Game lesson “Turnip” lesson plan (junior group) on the topic

Thematic lesson, lesson based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Topic: “Tale “Turnip””

Type of GCD: Thematic lesson, fairy tale lesson

Type of GCD: Assimilation of new knowledge and skills

Goal: Formation of empathy towards others, willingness to do something nice



Development of skills and abilities to identify an object by appearance and shape, development of hygiene skills.

Development of mental processes - attention, thinking, memory, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.

Development of personal qualities - emotional responsiveness to the ongoing events of the fairy tale.

Educational – the formation of ideas about size (large - small) and color (yellow).

Educating – instilling goodwill and respect for the guest.

Literary series: Physical exercise “Turnip”, Russian folk tale, Alena Semashko poem “You, my friend, listen to me”

Visual range: Puppets for tabletop theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”, two pictures of a large and small turnip

Equipment: soft toy - bear, tickets, plates with pieces of turnip, napkins for hands.


Org. moment – ​​1 min.

Conversation – 3 min.

Physical exercise – 1 min.

Practical part – 4 min.

Reflection – 1 min.

Compiled by ____ teacher Nozdrina Angela Ratmilovna ________

Full name of teacher, specialist

Stage Activities of the teacher Pupils' activities Task for the stage
Org. moment Good autumn morning guys!!!

And to make it more joyful and interesting, I suggest you go visit the fairy tale “Turnip” (B:. hands out tickets to the children for the fairy tale. There is a picture on the ticket that should match the picture on the chair)

There's a knock on the door - I'll go and see who came to us?

- Guys, Mishka came to visit us (the guests greet the children)

Say hello

Children joyfully welcome the guest

Cultivating friendliness and respect for the guest.
Conversation Mishka says: “Yesterday they sent me an invitation card to the fairy tale “Turnip” by mail, but I don’t know where to go.”


Come in, Mishka - you came right. We are also going to a fairy tale. Come in, make yourself comfortable. Guys, help Mishka find his place. Look at the pictures on the ticket and the chair - compare, look for the same ones.

The teacher shows and tells a fairy tale according to the text, using puppets for a tabletop theater.

That’s the end of the fairy tales, those who looked carefully and listened, well done!

Did you like the fairy tale?

We've been sitting too long, let's play a game and invite Mishka to play with us.

Help the guest and sit down themselves

Watching a fairy tale

Children and guests clap their hands for the fairy tale characters


They willingly agree and invite the guest

Emotional responsiveness to the ongoing events of the tale

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Didactic game for the development of speech of children of primary preschool age “Turnip”

(based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip" )

For a child, well-formed coherent speech is success in learning. Not all children are able to master all aspects of coherent speech in time. From a very early age, children are attracted to the semantic side of language. They come up with new words without noticing it themselves. But not all children reach a certain level of speech development by a certain age. And here one of the main roles can be played by fairy tales that parents read at home, which are read in kindergarten. And not only read. But children also learn to retell them, answer questions about their content, and come up with their own endings to fairy tales. Kindergarten teachers not only read fairy tales, but also talk about what they read, draw their favorite characters and write stories about them.

In my work, I use didactic games to develop children’s speech, based on the plots of Russian folk tales. I made many of these games with my own hands. I would like to present one of these games to your attention.

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the content of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” .

Objectives: to develop children’s ability to retell a familiar fairy tale, remember the sequence of actions; expand and enrich children’s vocabulary with words and actions (went, pulled, came running, called); improve the ability to understand and answer adult questions; develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, spatial orientation and the emotional sphere of children; to cultivate a kind and caring attitude, emotional responsiveness to the world around us, and to cultivate friendly relations between children.

Preliminary work.

Joint activities: free communication on the fairy tale “Turnip” , conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale. Examination of paintings depicting characters from the fairy tale. Guessing riddles.

Educational activities during regime moments: didactic and outdoor games.

Independent activity of children: looking at illustrations based on fairy tales, table theater. Dramatization games with costume elements (caps) and attributes as external symbols of the role.

Game description:

The basis of the game is the lid of a shoe box covered with self-adhesive film. The house and fence are made of felt. Fairy tale characters are glued to drinking yogurt lids. The necks of the lids are attached to the base, and the lids with fairy tale characters are screwed onto them.

Progress of the didactic game “Turnip”

First, the teacher introduces the children to the game. Tells a fairy tale, demonstrating visual material. Then the teacher tells the fairy tale again, but now invites the child to put the characters in their places.

Then, after the necessary repetition, the child himself tells the fairy tale based on visual material.

This game can be used in individual lessons, and it can also be included in organized educational activities for children.

This is such an interesting game we have!

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