several years ago with the image of the same building. Children name the buildings.

Didactic game “Collect a picture”

Didactic task.

Exercise children in composing a whole picture from individual parts, through the content of the pictures, consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown, and cultivate love for their small Motherland.

Game rules.

Within a certain time, correctly assemble a whole picture from parts.

Game actions.

Search, folding parts of the picture.

Progress of the game.

The teacher, together with the children, looks at pictures depicting the sights of the city. Explaining the rules of the game, the teacher recalls the already known rule of how to put together a whole picture from individual parts. Having distributed the pictures according to the number of players, the teacher says: “Let’s start!” Children choose the right parts of their picture. Whoever put the picture together first gets a chip. Then you can exchange pictures and repeat the game. You must have 2 sets of pictures: one consists of whole pictures, the other of their parts (at least 9-12).

Didactic game "City Travel"

Didactic task.

To consolidate children's knowledge about their hometown, street names, and city attractions.

Game rules.

The sequence of moves is determined by the thrown dice, and the number of moves is counted with chips. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

Game actions.

Throwing a die, moving a chip along the playing field.

Progress of the game.

Before starting the game, the teacher and the children look at photographs depicting the sights of the city. A short conversation is held about the names of streets and buildings in the city.

The rules of the game are then explained; You can move around the playing field only with the help of a chip, each time counting as many circles as will be indicated on the die, taking into account that a red circle means skip a move, green means move back, blue means forward.

The winner will be the one who makes no mistakes, counts the chips correctly and gets to the indicated place first.

Didactic game “My City”

Game task.

Strengthen your knowledge of the city's attractions. Identify historical monuments, their location, and give their description.

Game rules and game actions

depend on the game version. The route layout on the map may vary.

Didactic material.

A playing field on which the location of the most interesting memorable places is marked, cards of the same size with images of monuments, etc. The content of the cards depends on the version of the game: 1 – image and name of attractions; 2 - description of memorable places; 3 - numbers indicating the location of the monument on the diagram.

Progress of the game.

4-5 children can take part in the game. A map of the city is laid out on the table, and children receive cards depicting memorable places. The teacher offers to go on a city tour and mixes cards with descriptions, placing them face down. The game may gradually become more difficult.

Option 1.

The presenter takes out cards, naming the monument and the number indicating its location on the map. The guys who have a card with an image of the named attraction cover the corresponding place on the diagram with it.

Option 2.

The presenter takes out cards with a description, reads the text, without naming the monument and the number that indicates its location. Children must guess what exactly the teacher is talking about, name a monument or historical place, find it on the map and lay out the correct card.

Option 3.

The presenter takes out cards with numbers. Children who have a card with a picture of the corresponding number of the monument pronounce the desired name and talk about it. The game ends when all the places marked on the diagram are covered with cards. The participant who lays out his cards first wins.

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