Professional pedagogical network communities

Professional online communities

In modern conditions, it is no longer possible to imagine our daily life without new information technologies. And today, more than ever, it is important to move to a qualitatively new level in approaches to the use of computer equipment and information technology in all areas of preschool educational institutions.

The basis of the educational system is the information and educational environment. Interactive human-computer interaction is becoming the basis of the modern educational process.

What do we mean by information and educational environment? This:

  1. the presence of a system of means of “communication” with information;
  2. availability of a system for independent work with information;
  3. the presence of intensive connections between participants in the educational process.

Basic terms

A professional network community is a formal or informal group of professionals working in the same subject or problematic professional activity on the network.

Participation in professional network associations allows teachers living in different parts of the country and abroad to communicate with each other, solve professional issues and improve their professional level.

At this point in time, a situation has developed in the urban community where the speed of changes associated with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard does not allow teachers to carry out an objective analysis of their own activities, the search for optimal and effective ways and techniques of teaching practice.

And communication with colleagues can solve this problem. This logically begs the question: “When to do this?” ... After all, to communicate you need to meet, you need time, etc.

The purpose of the activity

the network pedagogical community is the development of content that is relevant for Russian education and personally significant for each participant, traditional values ​​of national culture; formation of key competencies in the process of joint educational activities.

Network pedagogical community “Preschool education” - presentation

Network pedagogical community “Preschool education”

A networked pedagogical community is a group of people who communicate and conduct joint activities using computer network tools. A networked pedagogical community is an initiative group of like-minded people who work to solve a chosen problem using technical means of information exchange.

Network = community simple actions of participants + messaging + social services

Objectives of network pedagogical communities: improving the professional skills of teaching staff at various levels; improving the educational and methodological support system for education by reducing the testing time and introducing innovative methods and teaching materials; providing a wide range of interested parties with open access to educational information resources and solutions to current educational issues; creating a model of a multi-level adaptive system for professional development of teachers and their methodological support using the Internet; development of technologies for the formation of information and educational space (increasing the range and improving the quality of educational services provided); organization of joint activities of teachers in a unified educational information environment development of technologies for the formation of information and educational space

Phases of community formation Discussion of topical issues of interest to community members; Exchange of accumulated methodological experience among community members (publication of previously created materials in community libraries); Creation of new teaching materials in working groups, at the request of colleagues, etc.; Organization of master classes, competitions, festivals, etc. by the participants themselves. A working community is at least 10 people who regularly (at least once a week) participate in its work.

Criteria for an effective network professional community of teachers Number of active participants. Duration of community activity (life cycle) Community dynamism (Growth in the number of active participants, number of topics discussed and their rotation, density of discussion) Axiological orientation (conceptuality, purpose, objectives) Design of the community page Sociocultural orientation of interaction (presence of discussions on issues of speech norms, presence in community of the “code of online behavior”, moderation rules and other norms or their discussion) Focus on expanding the scope of cooperation (involving in the discussion teachers from schools where members of the network community work, teachers of the advanced training system, teachers of “related” specialties). A variety of activities that correspond to the goals and objectives of the community Methodological orientation of interaction Information and communication activities of the community (discussion of pedagogical information: forum, chat, services for organizing group trainings)

Possible content of areas of activity of participants in the network pedagogical community: Expert-analytical - assessment of pedagogical developments, educational services, selection of materials of educational value that arise in the implementation process; analysis of information resources on a given problem (topic); selective annotation of textbooks, manuals, didactic and other materials. Advisory - transfer of experience "teacher - teacher", obtaining consultations "teacher - specialist", providing advisory assistance in the development of professional products. Project - creation, development and implementation of network projects for children and adults within the community; participation in a project competition; development of master classes, distance courses, open lessons for community members, Educational - conducting and participation in master classes, distance courses, open virtual lessons; participation in the analysis of tasks for mastery of pedagogical skills; self-education in the process of participating in the discussion of problematic issues related to the activities of the teacher. Scientific and methodological – initiation of discussion of problematic pedagogical issues; creation of methodological and didactic materials; solving inventive problems of an applied nature aimed at improving the educational process.

Sections of the community page: Greeting (address) Emblem News Participants Useful links Methodical piggy bank Free communication area, forums Trainings, competitions, etc. Congratulations, etc.

ATTENTION! By posting material in an online community, you guarantee that: ATTENTION! By posting material in an online community, you guarantee that: the work was done by you personally or you are a co-author (scientific supervisor); for this work you have no obligations to third parties that would prevent the publication of materials; all citations given in the work have links to bibliographic sources; illustrations, photos, videos and graphic materials contain an indication of the original source. materials that do not have links to any sources are copyrighted; photographs and copyright materials of minors are posted with the consent of their parents.

We invite you to co-creation, we are waiting for you!

Factors influencing the formation of a professional network community

There are three main factors that create the foundation of a professional network community:

  1. Idea.

    It is the idea that “grows” with proposals, discussions on the topic, joint research and projects. In many ways, it is the idea that enjoys one degree or another of trust and attracts people of a certain worldview, upbringing, and culture.

  2. Possibility of communication.

    Expressing your opinion, dialogues with people dealing with the same problem, discussion.
    John Dewey in his book “Democracy and Education” showed that communication is of decisive importance for the formation of a community, any types of human communities contain a learning function, there are criteria that allow us to determine the measure of the pedagogical value of any type of socialization, a particular community.”

  3. Conditions for idea development


New visitors and new members

for the community
to have the opportunity to personally participate in the activities of the community
; the information that other people write is interesting.

Greatest importance for the formation and existence of a community

have the following characteristics:

  • Common goals, interests, and needs.
  • Shared resources that community members have access to.
  • The general context and language of communication in which members of the community are immersed.

So, we tried to solve all the issues considered by creating the network community “Preschool Education” on the city educational portal TolWiki. It is within the community that virtual communication can be realized.

Of course, professionals in their field have gathered here, but young specialists also work at preschool educational institutions, and even the best practicing teachers sometimes need help. Today, all teachers have access to the Internet, so everyone can find the necessary information, but before finding it they have to look through many sites and this takes a lot of time. What better way to go to one resource and select the necessary information there. This could be the development of classes, the legal framework and experience of basic educational institutions, etc.

Let's look at the most popular online teaching communities

Network of Creative Teachers The network was created for teachers who are interested in the possibilities of improving the quality of education through the use of information and communication technologies. Contains a variety of materials and resources regarding the use of ICT in the educational process, and also there you can communicate with your colleagues. The peculiarity is that all materials undergo examination - about 200 materials are uploaded to the portal every day, and only about 15% of which are published. Initially, the network is focused on the joint creativity of teachers of various academic subjects who use information technology in their work.

Network pedagogical community “Open Class” The project is aimed at ensuring a new quality of education in Russia through the creation of social and pedagogical communities on the Internet, whose activities are aimed at supporting the processes of informatization of schools, the professional development of teachers in in the ICT field, for the widespread dissemination of electronic educational resources and the introduction of methods of use, for the modernization of the system of methodological support for informatization of education, distance learning and much more.

Internet teachers' council A space for teachers to communicate at a distance, one of the forms of distance learning and the opportunity to improve professional qualifications. On the one hand, it is a network educational community, and on the other hand, it is a mass media, an active information and communication platform that reflects the state of modern education.

Internet State of Teachers (InterGuru) Project of the Ministry of Education of Russia, publishing house “Prosveshchenie”. The main goal of the project is to create a network community of creative teachers. An open system of independent network projects interconnected by a game economic scheme. The goals of this project are: providing support for the professional activities of teachers; providing the opportunity for self-realization and self-affirmation through joint network practical activities; creation and support of new educational initiatives.

Professional community of teachers - It is part of the information and educational portal RusEdu, created in 2004 and designed to meet the needs of teaching staff in information exchange, communication and self-realization. Currently, the portal contains many sites united by one topic - education and training. A collective educational encyclopedia that provides for the publication of materials and the maintenance of network projects.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Model of a professional community of preschool education workers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education as a tool for the implementation of innovative forms of methodological activity

The modern system of preschool education in Russia is characterized by a targeted focus on the harmonious development of the child.

The need to ensure high-quality training, professional growth and development of preschool education workers was noted back in 2010 by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin at a meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation: “We should support the development of network pedagogical communities, interactive teaching classrooms - in a word, everything that shapes the professional environment...” .

Solving this problem in the context of a teacher in a preschool educational organization involves:

implementation of the possibilities of formal, non-formal and informal education to ensure professional growth and high standards of professional work of a teacher;

updating the content of education;

integration of information and communication technologies into the process of advanced training for teachers and managers of preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as PEO);

attraction of innovative forms of organizing the educational process.

Thus, one of the priority models that ensures the training and professional growth of preschool education workers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the creation and development of network professional communities.

Let us consider the issue of domestic experience in creating and developing such communities. Successful examples here are a number of the following all-Russian professional associations of educators:

a social network of educators, within the framework of which there are such professional associations of representatives of preschool educational institutions as a methodological association of teachers, speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, a methodological association of educators;

festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” ;

a network of creative teachers, within which a community operates for heads of educational institutions and teachers of preschool care and education;

professional community “Methodists” , in which there are thematic and discussion platforms for the interaction of senior educators, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements for preschool education, problems of preschool correctional education are discussed.

The analysis showed that regional and municipal professional communities are developing no less successfully and effectively. And even communities that exist on the basis of individual preschool educational organizations. Professional associations of educators differ in nature, goals, objectives, and areas of their activities. It can be noted that existing network municipal, regional and all-Russian professional communities make it possible to solve some narrow tasks determined by the goals and priorities of a given information community at the choice of coordinators. At the same time, the following problems of development of such communities in our country are highlighted:

the formal nature of the community’s existence (mechanisms for interaction with authorities, the public, the scientific community, and so on have not been worked out);

the isolation of communities and their highly specialized nature (mostly specialists of one category are involved, communities are closed to parents of children attending kindergartens, communities do not interact with each other);

the lack of a resource on the Internet for a number of associations;

membership in the community is superficial and does not affect the status and activities of the employee (they are not involved in competitions, publications, membership does not provide certain advantages that motivate joining the community);

lack of development of mechanisms for financing and raising funds for the effective functioning and development of communities.

The model of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers is aimed at solving these problems.

The key direction of this model is the creation of a community of regional and municipal network communities that open up fundamentally different opportunities for education, communication and have serious pedagogical potential in public administration. Today in the country there are many strong professional communities of preschool education workers. It is inappropriate to oppose them with a new community, to create competition in this environment. The goal is to integrate existing communities of various levels into a single structure, which will be reflected both in network interaction (based on a specialized electronic resource) and in face-to-face participation, securing the status of a member of this community, which provides certain benefits and advantages.

The model of the professional network community being created is a platform for representing the interests of the educational space of specialists involved in the field of preschool education (teachers, educators, methodologists, psychologists, psychophysiologists, preschool directors), together with interested parties (parents, representatives of the public).

The main purpose of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers is to unite people grouped into small professional communities of interests. Such groups have similar professional interests and activities.

Participants in such a community are united not only by the desire for a certain area of ​​knowledge, but also by the desire to cooperate in the process of applying this knowledge in practice, as well as to represent their interests, including in managing the process of preschool education. In other words, the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers will become a platform for the development of state and public management in the preschool sector.

The goals of creating a Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers:

improving the quality of education;

development of variability in the areas of activity of professional communities in the regions;

creation of effective tools for professional growth, development of special competencies among all specialists involved in the field of preschool education, for their effective communication;

representation of interests in the state-public management of the preschool education system by communities of parents and the public;

providing opportunities for public examination of the quality of activities of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions (rating system, evaluation of developments and experience of educators and directors, etc.);

discussion, support and constructive criticism of new educational initiatives at the all-Russian level;

representation of the socio-economic and professional interests of members of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers (system of benefits, advantages, legal education for participants).

Participants of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers:

managers and employees of preschool educational organizations;

parents and other family members of preschool children;

lawyers in the field of educational law, providing advice to other participants on issues of protecting the rights of educational and labor legislation. Their participation is envisaged in the examination of draft laws and other regulatory documents;

representatives of various non-profit organizations;

representatives of the non-state sector of preschool education, as well as young businessmen starting their own business in the sector of preschool education services;

specialists from state and public education management bodies;

specialists from scientific, experimental, and internship sites in the field of preschool education;

responsible persons (coordinators) of the municipal or regional professional community who will represent the interests of the network association, as well as broadcast important information on the portal of the network community;

tutors (experts) who provide consultations to municipal and regional communities using the functionality of the online community portal;

representatives of the Federal Center for Distance Learning, resource center;

representatives of publishing houses, scientific organizations, interested commercial organizations and foundations that provide support for one or another innovative form presented on the community portal;

representatives of trade unions of teaching staff of preschool educational organizations.

User interaction within the online community is a horizontal interaction between educational organizations and their representatives to distribute functionality and resources. Network interaction of educational organizations today is becoming a modern, highly effective innovative technology that allows educational institutions not only to survive, but also to develop dynamically. The diagram of network interaction of educational organizations within the network community is presented below (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Network interaction of users within the online community

Network interaction of participants of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers is carried out in the following areas of activity:

1. Information.

Within the framework of this direction it is assumed:

posting information about important events of the municipal and regional professional community;

placement of news, feature articles, publication of periodical electronic publications;

posting the results of ratings and public and other types of expert assessment of the activities of preschool educational institutions;

publication of information and materials of the network community on the website of the municipal, regional professional network community.

2. Exchange of experience:

presentation of successful teaching experience and best practices;

social and professional assessment of the experience presented by other members of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers (commenting, voting).

3. Communication.

Within the framework of this direction it is assumed:

informal communication (personal messages);

communication based on interests (creation of groups);

participation in the examination of pedagogical and methodological developments, the results of the activities of individual teaching staff of preschool educational organizations, educational authorities;

a system of consultations on various issues (tutors), participation in the discussion of ways to solve problem situations.

4. Education of participants (formal, non-formal, informal). Examples are:

use of the knowledge base and materials of the electronic library of the online community;

posting materials (messages, articles, analytical materials, etc.);

communication on professional topics with other members of the online community (including a system of foresights, focus groups for discussing various problem areas);

training and testing your knowledge in the distance learning and testing system.

Of course, to realize such opportunities, modern tools are needed, united on the basis of one platform. Such a platform, according to the model, is a unified information educational environment, namely a specialized electronic resource (portal) of the “Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers” on the Internet.

The purpose of creating the portal is:

provision of modern electronic educational resources, information services, information systems and technologies for training and education;

creating conditions for updating the forms, means, technologies and methods of implementing educational programs and services;

creating conditions for teaching disciplines and disseminating knowledge, expanding access to electronic education at all levels, taking into account the possibility of building modern mechanisms for training and education.

Functions of such a resource:

creation of a single information space accessible to every member of the community;

organization of formal and informal communication on professional topics;

initiation of virtual interaction for subsequent interaction offline;

exchange of teaching and learning experiences;

dissemination of successful teaching practices;

support for new educational initiatives.

Such a unified information educational environment of the professional community will not only ensure effective professional development of the teacher, but also significantly accelerate his acquaintance with new technologies, as well as ensure the availability of the most modern training programs and didactic materials, holding master classes and best educational practices, regardless of the region , personal characteristics of a person, material capabilities.

The news section contains announcements and reports on events, other events related to the field of preschool education, and updates of materials in various sections of the portal. This section provides a service for viewing the news archive: searching by various criteria, including text, publication period, news tag, etc. In general, the news section is similar to similar sections on most sites and portals.

The “methodological section” of the online community portal ensures the operation of a library of methodological, normative and reference documentation. The libraries contain a list of methodological documents, educational literature of federal laws, regulations of the thematic focus of the portal. It is possible to attach files of any type, including images, audio and video files, as well as links to external resources.

It is important to note that in all sections of the methodological library it is possible to perform a quick search for documents by name and an expanded one - by year of publication, place of publication, content, etc.

Now changes in the requirements for the professional competencies of a kindergarten teacher within the framework of the new professional standard necessitate the implementation of a developmental model for constructing the educational process and a departure from the traditional (educational) model.

The teacher is obliged to organize the educational process in a high-quality manner, for example, to create conditions for the implementation of the educational process, to organize a subject-development environment, to build partnerships with parents, and to organize effective interaction with colleagues.

The functioning of the methodological section on the portal of the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers will contribute to:

improving the mechanisms for managing methodological work and the formal education system as a whole;

improving the methodology and strategy for selecting content, methods and organizational forms of training and education;

ensuring the continuous education of the teacher, developing his skills to independently acquire knowledge, build educational, experimental and research activities.

In the “Training” section, several models for organizing network interaction in the context of specialized training are highlighted:

integration of full-time and distance learning;

providing users with a detailed list of training information presented in text, graphic, audio and video formats, grouped by training programs;

network learning, including an autonomous distance learning course, information and educational environment (student forum, feedback from teachers, consultations, etc.), use of an electronic bulletin board;

video conferencing, computer video conferencing, interactive television.

The tools implemented within the “Training” section will allow the preschool teacher to receive:

formal education (advanced training in varying amounts with a modern approach to the educational process - with the maximum inclusion of such effective forms of work as case studies, project methods, various group forms of classes, and so on);

non-formal education (through network interaction of organizations in the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers, participants can organize and conduct various proprietary courses, master classes and other forms of informal learning);

informal education (with the help of a bank of teaching materials, publication of the best practices of other participants, presentation of their developments, and so on).

It is important to note that in the context of non-formal and informal education, a teacher participant in the Professional Community of Preschool Education Workers on the portal can act not only as a learner, but also as a teacher.

This solution has its advantages:

firstly, economic (costs for advanced training are reduced) and pedagogical (learning becomes more motivated, technologically advanced and individualized);

secondly, ergonomic (teachers have the opportunity to distribute class time according to a schedule convenient for themselves, which allows them to improve their qualifications without interrupting work);

thirdly, information technology (the availability of modern software and new educational technologies is increasing).

Thus, the implementation of this model will not only update the issues of organizing municipal and regional professional communities, but also create a unified educational and information environment that meets the requirements for achieving the process of continuous development of educators and managers of preschool educational organizations.

The functioning of this model of a professional network community will support the process of widespread introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and ensure high standards of professional work of teachers in the preschool education system.

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Currently, the number of pedagogical network communities is growing rapidly. Network communities are developing at the level of school, region, subject areas, and problems. Each teacher can decide independently which community to choose for himself. This gives him the opportunity for professional growth, starting from a simple observer of the life process of a network resource, to an expert, and maybe even an administrator of his own community.

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