How to draw fireworks for Victory Day (more than 50 ideas for May 9)

Greetings! I am happy to support the patriotic theme of Victory Day. Caps have already been sewn for this great holiday. Even earlier, St. George ribbons were made. We had conversations with the children using a drawing for May 9th. And now I want to add some solemnity, so let’s all draw fireworks together!

This is a unique thing! it can be done using different techniques. Draw lines or dots and you will still get a festive and enchanting fireworks display. I think that it is precisely this that cannot be spoiled. And there are no clear master classes on his drawing either. Because when depicting fireworks, you can express yourself in different ways.

So my child and I decided to draw colorful flashes, photos will be attached below. I will also add various ideas that you can take for yourself. After all, it is not necessary to make an abstraction, it is possible. you want a very real image of fireworks. Let's begin.

How to draw Victory fireworks with a pencil on paper

We will use paper and cardboard as a base. Moreover, you don’t have to take a white sheet; any color will do. Green and red means a sunny spring day. If it is black, blue or brown, night has come. Well, there's no way to make a mistake.

As an example, I decided to make a sketch with a simple pencil. But before that, I remembered what associations fireworks evoke in me. It turned out that these were stars, sparks, straight and wavy lines. And there are also many colorful dots. This is what we will depict in the figure.

But first I will determine the center of the composition. After all, in the middle you need to draw more small elements. And along the edges, we make scattered lines coming from the center. For authenticity, let’s add a tail, which is formed after the charge leaves the rocket launcher. It turned out like this.

Next, we select colorful shades of pencils and begin coloring.

For brightness, you can highlight chiaroscuro to show the direction of light.

The second fantasy turned out like this. Just stars, lines and circles. Let's color this option brighter with felt-tip pens. We also choose the brightest and most saturated shades.

To complete the picture, let's add many dots in the very center of the fireworks. To indicate his power.

Now I’ll share a whole selection of different lines, dashes and curls. Together they create a wonderful composition. Choose any one as a basis. They are simple and any adult can draw them.

Here are options with firecrackers and rocket launchers. Instead, you can draw a gun barrel.

Simple compositions of lines. Notice that they all start from the center and thicken at the edges.

Even dots of different sizes can depict fireworks. Just make them in different colors. To be bright and impressive.

Option for children. You can print it out and give it to your child as a stencil.

Please note that the drawings are made in the colors of the Russian flag.

Bright elements. The middle is either made more saturated in color or not painted over at all. Thus, the center is visually highlighted. There are also many lines coming from the middle, which then scatter to the edges.

More multi-colored options with stars and sparks.

Round compositions look very holistic. Look how many variations there can be.

More ideas with stars and droplets.

Idea for children's drawing. A very simple option when straight and ornate lines are used.

A combination of three identical fireworks. Each one has a tail.

Another simple pencil drawing idea. Look what bright colors the artist used.

I also liked this picture. It's interesting when the center is marked with a star.

The five-pointed star is one of the symbols of Victory Day. Therefore, use its silhouette in the drawing of the festive fireworks. This will make you stand out. Here is a detailed description of how to do it.

Learn how to draw fireworks correctly for the New Year 2022

A wonderful sight is the festive fireworks. We all love to watch colorful rockets being launched and then exploding high in the sky in amazing, colorful, three-dimensional shapes. The tradition of setting off holiday fireworks came to us, like many other things, from China. On New Year 2022, after the chiming clock, a real extravaganza of fireworks begins, flying to the sky from different parts of the city, creating a unique festive atmosphere on the street. You can partially convey the New Year's mood by drawing fireworks on a New Year's poster. You will read how to do this in this article with detailed instructions.

The most popular method is considered to be a creative and interesting process. To do this, you will need paints of the colors with which you want to see the future fireworks display. Their texture can be any, it is important that they look great on paper. You will also need to take a wide brush that has good absorbency.

First you need to learn how to draw fireworks in a simple way. Usually such work is done in stages, but the first method is very simple. After this, you need to familiarize yourself with how to dilute paints. They should be similar in consistency to liquid sour cream. Then you need to try to draw a line with them on rough paper. The brush should be dipped into the paint, and then blow sharply over the paper. The closer the lips are to the brush, the better the image of the fireworks will be. Of course, in this case, a lot of drafts will be spent. But when this option turns out great, you can make a very beautiful postcard for the New Year 2022.

The second method involves drawing fireworks in pencil. On a piece of paper you need to draw circles that will be the boundaries of future fireworks. It is best to make them medium size. Then you need to outline the sparks. It may appear to be a flower. The same needs to be done with all the fireworks. Each volley is individual, and therefore sparks can be anything: dots, droplets and circles.

All elements of the fireworks should be carefully drawn so that all contours are visible. The image is ready for the New Year 2022, all that remains is to make the background for the picture. It needs to be made black because fireworks are released at night.

Then the fireworks need to be decorated with paints. This work must be done carefully to create shapes that resemble flowers. It is best to use 1-2 colors. White paint should be used to depict flash, reflections and sparks. This image resembles a real fireworks display


This is how you can quite simply draw festive fireworks on a New Year’s poster. Which method is better, everyone can choose for themselves. Either way, the result is a wonderful image. They can decorate any holiday card for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

Step-by-step drawing with your child Salute using paints and gouache (different techniques)

Next, let's start experimenting. Let's take paints, gouache and a lot of available materials. Believe me, with the help of very ordinary things you can create a masterpiece.

Let's start with the artist himself. Let's invite the child to paint his palm and make a print of it. We decided to use gouache for coloring. It is denser and prints better. This is how beautiful it turns out.

All that remains is to add some lines and dots. And now - the fireworks are ready! The kids are happy - it turned out to be a postcard for grandpa.

Next we decided to use glue and glitter. I wanted some chic and sparkles! So I drew fireworks on a piece of paper using a cotton swab and PVA glue. And they sprinkled it generously with glitter.

After drying, shake off all unnecessary glitter and see the result.

We decided to repeat this idea. But we have already taken dark cardboard and semolina as a basis. We also use PVA glue to draw lines. While it is still wet, immediately sprinkle with semolina. After about five minutes you can sit your child down to color the fireworks.

This idea can also be realized with salt or sugar. The crystals are also perfectly fixed after drying. And the excess is shaken off into the sink.

The next drawing method came up by itself. We took three cotton swabs. We cut them down the middle and tied them together with a hair tie. Next, we dipped the side with the cotton wool in paint one by one and made prints on the sheet. This is what comes out. This option will appeal to young children.

On the Internet I saw that fireworks can be made with a fork. Of course, we repeated this too. Not the most convenient option, it turned out to be done by an adult. The child was unable to make normal prints. Therefore, there is an idea, you can use it if you wish. We got something like this.

I have already collected a small collection of drawings. The child really liked the techniques used and expanded his horizons and color perception.

But that's not all. I remembered that in childhood we drew with wax. So I found a small candle and cut a piece off it.

I drew lines on the paper with wax. You can see them very poorly, but you roughly understand what should be where.

Next, we hand the sheet over to the child and let him color it. We really liked this idea. The result is such colorful masterpieces. I spent a long time explaining why the paint doesn’t cover the wax lines))))

What else do you have on hand? For example, take a toilet paper roll. It is thinner than paper towels. And therefore it is easier to cut into strips. We make such a “daisy” and dip it in paint. To avoid “dirt” in the picture, it is better to use a separate sleeve for each color.

Stamps and sponges are also suitable for us. You can mix several prints in a disposable plate to create multi-colored prints.

And glue a schematic image of houses and the city below.

You may have a clean brush or brush. They can also be used to draw fireworks. To do this, the bristles need to be painted with different colors. Unfold the brush and make an imprint on the cardboard.

It turns out to be such beauty. Very cool idea!

Below, let's look at a detailed master class. Drawing a night panorama. Find the horizon line on a piece of paper. We paint the top in dark tones with watercolors. You need to move from black to red.

Then we gradually draw out the outlines of the city, the river and fireworks.

Below is a selection of drawings on a dark background. This makes it more impressive and the sparks are clearly visible. There are many ideas with their reflection in water.

Wax and watercolor crayons also show up well against a dark background.

You might also like this colorful work.

Here's a more graphic image.

Since I remembered about watercolor crayons, I’ll go into a little more detail. To do this, you need to wet the pencil with water and draw with it like a brush. If you don't wet it, the line will be less bright and thinner.

You can depict the Kremlin in the background. After all, the brightest fireworks are always in Moscow.

More ideas and possible drawing options.

The technology used here is using a fork and gouache.

Also watch a short video that describes in detail the steps to depict fireworks. Hurry up, press the play button and repeat after the artist.

Bright sparks and flashes are reflected in the water. And it feels like there were twice as many fireworks. A very beautiful sight. Not for nothing, everyone loves him so much.

Collective work with children “This is the kind of fireworks we have”

Collective work “This is the kind of fireworks we have!”

Objectives: to arouse interest in drawing fireworks

, introduce children to unconventional methods
of drawing - with a rag
, a cotton swab, a cork, a carrot star, a stamp.

Preliminary work

: looking at images of
, playing with colorful balls, mastering the

Materials, equipment: the basis for collective

compositions - a sheet of large format paper, gouache paints, materials for experimentation - cotton pads, corks, rags, stamps, carrot stamps, napkins,




The teacher places a blue sheet of paper on the table. Guys, look at the sky!

It's blue, how beautiful
Children look at the "sky"
Where are the fireworks
? Children improvise.

The teacher recites the poem " Salute "

O. Vysotskaya, physical training is carried out with the children:

Everything around was quiet
(stand up, put your hands down)
And suddenly - fireworks ! Firework !
(raise your hands up)
Rockets flashed in the sky

(open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms to the left-


Both there and here.
And here and there (sit down, stand up)
Out into the street, out into the street Everyone runs joyfully
(light running in place)
Shouting : “Hurray!”

Admiring the festive fireworks

(raise your hands up and shout

Educator: Where are the fireworks in the sky

What can be done to make it appear? Children: draw

Educator: Let's draw fireworks


The teacher takes one by one different materials prepared for experimentation and begins to make prints, saying: “I take a cork (sponge), dip it in paint and slap (makes a print)

— it turned out to be a fire!”
The teacher involves children in experimentation. Helps with the “hand in hand”
, in a word, with a gesture.
Children choose materials for drawing
. Children spank with pleasure all over the sheet, imagining. At the end the passage reads:

fireworks in the sky

, Fireworks here and there.

Unexpectedly, “flies”

pigeon (the teacher imitates the flight of a bird with a toy and the bird
on the teacher’s hand). Guys, who came to us? Children's answers; Bird, dove.

Educator: that's right, it's a dove. He came to see what you and I are doing.

Children: drawing, fireworks

, sky.

Educator: he likes it (the dove “coos.” Guys, why did we draw fireworks


Children: holiday, fireworks

, Victory Day, grandfather.

Educator: My dear guys, a dove is a bird of peace, in our picture you and I have peace and a holiday that we will give to our grandparents. Shall we give it to you guys?

Children: yes, yes. The dove sits on the picture and examines it.

Children with a teacher admire the picture.

Fireworks coloring pages for children for May 9

If you decide to use a different technique or just give your child coloring. Here is a selection before you. You can download a picture like this: right-click, select “Save picture as” and save it to your desktop. Then you send it to print.

Choose any image.

A very good picture for May 9th.

A selection of beautiful fireworks.

More schematic drawing. It can be painted using the plasticine technique.

Next option.

This picture can become a stencil for a design or craft.

Another simple and easy image of sparks. Let your child try bright colors. After all, we are drawing a Holiday!

These images can be used as a basis. And already, make different applications using them. For example, fill the voids with colored salt or cereal. Or plasticine balls. Or just paint with finger paints.

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