“My Small Motherland” Project on patriotic education in the middle group

Planning for patriotic education in the middle group

Long-term work plan for moral and patriotic education in the middle group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Education


"My favorite kindergarten"

1. A tour of the kindergarten and an introduction to the work of the employees.

Goal: to introduce children to the premises and staff of the kindergarten.

2. Conversation about the importance of the work of all people working in kindergarten.

Goal: to deepen children’s knowledge that there are many people working in kindergarten who care about them.

3. Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten.

Goal: to develop children's speech, creative activity, desire to please other people.

4. OOD "Our Kindergarten"

Goal: to consolidate, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

5. Conversation: “Where there is neatness, there is neatness”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge and skills about etiquette.

Let's help grandma Fedora

cultivate accuracy in doing things.

6. OOD “Let's play together”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about a friendly attitude towards peers, about the need to play together.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “My favorite kindergarten”


Goal: to arouse in children a desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in drawings, to cultivate love for their kindergarten; friendly attitude towards peers; cultivate respect for kindergarten employees, a desire to help them, and bring joy.


"Our Motherland-Russia"


1. Conversation “Our Motherland-Russia”


Goal: to clarify, deepen knowledge and ideas about Russia (territory, president, capital, language)


2. Entertainment “You are Seliyarovo, you are my beloved land...”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about their native land, to instill love for our small Motherland and pride in it.

3. Tour of Seliyarovo “Our sights”

Goal: to introduce children to the sights of the village, to cultivate love for their native land.

3. Conversation symbols of Russia:

"State flag of the Russian Federation"


Purpose: to introduce the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the purpose, symbolism of colors and their relative positions.

"State Emblem of Russia"


Purpose: to introduce the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, to form elementary ideas about the origin and function of the coat of arms of Russia, about the symbolic meaning of the color combination and images in it.

"National Anthem of Russia"

Purpose: to introduce the national anthem of Russia and the rules for its use, talk about its origin, purpose, content; identify its features that are similar to those of other musical works and different from them.

4. Conversation “Whoever wishes good for people gets it himself”

Goal: to teach to understand oneself through knowledge of one’s feelings, to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and mood of another person, to cultivate a sense of compassion and mercy.

5. Reading competition “Poems about the Motherland”


Goal: to cultivate feelings of love, respect and care for the Motherland.

6. Conversation “House, street, address”


Goal: continue to introduce children to their native village and develop communication skills.

7. Making the album “Nature of the Native Land”


Goal: to form children’s understanding of the beauty of the nature of the Ugra land, to cultivate a sense of pride that they live in such a beautiful country.

8. Drawing on the theme “My Motherland”


Goal: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. Foster love and respect for the Motherland.


"My family"

1. Design and viewing of albums “My Family”


Goal: to form an idea of ​​the composition of the family, to cultivate love and respect for close relatives.

2. Children's stories about family members based on personal experience.

Goal: to instill love and respect for close relatives, respect for their work.

3. Conversation “Respect your father and mother - there will be grace in life”


Goal: to cultivate love and respect for parents.

4. Photo collage “My Home”

Goal: to study and tell about the history of the origin of your home.

5. Drawing on the theme “My family”

Goal: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing. Cultivate love and respect for your family members.

6. Entertainment dedicated to Mother’s Day “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.”

Goal: to instill in children respect for their mother, a desire to help, please, and care for her. Let the children understand that the mother is the closest person to the child.

7. Story-based role-playing game “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the work of parents at home and at work, to cultivate feelings of love, respect and care; expand ideas about professions


"New Year at the Gate"

1. Conversation “What kind of holiday is New Year?”

Goal: to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the New Year holiday, family, kind, fun.

2. Reading fiction “What is good and what is bad?”

Goal: to reveal to children the meaning of the words “impossible”

; learn to evaluate actions and correlate them with words good and bad.

3. Game - conversation “Me and my rights”


Goal: to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a form accessible to preschoolers.

4. Conversation “Fauna of our region”


Goal: to form an idea of ​​the environmental conditions to which animals and plants have adapted in our region; develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in our region; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

7. Holiday "New Year's Carnival"


Goal: to create a joyful mood in children.

8. Holding the “Best New Year’s Toy”
(together with parents)

Goal: to cultivate in children and parents a desire to invent and create something together.


"Folk Holidays"

1. Conversation “Folk holidays in Russia. Christmas"

Goal: to introduce children to the tradition of celebrating the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ; cultivate interest in national traditions. Expand children's knowledge about folk holidays in Rus'.

2. Entertainment “Carol has come to visit”


Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays.

3. GCD “Get the job done”


Goal: to teach children to finish what they start, not to quit their work halfway, to teach them to foresee the result.

4. Exhibition of children's drawings “Miracle, miracle Christmas”


Goal: to arouse in children the desire to reflect their impressions and ideas in the drawing.

5. Introduction to Russian folk games


Goal: to instill love for native culture.


“Strong and mighty are the heroes of glorious Rus'”

(for Defender of the Fatherland Day)


1. Examination of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”

. Listening to the recording of epics about Ilya Muromets, Mikita Selyaninovich, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Purpose: to introduce the exploits of heroes. Expanding your horizons.

2. "The pride of my family."

A story about relatives who served in the army or were in the war.

Goal: to instill in children a desire to talk about their relatives - warriors, to cultivate pride in them.

3. Excursion to the winter park.

Goal: to develop a sense of empathy and involvement in the fate of birds in winter, love and interest in native nature, in the symbol of Russia - the birch tree.

4. Conversation “My friends”


Goal: to form in children the concept that people are not alike, but they are all equal; to instill in children respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, appearance, or physical disabilities.

5. Maslenitsa


Goal: to cultivate interest in Russian folk holidays, interest in the history of Russia, and national pride.

6. Making gifts for fathers and grandfathers.

Goal: to instill a desire to take care of your close relatives.

7. View the presentation “Who guards the silence?”


Goal: expand children’s understanding of the Russian army, consolidate knowledge about various military professions and branches of the military; talk about the people who glorified our country during the war, about how people honor their memory.

8. Sports entertainment “The boys want to serve in the army”


Goal: to develop speed, endurance, strength, and attention in children.


"My mom"

1. Round table “About mothers of relatives and very important ones”


Goal: to cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mother, the desire to care and help her.

2. Making a gift for mothers and grandmothers.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to please mothers and grandmothers.

3. Holiday “We congratulate mothers on March 8th”


Goal: to cultivate a desire to congratulate mothers and grandmothers and take care of them.

4. Plot-role-playing game “Daughters - Mothers”


Goal: to promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, to develop the ability to get along with each other in a joint game.

5. Game - gatherings “Ladushki visiting grandma”


Goal: to form in children an understanding of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, and to cultivate a love for oral folk art.


"Our Cosmonauts"

1. OOD “Conquest of Space”


Purpose: to give an idea of ​​outer space; about the nearest star - the Sun, about the earth's satellite - the Moon; to cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut. Learn to fantasize and dream

2. Sports entertainment “We are astronauts.”

Target. To develop agility, speed, strength, and endurance in children.

3. Holiday “Russia is famous for its miracles - masters”


Goal: to introduce people to folk crafts, to instill love and interest in Russian antiquity and folklore traditions.

4. Round table “Me and my name”


Purpose: to introduce the meaning of the names of children and parents; explain the concept of first name, patronymic, last name; consolidate the ability to understand and explain the meaning of Russian proverbs about family.

5. Presentation “Easter Holiday”


Goal: to develop interest in the culture of your people; develop the ability to apply knowledge about national culture in various activities.


"Spring Festival"

1. Entertainment “Vesnyanka”


Goal: to clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring; develop interest in the culture of your people.

2. Conversation “Victory Banner”


Goal: to form a basic understanding of the history of the Fatherland, consolidate and generalize knowledge about the types of flags and their purpose; give brief information on the history of banners.

3. OOD “This Victory Day”


Goal: to introduce children to life during the Great Patriotic War; to form patriotic feelings and interest in Russia’s past.

4. Excursion to the eternal flame

with the laying of flowers at the obelisk of fallen soldiers.

Goal: to convey to children the idea that after many years people remember the events of the terrible war and honor the memory of those who died.

5. Design of the stand “My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland”


Goal: to cultivate love and respect for close relatives as defenders of the Motherland.

6. “Garland of Friendship”


Goal: expand the idea of ​​friendship, cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards each other, the desire to help, and participate in collective affairs.


"Summer holidays"

1. Entertainment "Children's Day"

Goal: to continue to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child in a form accessible to preschoolers.

2. Drawing competition “My favorite toy”

(Together with parents)

Goal: to cultivate a desire to draw, to share your hobbies.

3. Conversation “The Long-Awaited Summer”

Goal: to introduce children to summer games and promote speech development.

4. Communication situation “At Grandma’s in the village”

Goal: exchange impressions about life in rural areas.

5. Exhibition of family photographs “Rest”

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