A plot-game lesson in physical education in the senior group. Subject-based physical education lesson in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Abstract of GCD for physical education in kindergarten. Senior group

GCD on physical education on the topic “Safety route” in the senior group
Goal: - development and correction of the cognitive, emotional and personal sphere of the child’s psyche and physical health; — improvement of motor skills and abilities. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the performance of physical exercises, as well as to promote the formation of correct posture when performing various types of exercises.
2. Exercise children in walking, running, and changing lanes. 3. With the help of physical exercises, develop memory, attention, imagination, will, and creativity. 4. Create a positive emotional mood in class with the help of music, eliminate isolation, relieve muscle tension and fatigue with the help of corrective exercises and relaxation. 5. Using various pedagogical means, encourage children to show a sense of pleasure from motor tasks and develop interest in the language of movements. 6. Continue to improve the health of children and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, expand children’s knowledge about healthy, proper nutrition, and vitamins. Progress
(Children, accompanied by music, enter the hall in a column one at a time, walk around the hall and line up) Instructor: Today we will go on an unusual journey, on a journey along the “Safety Route”. What should real travelers take with them when they go on the road? (Children's answers)
Correctly good mood. And he will take us on a journey today...! (the instructor selects the leader) Command: “To the right!”, “Around the hall, at a normal pace, march!” (Children move around the hall with a ball in their hands, following commands) Commands: • “At a normal pace”, • “Across the bumps” - walking on their heels, • “In tall grass” - walking on their toes, • “Tired of carrying a backpack” - walking on half-bent legs, • “It’s raining” - lightly run the ball upward with straight arms, • “Run around the puddles” - lightly run like a snake, the ball in the right hand, • “Regular step.” (As they move, the children put the ball back in the basket and go to the first station, line up in a semicircle) Station No. 1: “fire station” Instructor: “Stop, one-two!”, “To the right!”, “Stand in a semicircle!” We arrived at the fire station. The fire brigade left us a task. A note. They ask us to put together a real fireman's backpack. Do you know what a firefighter should have? Let's figure it out together. We pour out the previously prepared items (helmet, fire extinguisher, mug, kettle, book, axe, token, tablet)
. We collect a backpack with the right items, simultaneously explaining their purpose in the work of a firefighter.

Well done guys, we completed the task, let's go further along the route.
(Children line up on command)
(Children advance to the next station)
Station No. 2: “duty department” Instructor: “Stop, one-two!”, “To the right!”, “Stand in a semicircle!” We arrived at the “duty station” station; police officers work here. Guys, do you know in what cases you need to call the police? (Children's answers)
What number will we call the police on?
Let's make up their number using soft cubes. (Children independently assemble number 112 from cubes)

And again we completed the task!
Now let's show the police how fast, agile and brave we are. Let's play the game "Catch the Criminal." To do this, we will divide into pairs. (The game is played by analogy with the game “catch up with your partner”)
And again the task is completed, the criminals are caught, and you and I go to the next station. Instructor: Command “Get in one line!” "Right!" “follow the guiding step, march!” Station No. 3: “Emergency Point” Instructor: We arrived at the “Emergency Point” station. Children, does it happen that you sometimes get sick? Why does this happen? (Children's answers)
When you and I are sick, a doctor comes to us. This is a very necessary profession. Doctors guys also need help. Do you know how you can help our doctors? (Children's answers)
. That's right, we need to get sick as little as possible, and for this we need to do exercises every day, follow all the rules of hygiene and, of course, play sports. Well, if some kind of injury has happened, then you definitely need to tell an adult. And now I invite you to take part in the “Aibolit for yourself” relay race. We divide into 2 teams, choose a “patient” from each team, and put him on a chair. The rest have a first aid kit, inside of which there is a bandage, a stethoscope, and a mask. 1st - puts a mask on the patient 2nd - listens to the patient with a stethoscope 3rd - wraps the patient’s hand 4th - wraps the patient’s leg

Whose team can do it faster wins.
Friendship won! And now it’s time for us to return from our trip. Command: “Get into the column one by one! Walk around the hall - march! (Children advance to the next station)
Team: “On the spot! Stop!”, “Left!” Station No. 4: “Reflection” Instructor: Children, we have arrived at the final station. The journey was long, but we completed all the tasks together. I think our friendship helped us, what do you think? (Children's answers)
What new did you learn in class? What was interesting? Difficult? Instructor: Here is our “Bag of Knowledge”. The bag has already accumulated a lot of knowledge that you acquired in kindergarten. And today we will replenish this bag with new knowledge acquired on our journey. Take a pebble from the basket, tell them what you learned new today and what you liked or didn’t like, and then put the pebble of knowledge into the bag. (Children do)
Instructor: I thank you for your participation. Be healthy!

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