card index of games on artistic creativity for the senior preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Drawing vegetables It is easier for a child to master drawing vegetables. In the older group, the lesson is built progressively
on road
The ABCs of safety for preschoolers: on the road, in transport, in case of emergency
The ABCs of safety in the city and at home: an integrated approach Parents and educators should take care of
How to congratulate the teacher
Fun games and competitions for Teacher and Preschool Worker Day
Gathering children for a walk This competition provides for two options. First option: with
Children sleep in kindergarten
“Features of organizing the regime in early age groups”
Working with children before bedtime - goals and methods Sleep is necessary to restore physiological
Cut pictures. Game for children from 1.5 to 7 years.
Compiling pictures from parts There is a lot of literature on this topic, I use these manuals:
Methods of preschool education. TOP 5 alternatives to the classical approach
Today there are a huge number of different methods and systems for preschool development and upbringing of a child.
Summary of the lesson “Sun-bell”, (using 3D applique technique)
A little theory How to make a sun craft? First, you should understand what basic elements
Master class on the application “Christmas tree from paper circles” for children of senior preschool age
Circle work “Magic fingers” in a preparatory school group
Circle work. Theatrical and musical circle "Fidgets". Monitoring Daria Popova Club work. Theatrical and musical circle "Fidgets". Monitoring
Drawing made using a foam sponge
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Cheerful Palms.”
Card index of topics for different groups, including collective compositions Let’s present an approximate list of topics
plasticine lessons
Plasticine figures for children: 12 step-by-step master classes
For preschool children you can come up with many entertaining activities, a special place among them is
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