Synopsis of an educational lesson in the second junior group. Fish

Synopsis of an educational lesson in the second junior group. Fish

Summary of an educational and entertaining event for children of the second group of younger age “Amazing Fishes”

Program content: Objectives: • Teach children to correctly pronounce new words and consolidate the pronunciation of already familiar words • Continue to develop fine motor skills using finger games. • Fix the primary colors red, blue, yellow, green. • Develop interest in various types of musical and rhythmic games. • To foster in children an emotional response to joint activities. Materials and equipment: Plastic fish of different colors, a bowl of water, nets of different sizes, imitation of the shape of an aquarium, rectangular and round, blanks for applique, brushes, glue.
Progress of the event
Educator. Hello guys. Look what we have. “A basin filled with water” and a net. Game-exercise “Let's look” Children, optionally using a net, “catch” toys - fish. While fishing, children note the size of the fish and its color. Educator. How many fish did we catch? Do you like them? Educator. Look and tell me what the fish has? Children. Head, eyes, tail. Educator. The fish has a body. Here it is, show me. What is in the front of the body? Children. Head. Educator. Show where the fish's head is. What's on the fish's head? Children. On the head there are eyes and a mouth. Educator. That's right, the fish has its head in the front, and what's in the back? Children. Behind the tail. Educator. Do you have a tail? You don't have a tail, but the fish does. He is behind her. Show. The back of the fish is on top. It has a belly underneath. Show. Now let's show how fish swim. Children put their palms together and make wave-like movements, imitating the movements of fish. Educator. Guys, let's imagine that you and I have also turned into real fish and play. Articulation gymnastics “Fishes” “Bubbles burst”…. Silent pronunciation [n], the tempo of pronunciation is either speeded up or slowed down.
"Predatory fish" ....
Raise the upper lip, exposing only the upper teeth.
“The fish is chewing algae”….
Imitate chewing.
"Pike" ….
Move the lower jaw forward, mouth open, bite the upper lip with the lower teeth.
“The fish is singing”….
Extend your lips into a “tube” and slowly open your mouth, and also slowly close it. Educator. What wonderful fish we have! Guys, tell me, who knows where the fish live? Children's answers. Educator. That's right, guys. Fish can live in the sea, in the ocean, in a river or lake, and even in an aquarium. The most important thing that fish need to live is water! Look, I have two aquariums. (Round and rectangular). Guys, what shape are these aquariums? Educator. I suggest you play the game. D/i “Find your house” The teacher puts silhouettes of rectangular and round aquariums on the floor, then invites them to play. The fish “swim” wherever they want. As soon as I say “I want to catch you,” you run to your houses. Whoever has a big fish runs to a rectangular aquarium, and whoever has a small fish runs to a round aquarium. The fish swims in the water, the fish has fun playing. Fish, fish, mischief maker, I want to catch you. Educator. Well done guys, everyone hid in their houses. And now it’s time for us to turn from fish to children again. I have a surprise for you. I have prepared such wonderful aquariums for each of you. Every aquarium should have a fish, and together we will make a fish. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, perform an application of cotton pads “Fish in an Aquarium”. Educator. You guys made some wonderful fish. Well done![b

List of used literature 1. Basic general education program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasiliev. 2. Ryzhova, N.V. Articulation gymnastics for kids / N.V. Ryzhova. - M.: Sfera, 2022. - 869 p. 3. Bogateeva, Z.A. Applique classes in kindergarten / Z.A. Bogateeva. - M.: Education, 2008. - 224 p.

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Plan of educational work on the topic “Pisces”

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK (for week 26.04-30.04)

Group: 2nd junior No. 7 Topic: “Pisces. Reservoirs"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge of reservoirs and their fish inhabitants (about the features of their structure, habitat, what they eat, where they live); broaden their horizons and cognitive interest, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic.

Final event: Computer presentation “Inhabitants of water spaces” . Date of the final event: Friday: 30.04.2022.

Responsible for the final event: educators.

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


Group, subgroup

Morning exercises. Free communication on various topics. Finger gymnastics. Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.


Work on the sound culture of speech - Didactic game “Whose voice?” Purpose: To practice onomatopoeia.

Educational activities in special moments

Reading poems by I. Tokmakova “Where does the fish sleep?” Goal: Learn to understand the speech of adults and answer questions.

Di. “Dress the Bear” Goal: To develop the ability to select objects according to a pattern.

Direct educational activities

F, P 9.00-9. 15 Music.

According to the music director's plan.

9.25-9. 40 Modeling/Applique “Fish”

Goal: Teaching children to sculpt oval-shaped objects, pinching parts and decorating the product using a pointed stick. Development of attention. Strengthening the ability to distinguish colors.

(D. N. Koldina, “Modeling with children 3-4 years old” , room No. 19 p. 20)

Day of the week

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6
Monday – 26.04. 2021 Morning: F, S-K, P Morning exercises. Conversation on the topic: “How was your weekend?” Goal: To develop speech and the desire to share impressions.

Visual gymnastics. Goal: To develop the ability to fix the gaze, the development of spatial orientation.

Didactic game “Find and name.” Goal: Learn to correctly find and name an object, develop speech and memory. Conversation on the topic: “What different bodies of water.” Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “reservoir”, expand children’s knowledge about the types of reservoirs (river, lake, sea)

D. and “Name what color.” Goal: To teach children to group objects by color, develop the ability to name colors, and cultivate attention.

Look at illustrations from books with your children. Goal: To enrich children’s ideas, to encourage children to look at illustrations in books.

Fun game "Fishing". Goal: Develop coordination of movements, create a joyful atmosphere.

Direct educational activities H-E,


9.00-9.15 FCCM

Goal: To introduce children to living objects that live in water. Formation of an idea of ​​the aquatic habitat; consolidation of knowledge about the structural features of the body of fish.

(See summary.)

9.25-9.40 Drawing “Aquarium with fish”

Goal: Continued acquaintance with watercolor paints; teaching children to draw a round object and carefully paint over it. Cultivating compassion and kindness

(D.N. Koldina, “Drawing with children 3-4 years old”, exercise No. 19 p. 30)

Walk: F, P, H-E, R, S-K Observation "The world around us." Goal: To teach children to listen to the sounds of the surrounding space: the chirping of birds, the sound of the wind, the rumble of an airplane, people talking. Work assignments: learn to dress independently for a walk. Goal: To develop the ability to dress in the correct sequence. Individual work on movement development: “Raise your legs higher.” Goal: Practice stepping over objects. P. and “Hit the hoop.” Goal: Improve the ability to hit the hoop, develop the eye.

P. and "Bubble". Goal: Continue to teach children to make an even circle and act in accordance with the words of the poem.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed: Reading poems about fish to children. Goal: To instill a love of fiction, to develop attention and perseverance.
Work after sleep: Health-improving gymnastics after a nap. Formation of the KGN. Goal: To teach children to wash their hands carefully, without splashing water on their face. Dry yourself with your towel and hang it in place. Conversation on the topic: “What is the danger of ice drift?”

Purpose: To give children an initial idea of ​​the dangers of ice drift.

Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Walk. F, S-K, P, H-E Observation of spring phenomena in nature. Goal: Continue to teach children to pay attention to changes in nature. P. and “Sun and Rain.” Goal: To learn how to respond to a signal of weather change in the game. Walk randomly and run in one direction. Independent activity of children with external materials. Games at the request of children.
Evening: Conversation on the topic “Why is electricity dangerous?”

Purpose: To give children initial knowledge about the dangers of electrical appliances and electric current.

"Build a pyramid." Goal: To consolidate knowledge of colors, the ability to collect in a certain sequence, to develop color perception. Offer children paints. Goal: To teach children to draw with their fingers, to rhythmically make an imprint on paper. Role-playing game "Home". Goal: To develop the ability to implement family life in the game, to be friendly. Offer children wooden inserts. Goal: Development of fine motor skills, imagination, ability to work according to a model.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6
Tuesday – 04/27/2021 Morning: F, P, S-K Morning exercises. Free communication on various topics. Finger gymnastics. Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Work on the sound culture of speech - Didactic game “Whose voice?” Purpose: To practice onomatopoeia. Reading poems by I. Tokmakova “Where does the fish sleep?” Goal: Learn to understand the speech of adults and answer questions.

Di. “Dress the Bear” Goal: To develop the ability to select objects according to a pattern.

Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: To develop the ability to show interest in the play activities of peers, to teach children to play together.
Direct educational activities F, P 9.00-9.15 Music.

According to the music director's plan.

9.25-9.40 Modeling/Applique “Fish”

Goal: Teaching children to sculpt oval-shaped objects, pinching parts and decorating the product using a pointed stick. Development of attention. Strengthening the ability to distinguish colors.

(D.N. Koldina, “Modeling with children 3-4 years old”, entry No. 19p.20)

Walk: F, P, H-E, R, S-K Observing the sun. Goal: To form the idea that when the sun is shining it is warm outside. Labor assignments: collect twigs on the site. Goal: Continue to instill in children the desire to work. Individual work on movement development. Goal: To strengthen the ability to jump from a small height. P. and “Mice in the Pantry.” Goal: Learn to run easily without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movements.

Di. “What does a cloud look like?” Goal: To develop observation and imagination.

Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed: Reading works of fiction on a spring theme. Goal: To instill in children a love of fiction and develop speech activity.
Work after sleep: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Formation of the KGN. Develop the ability to eat independently and neatly, sit calmly at the table, maintaining the correct posture. Situational conversation “We play together.” Goal: To foster friendly relationships, to develop basic skills in resolving controversial situations. Independent activity in the mummers corner.
Walk. F, P, R, H-E, S-K Observation of passersby. Purpose: To draw children's attention to the fact that people put on light clothes, because spring is warm from the sun, the wind is no longer cold. P. and “My funny ringing ball.” Goal: Learn to jump on the spot and coordinate movements with the words of the teacher. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Evening: Offer children the “Fun Town” construction set. Goal: Learn to build, develop imagination. D. and “Who or what is in the picture?” Goal: Learn to name an object correctly, enrich your vocabulary. Role-playing game "Shop". Goal: To develop the ability to take on a role and act in accordance with it, to continue to play together together. Exercise “On a bridge over a stream.” Goal: Learn to walk carefully, trying not to fall, without pushing.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6
Wednesday – 28.04. 2021 Morning: F, P, S-K Morning exercises. Free communication on various topics. Breathing exercises. Goal: Strengthen physiological breathing in children. Didactic game "Beads". Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Leisure time – round dance game “Pies”. Goal: To develop children's communication skills and imagination. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: Learn to find playing partners.
Direct educational activities H-E,


9.00-9.15 Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Purpose: Acquaintance with techniques for comparing two objects in height, an exercise in determining spatial directions from oneself. Improving the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by applying and using words many, equally, as many as

(L.I. Pomoraeva, “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts”, p.29)

9.30-9.45 Physical education.

Goal: Teaching children to land on both feet; throw the ball up and catch it with both hands; climb on an inclined ladder; exercise in walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal; standing long jump; throwing a ball on the floor; in walking and running in all directions.

(O.V. Music, Physical education and health work”, p.16)

Walk: F, P, H-E, R, S-K Observation of “Games of children of the senior group.” Goal: Continue to generate interest in older children; develop the ability to observe other children. Work assignments: collecting toys after a walk. Goal: To develop an interest in work and the ability to work together. Individual work on movement development. Purpose: To train children in walking in pairs. P. and “Bunnies and fox”. Goal: To teach children to quickly navigate and move in a given direction. P.i. "Colored Cars" Goal: To train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, and reinforce the rules of the road. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed: Reading Russian folk tales. Goal: To instill a love of fiction, develop listening skills, and help tell familiar fairy tales.
Work after sleep: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Formation of the KGN. Goal: Continue working on teaching children the ability to use a handkerchief when necessary. Offer pyramids, inserts, magic cubes, mosaics. Goal: Develop fine motor skills and cultivate perseverance. D. and “Find by description.” Goal: Strengthen the ability to find objects by description, develop speech. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Walk. F, P, H-E, R, S-K Sky observation. Purpose: To draw children's attention to how high the sky is in spring - high, clear, white clouds floating like pieces of cotton wool. P.i. "Wind and Clouds" Goal: Learn to walk and run while looking at the sky; develop the vestibular apparatus. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Evening: Table theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”. Goal: To develop memory, perseverance, listening skills, without disturbing others. Offer children plasticine. Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands, skills acquired in classes. The plot-role-playing game “Hospital”. Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about professions and develop role behavior skills. Game situation “Our hands help Katya’s doll get dressed.” Goal: To train children in the ability to dress things.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6
Thursday-29.04. 2021 Morning: F, S-K, P Morning exercises. Free communication on various topics. D. and “Where did you call?” Goal: To develop auditory attention. Articulation gymnastics. Goal: To develop speech activity. Conversation on the topic: “Why you need to take care of toys.” Goal: Teach children to take care of toys. Game situation “The doll is coming to visit.” Goal: To give an idea of ​​the zebra crossing, the rules for crossing the zebra crossing, and to develop attention. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: Continue to learn how to find playing partners.
Direct educational activities R, H-E 9.00-9.15 Music.

According to the music director's plan.

9.30-9.45 Physical education.

Goal: Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal, developing coordination of movements in children when crawling on all fours and exercising in balance.

(L.I. Penzulaeva, “Physical education in kindergarten”, p. 31)

Walk: F, P, H-E, R, S-K Bird watching in spring. Goal: To introduce the life of birds in spring; cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds. Labor assignment: together with the teacher, collect garbage on the site. Goal: To develop an interest in work and the ability to work together. Individual work on movement development. Goal: continue to teach how to run without bumping into each other. P. and “My funny ringing ball.” Goal: To strengthen the ability to jump on two legs. P. and "Frogs". Goal: To strengthen the ability to jump on two legs. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed Reading the work of S. Pshenichnykh “My Paper Airplane”. Goal: To teach children to listen to a work of art and answer questions.
Work after sleep: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Formation of the KGN. Goal: To consolidate the ability to sit correctly at the table, move the chair closer to the table. Offer children a set of “Mushrooms”, “Fishing”, and a large mosaic. Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands. Look at illustrations and books with your children. Goal: To enrich children’s ideas, to encourage children to look at illustrations in books. Independent activity of children in the mummers corner.
Walk. F, S-K, P, H-E Surveillance of cars on the street. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about different types of special transport and their purpose. P. and “Bunnies in the clearing.” Goal: To consolidate the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Evening: Round dance games. Goal: To help improve the emotional state of children. Independent activity of children with a constructor. Goal: Develop the ability to make simple buildings, develop imagination. Work in a corner of nature6 invite children to observe how to care for indoor plants. Offer to water the plants yourself, without getting on the leaves. Role-playing game "Home". Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games, to improve the ability to independently create a game stop for a planned plot. Independent activity of children in activity corners. Goal: To develop children's interest in the world around them while playing with different toys, to assist in uniting in groups of 2-3 people, to promote the formation of friendly relations.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6
Friday – 30.04.2021 Morning: F, S-K, P Morning exercises. Free communication on various topics. D. and "Poultry Farm". Goal: Develop speech breathing, learn to pronounce 3-4 syllables in one breath. D. and “What is gone.” Goal: To develop attentiveness, visual perception, the ability to name and describe an object. Computer presentation “Inhabitants of water spaces.” Goal: Continue to introduce children to aquatic inhabitants, use words in speech that convey an emotional attitude towards them. Offer children materials for independent artistic activities. Goal: To develop independence when choosing material for your activities, to consolidate the skills acquired in the classroom.
Direct educational activities F, H-E 9.00-9.15 Speech development. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare".

Purpose: To introduce children to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare” (design by V. Dahl), to explain the concept of the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave).

(V.V. Gerbova, “Speech development in kindergarten”, p. 59)

9.30-9.45 Physical education.

Purpose: Exercise children in balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support, in landing on bent legs when jumping.

(L.I. Penzulaeva, “Physical education in kindergarten”, p. 33)

Walk: F, P, H-E, R, S-K Observing the work of a janitor. Goal: To cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor, instill a love of nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment. Work activity: collecting toys after a walk. Goal: To create interest in work. Individual work on movement development: practice jumping while moving forward. P.i. "On a level path." Goal: To learn to walk freely in a column one at a time, to develop a sense of balance and orientation in space. P.i. "Sparrows and a car." Goal: Learn to run in different directions, navigate in space. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Work before bed: Reading Russian folk tales. Goal: To instill a love of fiction, develop listening skills and help tell familiar fairy tales.
Work after sleep: Health-improving gymnastics after a nap. Formation of CGN: to develop in children the ability to keep their hands and face clean, wash after eating, and dry themselves with their own towel. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in the locker room. Purpose: To teach that when dressing for a walk you should not run around the locker room, you need to get dressed near your locker. Independent activity of children in play corners under the supervision of a teacher.
Walk. F, S-K, P, H-E Observations of titmice. Purpose: To introduce titmice, teaches to distinguish titmice by size and external features. Expand your understanding of the feeding habits of these birds and introduce them to their habits. Cultivate empathy. Understanding the problems of birds in the cold season. P. and “At the bear in the forest.” Goal: To teach children to act according to the words of the text. Develop speed and agility. Independent activity of children on a walk with take-out material. Games at the request of children.
Evening: Game situation “Now let’s get down to business together.” Goal: To teach how to carry out simple instructions, to act in accordance with the task. Offer children large building materials. Goal: To consolidate the ability to make buildings that were done before, to develop memory and imagination. Role-playing game of children's choice. Goal: To encourage children’s desire to independently select games and attributes for them. Independent activity of children in the visual arts corner. Goal: To teach children to independently choose materials for creativity.
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