development of coherent speech in preschoolers
Speech development in children of senior preschool age. Article, article on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Speech development in children of senior preschool age Consultation for parents and educators on the topic: “Development
Crafts for kindergarten and school on the theme “Fire Safety”
Features of the topic Every educational institution pays great attention to fire topics, and the task of parents is
Game – dramatization “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” material (preparatory group)
Board game Play the game Wolf and kids - review I really like interesting
Speeches at scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, seminars, methodological associationsmaterial
Summary of the event for educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions topic: “View from the outside” Summary of the event for
Mathematical KVN for children of the preparatory group
Mathematical KVN for older preschoolers Mathematical KVN in kindergarten. Scenario Mathematical KVN for
Summary of the didactic game: “Dressing up the Katya doll” for children of the younger group
Didactic game “Dress the doll” The game material is intended for individual and independent studies. They can play
Musical and didactic games for the younger group. Goals and objectives
Musical and didactic games for children of primary preschool age
Musical games for the younger group of kindergarten Methodological development. Musical games for younger preschoolers
Active teaching methods in kindergarten Seminar for teachers. - presentation
Active teaching methods in kindergarten Seminar for teachers. — presentation Active learning methods
Synopsis of an educational lesson in the second junior group. Fish
Synopsis of an educational lesson in the second junior group. Fishes Summary of an educational and entertaining event with
child safety
Methodological folder “Safety Lessons” for children 4-5 years old
Road safety for children Do not rely on looking at a colorful poster on the topic of road
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