Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the middle group “Once upon a time there were fairy tales”

Open lesson in the middle group on speech development “Writing a fairy tale.”

Open lesson in the middle group on speech development.
"Let's make up a fairy tale." Goal:
together with the children, compose a moral and meaningful fairy tale.
Educational: - Learn to compose a fairy tale using the modeling method. — Teach children to answer in full sentences, activate their vocabulary. Developmental: - Develop figurative perception and associations with the help of multi-colored geometric shapes (modeling method). — To develop children’s creative abilities (imagination, thinking, logic, ability to reason, draw conclusions) in inventing a fairy tale plot. — Develop conversational speech in children: teach children to select the right words, answer questions, speak coherently and expressively; activate the words in children's speech: keeper, casket, jewelry, tight. Educational: - To cultivate moral qualities: attentiveness, kindness, responsiveness, care, the desire to become physically strong in order to help the weak. — Foster a sense of collectivism and cohesion. Methods and techniques: problem-search, game, modeling, conversation, visualization, reflection. Materials for the lesson: * flannelgraph

* geometric shapes: green triangles of different sizes, white circle, orange triangle, gray rectangle, brown square)

* audio recording (hare, fox, wolf, bear, sounds of a magic casket, ringing bells, “Again a fairy tale is knocking on our door,” Nikitin’s “Song about a fairy tale”) * casket. * books of fairy tales as gifts for children, envelopes with wishes.

Progress of GCD: Organizational moment: (the sounds of bells are heard)

It is a very good tradition to wish everyone good health in the morning with a wonderful word: “Hello!” Let's greet each other.

To be polite,

You need to say “hello”

To everyone who I meet -

Children know this.

You say “hello” and in response

It will sound: “Hello, hello!”

The audio recording “Again, a fairy tale is knocking on our door” is played.

-Children live in a certain kingdom, in a certain state. They love fairy tales very much...

-Do you know these children? Then let's close our eyes, turn around ourselves three times and be transported to a fairy-tale kingdom-state.

A magical sound of transformation is heard and a teacher enters the children - this is the keeper of the fairy-tale casket. Guardian:

Hello guys!
I am the keeper of a fairytale casket. Wherever I have been, Whatever I have heard. I have visited all the unheard of, I have seen all the unheard of. She collected all the fairy tales, put them in a chest and kept them in it, took care of them. - Guys, do you know what a casket is? (Give children the opportunity to answer independently, and then summarize) A casket is a beautifully hand-made, decorated box for storing jewelry. (The teacher leads the children to the exhibition of boxes.) - What are jewels? (Children answer) You are right - these can be beautiful stones, gold, and pearls. But fairy tales, guys, are more valuable than any gold, fairy tales are folk wisdom, they are a real treasure. After all, life without fairy tales would be very boring and sad; fairy tales teach us to be kind and brave, strong and skillful. But then trouble came! The evil Baba Yaga stole fairy tales from a fairytale casket and cast a witchcraft spell on the casket - only then will the fairy tales return to the casket if you guys, together with me, compose a good fairy tale. So I came to you for help. Help me return fairy tales to all the kids. Children:
Okay, we will help you return the fairy tales to the box. With the help of a magic ball, children find a fairy chest.


- Guys, let's look into the chest and see if Baba Yaga left some clues.
(To the sound of a magic box, the children look into the casket and find geometric shapes there). What do you think this is? (children answer). What are these figures? (children's answers) Guardian:
- Guys, what do you think these green triangles of different sizes look like? Children express their guesses. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher gives a hint: in winter and summer - one color) Children answer and lay out four Christmas trees made of two, three, four and five triangles on a flannelgraph. -How many Christmas trees are there? (4), show me the tallest Christmas tree, let’s count how many triangles there are, now show me the lowest Christmas tree and count how many triangles there are? And where are there a lot of Christmas trees? (children's answers) Correct. In the forest. So we have a fairy-tale forest in which our fairy tale will take place. Which forest inhabitants do you know? (Children list: hare, wolf, fox, bear, etc.) (To the sound of a magic box, children look into the casket and find geometric figures there). Guys, what are these multi-colored figures? Who might they look like in our fairytale forest? Children express their guesses. I think so too, probably these are animals. Let's determine who these animals are. Showing the white oval. Guys, who do you think this is? Children express their guesses. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher gives a riddle hint: white in winter, gray in summer; loves carrots, jumps deftly; long ear, short tail). That's right, guys - it's a bunny. Guys, what is a bunny called in fairy tales? (Children's answers: a bunny is a coward, a bunny is a runaway, a bunny is a jumper) Guys, what should we call the bunny in our fairy tale? (Children answer) Okay. Our bunny will be called - Bunny - Jumping. Let's show how the bunny jumps. (Children pretend to be a bunny to the music) Let the bunny live under our small Christmas tree. (The child places a white circle near a small Christmas tree) Showing an orange triangle. Guys, who do you think this is? Children express their guesses. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher gives a hint: a cunning cheat, a red head, a fluffy tail - who is it?) That's right, it's a fox. Guys, what do they call a fox in fairy tales? (Children's answers: fox - beauty, fox - sister, fox - cheating, godfather, fox - red tail). Guys, what will we call the fox in our fairy tale, what name will we give her? (Children answer) Okay. Let her name be Fox - red tail. Let's show how a fox walks. (Children pretend to be a fox to the music) And let the fox - Red Tail - live under the Christmas tree higher up. (The child places an orange triangle near a larger Christmas tree) Showing a gray rectangle. Who could it be, guys? Children express their guesses. (If the children find it difficult, then the teacher gives a hint: in the cold winter, angry and hungry wanders in the forest) That's right, it's a wolf. Guys, what is a wolf called in fairy tales? (Children's answers: gray wolf, wolf - gray tail, wolf - click with teeth, gray robber). What should we call the wolf in our fairy tale? Fine. Let his name be Wolf - Click his teeth. Let's show how a wolf prowls. (To the music, children pretend to be a wolf) Let the wolf live under the Christmas tree even higher. (The child lays out a gray rectangle under the Christmas tree) Showing a brown square: Who could it be, guys? Children express their guesses. (If the children are at a loss, the teacher gives a hint: he loves berries and honey, he lives in a den in winter, he’s cute, isn’t he? A shaggy lump...) That’s right, it’s a bear. Guys, what do they say about a bear in fairy tales? (children's answers: Teddy bear, Mikhailo Potapovich, little bear). What do we call the bear from our fairy tale? Fine. Let it be Mikhailo Potapovich. Let's show how a bear wanders. (Children pretend to be a bear to the music) And what kind of tree will the bear live under? And let the bear live under the tallest tree. (The child places a brown square under the largest tree)


Well, now sit down next to each other and write a fairy tale.
What words do many fairy tales begin with? That’s right, “Once upon a time...” Guardian:
So let’s begin our fairy tale as well.
“Once upon a time there were animals in the same forest: a bunny - Jumping, a fox - Red Tail, a wolf - Click with Teeth and a bear - Mikhailo Potapovich. One day a small (white oval) bunny went for a walk in the forest. Guys, what do you think the bunny was doing in the forest? Bunny - Bunny jumped merrily, jumped through the snowdrifts, admired the sun. Suddenly a fox runs out from behind the tree to meet him (showing an orange triangle). Bunny - The little runner got scared and rushed away from the Fox - Red Tail, running as fast as he could. And then a big and scary (showing a gray rectangle) wolf jumps out from behind another tree. Bunny-Runner was at a loss, there was nowhere for him poor thing to run. Behind the Fox - Red tail, in front the Wolf - Clicking teeth. The bunny trembled - Runner, what should he do, what should he do? Children suggest: call for help, hide, run left or right, run to your friend the bear for help. Then the bunny remembered his friend (show the brown square, place the brown one near the largest tree) the bear, who lived under the largest tree. And he ran to the right to his friend. And the Fox - Red Tail and the Wolf - clicking their teeth, run after the Bunny - Runner and swear loudly: “Don’t touch, this is my prey!”, “No, this is my prey!” They made so much noise that they woke up Mikhail Potapovich. - R-rr-r-r-r! - said the bear. “Who’s that noise here that’s keeping me from sleeping?” What do you guys think the bunny answered? (Children's answers) - Hello, Mikhailo Potapovich! It’s a fox and a wolf who are chasing me, please help me,” the bunny cried. How the bear stomped his feet, how he threatened with his paws, how he growled in a stern voice: “Get out, I’ll get you out of the way, and as soon as I jump out, the pieces will go down the back streets.” Let's, guys, help the bear drive away the wolf and the fox - stomp our feet, shake our fists, growl in a loud voice: - R-rr-r-r-r-r (phonetic exercise). What do you guys think happened next? Right. The fox and wolf got scared and ran away. I think we've written a fairy tale. And every fairy tale ends with the words: They began to live, prosper and make good. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done! Questions for consolidation: - Who did you like best in our fairy tale? — What would you advise a bunny to make him strong and big? — Guys, who wouldn’t you like to be like? Why? - Guys, do you think our fairy tale ended well? (But why? - Would you like to have a friend like a bear? Why? - And, you know, how people say about such friendship: “It’s hard to live without a friend.” The keeper invites the children to act out the fairy tale they have written
On the stage there is a forest of fir trees, and children are wearing hats with geometric shapes on their heads. — Was our fairy tale good or evil? Why? So, we have fulfilled Baba Yaga's condition? Then, let's check the fairytale chest to see if the fairy tales have returned to it. (To the sounds of the Nikitins’ song “Song of a Fairy Tale”) The children, together with the keeper, go to the casket and find in it an envelope with fairy tales and an assignment: “Guys, in the evening, be sure to draw our fairy-tale heroes, and bring your drawings to the kindergarten, we will send them to our fairy forest. Read and take care of fairy tales..” Guardian:
Thank you very much, guys, for your help! And now, guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye.

Speech leisure on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten “What a delight these fairy tales are?”

Scenario for speech leisure in kindergarten based on fairy tales.
Middle group Goal : - Creating a joyful mood in children. Objectives : - To develop in children the ability to recognize a fairy tale by a riddle, by an illustration, by a passage (that is, by the characteristic features and actions of the characters). — Develop children’s speech activity, encourage them to engage in dialogue. — To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale and interest in folk art; cultivate a love for the native language through knowledge of Russian folk tales. Foster friendly relationships and a culture of behavior. Preliminary work 1. Reading Russian folk tales. 2. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales. 3. Acting out the fairy tale “Kolobok”, “Turnip” using a tabletop theater. 4. Solving riddles. 5. Board game “Compose a fairy tale”, puzzles based on fairy tales, verbal - didactic game “Who pulled the turnip?”, didactic game based on fairy tales “Laying out plot pictures in a certain sequence.” Demonstration material 1. Soft toy Ryaba Hen 2. Ball 3. Envelopes with tasks 4. Basket with riddles 5. Masks - hats for children 6. Table theater based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”;
"Turnip"; "Teremok"; “Seven Little Goats” 7. Egg Progress of the lesson.
Organizational moment Storyteller : - Guys, guests came to our group today. Let's greet them: smile and show our good mood. There are many fairy tales in the world. Children love these fairy tales. But how they know them, we will now find out with you! Fairy tale, fairy tale come! The kids will be happy. Quiet, children, don't make noise, Don't frighten away our fairy tale. Miracles happen here. The fairy tale is hidden for now.

— Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Children : - We love it very much. Storyteller : - Hello, dear guests! Welcome guests, long-awaited guests! I am very glad to see you in my mansion. Dear guests and open the doors wide! Make yourself comfortable. Let's sit side by side and talk well. You're welcome! It’s not without reason that I open the gates for you.
Please come into the fairy tale and have a good look! A fairy tale is a nursery rhyme. With a hint, of course. With a sly hint, with a fun lesson. Guess what and what about later. I am a storyteller, the keeper of fairy tales, I invite you to visit fairy tales.
I think that good young men and women will enjoy the journey beyond the green forest, beyond the clean, clear field, over the long road, to the distant kingdom, to the thirtieth state. Tick-tock, tick-tock! The magic clock begins to count down the time of our journey. “Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta! We open the gates! And who is meeting us? This is Ryaba the Hen.” Ryabushechka the Hen lives with me. He tells fairy tales and sings songs. Storyteller : - Ryabushechka, look how many guests we have. Why are you crying? What? Has the Fox visited our mansion? Did she steal your magic egg? Friends, now only you and I can help Ryabushka, we must find the Fox and return the stolen egg. We have a long way to go. Along the way, unusual adventures and obstacles await us. But knowledge, ingenuity and observation will help us. We will have to complete tasks, and for each correctly completed task we will find part of the picture. And if we find all the parts and assemble the picture, then the Fox will return the egg to us for this. Well, let's go? I think that you, friends, are not afraid of evil wizards? Why be afraid of them if every girl and every boy knows that fairy tales end on good terms. And in our fairy tale, good will win. Oh, look, the magical little ball of the Ryaba Hen is showing us the way. Rolling, rolling….What is it?

Fox : - Fairy tales live in a magical land - behind the forests, behind the fields, behind the high mountains. They live and are very worried, they think that you have forgotten them. Can you recognize them? Children : -We can. Storyteller : -Let's try! Well, let's go on a journey through Russian folk tales. Our feet walk along a narrow path, from hummock to hummock, to the magic bridge. Let's cross the bridge Fox : - 1st task . The path led us to a clearing. Look... there’s a basket here.
A magic basket with riddles in it .

1.Oh , you, Petya - I made a little mistake in simplicity. I didn’t listen to the cat, I looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel) . 2 . The mouse found a home for itself, The mouse was kind: In the house there, in the end, there were many tenants. (Teremok) . Name those who lived in the tower. That's right, only 6 heroes. 3 . A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her back. He, without knowing it, carries her home. Well, did you guess the riddle? Then answer quickly! The name of this fairy tale... (Masha and the Bear) 4 . There are three cups and three beds. There are also three chairs, look. And there are actually exactly three residents living here. As you see, it’s immediately clear: It’s dangerous to visit them. (Tale "Three Bears") 5 . There is a painted house, It is so beautiful. The animals walked across the field, They stayed in the house to live. They lived together, didn’t bother, Stoked the stove in the house, Mishka destroyed the house, Almost crushed his friends. Children : Teremok. (TEREMOK) 6 . When leaving, the mother asked not to open the door for anyone, but the children opened the door! The toothy beast deceived me and sang my mother’s song. Who ate the goats then? (“WOLF AND SEVEN KIDS”) They were waiting for their mother with milk, And they let the wolf into the house. Who were these Little children? (Kids) How many kids were there in the fairy tale? 7 7 . It was mixed with sour cream and baked in a Russian oven. I met animals in the forest and quickly left them. (Kolobok) 8 . Grandfather beat, but did not break, Baba beat, but did not break. (“Chicken Ryaba”) 9 . His grandfather raised him with soul - the vegetable grew big. For a long time his grandfather dragged him, He didn’t have enough strength. The grandmother and granddaughter came running, the cat and the bug helped, the mouse came to their aid - together they pulled out the vegetable. Yes, he sat firmly in the ground, That’s what a fairy tale is... (Turnip) Fox : -What a great fellow you are, you named all the heroes. I had a lot of fun with you guys! You have found the first part of the picture.

Task 2. Fox : Guess which fairy tale you ended up in? Children : "Turnip"

Storyteller : - That's right, we found ourselves in the fairy tale “Turnip” . - What happened to the heroes of the fairy tale, they quarreled, arguing about who will pull the turnip for whom. We need to arrange them correctly. - Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather) - Who did Grandfather call? (Grandma) - Who did Grandma call? (Granddaughter) - Who did the Granddaughter call? (To the Bug) - Who did the Bug call? (Cat) - Who did the Cat call? (Mouse) (Children put the fairy tale characters in order). Lisa : -Now everything is fine. Get the second part of the picture.

Round dance “Teremok” Storyteller : – Guys, do you want to turn into the heroes of a fairy tale? (takes the magic wand, touches it and says): “Come on, help me with the wand,” turn the children into little animals (we put on hats and masks, the magic wand itself selects the participants). Let's play the game "Teremok", guys. A game is being played - round dance "Teremok". The “animals” chosen for the game are Mouse, Frog, Fox, Bunny, Bear. They stand aside. The rest of the children, holding hands, are in a circle (teremok). Children walk in a circle and sing: “ There is a tower in the field, a tower, It is not low, not high, not high.”
Here, across the field, across the field, the Mouse is running (the Mouse is running in a circle)
Stopping at the door and knocking
: (Children stop)
Mouse - Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place? (The mouse knocks, sings, runs into the circle).
Game continues. The children walk in a circle, singing: “ There is a tower in the field, a tower, It is not low, not high, not high.”
Here, across the field, the Frog is running, (The Frog jumps around in a circle)
Stops at the door and knocks:
(Children stop)
Frog - Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place? (The frog knocks and sings)
Mouse: I'm Little Mouse, and who are you? Frog: I'm the Frog! Mouse : Come live with me! (In the same way, the Fox and the Bunny enter the circle. When the Bear approaches the tower and says: “I am the Bear, the “trap” of everyone,” all the animals scatter, and the Bear catches them).

Storyteller : - Come on, wand, help and turn the animals into children (remove the masks). Storyteller : -We will continue on the path, but first we will rest a little. Task 3 Fox: -This task is called “Who is the odd one out?” The children are given sets of tabletop fairy tales, including heroes from other fairy tales. You need to choose an extra hero. After completing the task, Lisa gives back part of the picture. Fox: -Well done, guys, the third part of the picture is now yours too.

Task 4 “Songs of fairy-tale characters” Fox: -You need to determine which characters own the songs or words from fairy tales. a) What song did the bun sing (I left my grandmother...) b) What song did the mother goat sing (Baby goats) c) What did the fox say while sitting in the hare’s hut (When I jump out, when I jump out, the bones will fly through the back streets) d) Which one Masha gave the order to the bear (Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie). Fox : -You guessed all the songs, keep the fourth part of the picture.

Storyteller : Well, we completed all the tasks and found all the parts of the picture, what a great fellow you all are!

Now the Fox will return the egg to us and Ryabushechka will be very happy.

We recommend watching:

Crosswords based on Russian folk tales for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) Scenario of a game program based on fairy tales in kindergarten for the middle group Winter physical education based on fairy tales. Scenario for the middle group Entertainment in the middle group with presentation: Journey into the world of fairy tales

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