Requirements for the corner of fine art activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we have an interesting and important topic on the creative development of children. Decorating fine art corners is also an art. There is no doubt that the majority of preschoolers love to draw. This is how they discover and explore the world, learn new things. You can familiarize yourself with the corresponding useful publication by the author N.G. Panteleeva. Kids enjoy drawing and being creative in art classes. Some of the children like to look at albums with paintings by artists or folk crafts. The development of aesthetic taste and creativity is undoubtedly the most important point in education.

Design of fine art corners according to modern standards (FSES)

Respected educators can become wonderful assistants in the knowledge of beauty. An arts and crafts area must be included in the group for the development of creative activity in children. And the bright and colorful design of the fine arts corner will attract children to creativity faster. I would immediately like to recommend a series by I. Lykova on creative activities in the garden. I would like to recommend the next publication , as well as this manual . For the older group, good examples of work are also given to help.

It must be remembered that according to the standard, when creating a corner, a group passport will be required. It is stored directly in the documents of the teacher or in the activity area in the group. The passport includes a description of the group, its number, the age of the children, the purpose of its creation, and the assigned tasks. A list of furniture, tools and materials must also be indicated. It is necessary to mention the number and function of posters, diagrams and other visual materials.

Modern standards of the Federal State Educational Standard dictate certain conditions so that the design of the corners of the fine art is competent. It must meet hygiene requirements. The place where the corner items are located should be well lit. It is advisable to place it near a window. Also, chairs and tables should correspond to the growth characteristics of each age group. The choice of equipment and tools should meet the needs of children.

The fact is that each age group has a certain uniqueness. And the design of the corners of the fine art should be age-appropriate. For example, children in the nursery group are going through a process of adaptation. In this regard, teachers do not need to regularly change the design of the corner. There is no need for kids to be distracted by new objects. A familiar environment without frequent innovations contributes to a softer and faster adaptation for the child.

As for the middle and older groups, the color scheme and information about art are expanding more actively. The displays in the corner can be changed more often, presenting more complex objects. It is proposed to use scissors in work under the supervision of a teacher. It is also possible to use materials such as coal and sanguine in creativity. I recommend reading this software and methodological complex .

Requirements for the activity corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education consultation


Thematic zones in the group are a prerequisite for the harmonious all-round development of preschoolers. The richness of their content, together with suitable design, will allow children to gain a great experience during their stay in kindergarten. One of the favorite activities of both younger and older preschoolers is drawing, which contributes to the creative development of preschoolers. And the child will be able to find a suitable activity in the art corner, which the teacher will equip specifically for this purpose.

The purpose of the fine arts corner is to develop children’s creative potential, develop interest in artistic activities, develop aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity.

Requirements for the creation and design of an art corner

According to the modern educational standard (FSES), the design of the fine art zone in a group must meet the following requirements.

  1. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The corner is located in a well-lit place (near the window). Furniture must be appropriate for the height of children
  2. The equipment meets the needs of this age. After all, each age category is unique. For example, younger preschoolers are in the process of adaptation, so the teacher does not need to change the design often. Children's attention should not be distracted by unnecessary details. In addition, the art corner should contribute to the development of children's sensory skills. At an older age, conditions for self-expression are more important. Materials for creativity and aesthetic development (for example, picture albums) should be freely available to preschoolers so that they feel like “masters” in the group.
  3. High aesthetics. A good corner attracts children's attention with its beautiful design. The guys should feel comfortable there and experience aesthetic pleasure. “Children’s” design is important - the inclusion of game characters (pictures and dolls) and creative works of students in the design.
  4. Multifunctionality. The gaming environment can be modified depending on the learning situation and combined with other zones. After all, groups are not very large rooms, so every meter must be used rationally. Equipment and materials must be easily transformed to create a new game. For example, with the help of the Fine Arts corner, you can organize a role-playing game “In the artist’s workshop” (combined with the theatrical corner).
  5. Variability. The equipment of the zone changes periodically: new material for creativity is added, children's demonstration works and design elements are updated. In addition, conditions should be created in the corner for individual (for example, drawing, coloring pictures) and collective activities (looking at albums, didactic games).
  6. Safety and high quality of materials used in creating the zone. This applies to both furniture and means for directly equipping the corner (for example, dangerous items should be stored in boxes with a lid).
  7. Compliance with the gender principle. As you know, boys and girls have their own preferences. The teacher should take this point into account when selecting material in the art corner (in particular, offer coloring pages with cars, airplanes, robots and princesses, flowers, butterflies, etc.)

Contents of the ISO corner in the group

The most important component of the art zone in a group is its capacity.

First of all, these are directly materials for creativity, both traditional and non-traditional

  1. Paper of various textures and formats (A3, A4, A5).
  2. Paper tinted in warm and cool tones, two-color (blue top of the sheet is the sky and green is the grass).
  3. Colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, gel pens, markers, charcoal, sanguine.
  4. Gouache and watercolor paints, brushes of different thicknesses, palettes, sippy cups, brush stands.
  5. Small magnetic drawing boards.
  6. Natural material for decorating designs (cones, acorns, seeds, sawdust, etc.).
  7. Devices and tools for drawing in non-traditional techniques (foam rubber, cotton swabs, toothbrushes, stamps, cocktail straws, etc.).
  8. Coloring books of various subjects, stencils depicting animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, cars, etc.
  9. Aprons and sleeves for preschoolers.

When filling the corner with materials, the age of the students must be taken into account.

So, at a younger age, colored pencils and felt-tip pens of primary colors are enough: black, red, yellow, blue and green. Further, the color range expands as children grow older. New materials are added as they are mastered (for example, watercolors, sanguine and charcoal in the older group). The same applies to materials for non-traditional art techniques (for example, after students in the junior group have mastered drawing with cotton swabs in class, the teacher places them in the art area).

Visual materials are also of great importance in the art corner. That is, in the corner there should be

  1. Reproductions of paintings by famous artists, demonstrating various genres (landscape, portrait, still life), portraits of painters.
  2. Albums on decorative and applied arts (“Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”, “Haze”, etc.). If a given topic was discussed in class, additional material on it is provided.
  3. Samples of toys and handicrafts. For children of primary preschool age - 2 - 3 types of folk toys (Bogorodsk toy, Semenov and other nesting dolls, Gorodets carved toy (horses), etc.). For children of middle and senior preschool age, 3 - 4 types of works of folk art are selected ( Dymkovo clay toy, works of Khokhloma and Gorodets masters, etc.).
  4. Folder with the best children's works.
  5. Album with works in non-traditional visual techniques.
  6. Collections of beautiful cards on various topics: New Year, Eighth of March, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day. Children can use them as samples to create drawings and posters.
  7. Step-by-step diagrams for drawing popular objects (a person in different poses, a cat, a dog, a horse and other animals, birds, flowers).
  8. Posters on the topic of visual arts.

An integral part of the fine arts corner are didactic games of this type.

For younger preschoolers, these are simple guides to reinforce primary colors. The child’s task is to determine which colors are used in each specific drawing. Games like “Decorate Matryoshka’s sundress” are also suitable for kids: you need to match the sundress and flowers by color

In the middle group, games of the previous age become more complex and it is already possible to introduce games for the development of compositional skills and games in decorative and applied arts. At first they are simple, for example, “Place the candies in the vases.” Children must outwardly learn to distinguish products from different crafts from each other (match candies and vases)

In older preschool age, these games become more complex. For example, in arts and crafts games, the goal is to deepen knowledge. Children are invited to use cards to recreate the sequence of performing elements of folk painting. The manual may be aimed at a more detailed study of a specific painting, for example, Khokhloma. In addition, games are added to consolidate knowledge about painting genres; about perspective, horizon line, distance and approach of objects, foreground and background of the picture.

Another important component (although not obligatory) of the art corner in the group is a stand for children’s work. The child can hang his drawing there so that the teacher and other children can admire it.

An art corner organized in this way in a group will help preschoolers fully develop their artistic abilities, consolidate the material covered in class, and realize their own fantasies. The main thing is that materials and visual aids are always freely available. The bright and original design of this area is also important: after all, artistic taste needs to be developed from a very early age.

Aesthetics, beauty and creative change

We introduce beauty from an early age. The Fine Art corner should be not only practical, but also beautiful. It needs to be designed so that preschoolers can admire its appearance. That is, they learn to appreciate beauty and acquire the ability to enjoy it. The inclusion of children in the design of toys and children's works also plays a big role. This is how we begin to develop “childish” design in children.

Of course, if the objects in the corner do not change for a long time, the children will begin to lose interest. From time to time, as you study a new topic, you need to change and add materials. Also, conditions for children’s creativity must be created in the corner. Children should have the opportunity to sit next to a corner, color a picture or look at an album with creative works.

City of masters

For both the art studio and the library, you can organize a special place to display beautiful handicrafts. Crafts can occupy a special cabinet, and in the library they can be placed on shelves free of books. A window sill can be a good place for exhibitions of children's creativity, especially in winter. Crafts can be very different: painted clay figurines, papier-mâché masks made from newspaper, New Year's decorations, garlands.

Colorful project

Original idea

Attach several picture frames of different sizes to the wall and leave them empty. Children's works that are recognized as the best in competitions and exhibitions should be placed in these frames. This wall with frames is primarily suitable for an art studio. But in principle, this is a good option for a children's library.

Library filing cabinets, shelves of books, magazines and newspapers on tables - all this will no longer be boring if you diversify the interior with not only decorative crafts, but also useful ones. For example, you can make an original basket from a newspaper into which you can later put newspapers. So, the basket will need approximately 20 pages. Then each page needs to be folded into a strip of the desired width. After this, weaving is done: for convenience, the strips can be fastened with a stapler. First, the base of the basket is woven, then the weaving moves upward. Finally, the protruding ends are folded inside the basket and sealed. Thanks to such crafts, any interior looks unusual and modern.


On the wall of the art studio, paper pockets for various small items can be attached in a special place. There may be brushes, small blank paper, paper clips, pencils, felt-tip pens. Each pocket should be intended only for certain items.

Pockets can also be placed on a special board in kindergarten. Approaching such a board, the child can take all the necessary items for creativity: interesting and original! Making pockets does not take much time, but you should pay enough attention to firmly attaching them to the wall.

How to make a children's metal swing with your own hands for the dacha - read with us. You can learn more about bunk beds for your baby in our article.

A slide for children is something that makes them very happy! The link contains information that will help you build it yourself!

If you have a lot of colored paper, you can also use it to make scenes from cartoons and place applications on the walls. Children's creative spaces are constantly changing their appearance thanks to various ideas from teachers. And the possibilities for improving the interior are always endless.

Many functions in unison

Considering that the group is a small room, you need to make the most of every meter. And the playing area can be changed depending on the initial circumstances. The tools and materials in this case should be easily modified for a new game presentation. You can also sometimes combine zones with similar themes. Let’s say that an “artist’s workshop” and a puppet theater coexist well.

Also, the main argument of the corner is its safety. Furniture, toys, materials must be of high quality and harmless. More dangerous items (sharp, cutting) should be stored in closed containers. Carrying out creative activities using tools should be carried out under the supervision of a teacher.

And another important point, of course, is to take into account the interests of girls and boys. Let there be different objects in the corner that are attractive separately for boys and girls. For example, these will be coloring pages with dolls, butterflies and coloring pages with robots and cars.

Unique design of the corner and didactic games for the art corner

For example, when taking into account the age of younger preschoolers, attention should be paid to the peculiarities of their perception. For example, a small number of flowers is enough for such kids. These are blue, red, green, yellow, black. At first, there may be pencils and markers in the corner. Then, as the kids get older, you can add other materials. Such as wax crayons, watercolors, charcoal. Or, for example, little pupils mastered drawing with cotton swabs. Then you can put them in the art corner.

A didactic game for any age group plays an equally important role in education. Games of this nature develop preschoolers’ independence in problem solving and curiosity. Most importantly, they contribute to the ability to play in a team. Another interesting point for the teacher is that you can organize a stand for children’s work. Here children can hang their drawing or applique. Parents will also be very pleased to see the work of their children. I invite you to get acquainted with the publication , which contains examples of creative work with children.

Visual materials in the fine arts area

Visual materials play an important role in the corner. That is, these can be reproductions of famous artists, portraits of the authors themselves. It is also recommended to post materials on applied arts. For example, these will be albums on the themes “Khokhloma” or “Gzhel”. It is good to replenish the area of ​​fine art materials that were studied in classes with children.

It is recommended to add several toys from folk crafts to the design of the fine art corners. For example, it will be a matryoshka doll and a carved horse. Undoubtedly, postcards, perhaps dedicated to passing holidays, will be a good decoration for the Fine Art corner. Such as March 8, Victory Day, New Year, etc.

Composition of the art corner for junior, middle and senior groups

The composition of the zone will change as preschoolers mature. For the youngest, you can focus on the following materials. For furniture, a table with a lid, a chair according to age, and a magnetic board are recommended. You also need paper of different textures, cardboard, stickers, and whatman paper. Cups of pencils, crayons, and felt-tip pens are welcome. You will need aprons, trays, oilcloth tablecloths.

In the corner you can hang a calendar with reproductions of various paintings by famous artists. Every month the picture will change. You can also hang illustrations of different genres: portrait, landscape, still life. It is good to arrange, as mentioned above, templates and coloring pages for children on different topics. Albums made from children's drawings are also useful for children's attention.

Ingredient materials for the junior group corner:

  • Colored pencils (primary colors are sufficient);
  • Paper white and colored;
  • Gouache paint (you can offer 3-4 primary colors for now);
  • Brushes, stands;
  • Plasticine, sculpture clay;
  • Napkins;
  • Silhouettes, stencils, templates for objects of simple shapes;
  • Albums with illustrations corresponding to the theme of the week;
  • Folk arts and crafts toys (horses, nesting dolls);
  • Didactic games.

I would immediately recommend the useful guide “Sensory development of children 2-3 years old. Color. Form. Size. Didactic games and exercises for organizing joint activities between the teacher and young children. Federal State Educational Standards DO " .

Components for the corner of the middle group:

  • Colored pencils in a wider range than in the younger group;
  • Paper of different colors;
  • Felt pens, colored crayons;
  • Gouache paint (6 pcs);
  • Brushes, stand;
  • Sculptural clay, plasticine, napkins, tablets;
  • Stencils appropriate for age group;
  • Toys painted in Dymkovo;
  • Natural material, loose and dense;
  • Creative box with junk items;
  • Schemes for making various crafts;
  • Didactic games;
  • Examples of Gorodets painting, Filimonov toys;
  • Reproductions of paintings by artists (paintings, graphics);
  • Small sculptures;
  • Collection albums with illustrations on the theme of the week.

I highly recommend getting acquainted with the educational and methodological guide “Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group" .

Components for the senior group corner:

  • Paper of different structures, types, colors;
  • Pencils of various colors up to 24 pcs.;
  • Gouache paints, watercolors up to 13-16 colors;
  • Water, jars for water;
  • Palettes;
  • Felt pens, wax crayons, regular school crayons;
  • Brushes;
  • Plasticine, materials for modeling;
  • Toolkit for applications;
  • Stencils on different themes;
  • Examples of arts and crafts;
  • Small sculptures;
  • Models of products;
  • Art reproductions;
  • Didactic games;
  • Natural materials;
  • Subjects on non-traditional drawing;
  • Book materials on various genres of painting and architecture;
  • Albums with illustrations corresponding to the theme of the week;
  • Availability of artistic handicrafts.

Guidelines for decorating a creativity corner

Zhanna Dilman

Guidelines for decorating a creativity corner

Guidelines for decorating a creativity corner

According to the modern educational standard (FSES),
the design of creativity centers in a group must meet the following requirements:
1. The corner is located in a well-lit area (near the window)


2. The equipment meets the needs of the given age. After all, each age category is unique. For example, younger preschoolers are in the process of adaptation, so the teacher does not need to change the design . Children's attention should not be distracted by unnecessary details. In addition, the creativity corner should contribute to the development of children’s sensory skills. At an older age, conditions for self-expression are more important.

3. Materials for creativity and aesthetic development (for example, picture albums)

should be freely available to preschoolers so that they feel like
in the group.

4. High aesthetics. A good corner attracts children's attention with its beautiful design . The guys should feel comfortable there. “childish” that is important

design - inclusion of
game characters in the design (pictures and dolls, creative works of students .
5. Multifunctionality. The gaming environment can be modified depending on the learning situation, combined with other zones. After all, groups are not very large rooms, so every meter must be used rationally Equipment and materials should be easily transformed to create a new game. For example, with the help of the creativity corner you can organize a role-playing game “In the artist’s workshop”
(combined with
the theatrical corner ) .

6. Variability. The equipment of the zone changes periodically: new material for creativity , children's demonstration works and design . In addition, conditions should be created the corner (for example, drawing, modeling, coloring pictures)

and group activities.

7. Safety and high quality of materials used in creating the zone. This applies to both furniture and means for directly equipping the corner (for example, scissors and glue should be stored in boxes with a lid)


8. Compliance with the gender principle. As you know, boys and girls have their own preferences. The teacher should take this point into account when selecting material in the creativity (in particular, offer coloring pages with cars, airplanes, robots and princesses, flowers, butterflies, etc.).

Occupancy of the creative center in groups :

1st early age group and 2nd early age group

Materials for creativity are given to children under the supervision of an adult.

Junior group

Colored pencils, colored and white paper, a whole album sheet and half, gouache (3-4 colors are enough), brushes, a brush stand, napkins, clay, plasticine, stacks, boards, silhouettes and stencils of round-shaped objects : mushrooms, tumblers, apple , berries, vegetables, etc.

Middle group

Colored pencils, colored and white paper, a whole album sheet and half, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, gouache in a set of 6 colors, brushes, brush stand, jars, napkins, clay, plasticine, stacks, tablets, scissors, bristle brushes for glue, paper for appliques, silhouettes and stencils of objects of round shapes : mushrooms, tumblers, apples, berries, vegetables, etc., clothing stencils, outlines of houses, dolls of various sizes, vegetables, fruits, stencils of leaves, clothes, toys, illustrations based on fairy tales in accordance with the theme of this group, coloring books, material on non-traditional drawing techniques: pokes, candles, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, stamps.

Senior and preparatory groups

Paper of different sizes, shapes, textures and colors, colored pencils from 12 to 24 pcs, gouache 9-12 colors, watercolor 12-16 colors, jars for washing paint brush lint, fabric napkins, colored wax crayons, felt-tip pens, brushes, plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, oilcloths for covering tables, equipment for appliqué: scissors, paper of various sizes and colors, glue brushes, napkins, stencils for dishes, vegetables, fruits, etc. Silhouettes of animals, birds and humans, coloring books for girls and boys, materials on non-traditional drawing techniques: pokes, candles, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, stamps, samples of mixing paints (for example, white + red = pink, etc., the presence of diagrams of the sequence of drawing, sculpting, applications taking into account age and gender specifics.

In middle preschool age, the subject-spatial environment is organized according to the principle of semi-closed microspaces in order to avoid crowding of children (small subgroups of 2-4 children)


In older preschool age, it is important to develop any manifestations of preschoolers: independence, self-organization, self-esteem, self-control, self-knowledge, self-expression. Therefore, the creativity is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do any activity.

the materials and equipment in the creativity from time to time.

Material prepared by teacher: Dilman Zhanna Viktorovna

Main differences by age group

Children of the younger age group show the greatest interest in drawing. To acquire drawing skills, it is recommended to purchase wax boards and appropriate dry-erase markers. You can also use rolls of wallpaper. They can be mounted on a wall or table. Kids also love to draw with their fingers and palms. For this it is better to use special paints.

For middle preschool age, it is better to organize activities in micro groups of 2-4 children. Successful introduction at this age occurs with modeling, design, and appliqué. You can also begin to introduce children to non-traditional creative techniques. For example, drawing with cotton swabs, printing with foam rubber, candles, corks, drawing with sand, collage. You can use the advice from the book by Morozova D.V.

Older preschoolers are already interested in even more diverse creative and design techniques. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the publication “Design in kindergarten. Senior group. Notes. Federal State Educational Standard" . Crafts and homemade designs become more complex due to the experience gained in new forms.

Please pay attention to the publication "Crafts for kindergarten" . It is important at this age to cultivate greater independence and self-organization. You can use the following topics: blotography, plasticineography, imprinting with crumpled paper, spraying, drawing with salt. In the preparatory group, more complex experiments can be carried out. For example, drawing on the damp surface of a leaf, blowing droplets across the leaf area.

Decoration of the art activity corner “Cheerful Pencil” in a kindergarten group

Svetlana Odintsova
Design of the “Jolly Pencil” art activity corner in a kindergarten group

Master class “ Designing a corner of the fine art activity Merry Pencil

a kindergarten group .

Forming a group in kindergarten is part of the pedagogical process, on which the successful psychophysiological state of each child depends.

fine arts corner the kindergarten group promotes a favorable environment for the creative activity of children, promotes the emergence and development of independent artistic activity in preschool children. And the most important thing is that the developmental environment in the kindergarten should be located in a visual, convenient, accessible place for children, and that they have free access to artistic and creative materials.

In my group , I tried to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of children's artistic creativity.

Cartoon or fairy-tale characters are perfect for decorating walls. Kids will be very pleased to see their favorite characters on the walls.

Fine Art Corner FUNNY PENCIL

For production we will need: a template of a cartoon character (Internet, self-adhesive in different colors, a simple pencil , black and blue market, scissors, cardboard rolls of self-adhesive (for making pencils )


Prints a picture of our hero on a printer in the format we need.

We cut it out along the contour of our character and apply it to the wall, tracing it with a simple pencil .

Next, we cut the character template piece by piece, gradually starting from the bottom.

We transfer each pattern piece onto self-adhesive paper of the color we need, trace it, cut it out, and attach it to the wall.

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Stained glass window decoration in a kindergarten group New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and cheerful holiday. Green elegant Christmas tree with colorful toys, sparkling and shiny, general.


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