Summary of an open lesson on modeling in the middle group “Hedgehog”

Craft hedgehog from seeds and plasticine

For the next idea we will need sunflower seeds and brown plasticine. Finding these materials is not at all difficult, and making such a hedgehog is suitable even for the smallest. Cut a piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball. Give it a droplet shape. It is not necessary to perfectly smooth the entire surface, as it will be deformed by the seeds. We attach eyes consisting of black and white balls. Don't forget about the big brown nose. Now, let's move on to the most interesting moment. Insert the seeds in rows with the wide end down. The first row will consist of 4-5 seeds, depending on the size. Next, we increase the number of needles in one row. Cover the entire surface of the hedgehog with seeds. An original, and most importantly, interesting children's craft is ready!

Modeling a hedgehog from plasticine - step-by-step master classes

First of all, let's prepare plasticine and tools for working with it. You can use regular plasticine, but lightweight plasticine is better for this option. It will dry quickly and the figurine will not become deformed in the future.

First of all, let's form a large ball of white mass.

We press a groove in the center of the plasticine with our fingers, thereby separating the head from the body.

We form a hump in the upper part, and press the area above it a little inward.

Using a sharp tool, we make two eyes at a great distance from each other. We push a smile under the nose. Draw a line from the nose to the mouth and cut out a recess just below.

Insert eyes made from black plasticine balls.

Attach the oval nose and mouth.

From the brown mass we form needles of different lengths and thicknesses. We attach the largest needle at the top.

We continue to attach the spines on both sides, gradually reducing their size.

Using a tool with a round tip, we press out the places for the handles.

Let's work on the apple decorating the back of the hedgehog. We roll the red ball. We make a recess at the top. We slightly narrow the fruit from below. Use a sharp wooden stick to make a hole at the top.

We place several crushed needles on the back of the animal. For strength, insert a toothpick and plant an apple on it. Next, we fill the entire space of the back of the hedgehog with needles.

Roll the white paws and form the toes. Place a soft pink ball into the depression under your fingers and flatten it. We cover a thin stick with white mass and roll the foot. We cut through the fingers and smooth out the corners. Cut off the excess and insert the legs into place.

The final details remain. Place a twig and a green leaf inside the apple. Add thin eyebrows.

The result is a cute and kind animal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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