Winter walk in the second junior group “Let's help those who are nearby”

Card index of winter walks in the middle group

In the Russian Federation, all educational programs for preschool organizations are consistent with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) - federal state educational standards. They provide:

  • Unity of the educational system.
  • Continuity of training programs.
  • Spiritual and moral education.

Walk in a medium group in winter

A walk in kindergarten in winter begins with proper organization. The teacher asks about the time of year.

Additional Information! Children find signs of winter in the surrounding nature. Riddles are asked. The weather condition is noted. A winter walk in a dhow in winter should be as productive as possible.

Observations during a walk in the middle group in winter are described in detail in the card index.

Card index of walks. December

DecemberObservation on a walk: middle group, winter-December.Didactic gameOutdoor gameIndividual workWork
day 1Trees. The teacher draws the children's attention to the snow covering the trees. “The most attentive!” - develops hearing and perception of verbal instructions. “Step over the stick” - trains children to step over an object.Run along the line.Clearing paths and paths of snow.
day 2“What changes have taken place on the street?” - formation of elementary ideas about changes in nature in winter, speech development. “Fluffy bunny in a snowdrift” - repeat the movements after the teacher.“Where does the sound come from?” - develops auditory attention. Definition of sound. Orientation in space. Game "Find the toy." Learning to walk in the direction told by the teacher. “We remove snow with shovels.”
day 3Snowfall. Grove. Forming an idea of ​​the weather. New words: beautiful, snow, winter, spinning, cold. “Run back and forth”: children run in the indicated directions.“Quiet-loud” - develops the voice. Ability to speak either quietly or loudly. Repetition of M. Poznansky’s poem “It’s snowing.”Removing cones from the area.
day 4Birds. Feeding. Nurture care for birds. “Quiet than everyone else?” Walking on toes. "The secret is in the bag." Children determine the type of grains by touch. “Fast legs walked along the road...” Develops coordination.Hanging feeders. Education about caring for birds.
day 5Cats. Involving supervision of pets. Cultivate care for them. Physical exercise. "Catching up." The lesson is aimed at strengthening physical health. “Bring it and find it.” Develops in children a sense of responsibility in relation to the teacher’s requests. Jumping in one place."Cleaning the gazebo."
day 6“Winter is winter.” "Our kindergarten in winter." Strengthen ideas about snow, winter, frost. “The New Year is coming to us.” Comparison of winter, snow with the holiday. “Yes and no” - reinforce the rules of behavior when walking in winter.Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday.Raking snow into a pile - preparation for making buildings from snow - involves children in labor.
day 7Passers-by. Children's attention is drawn to passers-by with packages, gifts, and Christmas trees. Everyone is waiting for the holiday. “Find the same thing.” Mindfulness training. "Beautiful Christmas tree." Children imitate a Christmas tree. High jump.Decoration of buildings with multi-colored ice floes. A desire to decorate the garden area is fostered.

Note! A winter walk is held in kindergarten according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Ability to manipulate objects while playing with snow

Card index of walks. January

JanuaryObservation on a walk: middle group, winter-January.Didactic gameOutdoor gameIndividual workWork
day 1Weather changes. The idea of ​​winter "Wind and Snowflakes." Action as directed. "Blizzard-winter." Imitation of wind sounds. “Walk straight along the path.”Removing branches from the area.
day 2Passers-by's clothes. Why is everyone dressed so warmly? The connection between cold weather and clothing. “The little bunny is running” - Children learn to follow the teacher’s movements, clap, jump.“Tick-tock” - Correct pronunciation of “k”, “t”, “i” is developed.Poem by N. Sakonskaya “Where is my finger?” Teach agility and speed. Sprinkling paths with sand - explain to children. Explain why sand is needed on the paths.
day 3Birds. Teach a class of preschoolers how to care for birds in winter. "The Crow and the Puppy." Actions on a signal. "Little Helpers" Getting to know diminutive words. Repeat poems about the Christmas tree.Collect toys.
day 4Excursion to the forest belt."Throw the ball." Exercises in catching a ball at a distance of 100 cm. "My first essay." Describe verbally what winter is. Charging in frosty air.Collect cones. Collect specified items from the snow
day 5Snow. Familiarization through games. "The ball is rolling." Develop coordination in running and walking in the snow. "Fox nose" Depict winter animals. Walking in the snow."Sweep the gazebo"
day 6Birds. Taking care of them. Learn types. Recognize body parts. "Mama Crow"“What birds do you know?” Find the bird from the picture. Imitation of birds.Pour grains into feeders.
day 7Snow. Children's idea of ​​snow. Guiding questions: “What can be done with it?”, “Where does it fall?”. "Snow is flying." Teach children to pay attention to everything around them. “There’s so much here.” Attention to surrounding objects. Pronounce the names. Throwing snow.Help the janitor clear the paths. Learn to help elders to each other.

Didactic games of mathematical content in the middle group of preschool educational institutions. Notes with card files must be certified by higher state stations. structures.

Introduction to the properties of snow

Card index of walks. February

FebruaryObservation on a walk: middle group, winter-February.Didactic gameOutdoor gameIndividual workWork
day 1Birch. Admiring the birch tree. Expanding children's horizons about tree types. "Which? Which?". Learn adjectives by subject. Ask related questions. "The Bunny and the Wolves." Exercises with jumping forward. Learn to run on cue. Climbing on the playground.Sprinkling paths with sand. Explain the properties of sand.
day 2Weather. "What is the weather today?". Ask leading questions about the weather. "Find the dog." Training in spatial orientation. "1,2,3". Count the indicated items. Teach mindfulness. Imitation of different animals. “How does a bird scream?”, “How does a cat meow?”. Sweep the area of ​​snow. Skill to work in team.
day 3"Winter Birds" Cultivate care, teach how to feed properly. "Birds on a tree." Act at the request of the teacher. Don't collide with each other. Goal: guess the breed of bird by its movements and sounds.“How does a duck quack?” Sound perception exercise. Cleaning the feeder, feeding birds. Teach care.
day 4Icicles. Ask leading questions: “Where did they come from?”, “What are they for?” Explain the phenomenon in nature. "Small and large icicles." Draw children's attention to the size of the icicles. "Aim." Develop skill in precision. Throwing snow at a distance with different hands.Collect branches and leaves. Carrying out instructions from the teacher.
day 5Snow figures. Pay attention to changes in snow cover in the area. Explain why snow melts. "Houses". Choose houses for animals. (Draw on the snow in advance.) "Hands, legs." Make movements with your arms and legs. Develop mindfulness. Ability to repeat after the teacher. Taking turns sliding down the hill. Compliance with the rules. The younger one is inferior to the older one. Carry snow into flower beds. Develop a caring attitude towards plants. Explain the beneficial qualities of snow.
day 6Janitor's work. Pay attention to the work of an adult. Instill respect for work. “We are looking for a red spatula.” Teaching the color red among others. "Trappers." Strengthen children's agility, speed and accuracy. Exercise “On the path”. Learn movement coordination. Help the janitor clear the area of ​​snow. Learn to respect elders.
day 7Snow. Excursion around the garden. Draw children's attention to the properties of snow. “Why does it melt on the palm, but not on the mitten? "Guess the color." Learn colors from surrounding objects. "Okay." Teach attentiveness when counting claps. Exercise "Locomotive". Ability to work collaboratively. Clear the sandbox of snow. Execution of orders.

Mathematical laptops for kindergarten All SanPin standards must be complied with.

Outdoor game "Hands, Legs"

A walk in winter is very important and beneficial for preschool children. This is simply necessary for physical and mental development. It is a means of hardening children. Helps increase immunity and resistance to diseases.

Greater mobility increases metabolism, improves appetite, blood circulation and much more. Children become more energetic, dexterous, and resilient.

The motor, muscular, and brain systems are actively working and receive large amounts of oxygen.

Organizing a walk in the winter forest

Games are played: “Pathfinders”, “Let’s follow the trail”, “Who walked here” and others. They are associated with recognizing tracks in fallen snow. They guess and determine where they lead.

Important! Every walk in the winter forest is accompanied by observations of birds flying to the feeders. Observes their habits. The coloring determines the species. The game “Guess the bird by its feathers” is played.

Remind about feeding winter birds. Pour food, seeds, berries, crumbs, etc. into the feeders.

Snow is used as a material for sculpting. Games with snow:

  • Clearing paths;
  • Modeling of figures;
  • Construction of a slide.

During games, children are told about the properties of snow, the rise and fall of temperature. The snow is white, it crumbles in your hands, you can make a ball out of it.

Approximate course of snow observation in the middle group

Draw children's attention to snow, clean and frosty air. Watching snowfall. They remember poems about winter. Snowflakes are considered. The depth of the snowdrifts is measured using a stick. Children's attention is drawn to the changes around after a snowfall: the landscape becomes light and clean, the trees are covered with snow. Everything sparkles and shines. You can hear how it binds under your feet.

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