Pedagogical conversations and thematic consultations for parents

Conversation with parents. work program

"Organizing a conversation with parents."

Conversations between the teacher and parents are the most accessible and widespread form of establishing communication between the teacher and the family, his systematic communication with the father and mother of the child, and with other family members.

The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue of education and achieve a common point of view on these issues, providing parents with timely assistance.

A conversation can be used in working with parents as an independent form or in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting a family, at a parent meeting, consultation.

Features of the conversations:

  • The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance.
  • The active participation of both the teacher and parents in the conversation is an essential feature of this form, which allows for an effective influence on parents.
  • Sometimes a teacher, having given advice to parents, made an instruction, a remark, believes that he has talked with the parents, but it remains unclear what the parents themselves thought about this: how they perceived the advice, remark, how they plan to implement the teacher’s recommendations, what, in their opinion father or mother, was the cause of deviations in the child’s behavior, which makes it difficult for them to develop this or that skill, ability, quality, etc., i.e. there was no substantive conversation.
  • The conversation is best conducted in order to prevent conflict situations, to establish relationships between parents and children, between individual teachers and the family.

It is necessary to use conversation when working with parents in order to achieve a trusting atmosphere and identify difficult points of contact in conflict situations. The results of the conversation should not become public if one of the participants does not want it. In a conversation, the teacher should listen and hear more, and not give educational recommendations or edify.

  • When conducting a conversation, it is recommended to choose the most appropriate conditions and start it with neutral questions, then move directly to the main topics.
  • If the conversation arose spontaneously (usually in this case, it is initiated by the parents) and the teacher cannot give the father or mother the necessary attention, he arranges a special meeting with the parents at a time convenient for them. Other parents may be invited to this conversation, for whom, in the opinion of the teacher, participation in a conversation on this topic is useful. But it is necessary to take into account: if the issues raised in the conversation are related to intra-family relationships, the presence of strangers is undesirable - the atmosphere of the conversation should be conducive to frankness. And in the case when the conversation arises on the initiative of the parents, caused by their questions, judgments, proposals, the teacher should take charge of the conversation: he gives it the right direction, draws conclusions.
  • If the initiator of the conversation is a teacher, he thinks in advance where he will start it, what questions he will ask parents in order to reveal their understanding of the issues under discussion and their attitude towards them. When agreeing with parents on the time of the conversation, the teacher informs the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, it is necessary to strive, if possible, to cover all the problematic aspects of raising children.

Pedagogical conversation must meet certain requirements:

  • first of all, this is their specificity and content; as a result of the conversation, parents should receive new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising children
  • the conversation should awaken parents’ interest in pedagogical problems and increase their sense of responsibility for raising children.
  • What is important is the lively nature of the conversation, goodwill, but the friendly tone in which the conversation is conducted does not exclude the teacher from presenting the necessary demands.

In order to achieve contact with parents during the conversation and involve them in the discussion, the teacher must provide a number of conditions:

  • Consider the place and time of the conversation.
  • Parents should have enough time to discuss the planned issues without rushing.
  • During the conversation, nothing should distract those talking. There should be no strangers whose presence might embarrass the parents, although there are times when the teacher deliberately seeks to attract the attention of other parents and involve them in conversation.
  • It is better to start the conversation with more general, neutral questions.
  • The teacher always has facts that positively characterize the child. These facts must definitely be applied in conversations, then the negative things that the teacher is forced to say about the child are not perceived so painfully by the parents.

Of course, in subsequent conversations, the teacher must find out how his advice was implemented by the parents, and what has changed in the child’s upbringing.

When using a conversation as a means of obtaining information about raising a child in a family, the teacher must keep in mind that this information is not always sufficiently reliable. The fact is that people’s actual behavior and their own assessment of this behavior may not coincide and even come into conflict, especially when assessing family relationships. Therefore, knowledge about the nature of raising a child in a family, obtained in a conversation, should be supplemented and clarified when the teacher visits the family, his observations of the relationship between parents and child.

Material for conversations with parents is given to the teacher by observing the child: his compliance with the rules of behavior in a team, his attitude towards children, adults and their demands, his attitude towards activities; conversations with the child, revealing his knowledge, ideas, motives of behavior.

The friendliness of the teacher, the validity of his assessments and the conclusions he makes from the perspective of the child’s interests, make parents want to openly express their opinions, share their impressions, and talk about the child’s behavior in the family.

Thus, conversation is a means of establishing contacts with parents, studying the child’s family upbringing and influencing the nature of this upbringing.

Basic rules for establishing good personal contact and building effective communication and interaction with parents.

Basic requirements for conducting a conversation.

Preparing for the conversation:

  • Determine the purpose of the conversation. Otherwise the conversation is a fruitless conversation. The true goals of the conversation should not be known to the interlocutor.
  • Determine the target questions you will ask. Rank the questions in order of importance. Create a conversation plan based on your specific situation.
  • Identify questions that support the conversation. Based on the needs and interests of the interlocutor.

Making contact with the interlocutor.

  • Questions to keep the conversation going. Ask questions that interest your interlocutor in order to interest him.
  • Do not start with questions that cause negative feelings in the interlocutor. If you see the passivity of your interlocutor: you started with a bad question, he is not in the mood, took the wrong tone, hit a sore spot - try to immediately correct the mistake - be active - attentive.

How to conduct a conversation correctly.

  • What's the best way to ask questions? Do not ask questions “head-on” (it is better to ask them in an indirect form). Questions should be brief and understandable to the interlocutor.
  • Listen carefully and confidentially. Show this to your interlocutor with your gaze, facial expressions, gestures, and with your whole body tilted towards the interlocutor. By sympathizing, approving and supporting, you can hear the maximum amount of information.
  • Give your interlocutor an opportunity to speak. Don't rush him. Approve the accuracy of the thoughts expressed. Ask counter questions to help you speak up or to validate the accuracy of your thoughts.
  • Do not interrupt the interlocutor's statements. The interlocutor always talks about things that are significant to him. Remember! When a conversation is interrupted, contact is lost and important information may be lost.

Basic moments:

  • Give your interlocutor a chance to talk.
  • Express your interest using supportive expressions (“Did I understand correctly?”, “Did I mix up anything?”, “Do you think that...”, etc.)
  • Summarize the most important statements.
  • Don't interrupt the other person.
  • Don't contradict.
  • Ask questions.

Techniques for interacting with parents.

  • Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which work with parents is built. In communication, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.

  • Individual approach.

It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

  • Collaboration, not mentoring.

The position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge will not bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

  • We are preparing seriously.

Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or seminar can negatively impact the positive image of the institution as a whole.

  • Dynamism.

A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests.

An interesting form of working with parents in kindergarten “Meeting with a skillful person”

An interesting form of working with parents in kindergarten

"Meeting with a skilled person"

In preschool childhood, the main activity of the child is play. In play, children get to know themselves and the world, try on different social roles. While playing, they learn to communicate and contact each other. But as it turns out, an equally important activity for a child is meeting a “skillful person.”

Who is this and where can I get it? A very difficult question, but in practice everything turned out to be very simple. Working according to N.M. Krylova’s program “Kindergarten - House of Joy,” I was very surprised that the author considers each person as “skillful in their field,” “master of their field.” And this is really so, before I simply treated these people as “mommies and daddies” who bring the children to me in the morning and take them away in the evening, but when we started talking at the parents’ meeting about what parents can do to please their children, it turned out that that almost everyone is ready and can come to the group with an interesting activity for the child. The accountants sing and draw well, the security guards are great storytellers………But more on that a little later… Let’s figure it out: “what is the advantage of having an adult in the group?”


This is an excellent option to increase your child’s self-esteem and strengthen his position in the group. After all, when your mother comes and teaches everyone how to bake cookies, and you are her main assistant, your peers involuntarily put you higher and make you more significant. After all, you were the only one who agreed with your mother and brought her to the group, and the responsible mother took with her a mixer and a blender, all the ingredients, a whisk and sprinkles, and in the end she gathered everyone for a delicious tea party. It seemed that a blender and other kitchen paraphernalia were those things that stood in the closet at home and were of no interest to anyone except my mother, but in a group they were like a magic wand that made people pay attention to themselves and took a breath away watching them work. And when children, together with their mothers, then go for the recipe and ask to repeat it at home, isn’t this the main praise?


this is an excellent opportunity, indeed, to convey the delights of each activity, because parents come who show their most favorite activity, the activity in which they put their souls, which means this is a special relationship that the child cannot help but notice. And in fact, when they find themselves in front of a group of children and try to present something, parents understand that this is a great responsibility and try to tell as many interesting facts and details about their skills as possible, which gives the children the opportunity to learn more about this or that direction.


when parents come to the group, it really brings it together, because when the kids come home they tell how today “Roma’s mom came and taught them something.” But the most important thing, having realized that kindergarten is not an institution closed to parents, children begin to drag their mothers and fathers to classes, which determines another advantage of this activity, because seeing their child in a group, his behavior and communication with peers, the anxiety of many mothers comes to naught, because many mothers are very worried about their children, in most cases in vain. Therefore, we can say that this type of work in a preschool institution is important not only for children, but also for the teacher and parents, because when preparing for such an activity, the teacher has to be in very close contact with the parent, because an unprepared adult cannot be allowed into the children's team and all words and phrases must first be discussed with the teacher.


An important point in raising children is the relationship with men, a lot has already been written about the fact that children spend most of their time under the supervision of women, these are mothers, grandmothers, educators, almost all teachers at school, some children simply do not have fathers and grandfathers nearby. So when a dad comes to the group, it’s a special moment, the kids freeze, and the way the dads communicate with the kids is just enviable. Dads treat this meeting no less responsibly than mothers, and to make a box for onions, daddy once brought so many tools that even I saw some of them for the first time. We sawed, planed, screwed, cleaned, hammered nails......what is most interesting is that at such meetings even the most notorious naughty people calm down, they change a lot. In such classes you look differently not only at the parents, but also at the children.

Of course, I would like to note that such meetings should be thought out as much as possible; several meetings with an adult must take place before the parent comes to the children’s group with a “skillful task.” The teacher must be sure that he will cope with discipline in the children's group and will be able to set the children up and restrain them at the right moment, because very often you are madly eager to touch new and interesting instruments. The main structural parts of the lesson, such as the organizational aspect, physical minutes, summing up, should be the responsibility of the teacher, because the adult who comes should not perform the functions of a teacher, but only help to reveal this or that activity and arouse interest in it.

I believe that this form of work with parents can be used not only by teachers working under N.M. Krylova’s “Kindergarten - House of Joy” program, but it can be useful for educators working on other programs. Because raising children will be effective only when educators and parents work in tandem.

I also present several photographs from one such meeting, dad came and showed how to draw a boat. The meeting turned out to be very interesting for the children. As a result, everyone drew wonderful ships.

Article on the topic “Organizing and conducting a conversation with parents”

Organizing a conversation with parents

The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue of education and achieve a common point of view on these issues, providing parents with timely assistance.

A conversation can be used in working with parents as an independent form and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting a family, at a parent meeting, consultation.

Features of the conversations:

  • The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance.
  • The active participation of both the teacher and parents in the conversation is an essential feature of this form, which allows for an effective influence on parents.

Sometimes a teacher, having given parents advice, made an instruction, a remark, believes that he has talked with the parents. But at the same time, it remained unclear what the parents themselves thought about this: how they perceived the advice, remark, how they plan to follow the teacher’s recommendations, what, in the opinion of the father or mother, was the cause of deviations in the child’s behavior, what makes it difficult for them when raising this or that skill, ability, quality, etc., i.e. there was no substantive conversation.

The conversation is best conducted in order to prevent conflict situations, to establish relationships between parents and children, between individual teachers and the family.

It is necessary to use conversation when working with parents in order to achieve a trusting atmosphere and identify difficult points of contact in conflict situations. The results of the conversation should not become public if one of its participants does not want it

In a conversation, the teacher should listen and hear more, and not give educational recommendations or edify.

  • When conducting a conversation, it is recommended to choose the most appropriate conditions and start it with neutral questions, then move directly to the main topics.
  • If the conversation arose spontaneously (usually in this case, it is initiated by the parents) and the teacher cannot give the father or mother the necessary attention, he arranges a special meeting with the parents at a time convenient for them.

    Other parents may be invited to this conversation, for whom, in the opinion of the teacher, participation in a conversation on this topic is useful.
    But it is necessary to take into account: if the issues raised in the conversation are related to intra-family relationships, the presence of strangers is undesirable - the atmosphere of the conversation should be conducive to frankness. And in the case when the conversation arises on the initiative of the parents, caused by their questions, judgments, proposals, the teacher should take charge of the conversation: he gives it the right direction, draws conclusions.

  • If the initiator of the conversation is a teacher, he thinks in advance where he will start it, what questions he will ask parents in order to reveal their understanding of the issues under discussion and their attitude towards them.

    When agreeing with parents on the time of the conversation, the teacher informs the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, it is necessary to strive, if possible, to cover all the problematic aspects of raising children.

Pedagogical conversation must meet certain


  • first of all, this is their specificity and content;
    as a result of the conversation, parents should receive new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising children
  • the conversation should awaken parents’ interest in pedagogical problems and increase their sense of responsibility for raising children.
  • What is important is the lively nature of the conversation, goodwill, but the friendly tone in which the conversation is conducted does not exclude the teacher from presenting the necessary demands.

In order to achieve contact with parents during the conversation and involve them in the discussion, the teacher must provide a number of conditions:

  • Consider the place and time of the conversation.
  • Parents should have enough time to discuss the planned issues without rushing.
  • During the conversation, nothing should distract those talking.

    There should be no strangers whose presence may embarrass parents, although there are cases when the teacher deliberately seeks to attract the attention of other parents and involve them in conversation.

  • It is better to start the conversation with more general, neutral questions.
  • The teacher always has facts that positively characterize the child.

    These facts must definitely be applied in conversations, then the negative things that the teacher is forced to say about the child are not perceived so painfully by the parents.

Of course, in subsequent conversations, the teacher must find out how his advice was implemented by the parents, and what has changed in the child’s upbringing.

When using a conversation as a means of obtaining information about a child’s upbringing in a family, the teacher must keep in mind that this information is not always sufficiently reliable. The fact is that people’s actual behavior and their own assessment of this behavior may not coincide and even come into conflict, especially when assessing family relationships. Therefore, knowledge about the nature of raising a child in a family, obtained in a conversation, should be supplemented and clarified when the teacher visits the family, his observations of the relationship between parents and child.

Material for conversations with parents is given to the teacher by observing the child: his compliance with the rules of behavior in a team, his attitude towards children, adults and their demands, his attitude towards activities; conversations with the child, revealing his knowledge, ideas, motives of behavior.

The friendliness of the teacher, the validity of his assessments and the conclusions he makes from the perspective of the child’s interests, make parents want to openly express their opinions, share impressions, and talk about the child’s behavior in the family. Basic rules for establishing good personal contact and building effective communication and interaction with parents.

Basic requirements for conducting a conversation:
Preparation for the conversation:

  1. Determine the purpose of the conversation.

    Otherwise the conversation is a fruitless conversation. The true goals of the conversation should not be known to the interlocutor.

  1. Determine the target questions you will ask

    Rank the questions in order of importance. Create a conversation plan based on your specific situation.

  1. Identify questions that support the conversation.

    Based on the needs and interests of the interlocutor.

Making contact with the interlocutor.

  1. Questions to keep the conversation going. Ask questions that interest your interlocutor in order to interest him
  1. Do not start with questions that cause negative feelings in the interlocutor. If you see the passivity of your interlocutor: you started with a bad question, he is not in the mood, took the wrong tone, hit a sore spot - try to correct the mistake immediately - be actively and attentive.

How to conduct a conversation correctly.

  1. How to ask questions better

Do not ask questions “head-on” (it is better to ask them in an indirect form). Questions should be short and understandable to the interlocutor

  1. Listen carefully and confidentially. Show this to your interlocutor with your gaze, facial expressions, gestures, and with your whole body tilted towards the interlocutor. By sympathizing, approving and supporting, you can hear the maximum amount of information
  1. Give your interlocutor an opportunity to speak. Don't rush him. Approve the accuracy of the thoughts expressed. Ask counter questions to help you speak up or to validate the accuracy of your thoughts.
  1. Do not interrupt the interlocutor's statements. The interlocutor always talks about things that are significant to him. Remember! When a conversation is interrupted, contact is lost and important information may be lost. Basic moments:
  • Give the other person a chance to talk
  • Express your interest using supportive expressions (“Did I understand correctly?”, “Did I mix up anything?”, “Do you think that...”, etc.)
  • Summarize the most important statements
  • Don't interrupt the other person
  • Don't contradict
  • Ask questions

Thus, conversation is a means of establishing contacts with parents, studying the child’s family upbringing and influencing the nature of this upbringing.

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