Project “My Small Motherland” Senior group “Swallow”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


ON THE. Garkushova MBDOU kindergarten No. 27, teacher (Belgorod)

We know that the basic qualities of personality are formed in childhood. And the future and the fate of our country depend on what qualities we can instill and educate in children.

The love of a small child for the Motherland begins with the relationship with the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his home, street, city. Therefore, it is necessary to start introducing children to their small Motherland from early childhood. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what children see. It is important to introduce children to the culture of their people, since turning to heritage fosters a sense of pride and respect for the land on which you live.

When starting work, I conducted a survey of the level of knowledge of children and the interest of parents on this topic. As a result, it was revealed that children have knowledge, but it is episodic in nature and requires generalization and systematization. Children do not know famous Belgorod residents. Parents do not take an active part in the life of the city - they do not attend city holidays and events. Considering these results, I concluded that it is necessary to convey to parents the significance and importance of patriotic education of children.

It is not easy for young children to imagine what the city is like as a whole. That's why I started getting acquainted with the city in our kindergarten. She gave us a tour of the kindergarten, told us what it was called and what street it was located on. She introduced me to various rooms, their purpose, and people’s work. To consolidate the knowledge gained on the excursion, we drew pictures on the topic: “Our favorite kindergarten . We designed an album in which we placed children's drawings and photographs. She suggested that at home we draw a plan for the child’s path from home to kindergarten. Everyone responded with pleasure.

To introduce the children to how our city came into being, I prepared a presentation in which I told how and where the city-fortress was built. She introduced me to the work of fellow countryman Igor Chernukhin. We memorized an excerpt from the poem “Bel-gorod” , in which he tells how people built the city by hand with axes.

Thus, knowing your history, you feel proud of the people and love your small Motherland even more.

To acquaint children with the sights of the city, she organized a number of excursions. Since the kindergarten is located not far from the park named after. Lenin, that’s where we went first. During the excursion, the children were told that the park is a place intended for recreation; it has beautiful alleys, attractions, and cafes. The children admired the beauty of the surrounding nature. We saw how much people had to work to create such beautiful flower beds and alleys. Remember the rules of behavior in nature.

She suggested that parents and their children visit the sights of the city and take a photo report of their walk. “Me and My Favorite City” appeared . On it, the guys saw and recognized familiar places. This is Cathedral Square, and the eternal flame, and the Shchepkin Drama Theater. The children shared their impressions with each other and argued about who had visited the best place in the city.

During the activities, close contact was established with parents. They were equal participants in the process. “My White City” was held , in which children and parents proved who knows their city better.

To consolidate the children’s knowledge about the nature of our native land, we went on an excursion to the local history museum, which is located in the central part of the city, on the street. Popova. The children got acquainted with the exhibition, which told about the animals and birds of our region. Looking at the collections of stones and herbariums, the children saw how rich our region is in flora and fauna.

A local history center has been created in the group. It includes the albums “My Family” , “My City” , “Our Kindergarten” , symbols of the city and Russia, fiction, children’s drawings about holidays, life at home and in kindergarten. Children can apply the knowledge gained on excursions and visiting museums in practice, working in the local history center. In this center, children are given the opportunity to work with a city map, draw, look at illustrations and books, and create models.

The kindergarten has a general local history center. It contains a model of a Russian hut with furniture and household items placed inside. Conducting excursions in the center, I introduce children to the purpose of various ancient objects, the life and traditions of the Russian people, and national holidays. Children begin to understand that people and things have their own history, they learn to respect the traditions and customs of their people, they develop respect for culture, and a willingness to understand and accept a value system.

The Great Patriotic War. Battle of Kursk. This historical event covered our region with unfading glory. Arc of Fire diorama on their day off with their children . In kindergarten, children enthusiastically described what they saw on the excursion. Most of all I remember the huge canvas and the battle on the tank field; we decided to make a mini-museum in our group “Tank Battle on the Prokhorovsky Field” . Parents printed a photograph of the canvas, children brought military equipment (tanks, planes, soldiers). Together with the children, we made a model of trenches, placed military equipment, thereby recreating the picture of the battle.

To celebrate Victory Day, she carried out work dedicated to the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. “Memory Tape” stand . The material was selected by parents and children. Each child brought a photograph of his relative who defended our Motherland from enemies and talked about which front he fought on, what awards and orders he received. Listening to these stories, we came into contact with living history and turned the pages of memory. Children received knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, the defenders of the Fatherland and their exploits, about another page in the history of their native land. The work I have done contributes to the civic and moral development of the individual.

The “book center” is also working to familiarize people with their native land. I replenish and change educational books, illustrations, photographs. Albums about the nature of the region, its history. The Red Data Book of the Belgorod Region is also located here. Leafing through its pages, the child wonders what needs to be done to prevent rare plants and animals from disappearing.

In the process of this work, the children learned to see the beauty of the world around them, empathize with troubles, help loved ones, admire the beauty of their native land, and conscientiously and responsibly carry out the assigned task. I hope that I was able to lay in the children the foundation on which a new feeling will grow - a feeling of love for their Fatherland.

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