Approximate planning of educational work in the second junior group. Topic of the week: “Mom’s holiday!”

Planning in the preparatory group for “International Women’s Day”

In order for the “Mother’s Day” week to be useful for children, this time must be carefully planned and a program of daily activities must be thought through.

The celebration is held in all groups

When organizing any thematic week in kindergarten, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of the week, identify the topics that will be covered during it, and plan events, including the final one.

The week dedicated to “Women’s Day” in kindergarten is characterized by the following goals and objectives:

  • To form in children ideas about the value of family in a person’s life.
  • Teach children to respect their mothers and other family members, as well as teachers, doctors, etc.
  • Enable children to understand gender roles and gender expectations.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards others.

Events are going according to plan

Lexical work

Children are preparing for the transition to a new stage of education, in which they will have to cope with a significantly larger amount of information that will need to be perceived and remembered. Children will need a developed vocabulary, good memory and the ability to perceive information in both written and oral form. Therefore, an integral part of each thematic week spent in the preparatory group is lexical work.

The most successful format for lexical work in the preparatory group during the thematic week dedicated to “Women’s Day” is expressive reading and learning of poems that foster a reverent attitude towards mother and other female family members.

For your information. Excellent examples of poems that are suitable in this case are “A Mother Lived in the World” by Kayum Tangrykuliev, “Let’s Sit in Silence” by Elena Blaginina, “A Simple Word” by Igor Maznin, “Damp, Gloomy Outside the Window” by Ovsey Driz, “Mother” by Vladimir Borisov and many others.

Final event

As a final event of the week dedicated to Women's Day, there should be a concert to which family members of the children will be invited. It is very important for the children to have the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their work, share love and warmth with their mothers, and congratulate them.

For your information. At the concert, you can perform performances, which will include an expressive reading of poems dedicated to mothers, the performance of musical compositions, and at the end, children will present their mothers with gifts that they made with their own hands.

Studying traffic rules with preschool children

It can be:

  • applications;
  • origami;
  • flower crafts;
  • postcards;
  • drawings and so on.

At the end of the working calendar week, it will be possible to prepare an information stand that will contain photographs from this time.

Reading poetry is required

Thematic planning in the middle group “Mom’s holiday”

Planning the educational process in speech therapy secondary group No. 2

from March 02, 2022 to March 06, 2022.
Topic of the week:

“Mom’s holiday. Professions of mothers." (lexical)


develop an idea of ​​the holiday of March 8; to cultivate in children a kind and caring attitude towards their mother and grandmother: the desire to help them, to please them with their good deeds and deeds; creating conditions for expanding and generalizing children’s ideas about their mothers’ professions.

Interaction with parents

social partners
: Conversation with parents about the child’s health status on weekends; Informing parents about the progress of the educational process; Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents. Folder-movable “International Women’s Day!”

Morning exercises:

(complex No. 13) walking in a column one at a time is normal, with high knees, jumping forward, on the toes, on the heels, on the outside of the foot. Run at a medium pace. General developmental exercises: “Magician”, “Put the bag over your head”, “Put the bag behind your leg”, “Bag on the palm”, “Plane with cargo”, “Jugglers”. Intense running. Breathing exercises.

Final event:

matinee dedicated to Women's Day.



Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises. (comp. No. 13) Articulation gymnastics “Mom shreds cabbage.” Finger game “Our Mothers”. Conversation: “March 8 - International Women’s Day” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about the history of the holiday.

D/i: with Arina G. and Vova V. “Collect flowers from the mosaic for your mother.” Goal: development of fine motor skills.


consolidate skills - setting the table, cleaning dishes.

Watering and loosening indoor plants, wiping leaves. Goal: continue to teach children how to care for flowers.

Exhibition of thematic pictures. Replenishment of the thin corner. literature with stories and poems about mother. Create conditions for games, development of motor activity, cognitive activity, speech development.


  1. Speech development.
    Correction (speech therapy session)
  2. Physical development

    : Physical activity.
    Plans by a physical education instructor.


Observation "Spring has come." Goal: consolidate ideas about spring, draw attention to changes in nature. Work assignments. "Gift for the Birds"

“(feeding the birds). Goal: to develop a sense of empathy and a desire to help natural objects: birds.

P/i “Through the Stream” (teach children to act quickly on a signal, cultivate friendly relations.) P/i “Wand is a Lifesaver” (teach children to act in accordance with the game situation, navigate in space, develop speed and dexterity). Ind. slave with Misha K. and Sasha M. Exercise “Snake” (continue to walk like a “snake” between objects without knocking them over; develop attention and observation skills).

2nd half of the day:

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (comp. No. 3)

Reading poems by children about mother. Goal: to introduce children to literary works.

Conversation “What does your mother do?” Goal: expand ideas about the professions of mothers.

Working with children on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Game "Guess the mood."

Target. Learn to describe a person's mood by facial expression.

Enrich the drawing corner with coloring pages on the topic. Create conditions for viewing illustrations on the topic “Mom at work”

An evening walk.

P\i “Cat and Mice” development of coordination of movements, dexterity. P\i “Train” (train children to walk forward in small groups, start and end the movement at the teacher’s signal). Ind. work: development of movements. (Yaroslav S., Lesha L, Sonya S.) Purpose: to practice jumping in place on two legs. Independent activity under the supervision of a teacher.



Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments


Morning gymnastics (comp. No. 13) Articulation gymnastics. “Mom made pancakes.” Finger game "Family". Conversation: “Always be polite” Goal: to reveal to children the essence of the concept of “politeness”, “good manners”. Systematize the rules of polite behavior.

D/ with Egor U. and Arina G. “Name the extra word”

Goal: to activate attention; develop thinking and speech. The skill of correct sound pronunciation.


improving the skills of careful eating.

Minute of safety: Conversation “Dangerous objects”.

Tell about

basic rules of behavior in everyday life.

Create conditions for the development of mathematical abilities.

Support children in striving for independence and strengthening self-care skills. Illustrations on the topic “Mom’s profession”


  1. Speech development.
    Correction (speech therapy session)
  2. Cognitive development (FEMP). Lesson 22.

Educational objectives

Improving counting skills within five. Formation of the skill of visually comparing objects by height, the ability to compare three objects of different lengths, laying them out in descending order. Improving the skill of orientation on a plane. Corrective and developmental tasks
Development of mental operations, speech activity, visual perception and attention, fine motor skills, constructive skills. Educational tasks
. Developing a positive attitude towards participation in class, skills of cooperation, interaction, activity, and independence.

3.Artistic and aesthetic development.

Musical activity
. Music director plans.

Watching migratory birds. Goal: expand understanding of migratory birds, change

bird life in the spring, cultivate love and care for birds. Work activity: Preparing bird feed. Goals: to teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds. P/i “Birds in Nests” (learn to run without bumping, develop memory, attention, speed of movements). P/i "Mousetrap". (exercise children in running, pay attention to the need to move around the entire play space, develop the ability to navigate in relation to each other.) Individual work with Sona M., Vova V.: sports exercise “Walk on the bridge.” Goal: learn to walk on a bench while maintaining balance; develop coordination of movements.

2nd half of the day:

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. (comp. No. 3)

Reading of Kvitko’s work “Grandma’s Hands.”

Goal: to introduce a new work, to instill a sense of respect for your grandmothers.

Conversation: “Visiting Grandma” Purpose: to learn how to write short stories.

Working with children on instructions from a speech therapist

S.R.I “Let’s go to the doctor.” Goal: to give an idea of ​​the work of a doctor, to teach how to take on a role and correspond to it. (Doctor-patient).

Create conditions for S.R.I. introduce board and printed games “Dominoes”, “Lego”, puzzles on the topic. Add illustrations for the conversation “Visiting Grandma.”

An evening walk.

Observation: evening sky in the evening. Goal: to help children identify the features of the evening sky, learn to convey the results of observations in speech, and correctly name the observed phenomena. P/n «

Who gets to the toy faster”, “Sunshine and Rain” (development of dexterity, speed of movements). Exercise in throwing and catching the ball Varya G., Semyon P.



Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments


Morning gymnastics (comp. No. 13) Articulation gymnastics “Mom shreds cabbage” Finger game “Dear Mom”. Conversation: “Mommy’s beloved!”

Goal: to cultivate respect and love for mother and grandmother.

D/game with Egor N. and Yaroslav S. “Who can name more professions of mothers.” Goal: enrich vocabulary

D/i “Choose a word.” Goal: to teach children to select adjectives for the word mom.

Provide children with materials at the Creativity Center. Prepare coloring books and pencils. Independent games for children.


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

    Drawing. "Beautiful flowers have bloomed."

Educational objectives:

teach children to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of shaping movements, working with the whole brush and its end. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully select paint colors), a sense of rhythm, and ideas about beauty.

  1. Physical development.

    Physical activity.
    Plans by a physical education instructor.


Watching the wind. Goal: invite children to determine the properties of wind using one of the methods known to them.

Artistic word - Whistles, drives, they bow after him. (wind). P/i “Two Frosts”: (to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text). "Cat and Mice" (develop the ability to respond to a signal, imitate). P/n “The most dexterous!”, “The fastest!” (develop agility, running speed. Develop skills to perform in a team.)

D/i “When does this happen?” Goal: to clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the seasons. Practice throwing and catching the ball for Sasha M., Sona M. D/i “Count” Goal: learn to compose sentences that include numerals and nouns.

2nd half of the day:

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (comp. No. 3).

Reading fiction: A. Barto “Mom Sings” Purpose: to introduce children to works about mother.

Consideration of the album “Who needs what for work” Goal: to cultivate a friendly attitude towards people’s work.

Working with children on instructions from a speech therapist

Listening to the song: “Mom is the first word.” Goal: familiarization with the work.

Create conditions for listening to the song.

An evening walk.

Observing changes in nature - forming an idea of ​​March as the month of the awakening of nature

Artistic word: S. Prokofiev “A Tale about Mom” Purpose: to teach children to understand and evaluate the character of the main character. D/i “Magic bag” Purpose: to learn to describe objects.

P/i “Jolly guys” (repeat the words of the game, practice fast running)

Labor activity: to teach cleanliness and order, to consolidate the ability to work in a team.

Individual work with Elisey Ts and Rita K.: strengthen the skills of good take-off and soft landing when long jumping.



Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments


Morning exercises (comp. No. 13). Articulation gymnastics “Mom baked pancakes.” Finger game. "Family". “Conversation: “Mom’s favorite pastime.” Goal: to form a respectful, friendly attitude towards the closest and dearest person on earth.

Teach Elisha Ts. and Yegor Z. to cut smooth lines and geometric shapes with scissors.

D/i “Name the spring word.” Goal: to develop the ability to navigate the world around us, to develop speech.

Create conditions for games of cognitive activity.

Create conditions for the formation of a culture of behavior in children.


  1. Speech development.
    Correction (speech therapy session)

Cognitive development.

Familiarization with the surrounding world. “Lesson “Drawing a gift for March 8th”

Educational objectives

: To instill in children the desire to prepare a gift for a loved one, to give it with joy; expand ideas about E.I. Charushin (not only a writer, but also an artist who often painted his favorite animals); learn to trace the outline of a stencil and paint using the poking method.

  1. Artistic and aesthetic development.

    Musical activity
    . Music director plans.


Conversation “Rules of behavior in the garden area during a walk.” Goal: to teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior in the kindergarten area; know the boundaries of your site; remind them of the dangers that await them on the site. D/i Migration of Birds". Goals:

teach to run across the entire site, not stand against the wall, climb into an empty space, giving way to each other; climb down to the end without jumping; develop dexterity and attentiveness. Relay race “Who can jump the fastest?” Goal: improve the ability to jump quickly on two legs. "Move the items." Goal: to teach how to run quickly when given a signal and carry objects one at a time.

2nd half of the day:

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (comp. No. 3)

Reading at children's choice. Goal: familiarization with the work.

Final event: “matinee dedicated to Women’s Day.”

Working with children on instructions from a speech therapist

Invite the children to restore order in the group. Goal: to teach to maintain order in the group, to create a desire to help adults.

Create conditions for games. Include illustrations of professions and tools.

An evening walk.

Observation: “Length of daylight” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to significant increases in the length of daylight. P./i “Run and jump” (to develop motor activity, the ability to long jump); P/i “We are funny guys” (to develop children’s physical activity). Game “Compliments” - To develop boys’ ability to compliment girls.

Labor activity: Collecting garbage (branches) on the site - to cultivate hard work, the desire to take part in feasible work, and the ability to overcome minor difficulties. Individual work: “Who will quit next?” — Exercise children in throwing snowballs at a distance.



Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)




Educational activities in special moments


Morning gymnastics (comp. No. 13) Articulation gymnastics “Mom chops the cabbage” Finger game “My dear mother”. Conversation: “The golden hands and kind heart of my mother” - Continue to expand children’s knowledge about their mother’s professions and the significance of their work.

D/i with Sona M. and Marat S. “Describe the picture”

Goal: develop the ability to describe a picture.

M.P\i: Find where it’s hidden” Purpose: to teach how to navigate in space.

Create a situation in the group for the artistic and aesthetic development of children. Free activity in the Game Center. Goal: to ensure the emotional and positive state of children in games and other types of independent activities.


  1. Artistic and aesthetic development

    “Modeling by design.”

Educational objectives

: continue to develop independence, imagination, creativity. Strengthen sculpting techniques and the ability to use materials carefully.

  1. Physical development

    : Physical activity (outdoors).


Observation of arriving birds. Goal: to teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice; develop observation and memory; cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds. Labor activity: Snow removal on site. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work; responsibility when carrying out assignments.

P/i “Find yourself a partner” (learn to follow the rules of the game; at the teacher’s signal, run in any direction without bumping into each other) P/i “The most dexterous!”, “The fastest!” (develop agility, running speed. Develop skills to perform in a team.)

D/i “When does this happen?” Goal: to clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the seasons.

2nd half of the day:

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep (comp. No. 3)

Reading of E. Blaginin’s poems “Mother’s Day”, “Let’s Sit in Silence”. Goal: familiarization with the work.

D\i “Who can’t do without these tools?” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Working with children on instructions from a speech therapist

Design: “Flowers for Mom” Purpose: lay out flowers according to the pattern.

Create conditions for construction games.

Create conditions for the formation of a culture of behavior in children.

An evening walk.

Watching the evening weather. Goal: ability to compare morning, afternoon and evening weather; develop observation, memory, cultivate an aesthetic sense of perception of nature. P/i “Get into the circle” (to develop the eye), “From bump to bump” (to practice jumping). D/game “What a sky” (Goal: to develop the ability to select adjectives). Labor on site.

Weekly work plan

If the theme of the week is “Women’s Day,” in the preparatory group it should take place both in the mode of interaction between children and adults, and in conditions of children’s independence.

Sample plan for the week dedicated to Women's Day


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation on the topic of the upcoming holiday. The purpose of this conversation should be to inform children about the history and traditions of celebrating this day, and to generate interest in the upcoming event.
  • Vocabulary lesson (pure sayings, sayings related to family values).
  • Conducting a role-playing game “Family”, the purpose of which is to improve children’s abilities to interact and distribute roles in a team.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Creative time - introducing children to folk art (looking at Easter eggs) and the opportunity to practice on their own.
  • Literacy training.
  • Musical break - you will need to choose the songs that will be performed at the final event and begin the corresponding rehearsals with the children.
  • Walk.
  • Game activities (“Sharing candy with mom” - parallel teaching children to count).
  • Reading a fairy tale out loud (for example, “Thumbelina”).
  • Walk.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of helping their mother. The purpose of the conversation is to be able to explain to children how important it is to help their elders, as well as to foster a sense of respect for what their mothers do for them.
  • Game exercises (the game “Look and Remember”, the subjects of which can be those things that are found in family life on an ongoing basis), the purpose of this exercise will be to develop the cognitive abilities of children.
  • Educational time - the theme can be the world around us, special attention should be paid to pets. You can discuss what animals live in families, who takes care of them, and how they should be cared for.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Physical education class.
  • Rehearsal of skits for the final event.

Charging always comes first


  • Morning work-out;
  • Conversation “How to affectionately call your mother”, the purpose of which is to form a reverent attitude towards mothers and grandmothers.
  • Cultural program - presentation “The Image of Women in Art”, the purpose of such a presentation is to introduce children to beauty.
  • A game exercise - gymnastics “Mom Cuts the Cabbage”, the purpose of which is to develop articulation.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Preparation for the holiday - rehearsal of reading poems by heart;
  • Reading a fairy tale.

Game form of classes on traffic rules with preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard


  • Morning work-out;
  • A conversation on the topic “Why do girls need to be protected?”, with the goal of strengthening concepts of gender roles and forming basic concepts of morality.
  • Cultural program - study of folklore associated with mother (grandmother), recitation of proverbs and sayings.
  • Cleaning the area for the upcoming holiday, the purpose of which is to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive the environment.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Game program “Chain of Words” - select words related to family values, this game is aimed at developing logical thinking and enriching children’s vocabulary.
  • Rehearsing skits for an upcoming event.
  • Reading books.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Final rehearsal before the concert.
  • Conversation: “How to please your mother?”
  • Creative work is a gift to mom.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Hygienic procedures related to preparation for the concert.
  • Concert.
  • Giving gifts to mothers.

Plan I love my dear mother very, very much.

SAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week - from 02.26. to 03.02.2018) Group:

II junior group Topic: “I love my dear mother very, very much”
Creating conditions for nurturing love for mother and grandmother through social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Final event date:

GCD 01.03.
“Tumbler as a gift for mom” Responsible for the final event:

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all premises) National-cultural component


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “March 8 Holiday”

Introduce people to the holiday and develop a respectful attitude towards mother and grandmother. D

/And “Who needs what for work?”

With Masha, Lera, Denis, D/U: “Tell me about your mother” intensify speech,

consolidate knowledge

Develop basic table behavior skills during meals, pay attention to Dima, Artem, Seryozha. Continue to design the album “My Family” Preparation for the holiday March 8
Monday 02/26/2018 GCD: 1 Cognition (FCCM and RK) Topic: “That’s right, mother, golden!” Dybina No. 18 p. 29 P/S:

continue to introduce children to the work of mothers and grandmothers, to show their business qualities. Cultivate respect for mother and grandmother, a desire to talk about them.

2.Phys. culture According to the specialist's plan.
I :
Tree watching. distinguish and name them. P/I “Run to the tree” orientation in space Labor to shovel snow to a tree trunk With Masha, Misha, Artem, jump forward. agility. Strengthen children's ability to dress consistently and independently. Learn to ask each other for help. Removable materials: shovels, scoops, brooms, buckets, snow molds. P/n “Run to the tree”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along massage paths. P/G “Family” clearly pronounce the words of the text.

D/i “Name the time of year” with Masha, Zhenya, Masha - intensify speech I. Kosyakova “She’s All.” introduce children to the work, talk about the content. Board and printed game “Signs of winter?” thinking, ability to classify. I..Kosyakova “She’s All.”
DOD. "Rechetsvetik"

"Pickling cabbage."

To develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce words and combine finger movements with text. Children's educational institution "Rechetsvetik"
II :
Observation of pets P/i “Cat and Mice” - Develop children’s ability to perform movements The ability to walk in a circle and form pairs with Nikita, Lera, Artem, Savely Education of CGN, self-care skills and

mutual assistance in dressing.

Spatulas, scoops. P/I "Cat and Mice"
Evening: S/R game "Family" to attract children. D/I “Time of year” signs of spring Teach Dim, Roma, Seryozha to hit the ball. Games with a constructor, the ability to build and play with buildings. Offer children stencils. Develop the ability to trace objects and paint over them.
Working with parents Invite parents to take part in the “Gift” exhibition for mom.
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National

cultural component


preschool educational institution



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “That’s what a mother is, truly golden” Looking at photographs of children’s mothers and grandmothers, discussion. D/I “Wonderful bag” - name the item and its properties With Vika, Seryozha, Ksyusha, jumping from a height, ability to stay on your feet The work of the dining room attendants, the ability to set the table. Looking at plot pictures from the “Spring” cycle broadens children’s horizons.
Tuesday 02/27/2018

Thursday 06.11.14

Knowledge of FEMP (ICD) Topic: “Flower” (paper design - origami) Construction Note No. 7 P/WITH:

: teach basic origami techniques, fold a square in half diagonally, find the middle of the square, bend opposite corners of the square towards the middle, practice carefully gluing the work onto the panel. Develop perseverance, accuracy, and interest in new activities.

Physical education on a walk According to the manager's plan...
I :
Watching the snow what kind of snow? Why? Labor: sweeping snow from a bench on the veranda. P/I “Airplanes” attention. Walking “snake” between objects with Nikita, Egor, Seryozha. The problem situation “First Ice” is to encourage children to learn how to walk on a slippery slope. Remote materials for games (scoops, molds). P/I "Airplanes"
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Hardening procedures.

D/I “What’s extra?” thinking, memory, speech.

With Masha, Dima, Lera, the ability to compare objects by height, length CHHL. E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day” introduce the work, answer questions Offer children the printed board game “Puzzles”. Strengthen the ability to put together a whole picture from individual parts, develop attention and memory. E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”
Musical development«». According to the specialist's plan.
II :
Place food in bird feeders. Under. Game "Birds in Nests" With Denis, Mira, Roma, Nadya, throw into the distance, agility, accuracy.. Situational conversation “Why does snow melt on the palm of your hand?” draw conclusions. Toys for independent activity. P/I “Birds in Nests”
Evening: “Concert for dolls” will create a festive mood. D/I “Visiting the Forest Dwellers” to consolidate children’s knowledge. Game exercise “Solve the riddle” with Arina, Dasha, Masha thinking, speech. Did. game "Cubes". Goal: learn to assemble a picture from separate parts. Offer the children a large construction project. “Building furniture for Masha”
Working with parents: Conversation with Seryozha’s mother, Nikita, “Teach poetry with children”
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “How do we help mothers and grandmothers?” develop a desire to help carry out assignments. D\I “What does mom do?” memory, speech. With Nikita, Masha, Dasha, count to 4, name and distinguish geometric shapes. . Situational conversation “Every toy has its place” Create conditions for viewing illustrations of books on the topic of the week.
Wednesday 02/28/2018 1. Speech development Topic: Reading Kosyakov’s poem “She’s All.” Gerbova No. 1 p.58 P/N:

introduce children to poetry. Kosyakova "She's All". Improve the child's dialogical speech. Didactic exercise “I love mommy very much because...”.

2.Music. According to the manager's plan.
I :
Bird watching... Draw children's attention to changes in bird behavior with the arrival of spring

Labor: clearing snow from paths on the site. P/I “Sparrows and the car” dexterity.

Walk in a squat with Masha, Ksyusha, Lena, develop coordination of movements Situational conversation “You need to know how to dress yourself.” Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing Remote material for cleaning the area, for games (moulds, spatulas) P/I “Sparrows and the car”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot along the massage path. P/I “Who has arrived” pronounce the words clearly.

With Lera, Vika, Dima, the ability to sculpt round objects (balls, balls) CHHL: E. Blaginina “Mom is Sleeping” - introduce the work of art. Offer children blank paper, colored pencils, and stencils. Learn to hold a pencil and draw correctly. E. Blaginina “Mom is sleeping” -
II :
Watching snowfall. Goal: to reinforce the properties of snow with children. P/i “Fox and Hares” agility, attention. Exercise for developing ATS: standing long jump with Zhenya, Ksyusha, Nikita.. Fostering a culture of behavior during dinner.

Consolidating the skill of neat and silent eating.

Remote material for organizing labor in nature. P/I "Fox and Hares"
Evening: S/R game “Family. Buying gifts”, teach how to choose gifts, how to give them, how to accept them, what to say.. D/i “What spring.” Goal: to consolidate the characteristic signs of winter. With Dima, Zhenya, Zlat, consolidate the techniques of drawing round objects. Games with musical instruments. Strengthen the ability to play with spoons with boys. Workshop for making simple gifts for the holiday of March 8th.
Working with parents: Consultation “Music in the lives of children”
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “Where my mother works” Word game: “Tender words for mom” speech, thinking. P\I “Flower for Mommy2” D/i “Wonderful bag”. Learn to identify geometric shapes by touch. With Dasha, Artem, Denis. Teach children to help the teacher place napkin holders and bread bins on the table while setting the table. Add the album “My Family” to know your family members.
Thursday 03/01/2018 NOD1Modeling/applique

Topic: “Tumbler as a gift for mom” Komarov No. 63 p. 70


teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes, pressing the parts tightly against each other. Create a desire to decorate an object with small details. Clarify ideas about the size of objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately. Create a feeling of joy from what you have created.

Design of the final exhibition.
2.Physical education According to the leader’s plan Topic: “Sparrows2.
I :
Monitoring the weather conditions. Labor: shoveling snow into a pile. P/i "Train" respond to the signal. Exercises to develop physical skills: - speed running training with a subgroup of children. Create conditions for independent play activities while walking. Develop children’s physical activity and the ability to play in a group together Providing outdoor materials for games and for cleaning the area. P/I "Train"
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along the massage path barefoot. D/I “Guess by the description” - observation” to attract children.

With Misha, Roma, Lena, the ability to sculpt round objects. ChHL: V. Berestov «

Mother's Day" to develop the desire to listen to a poem about winter; cultivate a love for winter

Work in the game center: games to develop fine motor skills. "Loto", "Mosaic". V. Berestov «

Mother's Day"

Physical entertainment. According to the manager's plan.
II :
Observation: ice

Introduce a natural phenomenon. P/I “Cucumber” dexterity. Labor to collect twigs.

With Roma, Misha, Lera, ladder climbing, agility. Education of CGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing. D/U “Help a friend” Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. P/I "Cucumber"
Evening: S/R game “Kindergarten” to develop the plot of the game. D/U “What is mom’s name. Grandma? Memory, speech. Repeat familiar finger games. With Zlat, Egor, Lena, clear pronunciation of words and phrases Games with building materials Improve children's constructive skills. Looking at paintings on the topic “Professions”
Working with parents: Involve dads in decorating the group for the holiday on March 8th.
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “What gift will you prepare for your mother?” Telling children riddles on the topic: “Spring” - to develop attention and imagination. The ability to paste ready-made figures to create a pattern. Misha, Dima, Dasha, Arina. Formation of CGN and self-service skills.

Game exercise “Whose table is neater.”

Games at will in the play areas, help organize the game.
Friday 03/02/2018 1.

Drawing Topic: “Picture about the holiday” Komarov No. 82 p.84


continue to develop the ability to determine the content of your drawing based on the impressions received. Foster independence and the desire to draw what you like. Practice drawing with paints. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards beautiful images. Develop a desire to talk about your drawings.

2.Music According to the manager's plan
I :
Monitoring the roadway. familiarize with the roadway - highway, traffic rules. P/I “Catch up with me” - learn to run without bumping into each other. Exercises to practice the ATS: throwing snowballs at a target with Ksyusha, Dima, Nikita. Work to foster a culture of behavior at the table during meals Development of the skill of quickly and accurately eating food and using cutlery. Providing outdoor materials for fun games and cleaning. Outdoor game “Catch up with me”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Hardening procedures.

D/I “Button and lace” perseverance.

D/I “How much?” "Which?" practice counting, the ability to compare in height, with a subgroup of children. Memorizing poems for the holiday with Seryozha, Nikita, Masha, Zhenya. Games with characters from the theater corner, the ability to tremble the voice, imitate movements. Poems for the holiday.
II :
Observe passers-by P/I “The children stood in a circle” respond to the signal respond to the signal Individual work “Walk without falling” with Ksyusha, Nadya, Artem. «

“Dirty grief” - formation of the habit of taking care of one’s appearance, using a comb, a handkerchief.

Remote material for games. P/i “Children stood in a circle”
Evening: C\P “Mother’s daughters” the ability to play and take care of their toys. With Mira, Nikita, Zhenya, the ability to paint over objects without getting married “Let’s wash the toys” creates a desire to work, to see the result, and to know the purpose of work. Invite those on duty to water indoor plants and wipe off dust from the leaves. Cultivate hard work.
Working with parents: Consultation “Speech of a 3-year-old child.”

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