How to draw a clown with paints and pencils: the subtleties of drawing and the rules for creating a sketch step by step

Children adore clowns; they amaze with their bright costumes, funny actions and jokes.

Clowns are different in character: cheerful, sad, kind, obstinate, mischievous, but they all have common features: funny makeup, red nose; bright clothes with puffy sleeves and pants, large round collars, bow ties; colorful shoes with decoration.

Many people will want to draw it, but will they succeed? I offer the easiest ways to draw this funny circus performer. First, let's learn how to draw a head.

Wonderful artist

Portrait of a clown, draw with a pencil:

  • Draw a circle or oval - this is the head. On both sides of the head we outline the ears, on top there is a cap like a chef’s, only flattened and rectangular in shape. There is a semicircle on top of the cap - it turns out to be a cap.
  • Now we draw the hair: from the cap on the head there is an outline of wavy hair on one side and the other.
  • Let's draw a small circle under the chin, draw ovals on both sides of the circle - a butterfly.
  • On the face there are two small ovals next to each other - eyes.
  • Below them is a larger horizontal oval—the nose.
  • Now we draw two arcs from the nose on one side and the other, connecting these arcs into an oval - this is the makeup area around the mouth.
  • Let's draw a mouth in this oval with an arc with the ends up - a cheerful clown, or with an arc with the ends down - a sad clown.
  • We draw the pupils of the funny circus performer’s eyes and highlight the cheeks with small circles. Draw in black eyebrows.

For coloring, you can use pencils, felt-tip pens, and ballpoint pens.

Let's paint the hat green, blue, or yellow. Paint the hair orange, then the face and ears with a matte color, leaving white makeup. We draw the nose, cheeks, mouth in red; bow.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawing


There are many varieties of clown hairstyles. Most often, this is a lush curly head of hair - a wig. There is also the option of a bald clown or with hair only on the sides.


The clothing of circus performers has a large number of options.

  • This can be a solid overalls, vest, shorts, suit, pants with suspenders and other variations of clothing.
  • The clown can wear shoes, boots, sneakers, etc.

You can draw untied laces or torn shoes for an awkward look.


The neck can be decorated with a lush openwork collar, butterfly, tie or bow.

  • For a more interesting look, clothes can be decorated with cuffs, ruffles, buttons, pockets, flowers, etc.
  • You can add a funny cap, a hat, a small or large hat to the clown’s head.
  • You can paint gloves on the clown's hands.


Usually such an artistic character juggles, plays instruments, dances, gives balloons and does other hilarious antics.

Therefore, you can draw a juggling clown - add:

  • Balls,
  • Skittles,
  • Fruits and other things he will juggle.

You can also add:

  • Various balls
  • Cane,
  • musical cymbals,
  • Umbrella or flowers.

The clown can also stand on a board or ball, on which he tries to maintain balance.

You can draw a dancing clown. In general, the position can be varied in different ways.

All decorative elements and clothing should be diluted with various patterns. These can be geometric shapes, checks, polka dots, lines, etc. Don't limit your imagination.

Drawing a portrait of a clown with paints

For preschoolers 4-5 years old, drawing a clown with paints is suitable:

  • Draw a large pink oval in the middle of the sheet.
  • When the drawing dries, use white paint and a brush to highlight the area of ​​the eyes and mouth - this is makeup. Let's wait until the drawing dries.
  • Next, draw the hair with orange paint, using straight lines.
  • On the top of the head is a cap of any color of the child’s choice.
  • We draw brown or blue eyes, and when the paint dries, we draw black pupils, using a felt-tip pen.
  • We highlight the round nose and mouth in red. Children's drawing of a clown is ready. This is such a wonderful, funny guy.

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Clown”

Elena Rogozhina

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Clown”

Materials and equipment: clown doll, watercolor paints, brushes with thick bristles, sippy cups, album sheet.

Preliminary work: conversation about the circus, circus performances, reading art. Literature S. Ya. Marshak “Circus”

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher includes “Circus March” by I. O. Dunaevsky.

Educator: Are you familiar with this music?

Children: We heard it at the circus.

Educator: This piece of music is called “Circus March” by the famous composer Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky. (The teacher shows a portrait of the composer)

Educator: Have any of you been to the circus?

Educator: What circus professions do you know?

Educator: Guys, a special guest came to visit us today. He is directly connected with the circus. And you will find out who we are talking about by guessing the riddle. Listen to the riddle:

“His appearance is so comical -

It will make even a crybaby laugh!

Performs in the arena

Quickly dispels boredom"

Educator: Correct! Meet the clown Grisha. What is the job of a clown?

Children: The clown's job is to make the audience laugh.

Educator: What costumes do clowns wear?

Children: Clowns wear bright costumes.

Educator: What mood do you get when you see a clown in such clothes?

Educator: It turns out that you can convey mood with the help of color! They say that the clown profession is considered the most difficult! Why do you think?

Educator: Guys, let's rest a little and turn into clowns.

Grisha was walking.

I found a white mushroom. (Clap your hands.)

One-shroom, (Bends forward.)

I put them in the box. (We walk in place. Reciting the poem, the children

Movements should be leisurely and rhythmic.)

Educator: Guys, I know one secret. Share with you?

Educator: Grisha’s birthday is coming soon! And all his clown friends went on tour! How can we help him gather friends around him?

Children: You can draw him new friends.

Educator. How can you draw clowns?

Educator: Look at our guest Grisha. What is special about his costume?

Children: His costume is divided into two parts. The left side is yellow, the right is purple.

Educator: First, let’s draw our clown’s head, stepping back a little from above. What shape will it be?

Children: Let's draw a round head for the clown.

The teacher draws a head. Now let's draw his face. What mood will our clowns be in, guys?

Children: The clowns will be in a cheerful mood.

Educator: Of course, it’s fun! They came to their new friend Grisha’s birthday party!

The teacher draws the eyes and smile of the clown. Clowns do not like to sit still and are constantly on the move. My clown will be a juggler. I will show this using arcs. On the left and right, just below the head, I will draw arcs of different colors, the edges of which look in different directions. We paint them with a thick brush. Let's draw a frill. We finish drawing our clown’s shoes, hands, wig, cap and balls that my clown juggles.

Educator: Well, my clown is ready! Now you can get to work. And in order for your drawings to turn out neat, we must stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

It's always fun at the circus

We're going there now.

We will see gymnasts there,

Lots of funny clowns

Educator: What wonderful clowns you have made! Grisha is very happy with his new friends.

The teacher and children examine their work.

Photo report on a drawing lesson in the middle group “Cheerful Clown” “Clown” Clown, clown, what can you do? I can gallop like a horse, I can fly like a bird, I can lay an egg, I can change my shoes while running.

Portrait of an obstinate clown

In general, these funny artists are kind and funny, but this character can also show character. We will draw it as usual, but the mouth will be open and there will be teeth in it. Two arches, one under the other, connected at the ends - an open mouth, and there are sharp teeth, our naughty man decided to indulge in mischief.

Educational activity on drawing “Cheerful Clown” in the senior group

Elena Marchenko

Educational activity on drawing “Cheerful Clown” in the senior group

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

(with the transfer of facial expressions and movements)

Objectives : Learn to draw a human figure in motion, showing changes in appearance due to the transfer of simple movements. To arouse interest in searching and conveying, using accessible graphic means, characteristic details that make the image figurative and figurative. Select a contrasting color combination in accordance with the content and character of the image. To develop visual control of hand actions, creativity, and aesthetic taste. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

Materials, tools, equipment: paints, brushes, sheets of paper, sippy cups with water; illustrations of circus and clowns on a flash drive.

Preliminary work:

• Conversation about the circus and its artists.

• Watching cartoons about the circus “Funtik’s Adventures”


Let's draw a clown step by step:

  • Stage 1. Using a thin, barely noticeable line, draw the head, round or oval, just above the middle of the sheet, leaving space for the body. We outline the hair. Down from the head we draw an oval - the future body, it is longer and 2-3 times larger than the head.
  • We outline the arms and legs of a clown with puffy sleeves and wide pants, he is in overalls, with a cap on his head. Our clown is a juggler, so we draw our arms in front of us or spread them to the sides, palms open, legs shoulder-width apart.
  • On his feet are shoes with pointed toes. For juggling, you can draw any objects: apples, balls, skittles.
  • Let's get down to the small details, designate the facial features: draw the eyes, definitely the pupils, the nose as an oval and the mouth as an arc. The mouth can be depicted with one arc, or two: under the main arc, the second, joining the edges of the first - a broadly smiling artist.
  • Butterfly or round collar, at the artist's choice.
  • Stage 2. Draw a clear outline, highlight the details, and erase the extra lines with an eraser. You can paint on eyelashes, beautiful decorations on shoes, buttons on overalls.
  • Stage 3. Paint the figure with different colors. We paint the drawing from top to bottom so as not to smudge the pencil. The color of the cap is at the artist’s choice, the face is pink or matte, we highlight white makeup around the mouth. Jumpsuit in two colors to choose from, for example, one half is yellow, the other is green. Collar, shoes in bright colors optional.

How to draw a sad clown in 5 steps

What you will need:

  • drawing paper;
  • a simple pencil or marker;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. We start drawing the clown from the head and body. First we make a large horizontal oval, and then on top of it - a small elongated one.
  2. We draw the face and suit. A circus performer's costume usually has a puffy collar. Add ears, eyes, nose. And the most important thing is the mouth. It is he who will express sadness in our clown. Don't forget about arms and sleeves.
  3. We place an elegant hat on our clown’s head. We draw the pupils in the eyes, draw the mouth and fingers more carefully.
  4. An addition to the face will be a tear running down the artist’s cheek. In his hands we draw a flower pot, and in it there is a flower. A sadly bent flower will add some atmosphere to our picture. We decorate the hat with a ribbon. We add patches to his robe.
  5. We go through shading along our drawing. And so! The masterpiece is ready!

And so, you and I learned how to draw a clown. Both funny and sad. By the way, a wonderful film was released that year - “It 2”. Perhaps after watching this masterpiece you will want to draw a clown, perhaps you will want to fully feel the atmosphere of the film.

Both children and adults can use these master classes. They are accessible to absolutely everyone and are great for beginning artists who don’t know where to start their creative journey in this industry.

If you want to develop artistic abilities in your child, then these lessons are perfect for you. He can even get an A in fine art!

Draw, create and do not deny yourself anything. After all, creativity is so beautiful

The second method of drawing with a pencil step by step

This clown will be wearing suspenders and holding a bouquet of flowers or a balloon.

On a sheet of paper, draw a straight vertical line in the center and a horizontal line at the bottom. This is necessary for a symmetrical image of the picture:

  • Stage 1. Draw a pear-shaped body on a vertical line, from the middle of the sheet down to the transverse line, above the body there is an oval - the future collar. Above the collar we draw a head, on the head there is a hat or cap, on both sides of the headdress we draw curls of hair. Our painted clown with a receding hairline on the top of his head.
  • Stage 2. Draw small details of the face, ears. Eyes, pupils, potato nose, mouth to ears. You can draw the eyebrows unequal, and the eyes at the bridge of the nose or running in different directions.
  • Stage 3. Attach the arms to the upper part of the body: one arm along the body, draw the fingers, the other arm is bent at the elbow, the fingers are clenched into a fist. Our comedian will hold a bouquet of flowers.
  • Stage 4. Select the stomach, draw two transverse lines - a belt. Suspenders will be attached to it - two parallel vertical lines to the right and left of the collar. Buttons on a suit.
  • Stage 5. Draw shoes between the crossed lines on both sides. In this drawing there are no legs, they are covered by the stomach.
  • Stage 6. Decorate the clown, draw a bouquet.

Cheerful clown

What you will need:

  • drawing paper;
  • just a pencil;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it. You and I already understand that this will be the head.
  2. Add small balls to the sides. These are ears.
  3. We draw a wavy line from the right ear to the left. We place the spout in the middle.
  4. On the head we depict a clown cap with a pompom. In addition, do not forget about the artist’s lush hair.
  5. Let's draw the eyes. We have already learned this in previous lessons.
  6. We decorate the cap. We made it striped. You can draw stars and flowers on it. Whatever. Don't limit your imagination.
  7. Let's move on to the clown's body. Draw two lines down, as shown in the example. This is the torso. Let's finish drawing the collar.
  8. The only thing left is the coloring stage. We don't limit our imagination. Below you can see an image of the finished drawing.

Drawing by cells

This is a fun way of drawing that can develop children's coordination of movements, fine motor skills, and spatial imagination. You need to have enough patience and perseverance, but the image turns out clear and compact, pleasant to look at.

The children will get acquainted with the graphic method of representation. This kind of drawing can be started from 5-6 years of age. This activity may seem more difficult to preschoolers than regular drawing, but the benefits are great.

An adult can also join in the tasks; it acts as a meditative, entertaining and calming tool, and this is also a good time to communicate with a child. You can complete a fascinating task together: drawing a clown for children and parents under dictation:

  • Take a pencil, draw ovals next to each other in two cells, and fill in the pupils in them. At the bottom of the cells there is an oval - the nose.
  • Above the eyes, eyebrows, from the eyebrows, draw a line around the eyes on one side and the other, retreating half a cell - this is makeup around the eyes, the lines end at the oval nose.
  • Under the nose we denote the mouth area with an isosceles rounded triangle. In it we draw a smiling mouth in an arc.
  • We draw a line around the sketch, retreating half a cell, we get a head, mark two ears on the sides.
  • There is lush curly hair on the head, and a hat on top.
  • Further from the chin, from left to right, we draw several identical segments, about eight. We connect them with a smooth line below. It turned out to be a collar.
  • From the second flounce of the collar we outline an arm with a puffy sleeve, draw out the palm and fingers.
  • From the sleeve we draw a smooth line down, draw a fluffy trouser leg, then another, finish drawing the fluffy sleeve of the second arm, palm and fingers.
  • There are buttons in the middle of the trouser legs. Boots or sneakers at the bottom of the legs.
  • The result was a sketch in cells. Now we need to paint over our drawing.

How to draw a clown step by step with a pencil for children

Every circus has clowns on its roster of employees. Their main task is to make children and adults laugh as much as possible during the performance. They have makeup on their faces, just look at the clown and their mood immediately lifts. We invite you to learn how to draw a clown step by step with a pencil for children, and we will provide detailed instructions.

Simple step-by-step diagram

Dancing Clown

We draw an oval of the head with a tilt to the left side, on the oval there is a cap of parsley. From the chin, with a smooth line, draw the right hand up, the left hand to the side, from the hand, with a solid smooth line, draw the left leg, laid to the side, the right one in place.

Jumpsuit with puff sleeves and pants, collar and buttons. On his feet are shoes with sharp ends. We draw out small details of the face. You can make the mouth oval, draw an arc along the oval, and draw eyelashes on the eyes. He turned out to be such a nice little boy. The cheerful mischief is dancing.

Clown with violin

We draw by any means, a regular drawing, only the position of the hands is certain. The head is turned slightly to the right, the artist listens to the sounds of music. The body of the instrument is depicted under the chin.

The left arm is bent at the elbow, the fingers are clenched into a fist - the hand holds the bow. The right hand is extended forward, holding the instrument, the fingers gripping the violin just below the body. You can color the musician however you like.

Clown on a wheel

The figure is slightly turned to the side. If a turn to the right is depicted, then the small details of the face are highlighted more clearly on the left side. The clown spins the wheel pedals. The left leg is bent at the knee and placed on the pedal.

We place our right foot on the pedal on the other side of the wheel, it is bent at the knees, but part of the leg is not visible, it is covered by the wheel. Hands can be spread to the sides, holding some object. Boys will especially like this circus performer. Parents can help draw a clown.

This artist is designed to make people laugh. In life, humor and fun are necessary, so people are intuitively drawn to the entertaining events of the master.

Small children may be frightened by such an artist; parents need to explain the behavior and coloring of this character, that he falls to the floor, makes faces, and teases for fun.

Dress your child in a clown costume and let him fool around, come up with a funny number, he will like it, and drawing this character will create a good mood for all family members.

Pennywise the clown image

Despite his frightening appearance, many children consider Pennywise the clown their favorite hero. Maybe it’s because he feeds on children’s fears and makes them bolder. Hence the desire to learn how to draw such a friend of the clown Pennywise:

  1. The character has an unusually shaped head. An oval is chosen as the basis, but the chin area is sharpened and the place of the future cheeks is highlighted.
  2. All clowns have a big smile, but Pennywise's is a little scary.
  3. Against the background of a large face, the eyes are drawn as small oval-shaped ones. They are located closer to the mouth.
  4. Pennywise's eyebrows are thin and set on the inside of his eyes.
  5. The nose is depicted as a silhouette of a bat with spread wings.
  6. A small mouth is drawn inside the creepy smile.
  7. Arrows are drawn on Pennywise's face using makeup. Their trace goes from the smile upward and pierces the eyes.
  8. The eyes are drawn in detail. Pupils and eyeballs are added.
  9. On a large head, the ears look very tiny.
  10. The clown's curls look up.

At this stage, the contours of the face are drawn more clearly.

  1. Two protruding curls are drawn on the top of the head. They are very small.
  2. Instead of a neck, a lush collar with numerous folds is drawn.

Pennywise the clown can be colored with both pencils and paints.

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