50 Spring Crafts for Kids: Creative Ideas for All Ages (with Templates)

Spring has come... Happy Spring to you, friends!!! I love spring very much... Yes, all seasons are good, and each is beautiful in its own way. But here is an amazing magic, a beautiful awakening from sleep of everything and everyone around, this miracle exists only in spring... In the section “About the seasons for children” we will talk today about it, about spring, which gives hope, awakens in us the most wonderful feelings and makes us believe in the most incredible!

Spring is a very interesting and amazing time of the year. It is in the spring that it is so fresh and easy to breathe, the sun appears, which we all yearned for so much during the winter. In spring you can find so many unusual things around, the main thing is to look around, and spring will seem like a fairy tale to you and your baby, no worse than a snowy winter. Spring is very beautiful and bright. No wonder there is an interesting legend about her arrival.

The Legend of the Origin of Spring

One day the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl. The sun wanted to have fun, rejoice with people. The Evil Serpent stole and locked the Sun in his palace. The birds stopped singing, all people, especially children, forgot what cheerful laughter, friendly smiles, and kind looks are. The world plunged into sadness and despondency. One brave young man volunteered to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace. Still, I found him and challenged him to a fight.

He fought all day and night. A sharp and cold wind blew on Earth. It started snowing in large flakes. It seemed like there would be no end to the bad weather.

But the brave young man, of course, defeated the evil Serpent. The bad weather immediately stopped: the wind calmed down, the snow began to melt... And the sun rose into the sky, illuminating the whole world. Nature began to come to life, people were happy, but only the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last straw has fallen. A brave young man has died. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. (Source of legend)

Observations of nature in spring

With the arrival of spring, general rejoicing and awakening begins. Everything around is gradually changing. Nature changes slowly, but with each new day you can notice something completely new and wonderful.

With the arrival of spring, the sun shines more and more and rises higher, the days become longer. The snow begins to melt, spring streams are running with might and main, spring drops are dripping cheerfully and cheerfully. The ice that bound the lakes and rivers cannot stand it either; it becomes covered with cracks and gradually breaks, beginning to drift. At this moment the flood is in full swing, the lowlands are flooded with melt water. The weather is very changeable, sometimes the bright sun is shining, sometimes a strong wind begins to blow.

How animals, birds and insects live

Sensing the sun and approaching warmth, insects crawl out after a long winter hibernation. Migratory birds return from the south to their native lands. Rooks are among the first to be seen, followed by starlings, larks and wagtails. The animals also wake up after winter, a bear with cubs crawls out of its den, a badger crawls out of its hole. Animals change their fur, molt in the spring, hares and squirrels also change the color of their fur coat to a summer version.

I recommend: My tales about changes in nature in spring “How the gnome Toto greeted Spring” and “News from the editorial office of Galkin News.”

How plants grow

Plants also feel the warmth of the spring sun and begin to come to life. Juice rises from the roots to the about-to-swell buds, and leaves will soon begin to appear.

The willow is the first to bloom - the first harbinger of spring. Soon the alder and hazel will dress up in fluffy buds.

Everywhere, the first flowers of spring - snowdrops, coltsfoot and lungwort - are making their way out from under the ground towards the sun. The gardens are also filled with bright colors, where fruit trees bloom at the end of spring.

Features of human activity in spring

With the arrival of spring, not only animals and plants wake up. The person also feels a surge of strength. There is quite a lot of work at this time, especially outside the city. After all, it is necessary to cultivate the land, and then sow millet, barley and rye. Also at this time, greens, onions, and carrots are sown.

What about sports in the spring?

You can play sports at any time of the year. However, in the spring it is doubly pleasant to do this. The temperature outside is optimal, the air is fresh, and your soul is in a great mood. In the spring, when the days are long and bright, when everything around is starting to dry out, you can start running in the park. For the more active, you can offer roller skating or cycling. Also, many parks now offer exercises and dance master classes.

Spring in literature

Tales of spring

Perhaps the most famous fairy tale about spring is the Russian folk tale “How Spring Overcame Winter,” which tells about the confrontation between Winter and Spring, in which the warm and gentle spring still wins, legally coming into its own.

It is noteworthy that Japanese culture also has an interesting fairy tale about spring. It's called "Nightingale House". It tells about a lumberjack who did not listen to his wife and looked out the treasured window.

The fairy tale “The Adventures of Freckles” by S. Prokofieva is interesting and educational. Little Freckle looks for and protects freckled children.

And don’t forget our favorite heroes by E. Uspensky by reading the fairy tale “Spring in Prostokvashino”.

I wrote above about my original fairy tales about spring. Be sure to read it. There is information about amazing metamorphoses in the world of insects in my book from the series of “Creative Fairy Tales” - “The World of Insects”.

Stories about spring

Many authors at one time dedicated their creations to the beautiful spring and her ringing melodic drops. After all, writing about spring is a pleasure!! The outstanding writer A. N. Tolstoy wrote about spring in the story “Spring Has Come.”

You can also read such stories about spring as I. S. Sokolova-Mikitova’s “Spring in the Forest” and V. Suteev’s “Spring”. The famous writer N.V. Gogol has a very short and entertaining story about spring “Spring! Spring! And she needs everything!”

If you want to know how a spring day begins in the steppe, then you can read “The Steppe in Spring” by the talented writer A.I. Kuprina. To get an idea of ​​spring as a whole, you can:

DIY spring lilies of the valley

But what a beautiful spring card with lilies of the valley can be made using the quilling technique.

Spring card with lilies of the valley

Spring applique “lilies of the valley” made from pasta

Stunning, very delicate lilies of the valley made of ribbons and beads.

A charming spring birch tree is made from colored paper and a cardboard roll.

Birch from a cardboard roll

Proverbs about spring

  • April with water, May with grass.
  • May, may, don’t take off your fur coat.
  • Whoever does not start sowing in March forgets about his wealth.
  • Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
  • Spring is red during the day.
  • Spring will show everything.
  • Martok - put on two trousers.
  • March sets the frost on the nose.
  • No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything feels like spring.
  • Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.
  • Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
  • If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
  • A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you harvest.
  • If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
  • He who sows early does not lose seeds.
  • He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
  • In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won’t catch up during the day.
  • Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about spring

The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming... When does this happen? (Spring)

I give new leaves to maples, lindens and oak trees, I invite sweet birds to return from the south, and I see off my winter friend to the north. (Spring)

I water the crops, there is a lot of movement. My name is...(spring)

There is a huge collection of riddles about spring in the article “Spring Riddles”.

Spring basket with crocuses made of foamiran

Delicate spring crocuses from foamiran are not difficult to make. We cut out flower petals from pink foamiran. Apply the stripes with white pastel chalk, and then lightly shade with a damp cloth. We cut out green leaves from green foamiran. Lightly heat the petals and leaves on an iron. When heated, foamiran becomes wavy and the petals and leaves will become very similar to real ones.

Petals and leaves from foamiran

Take a small wire. We wrap the end of the wire with a yellow foamiran fringe. We fix it with glue. Glue the petals one by one.

Glue the fringe and flowers

When all the petals are glued, glue the green stems to the wire. We make several flowers in pink, purple and white. We place our foamiran crocuses in any decorative basket!

Spring crocuses from foamiran

See how to make a luxurious spring bouquet for March 8th from napkins:

Spring in painting

It's amazing how differently different people see spring. We can verify this by looking at some spring paintings by famous artists. For example, the painting “Early Spring” by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. It is amazingly bright and positive, apparently spring is already in full swing.

Let's look at another painting by the famous Russian artist A. Savrasov, “The Rooks Have Arrived,” here the landscape is grayer, as if winter had not yet completely given way to spring, and if it weren’t for the rooks, it could easily be confused.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan also painted paintings on a spring theme. For example, this is “March”

and “Spring. Big water."

Landscape painters enjoy painting what they see around them in the spring, because it is at this time that they are literally overwhelmed by a wave of inspiration. Look at the amazing paintings by K. F. Yuon “March Sun”

and “Spring sunny day.”

They are amazingly bright, lively and perfectly lift your spirits. It immediately becomes clear why artists love to depict life in spring.

And if many paint the first days, still very early spring, then in I. S. Ostroukhov’s “First Greenery” spring already feels like a full-fledged mistress, the leaves and the first grass are blooming with might and main.

Spring is one of the favorite themes of many authors, so this list can be continued indefinitely.

To all of the above and what we have seen, let’s add the children’s favorite animation and watch the cartoon “What is Spring”:

You can watch many more wonderful cartoons about spring here.

Spring is a magical island of joy in nature. Everything about it is wonderful - the amazing metamorphoses, the awakening of nature and more, the mood, and the growing sunny day, giving us the much-needed vitamin D...

This is the story we have about spring.

Spring joys: reading miniatures about spring with children

Why is your soul light and joyful? From spring, of course! Lyrical miniatures by Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Alexander Krestinsky reveal the amazingly charming little details of the spring transformation of nature. Let's watch how the heroes of stories for children wait for the lost spring and enjoy the warm sun.

N. Sladkov “Stream”

All winter the stream slept under two warm blankets - snow and ice. And spring came - throw away the blankets and run to wake up the forest river. I wish I could lie down on the water now, lower my face with the mask down and follow him. The stream will carry you straight into the river. And along the way you will see its entire water path.

At first it will seem that it is not the water that is carrying you, but the bottom beneath you, like a colorful ribbon, rushing back! Either it sinks into the depths, into the darkness, then it quickly rises up and approaches, and now multi-colored pebbles right next to the nose glitter and flicker. Behind the pebbles there is light sand, dark plump silt, swollen rags of drowned bark, driftwood, twigs, leaves. Spotted thick roots of water lilies, similar to boa constrictors. A stone stuck out of the water like the bald head of a merman, with a lace collar of foam around its neck.

And the stream no longer gurgles, but is noisy with all its might, gurgling, rattling and weaving. Wakes up the sleepy river. Splashes and tickles with warm jets. Wake up, river, spring has come! Throw off the winter blankets - snow and ice. And then run, wake up the lake!

E. Shim “Sun Drop”

“Don!..” “Ding!..” “Day!..”

Drops are falling from the roof, from transparent icicles. They flash under the sun, shimmering with red, blue, yellow lights.

It seems that it is not cold water dripping, but hot sun spray that is flying.

The sparrows bathed in these splashes and began to chatter and cry joyfully in spring.

The white rooster drank from a sunny puddle - shook his comb, drew his wings like a forest bully grouse.

I ran out of the house and a drop fell on my face. I wanted to wipe my eye, and suddenly I froze. For a moment, while I was looking through the drop, everything around me changed: it shone, sparkled, fluttered with rainbow lights...

And the sky, and the earth, and the snow fields - the whole world was illuminated and lit by a tiny drop of sun.

V. Bakhrevsky “Hot Sun”

March was already ending, but the winter was not abating, the frosts were getting fiercer day by day. The snow was falling, you can only guess from the bridges that there is a river here.

At this icy time, a quiet thought, like a mouse, crept into Vanyushino’s heart: what if there won’t be spring? After all, even in the south, in the far south, the ground is covered with snow. There's news on TV every day: the vineyard has fallen asleep, there's snow on the palm trees. But the more severe the frosts were, the thicker the snowfalls, the more closely Vanyusha peered into the world: well, where are you, spring?

One night the sky was covered with clouds, so ugly that you couldn’t even look at them. As if someone had thrown away a tattered cotton blanket. It became completely boring on earth, Vanyusha sat at home, sat, and over the threshold - to find the lost spring.

There is snow on the ground, snow on the trees, and white in the sky. Vanyusha lowered his eyes, but when he lowered them, something seemed to turn blue. He jumped up, and there was a hole in the heavenly cotton wool. Just about the size of a window. But there was such a blast from there, such a blue heat that Vanyusha closed his eyes. And when I opened my eyes, the sun was standing in the hole.

Yes, it's hotter!

- Spring! - Vanyusha shouted without fear of scaring off the newcomer. Such a sun will not give up on its own.

E. Lukyanova “How spring came”

Nikolka sat on the window and looked out onto the street. It was cold outside, there was a snowstorm, and the wind was howling.

Suddenly the sun came out, and everything around became warmer and brighter. The wind died down and the blizzard calmed down. The sparrow sat on a branch directly opposite the window and began to sunbathe. And he sings at the top of his lungs:

-I'm alive, I'm alive! And I'm alive, alive!

Nikolka even laughed:

- That's it, sparrow! Well done!

Suddenly Nikolka looks, something small and shiny flies past, followed by more and more... He looked closer, and these were droplets. Drop after drop flies.

“Where is this water coming from,” the boy thinks, “from?” And then I realized: the snow on the roof had melted, hung in icicles, and from each icicle the droplets were falling down and ringing thinly:

-Shadow, shadow, shadow!

Droplets fall into the snow and hurry him:

- Tai, Tai, Tai!

And the sun laughs from the sky, and this makes the snow hot, it melts. The droplets gather together, and run wherever they look, and shout:

- Let's run! Let's run!

A lot of them, droplets, are collected - a whole stream. And the stream is already rushing faster, and gurgles, and says:

- I'm pouring! I'm pouring! I'm pouring!

Nearby another stream is rushing, followed by a third...

Just like that, while Nikolka was sitting at the window, spring came.

A. Krestinsky “At the turning point”

Note: each seed has a point. A seed, like the tip of a spear, pierces the earth in spring.

...The snow still lies in places in the shade and even in the sun, but where it has already melted, sharp spears have pierced the ground: yellow - daffodils, dark red - tulips. Now they don’t care about anything - morning frost, evening frost... And they don’t care about snow either, if it suddenly falls for no reason from a passing cloud at the turning point from winter to spring.

And yesterday, in the far corner of the garden, the snow thinned, settled, and immediately something burning, unbearably bright broke through it. In a matter of hours, a rhubarb bush burst out of the ground like a fire: yellow, purple, scarlet!..

Fire? No - a rooster. That's right, rooster! He’s about to fly up onto the fence and shout: “Hurray, spring is coming!”

And the land that gave birth to such a miracle is dark brown, clayey, lumpy, inconspicuous.

Mothers are always like this: they dress up their children when they take them out of the house, and somehow they themselves...

N. Sladkov “Forest comb”

No matter how dense the bush is, it is a forest comb. And the comb will not miss a single slob, he will certainly comb his hair. Whether it's a fox, a bear, a hare - he doesn't care. He combs, combs, and smoothes everyone. From a hare - a white tuft, from a fox - a red bunch, from a bear - brown hairs.

Another bush, the thickest and thorniest - rosehip or hawthorn! - in the spring he will become like a furry animal. The fur on it stands on end - it’s scary to even approach!

N. Sladkov “Lizard”

Who said lizards are nasty? As soon as his tongue turned! He probably had never seen a lizard.

The lizard is especially beautiful in the spring, in its festive spring outfit. The scutes and scales glow with malachite green, from head to tail she is covered in lace spots and curls: slender, fast, dexterous. A truly fabulous malachite beauty. If frogs can be princesses, then lizards are even more so!

It is known that the lizard uses its tail to buy off enemies. It’s a pity, of course, about the tail: after all, it was our own, and not someone else’s. And the look without a tail is not so dashing. Yes, a tailless lizard. Still, it’s better to lose your tail than to lose your head. The tail will then grow a new one...

All winter, lizards sleep in the ground: numb, as if lifeless. But the sun will warm up, and the lizards will wake up. They will crawl out into the sun, warm up, and begin rustling in last year’s dry grass and leaves. And they will become malachite beauties - from head to tail!

N. Sladkov “Whispering traces”

In the light aspen and alder groves the snow has melted, the fallen leaves are drying in the sun, curling up into rolls, curling up into little balls, clenching into fists. The leaf is dry, but the ground underneath is wet. And it crushes under your foot like plasticine. You go and press dry leaves into the damp ground with your boot.

Whether an elk passes by or a person passes by, they will all leave traces and press a leaf into the ground. They will pass, become silent in the distance, and their traces will whisper. Then the crushed sheet will straighten out and touch the neighboring one. The stem will dry out and straighten out. The ribbon of yellow grass will come undone. Or a bunch of lingonberries squeezed into an accordion will shake out.

The elk and the man left the forest a long time ago, somewhere they are already far, far away, and their traces are still whispering and whispering. Long long time…

N. Sladkov “On the Horn”

Did you go mushroom and berry picking in the summer? In the spring you can go... by the horns! Elks shed their antlers in winter; they fall off like dry twigs from a tree. They have no use for them now - the autumn fights are over. Why carry extra weight all winter in vain? And by autumn, new ones will grow, even more branched than the old ones.

The horns weaken in winter. If an elk's face hits a tree, its horn will fall off and fall into the snow. Or it will hang on gnarled branches. And in the spring, when the snow melts, but the grass has not yet risen and the leaves on the bushes have not yet opened, you can see such a shed horn. You walk, and it lies... Fresh, brown, or old, bleached in the sun. Or even snapped - spoiled by mice and squirrels.

But how happy you will be when you find a whole horn! Huge, brown, multi-pointed - like an outstretched palm. And heavy!

What a horn! How did the elk WEAR it on his head without spraining his neck? And wasn’t it a pity to leave such a thing in the forest? And I will never leave him! Somehow, I’ll tell you. And I’ll hang it on the wall of the house so everyone can see it.

Source – Ruslit website

Ill. — artist Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky

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