Didactic games on the topic "Toys" material on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Goals of didactic games in kindergarten

Didactic games contribute to the comprehensive development of a preschool child.

Their goals:

  • formation of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
  • consolidation of knowledge about flowers;
  • familiarity with geometric objects;
  • formation of ideas about right and wrong actions and actions;
  • nurturing positive personal qualities, the ability to interact with others;
  • familiarization with counting and numerical characteristics;
  • development of memory, speech skills, concentration, ability to think logically;
  • emotional and creative improvement, development of imagination;
  • improvement of fine motor skills, general coordination and motor response;
  • development of respiratory ability.

Didactic games for the younger group of kindergarten

At the age of 2-3, children actively get acquainted with the world around them and learn basic concepts. Didactic games for this age group are simple and involve one action. Group games are recommended; they teach kids to follow collective rules, develop communication and interaction skills to achieve goals.

Find a couple

For the game, prepare pictures of mittens and hats in 4 colors: green, red, yellow, blue.

Tell the children that the dolls are going for a walk. They have already put on their hats, but they can’t find mittens of the same color, they need help. Arrange the pictures chaotically on the table. The players' task is to find mittens that match the color of each hat.

Several people can play, each selecting their own 4 pairs. In this case, you can organize a competitive game: the first one to match all 4 pairs of mittens to the hats wins.

listen carefully

Give each student a flag. Play music or, if you are musically inclined, play an instrument. When the music is low, children should sit quietly with the flag down. And when the music starts playing loudly, the students raise a flag above their heads and wave it.

Make beads

For the game, prepare laces and beads of 4 colors: red, blue, green, yellow.

Tell the students that the dolls have gathered for the name day, but they have nothing to decorate themselves with. Offer to make beads, show the children laces and a box of colorful beads. The task is to select beads of a certain color from a box and attach them to a cord of a similar color.

The game can be competitive. 4 children play, each making beads of a given color. The one who finishes it faster than the rest becomes the winner.

Find your match

To play, make cardboard geometric shapes in different colors. Distribute the pieces in pairs according to the number of players.

Place the cards in a box and ask the children to take them out one at a time. Let the players look at the pieces, then find the same one from a friend. You can repeat the action many times. You can complicate it by dividing geometric shapes not only by color, but also by size.

Collect a picture

Prepare pictures for the game depicting objects familiar to preschoolers, cut them into 4 parts. Also place real objects in front of the children that match the pictures.

The players' task is to collect the picture. The player who completes the task correlates the resulting image with a real object. The winner is the one who first collects the picture and correctly points to the object corresponding to it.

Bad or good deed

Print out pictures with positive and negative stories for the game. Let the students look at the images and evaluate the actions of the characters. For example: “The boy pulled the girl’s pigtail. The girl began to cry. He did something bad."

Butterflies are flying

To play, cut out 5 butterflies from colored paper. Tie each one with a 50 cm thread. And secure the thread to a rope stretched horizontally. The distance between the figures should be approximately 40 cm, and their height should correspond to the eye level of the preschooler.

Tell them that butterflies fly beautifully. Blow on one of them, ask the students to do the same. Children take turns standing near the paper figures and blowing on them. The game is competitive, the one whose butterfly flies farthest wins. Make sure that players keep their back straight, do not tense their shoulders when exhaling, and do not puff out their cheeks. Each player exhales once, and it should last no more than 10 seconds, otherwise dizziness may begin.

A thematic selection of games and exercises for children on the topic “Toys”

Thematic selection of games and exercises

for children on the topic “Toys”


Enrich children's active vocabulary with words-names of toys. Form stable ideas about size, shape, color, quantity. Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes. Teach children to make a whole from parts. Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs. Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, paste image details in the right place. Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills. Practice onomatopoeia, the ability to navigate in space, and coordinate movements with words. Improve concentration and attention span. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

— The toys have lost their shadows. Find the shadow of each toy and place the colored toy on top of its black shadow.

Didactic exercise “Cut pictures”

“But these toys were unlucky - the children played with them badly and broke them.” Let's fix these toys - connect the parts into a whole.

Didactic game “How many nesting dolls?”

- Here are boats for nesting dolls, but you can put as many nesting dolls in a boat as the number you see on the boat. If there is a number “1” on a boat, it means that only one nesting doll can be placed in this boat. And if the number “2” is on the boat, then you can put two nesting dolls in such a boat. Take the boats and place the nesting dolls.

Didactic game “Matryoshkas went to the forest”

— Matryoshkas love to go for walks in the forest. Now take the matryoshka doll and take it for a walk. (Children manipulate a matryoshka toy on a sheet with glued bridges across a river, tree stumps, and berry bushes).

Here comes the nesting doll. And in front of her is a river. Are there bridges? How many bridges? Two bridges. Identical bridges? No. Various bridges. One bridge is narrow and the other is wide. The nesting doll walked along the narrow bridge. She got tired and sat down to rest on a narrow stump. Uncomfortable on a narrow stump, the nesting doll moved to a wide stump. And here are the bushes with berries. There are many berries on one bush. And on the other there is little. The matryoshka approached a bush with few berries. She collected all the berries and counted them: one, two, three. Then the nesting doll went to a bush with a lot of berries. It's time for the nesting doll to go home. She walked home along the wide bridge. Goodbye!

Drawing with cotton swabs “Berries for matryoshka”

— The nesting dolls wanted to collect the berries in baskets and bring them home. Let's draw some berries. And we will draw berries with cotton swabs.

Application "Cheburashka"

— To complete the portrait of Cheburashka, you need to glue on the missing parts: ears and bib.

Construction "Tumbler"

- Here is a drawing of Tumbler. Let's make it beautiful and bright with colorful circles. Select circles of the appropriate size and apply them to the drawing.

When the children have laid out an image of a tumbler out of circles, you can offer to decorate the body - the children decorate a large circle with multi-colored pebbles and put a circle-face on a circle-head.

Visual activity “Tumbler”

- Let's make beautiful eyes for Tumbler: make two balls of plasticine, attach them to the picture, put the finished eyes on top of the plasticine and press them with your finger. And now, using finger paints, we will make a beautiful red dress for Tumbler.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, barely the carousel began to spin, And then, then, then, Everyone ran, ran, ran. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel! One and two, and one and two, The game is over!

Game with clothespins “Rattles”

— The sticks on the rattle toys were broken. Make them from clothespins. (As the children complete the task, the teacher asks what color rattle sticks the children choose).

Didactic game “Find pairs for toys”

Children are given toys and asked to go to the “store” and buy another exactly the same toy.

Dynamic pause "Flag"

— Guys, choose your flags. What color flag did you choose? And you? What color is your flag? Listen to the song and repeat the movements.

Game with buttons "Flags"

— Place the buttons in the right places.

Drawing with pencils “Sticks for flags”

- These are some beautiful multi-colored flags.

Didactic exercise “Find geometric shapes in the picture”

- Look, some figures have run away from this beautiful picture.

- Here is a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle, and you return these figures to their places in the picture.

Exercise “Find toys in cereals”

Children dig out small toys from a container filled with cereal.

Didactic game “Build a tower of cubes”

— Build a tower out of square cubes. Name the color of each cube.

Relay race “Put the toys in their place”

Children run one after another from one end of the room to the other, take a toy, return and put it in the chest.

Didactic games for the middle group of kindergarten

For preschoolers aged 3-4 years, didactic games are a way to expand their individual vocabulary and familiarize themselves with the objects of the surrounding world. Children learn the parameters and characteristics of objects, learn classification and comparison, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge.

When does this happen

For the game, prepare pictures with scenes from the daily life of a preschooler and place them in front of the students. When you say “morning,” children should look for images that correspond to that time of day, for example, brushing their teeth, doing exercises, combing their hair. Players who pick up the correct picture receive a point. The player with the most points wins.

Does this happen?

Say phrases relating to objects and phenomena of the seasons, and the students must say whether this happens. For example: “On a hot summer day, we left the house with a sled to go down the hill.” Or: “In the spring, birds began to gather in flocks to fly to the southern regions.”

What can you do in this place

Ask a question about a certain place, and the children must say what can be done there. For example: “On the river you can... swim, sunbathe, build sand castles, fish, ride a boat.” Or: “In the garden you can... weed the beds, water the plants, harvest the crops, set up a scarecrow.”

Name the signs

Say the words, and the children should take turns naming their signs. For example: a fox is red, cunning, beautiful, dexterous, tailed, fluffy. Or: the house is tall, brick, wooden, new, destroyed, spacious.

What does it sound like

For the game, prepare several boxes with different contents: sand, turf, grain, beans, pebbles. Demonstrate to the students what different substances sound like: shake each box. Then mix them up and, without showing the contents to the children, shake them again. Players must guess by the sound what substance is inside.


Organize an impromptu store, lay out various toys on the counter. Explain to children that they can buy a toy when they do not name it, but describe its features. Moreover, when describing, you cannot look at the item, so as not to give the seller a guess. The seller must, based on the signs presented, guess what kind of toy we are talking about and give it to the buyer. For example, a buyer says: “I need a round, bouncy, rubber toy.” The seller selects a ball.

Hide and seek

Organize a game on the kindergarten playground if there are a lot of trees and shrubs of different types. Or take your students to a city park.

Children choose who will search and hide behind trees and bushes. Your task is to guide the seeker, suggest where to look, without naming the type of plant. For example: “Find the one who hid behind a tall tree with a hollow and carved leaves.”

Name the action

Ask questions, and students must answer with verbs. The player who answers correctly receives a point. The one who collects the most points wins. For example: “What does the teacher do? - teaches a lesson, checks notebooks, educates, grades, writes on the board.” Or: “What can you do in the kitchen? “cook soup, peel potatoes, make tea, have lunch, wash dishes, bake pies.”

Card index of didactic games in kindergarten

Germogenova Anastasia

Card index of didactic games in kindergarten

Card index of didactic games for older children

Completed by: Germogenova A.G. – teacher of MBDOU DSKV “Sardana”

Didactic game

Card No. 1

Games with objects.

"Wonderful bag"

Goal: To develop tactile perception, learn to identify the characteristics of an object by structure, surface, group objects according to the material from which they are made. (metal, wood, plastic)

. Activate the dictionary; cultivate observation and the ability to strictly follow the rules of the game.

Game rule: You can only place objects on a tray that is made of the same material as the object.

Game actions: Guessing an object by touch, guessing an object by description; searching for objects made from different materials; grouping them by quality; using the "miracle bag"


Aids and materials: A wonderful bag, objects made from different materials.

Rules of the game: You need to touch, without looking at the object, to find out what it is made of, and tell about it so that the children recognize it from the description and name it correctly.

Didactic game

Card No. 2

Games with objects.

“Who hears what?”

Goal: To develop auditory attention, the ability to denote sounds in words (ringing, rustling, playing, crackling)


Develop intelligence and endurance.

Game rule: You can show an object only after the children correctly name both the object and the sounds it makes.

Game actions: Operate with sounding objects.

Find out what objects sound without looking at the object.

Aids and materials: Objects that make sounds: bell, book, pipe, scissors, water.

Rules of the game: A child is invited behind the screen to play the pipe or rustle a book, etc. Children, having heard the sound, guess what it sounded, and the one who played comes out from behind the screen with the sounding object in his hands.

Didactic game

Card No. 3

Games with objects.

"Guess what's changed?"

Goal: To develop the skill in determining the spatial location of an object: right, left, front, back, side, near, etc.;

Develop observation, active memorization, speech and activate the vocabulary.

Game rule: Changes in the arrangement of objects are called only by those children whom Parsley points out.

Game actions: Objects are rearranged behind the screen so that children cannot see. Using a puppet character, children guess the permutations.

Aids and materials: Parsley or doll, various toys and objects.

Rules of the game: The game can be played if children have certain knowledge and skills in spatial orientation.

Didactic game

Card No. 4

Games with objects.


Goal: To learn to establish magnitude relations between sets and to use words in speech. Denoting the size of objects. Perform movements according to their verbal designation. Continue to teach the child to reason; develop attention.

Game rule: Children perform only those actions that the teacher talks about.

Game activities: Only real products should be used in the game (not dummies, so that children feel the “light”


Aids and materials: Shopping bag, food.

Rules of the game: Children together with the teacher go to the “shop”

and words indicate what they bought.

Example: I bought a tomato and cucumber at a grocery store and put the vegetables in my bag. My bag became heavy, I came home, put vegetables out of the heavy bag and my bag became light.

Didactic game

Card No. 5

Board and printed game.

"Paired pictures "

similarities and differences in objects depicted in ; to activate the vocabulary: similar, different, identical; Develop observation skills.

Game rules: You should select only identical pictures ; The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

Game actions: Search for identical pictures .

Aids and materials: Subject pictures (10-12 pieces, they are all different, but among them there are 2 identical ones.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks one of the children to find and show the same pictures and show them to all the children. Paired pictures are put aside. Then the teacher mixes all the pictures (they must be upside down)

and quietly adds 1 more paired
picture . Having laid them out on the front side, he again offers to find the same ones. The difficulty is that among the pictures there may be very similar, but not the same, for example: cups, the same color, but another without a handle.
Children talk about objects, note how they are similar and how they differ. Didactic game

Card No. 6

Board and printed game.

“What’s extra?”

Goal: To learn to notice errors in the use of objects; develop observation skills, a sense of humor, and the ability to prove the correctness of one’s judgment; consolidate knowledge about working tools.

Game rules: Cover only the extra picture with cardboard . The first one to discover the unwanted item wins.

Game actions: Find and close the image of unnecessary objects.

Benefits and materials: Cards with professions , subject pictures with tools .

Progress of the game: In large squares there are people of different professions, in the cells are the objects and tools they need for work, among them are those that they do not need. The child must notice and cover with a piece of cardboard or a piece of paper.

Didactic game

Card No. 7

Board and printed game.

“When does this happen?”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day; practice comparing pictures with parts of the day : morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Game rules: According to the word that the teacher says, show the card and explain why he picked it up.

Game actions: Search for the desired picture .

Benefits and materials: Story pictures reflecting the life of children in kindergarten : morning exercises, breakfast, etc. There should be several story pictures .

Progress of the game: Children choose a picture , based on the word “morning”

, must raise it and explain why he raised it.

Didactic game

Card No. 8

Board and printed game.


Goal: To consolidate knowledge about domestic and wild animals, note the characteristics of animals, continue to develop the ability to play together, and obey the rules of the game.

pictures first , puts them according to the rule: dog to dog, bear to bear - and never makes a mistake.

Game actions: Finding the right pictures , maintaining the order.

Benefits and materials: Board game "Domino"

How to play: 4 - 6 children play; whoever puts down the last card wins.

Didactic game

Card No. 9

Word game.

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Goal: Learn to call an action a word; use the correct form of verbs (tense, person)

; develop creative imagination and ingenuity.

Game rules: All children must correctly depict the proposed action so that they can guess it and name it.

Game actions: Imitation of movements, guessing; driver's choice.

Manuals and materials: (none)

Progress of the game: They choose a leader, he comes out, the rest agree on what they will do with the action, the leader must guess what action the children performed.

Didactic game

Card number 10

Word game.

“It happens or not”


Goal: To develop logical thinking and the ability to notice inconsistencies in judgments.

Game rules: Whoever notices a fable must prove why this does not happen.

Game actions: Guessing fables.

Manuals and materials: (none)

Progress of the game: The teacher can tell something wrong, for example: “In the summer, when the sun shines brightly, we went out and made a snowman out of snow.”


Didactic game

Card No. 11

Word game.

"Add a word"

Purpose: To practice correctly designating the position of objects in relation to oneself; develop orientation in space.

Game rules: Only the one to whom the teacher throws the ball answers.

Game activities: Children look for the correct words denoting different locations of objects in space. The one who caught the ball must quickly complete the sentence with the correct word.

Manuals and materials:

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child and asks where the table is? Or a closet? The child who caught the ball answers: The table is behind me.

Didactic game

Card number 12

Word game

Didactic game “Find the mistake”


Goals: to learn to clearly pronounce polysyllabic words loudly, to develop auditory attention.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the toy and names the obviously incorrect action that this animal allegedly performs. Children must answer whether this is correct or not, and then list the actions that this animal can actually perform. For example: “The dog reads. Can a dog read?

The children answer:

No.” What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are named.

Didactic games for the senior group of kindergarten

Didactic games, intended for preschoolers 5-6 years of age, involve the completion of complex tasks and the formation of correct relationships. In this age group, the educational and developmental process is built in the form of basic classes, and through games, children consolidate acquired knowledge and skills. The competitive process plays a significant role, promoting proper emotional development and establishing positive contact with other people.

Find the ball and name the color

Children stand in a circle. Stand in the center, throw the ball to each player in turn, and call a specific color. The player's task is to name the object with the appropriate color, then throw the ball back. For example: orange - orange, apricot, carrot. Or: purple - eggplant, plum, grapes, lilac.


The players stand in a row. Throw a ball to each of them in turn, after naming a generalizing concept. Children must name objects that correspond to the generalization. For example: fruits - apple, orange, peach, pear, apricot, lemon.

Complete the drawing

To play, print out cards depicting shapes that can become part of an object. Laminate the images so that you can draw on them with erasable markers.

Show the children the cards and ask them what the shapes look like. Hand out the pictures to the players so that they can fill in what they represent. Then erase the images, change cards between players. And so on until each child has fantasized about all the figures.

Remember and find

The game should be organized in a spacious room in which kindergarteners can navigate well. Place any toys on the floor. Ask the player to look at them carefully and remember the location. Then blindfold the child with a scarf. The game task is to blindly find objects laid out on the floor.

Columbus egg

To play, print out the egg template, then cut along the lines into 10 shapes. From these figures you can create a variety of silhouette images. This activity is extremely fascinating for preschoolers and develops their imagination.

Who will collect the items faster?

The game is competitive. For her, prepare cards depicting objects that relate to different professions. For each player, or for a group of players if there are many children, determine a profession. The game's task is to find three pictures in a pile that relate to a given profession faster than others. For example: cook - cap, pan, ladle. Or: doctor - white coat, thermometer, syringe. Or: seamstress - thread, scissors, sewing machine. Or: builder - helmet, drill, trowel.

Complete the drawing

Give the players pictures of objects with missing parts, for example, a dog without a tail, a house without windows, a car without wheels. Children must say what is missing in the picture and complete this part.

Card index of didactic games for older children

Didactic games for older children

Card No. 1.

"Geometric figures"


: introducing children to basic geometric shapes.
: cards depicting a house, Christmas tree, sun, etc. from geometric shapes.
Progress of the game
. After talking about the pictures, ask the child to show a square (triangle, circle, rectangle), then trace the shapes shown with dotted lines with a pencil, and then color the picture. As you work, repeat the words with your child more often: “The ball is round, the window is square...”


. “Find and name the figure”


: exercise children in knowledge of geometric shapes.
: cards with images of geometric shapes.
Progress of the game
. Invite your child to first color the figure in the frame, and then the same one, highlighting it from the other two. Ask him to name the shapes he knows and the color he chose to paint.

Card No. 3.

"Flags and garlands"

Purpose of the game:

develop children's logical thinking, exercise their knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.
: cards depicting a garland of flags and other geometric shapes.
Progress of the game
. Invite the children to color in each first shape of the garlands and flags, then use a pencil to trace the shapes shown in the dotted line and color them in any color. Then ask the child to show and name the shapes, and also say what color he painted them.

Card No. 4.

"Chicken Family"

Purpose of the game

: to train children in recognizing and naming geometric figures, to develop children’s logical thinking.
: plot picture depicting a chicken family, card depicting geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
Look at the story picture (pre-colored) with your child. “Who is drawn? Who is dad and mom in the family? Where are the kids? How many chickens? What color are they?" Then offer a card with geometric shapes depicted and ask them to find in it those shapes that need to be cut out and glued to the image of a hen, rooster, chickens. Help your child cut it out and let him paste it himself. When you're done, rejoice at his success. You can invite the child to show the largest circle, a smaller circle and the smallest circles in the picture. At the end of the game, check which geometric figure you performed. Offer to find round objects in the surrounding space. Let the child draw circles with his finger on the table, on the floor, or in the air. You can suggest drawing circles on paper

Card No. 5.


Purpose of the game

: introduce children to the “triangle” shape, develop thinking.
: plot picture depicting boats made of geometric shapes, card with geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
Invite the children to talk about what is shown in the picture, then trace the sails with a pencil. Ask what geometric figure they resemble and what other geometric figures they know. After this, the children look for a small triangle, then a large one. Help them, if they find it difficult, to color, cut out and paste the shapes onto the image. At the end of the game, check which geometric figure you cut out. Offer to find triangular-shaped objects in the surrounding space. Let the child draw triangles with his finger on the table, on the floor, or in the air. You can suggest drawing a triangle on paper.

Card No. 6.

"Posting pictures"

Purpose of the game

: development of children’s logical thinking, consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes.
sample cards with designs of geometric shapes, blank cards, cut out geometric shapes of different colors and sizes.
Progress of the game
. Look at the drawings with your children. Offer to find familiar geometric shapes on them. Cut out shapes from colored paper in two copies and make appliqués from one with the children. Offer the second set of figures to the children for laying out images. Don’t forget to memorize the names of the colors in your children’s memory while playing. For the second image, cut out the shapes so that their shape is the same but their color is different, so that the child can find the part by both shape and color.


. "Design according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game:

development of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age.
cards with contour diagrams, builder's details.
Progress of the game.
Children are given a card with contour diagrams and asked to lay out these images from large parts of a building set on the table, using this card as a sample. To make things more challenging for children, offer a few more parts than they need.

Card No. 8.

“Building from sticks”


consolidation of knowledge of geometric figures, development of logical thinking of children.
cards with outline images of objects, sticks of different lengths.
Purpose of the game
. Offer the children sticks of different lengths, ask them to select the longest, shortest and shortest. At the child’s suggestion, make a figure out of sticks. Then give the child a card, look at the outlines of the objects with him, let him recognize them and name them. Then offer to lay out any figure. As you work, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will appear during the laying out process. Ask them to lay out figures of their own design with chopsticks.


. "Find the figure"

Purpose of the game:

familiarizing children with the names of geometric shapes, introducing cones, cylinders and prisms.
: building designer set, cards depicting geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
Ask your child to find and bring a cube, a brick, then a long plate (use regular building material for construction). Show your child a cone and ask him to find the same part (then a cylinder, then a prism). After this, give the child a card and ask him to find these details.

Card number 10.

"Find a Pair"

Purpose of the game

: development of logical thinking, practice naming colors and naming geometric shapes.
cards with images of geometric shapes divided into 8 parts, uncut cards according to the number of players.
Progress of the game
. Invite your child to play a game. (One of the cards is cut into eight parts.) Place the cut cards on a whole card on the card (shapes identical in shape, but different in color and size). Pick up this or that card and ask to find the same part, but of a different color or size. When completing the task, practice naming colors for children.

Card No. 11.

“Build according to the scheme”

Purpose of the game

: teach children to carry out elementary constructions, focusing on diagrams.
: building diagrams, construction kit.
Progress of the game
. Talk to your children about the building parts they know and show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is shown on it, offer to look at it, and say what parts the building is made of. Ask them to build the same buildings from building parts. It is important that the details are shown in actual size.

Card number 12.

“Putting on the details”

Purpose of the game:

teach children to lay out images using the overlay method.
cards with outline drawings, construction kit or flat geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
Children are taught to lay out images by superimposing three-dimensional details of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a map and ask them to create beautiful pictures (show with an example of installing one part).


. "Laying out figures"

Purpose of the game

: exercise children in laying out images of geometric shapes using diagrams.
picture maps, construction kit.
Progress of the game
. Children are offered diagrams and geometric shapes to lay out images. After completing the task, they ask: “What figures did you use to make this car?” How many figures did you need for this rocket? How many identical figures are there?”

Card No. 14.

"Find the odd one out"

Purpose of the game:

develop logical thinking of preschoolers.
cards with images of geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
The map shows rows of geometric shapes. Children are asked to look at them and determine what is unnecessary on them, then justify why.


. “What does it look like?”

Purpose of the game:

develop children's visual and figurative thinking.
: a set of planar geometric shapes.
Progress of the game.
The teacher shows the cut out geometric shapes one by one, names them and asks them to say what they look like. For example: ball - bun, sun, face, balloon, etc.

Card No. 16.
“We construct from sticks” Purpose of the game
: development of children’s logical skills.
sticks of different lengths in three sizes, cards with simple pictures.
Progress of the game.
Children are given sticks of different lengths and asked to divide them into three parts according to size. Then they give pictures (real images of simple-shaped objects: a flag, a car, a boat with a sail, a wheelbarrow, a flower, a vase, etc.) and ask them to lay out the image of these objects with chopsticks.

Card No. 17.


Purpose of the game:

development of logical thinking of preschool children.
: drawings depicting geometric shapes and real objects that are well known to preschoolers.
Progress of the game.
Children are offered two drawings, one depicting geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, ball, cone, etc.), the other showing real objects that are well known to preschoolers, and they are asked to name which geometric body this or that object is similar to. Invite the children to play the game “What does it look like?” - find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Ask the children to point out and name the round, square, and shapes in one and the other picture.


. "Remember what it's like"

Purpose of the game:

Exercise children in naming geometric shapes.
cards with images of geometric shapes.
Progress of the game
. Children are offered cards with pictures of construction parts. The teacher asks to name the detail and remember objects that are similar to it, while justifying why he points out these objects.

Card No. 19.

"Count and design"

Purpose of the game:

Development of logical thinking in preschoolers.
: Geometric robot cards, construction kits, or flat geometric shapes.
Progress of the game
. Children are shown a drawing depicting robots made from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robotic men and asks how many robotic dogs there are. Asks you to choose any robot, tell what shapes it is made of, how many identical shapes and parts went into it. Then the children are given geometric shapes and asked to put their favorite images out of them.


. "Arrange your room"

Purpose of the game:

development of logical thinking of preschool children.
sheet of paper (35*45cm), construction set, planar geometric figures
Game progress.
The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (35*45 cm) and says that this is the floor of the doll’s room, asks them to build it with bricks (the walls of the room), leaving gaps for the window and door. After the children do this, take out the sheet and place it next to the constructed room. Then he takes out geometric shapes and offers to lay them out on paper, selecting pieces of furniture that are similar in shape (a square is a stool, a rectangle is a bed, etc.). The teacher reviews the resulting diagram with the preschoolers and asks them to arrange “furniture” according to it in a room built with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.


. “Name the quantity”


to form in children a differentiated perception of the qualities of size.
Progress of the game:
children stand around the table. Pictures depicting objects of different sizes are laid out on the table in a circle. For example: a pencil is long and short. There is an arrow in the middle of the circle. The children spin it and say the words: “Arrow, arrow, turn around, show yourself to all the pictures. Show us quickly which one is your favorite. Children take the picture that the arrow points to and name the size of the objects.


. “Relationship of geometric bodies and figures”

Purpose of the game:

teach children to correlate images of geometric shapes and construction parts of a construction set.
Cards with images of geometric shapes, construction set.
Progress of the game
. Preschoolers are asked to look at images of geometric bodies, and then at the geometric shapes shown below. The teacher asks to find the building parts shown on the card and show those sides that have the shape of the geometric shapes shown under the card. The task becomes more complicated if children are asked to correlate geometric shapes and bodies without using construction parts.


. “Putting on the details”

Purpose of the game

: development of logical thinking in preschoolers.
: diagram cards, construction parts.
Progress of the game
. Preschoolers are given two cards: on one, in the form of a diagram, various towers are depicted, on the other, building parts that should be selected to solve this problem. The goal of the task: to place the parts in the outline so that they come into contact with the surface of the sheet on one of the faces. In the process of solving a task, the teacher clarifies what parts the child uses, what color, what shape of edges this or that part has, how many edges the part has, how many parts went into assembling the image.


. “Name the shape of the object”


consolidate the ability to visually correlate the shape of an object with a standard.
Progress of the game
: children are divided into two teams. One team calls objects rectangular in shape, and the other - square. For each item named, children receive a chip. At the end of the game, it is revealed how many chips each team has earned.


. Who will remember more?


: to consolidate in children the ability to visually recognize the color, shape, size of objects in the surrounding space, to develop visual attention and memory.
Progress of the game
: Several children take part in the game. They are asked to see around them as many objects of the same color, size, shape as possible within a few minutes. At a signal, one child begins to name, and the other complements.




develop the ability to visually correlate objects by color, develop color discrimination and attention.
Game progress:
5-6 people play. On the tray there are small toys of four primary colors. The teacher shows 4 boxes. At the bottom of each there is a circle of a certain color (out of 4). Walking in a circle, the teacher opens one of the boxes. Children must take a toy from the tray and put it in this box of the same color as the circle in the box. Words: “On the bottom of the box there is a light burning, which toys to take. He tells us. Be careful not to mix it up, pay close attention to what color you put in the box.


. “Pick an item by color”


: consolidate the ability to correlate color - as the main feature with the color of objects, develop visual attention, memory, spatial orientation.
How to play:
Children stand in a circle. There is a table in the middle. On it there is a card with circles of different colors (depending on age). There is an arrow in the middle of the map. The map is round. Children take turns turning the arrow, saying the words “arrow, arrow, turn around, show yourself to all the circles.” And which one is your favorite, show us quickly! Stop!" Which color circle the arrow points to, the object in the picture of that color should be placed next to the circle. Cards with outlines and silhouettes of objects lie on another table. For example: the arrow stopped on a burgundy circle. Next to this circle you need to put a silhouette or outline of a beet. Everyone turns the arrow one by one. Complication: you can select several silhouettes or contours of objects of a given color for a colored circle.

Card No. 29.

"Arrange it as I say"


develop visual memory, differentiation of flat geometric figures, visual attention, orientation in microspace.
Progress of the game:
Different geometric shapes lie in front of the children. The teacher makes sure that the children know their names. Then the teacher invites the children to lay out these figures in a certain order. The order can be very different: from left to right, from top to bottom, according to a pattern, from memory, in a certain sequence, according to counting (lay out so that the second is a trapezoid, the fourth is a rhombus, etc.).


. “One, two, three, as you walked - name it.”


development of orientation in micro space, in directions (right, left, top, bottom).
Game progress
: The children are shown a labyrinth. You need to help the bunny get to the hare. To help, you need to run your finger through the maze and say the words: “I play with the maze, I run along the path. My finger goes and goes, but where will it lead? One, two, three, whatever you call it.” The child tells how first the finger went to the right, then up, then to the left, etc. Complication: the labyrinth is crossed by a labyrinth of a different color. You can make the directions more complicated.


. "Twelve months".


: develop orientation in time (names of months), seasons, auditory attention.
Progress of the game
: the teacher lays out cards with numbers from 1 to 12 on the table and mixes them. The players take cards and arrange them in order according to the number indicated on the card. They turned into 12 months. The teacher asks questions: “First month - what is your name?” “Twelfth month - what’s your name?” “Sixth of the month, what’s your name?” etc. You can give a hint - write the first letter of the month on the back.


. “Take a guess.”


: develop the idea that the same object looks different depending on the observer.
Progress of the game
: children sit in pairs at tables opposite each other. In the middle of each table there is an object that has pronounced differences between the front and back sides (watch, tumbler, teapot, etc.) One driver is selected. He turns away and says a rhyme. At this time, the rest of the children schematically sketch the object in front of them as they see it. Then all the drawings are mixed and the words are said: “Guess, guess whose drawing - guess.” The driver turns, takes the drawing and tries to find the author.

Card No. 33.

“Locate the toy”


Achieve the ability to pronounce a phrase of five to six words together, on one exhalation. Development of prolonged speech exhalation. Progress of the game
: The teacher lays out various children's toys (car, pyramid, ball, bear, doll, etc.) on the table in one row. Calling the child, he asks: “Between which toys is the pyramid standing?” The child must give a complete answer: “The pyramid stands between the car and the ball.” After two or three answers, the adult changes places of the toys. Gradually, as you repeat the game, you can replace the toys with others one by one. Methodical instructions. When conducting the game, the teacher makes sure that the children speak slowly, without separating one word from another with long pauses. You must answer the question with a complete answer, for example: “The ball lies between the doll and the bear.”

Card No. 34.

Exercise "Divers"


Teach children to inhale through their mouth and exhale through their nose.
Development of differentiated breathing. Progress of the game
: Children, spreading their arms to the sides, inhale through their mouths. Wrapping your arms around yourself and squatting (“sinking under the water”), exhale through your nose. Methodical instructions. Each child repeats the exercise no more than two or three times.

Card No. 35. "

Guess what to do"


Teach children to determine the tempo of speech by ear and perform movements at the appropriate pace.
Development of the ability to detect by ear changes in the tempo of speech. Progress of the game:
The teacher pronounces the phrase: “The mill grinds grain” several times at different tempos. Children, imitating the operation of a mill, make circular movements with their hands at the same pace at which the teacher speaks. The following phrases are also played out: “Our feet walked along the road”, “The children swam in the river”, etc.

Methodical instructions. An adult should pronounce the phrase smoothly, continuously, repeating it 2-3 times in a row at any pace, so that it is easier for children to perform the movements.


. "Snowstorm".


Teach children to change the strength of their voice from quiet to loud and from loud to quiet in one exhalation.
Changing the strength of the voice. Progress of the game
: The teacher shows a picture of a blizzard. Children sitting in a row depict a blizzard howling on a winter evening. At the teacher’s signal “the blizzard is starting”, the children quietly say: “uuu...”; at the signal “strong blizzard” they say loudly: “uuu...”; at the signal “the blizzard ends” they speak more quietly; at the signal “the blizzard is over” they fall silent.

Methodical instructions. It is advisable that children pronounce the sound quietly on one exhalation, then loudly and quietly again, so the adult quickly replaces one signal with another.


. "Poultry farm"


Development of speech breathing.
Teach children on one exhale: pronounce 3-4 syllables. Progress of the game
: An adult shows the toys to the children and plays their sounds 3-4 times in a row. The toys are put away. The teacher says: “Let’s go to the poultry farm. Let's go, and towards us... (shows a chicken) chicken. How will she greet us? Children: “ko-ko-ko.” “We moved on.” A goose is coming towards us. How will he greet us? Children: "ha-ha-ha." Next, the teacher sequentially shows the remaining toys, and the children pronounce the corresponding onomatopoeia. Methodical instructions. First, all the participants in the game speak, then you can ask three or four children one at a time. Make sure that children pronounce onomatopoeias (ko-ko-ko, ha-ha-ga, pi-pi-pi, ku-ka-re-ku, quack-quack-quack) in one exhalation. Some children can pronounce 2-3 onomatopoeias, others - 3-4.


. "The wind blows"


Teach children to use a loud or quiet voice depending on the situation.
Changing the strength of the voice. How to play:
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher says: “We went for a walk in the forest in the summer. We are walking through a field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass and flowers are swaying (shows a picture). He blows quietly, like this: “oo-oo-oo” (pronounces the sound u quietly and for a long time). We came to the forest and picked a lot of flowers and berries. We got ready to go back. Suddenly a strong wind blew (shows a picture). He hummed loudly: “oo-oo-oo...” (pronounces this sound loudly and for a long time). Children repeat after the teacher how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums.

Methodical instructions. The teacher makes sure that the children, repeating after him, maintain the same strength of voice.

Card No. 39.

“Who is attentive?”


Teach children to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which they are pronounced. Development of physical hearing acuity. How to play:
Children sit in 3 rows opposite the teacher’s table. (First row at a distance of 2-3 m). There are various toys on the table. The adult says: “Children, now I will give tasks to those who are sitting in the front row. I will speak in a whisper, so I need to sit quietly so that everyone can hear. I will call everyone by name and give them a task, and you check whether it is being completed correctly. Be careful. Vova, take the bear and put it in the car.” Methodical instructions. The teacher needs to make sure that the children sit quietly and do not prompt each other. Assignments should be short and simple.

Card number 40.

“I can - I can’t.”


focus children's attention on their skills and physical capabilities of their body;
develop self-esteem. Equipment:
Progress of the game:
The presenter throws the ball and says: “I know how” or “I don’t know how.” The child, having caught the ball, continues the phrase, explaining why he can or cannot do it. For example: “I can run because I have legs. I can't fly because I don't have wings."

Card No. 41.

"Guess who called?"


train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.
: Ball.
Progress of the game:
The presenter, standing with his back to the children, must determine by his voice who called him. If the answer is correct, the place of the leader is taken by the child whose vote was determined.

Card No. 42.

"Find a pair."


: select a pair to an object based on tactile sensations (blindfolded).
buttons, cubes, apple, pencils, small objects.
Progress of the game:
correctly identify different materials by touch.


. "Guess the riddle from the picture."


Help children remember the main group of dangerous objects and develop attention.
: pictures depicting dangerous objects.
Progress of the game:
An adult asks a riddle, and children guess and find the corresponding picture. An adult asks you to think and say why these objects are dangerous? Children tell what danger each object poses.

Card No. 44.

Find dangerous objects.


help children remember objects that are dangerous to life and health;
help you draw your own conclusions about the consequences of not handling them carefully. Equipment:
knife, scissors, needle, iron.
Progress of the game
: Andryusha and Natasha remain in the apartment. Their parents went to work. Let's tell the kids what objects they can't use so that trouble doesn't happen. Children repeat the safety rules: All sharp, piercing, cutting objects must be put back in their place; Do not turn on electrical appliances; they may cause electric shock or cause a fire; Under no circumstances should you try medications - they are poison; You cannot try washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, bleach; It is dangerous to go out onto the balcony alone.

Card No. 45.



strengthen children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.
pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).
Progress of the game
: The teacher plays out with the children a situation where a person has cut his arm, leg, broken his knee, elbow, has a fever, has a sore throat, has a speck of dirt in his eye, and has a nose bleed. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.


. Pick a pair.


correlate objects in pictures with actions;
strengthen self-care skills; develop logical thinking. Equipment:
subject pictures: vacuum cleaner, comb, battery, soap, toy cabinet;
subject pictures: cleaning the apartment, boots, clothes, toys. Progress of the game:
Children carefully examine the pictures received, compare them and select pairs, explaining their choice.


. What do you know.


talk about the structure, work, characteristics of the human body, rules for caring for it, first aid in various situations, develop attention and memory.
ball, incentive prizes.
How to play:
Children sit on chairs in front of the teacher, the teacher - the driver throws the ball to the child and asks: “What do you know... (for example, about the heart)?” The child who caught the ball answers. The rest of the children listen attentively, those who wish to complete the answer, those who drop the ball lose the right to answer. Children should not interrupt each other, complement only after the answer is completed. At the end of the game, the most active player receives an incentive prize.


. "Enchanted City"

Purpose of the game

: consolidate children’s ideas about the architecture of modern buildings and structures;
introduce you to the architectural features of the city. Materials
: album with outline images of buildings and other structures of a modern city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.

Progress of the game:

"disenchant" the city. Tell children about the buildings and structures of their native village. Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children: -What is the name of our country? -What is the name of the city where you live? -How long ago was our city founded? -Which streets of the city do you know? -What is the name of the street where you live? -What monuments of our city do you know? -What ancient monuments are there in our city? -What great people who glorified our city do you know? -How did you know that? Who told you about this? -What else would you like to know about our city? The teacher invites the children to look at an album with the outlines of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the outlines with the photographs. For example: the outline of the Planetarium building is a photograph of the planetarium building.


. Traveling around the city


introduce your hometown
: album of photographs of your hometown
Game progress:
The teacher shows the children photographs of the city’s attractions, suggests calling them
Card No. 50.
Riddles about the city


introduce you to your hometown
Cards with riddles about the city or your home village.
Progress of the game
: The teacher asks the children riddles from the life of their hometown.


. Flag of Russia


contribute to consolidating knowledge of the flag of their country
stripes of red, blue and white
Progress of the game:
The teacher shows the children the Russian flag, removes it and offers to lay out the multi-colored stripes in the order in which they are on the Russian flag.

Card No. 52.

Where is the monument located?


: introduce children to monuments, teach them how to navigate their hometown.
images of monuments
Game progress:
The teacher shows children images of monuments and asks them to tell where this monument is installed.


. Birds of our city


: introduce children to the birds of their hometown
cards with images of birds
Game progress:
The teacher shows the children cards with images of birds, asks them to name and determine whether the bird lives in our city or not

Card No. 54.

"Cows, dogs, cats"

close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal “speaks.” You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear “your animal,” move towards it. Then, holding hands, the two of you walk together to find other children who “speak your language.” An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time you play the game, you can play it with your eyes open.


. "Press conference"


develop effective communication skills;
cultivate a desire to communicate and make contact with other children; teach children to ask various questions on a given topic and maintain a conversation. Progress of the game
: all children of the group participate. Any well-known topic is chosen, for example: “My daily routine”, “My pet”, “My toys”, “My friends”, etc. One of the participants in the press conference - the “guest” - sits in the center hall and answers any questions from participants. Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Are you more interested in being friends with boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What should you be like to have more friends? What should you not do with your friends? Etc.


. "Secret"


develop a desire to communicate with peers;
overcome shyness; find different ways to achieve your goal. Progress of the game
: the presenter distributes small objects to all participants: a button, a brooch, a small toy,…. It's a secret. Participants pair up. They must persuade each other to show their “secret”. Children must come up with as many ways of persuasion as possible (guessing; giving compliments; promising a treat; not believing that there is something in the fist, ...)

Card No. 57.



Develop communication skills
Game progress
: Children break into pairs and tell each other about how they went to kindergarten in the morning.


. "Let it always be"


promote improved communication with peers.
Progress of the game:
The presenter tells the children that one little boy came up with the following words: “May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me!”
After this, the presenter invites everyone to come up with their most cherished “LET”. All the children shout in chorus: “Let it always be...”, and one of the children adds his wish, then the same is done for all the children in the group. Card No. 59.


promote improved communication with peers.
Progress of the game
: One of the guys - “volcano” - squats in the center of the circle. He's sleeping. Then he begins to hum quietly and slowly rises - wakes up. The group helps him hum with dull uterine sounds - the sounds of the earth. Then he jumps up sharply, raising his hands up, as if throwing away everything he doesn’t need, then gradually falls asleep again. After the child returns to the circle; the presenter asks him what he threw away - maybe it was unnecessary feelings, thoughts, or maybe something else?

Card No. 61.



development of communication skills, fostering a friendly attitude towards peers.
Progress of the game:
Children are divided into pairs, repeat the words and actions after the teacher: I am a blackbird, Point to themselves. And you are a blackbird. Point at their partner. I have a nose, They touch their nose. You have a nose. They touch their partner's nose. My lips are sweet, they touch their lips. Your lips are sweet. They touch their partner's lips. My cheeks are smooth, They stroke their cheeks. Your cheeks are smooth. They stroke their partner's cheeks.

Card No. 60. "

I know five names of my friends"


promote improved communication with peers.
Progress of the game:
One of the children hits the ball on the floor with the words: “I know five names of my friends. Vanya - one, Lena - two...”, etc., and then passes the ball to another child. He does the same and passes the ball to the next one. The ball must go around the entire group.


. “We say hello without words”


develop the ability to use gesture and posture in communication.
Progress of the game
: Children are divided into pairs. Each couple comes up with their own way of greeting without words (shake each other's hand, wave, hug, nod, etc.). Then everyone gathers in a circle, and the couples take turns demonstrating how to greet each other.

Preparatory group

In the preparatory group, preschoolers prepare for the transition to first grade and acquire important knowledge and skills. Therefore, complex didactic games with a predominantly educational focus are applicable.

Train for animals

To play, make a cardboard train with 3 carriages: the first for animals, the second for birds, the third for insects. Print out pictures depicting fauna representatives. The game task is to correctly arrange the pictures into the cars.

Man or nature

Children stand in a circle. Throw a ball to each of them in turn, asking at random, “What did the person do?” or “What has nature done?” In the first case, the answers will be, for example, “car”, “clothes”. And in the second there is “tree”, “river”, “stone”, “nest”. The player who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the circle. The winner is the last one to give the correct answer.

Name the plant

Say a sound and the players must remember the plants that start with it. For example: A – aster, watermelon, orange, pineapple, aloe, acacia, cherry plum.


On a fine day, when cumulus clouds float in the sky, take the students for a walk. Let everyone choose a cloud and tell them what it reminds them of.

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