Card index of observations during a walk of objects or objects of animate and inanimate nature for young children

Organization and content of observations in preschool educational institutions

Definition 1
Pedagogical observation in kindergarten is one of the methods used by preschool teachers and specialists to collect the necessary information about students.

The purpose of pedagogical observation in a preschool educational institution is to collect information on sensory, communicative, intellectual, creative, etc. development of preschool children.

In the process of pedagogical observation, preschool teachers and specialists not only collect the necessary information, but also note the general dynamics of children’s development. This is necessary in order to timely adjust the educational process and select the most optimal methods and means of raising and teaching preschool children.

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The importance of pedagogical observation in preschool educational institutions is invaluable, since this method allows the study to cover a sufficiently large number of pupils, conduct research at any convenient time, and helps the researcher “see” the child in his natural environment. During the observation process, the teacher notes the peculiarities of interaction between students, determines the presence of microgroups based on interests, identifies the inclinations and creative needs of children, and much more.

The success of pedagogical observation in a preschool educational institution largely depends on the quality of its organization of the teacher, as well as on his professionalism and ability to organize this type of research. The conclusions obtained and their accuracy depend on the adequacy of the assessment of the child’s behavior and level of development. If the teacher “overlays” his personal attitude towards the child onto the data obtained, then the information obtained during the study will not be reliable and accurate.

Note 1

Thus, pedagogical observation in preschool educational institutions is of great importance for collecting information about the level of development of preschool children, the characteristics of their interaction with each other and identifying their leading creative needs and inclinations.

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“Organization of observations in nature for preschool children”

Lisitskaya Marina

“Organization of observations in nature for preschool children”

Consultation for educators

«Organization of observations in nature for preschool children».

Currently, the environmental problem of man and nature , as well as the interaction of human society on the environment, has become relevant. In the age of speed and technology, there is not enough time to stop, look around, and observe our native nature . Man and nature are interconnected , therefore caring for nature is caring for oneself, for one’s future. What harms nature harms man himself.

The formation of environmental consciousness is the most important task of a preschool institution . The effectiveness of environmental education and upbringing of children depends on the level of development of children's . The main content of environmental education is the formation in a child of a correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects . It is based on the perception of nature , an emotional attitude towards it and the study of the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The cognitive activity of children plays an important role in this.

One of the methods of environmental education of preschool children is observation . In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural , curiosity, the ability to observe , think logically, and aesthetically relate to all living things are formed. Love for nature , skills of caring for it, caring for living beings give rise not only to interest in nature , but also contribute to the formation of the best character traits in children , such as hard work, humanity, respect for the work of adults who protect and increase natural resources .

Observation is a specially organized by the teacher , purposeful, more or less long-term and systematic active perception by children of objects and natural .

The essence of observation lies in sensory knowledge of natural objects , through various forms of perception - visual, auditory, tactile.

Methods of conducting observations .

Observation can be carried out with individual children, with small groups (3-6 people, or with the entire group of pupils. This depends on the purpose and content of the observation , as well as the tasks facing the teacher. Thus, during the lesson you can observe animals and plants, adult labor, clouds, sky, weather station. On excursions, observation is organized with all children , with small subgroups and with individual pupils. In a corner of nature it is advisable to conduct observation with individual children or with small subgroups.

Types of observations .

1. Individual, group and frontal.

2. Depending on the goals set by the teacher, observation can be episodic, long-term and final (generalizing)


3. Visual (examination, verbal (conversation, artistic expression, teacher’s story), practical (work, experiments, modeling)

4. Recognizing (recognition of features of objects, properties, signs, qualities)

5. Using handouts (a set of objects: vegetables, branches, flowers, seeds, etc.)

6. Comparative (comparison of properties, qualities, objects)

7. Initiative ( organized by the child , but the leading role belongs to the teacher)

8. Primary, repeated.

9. Calendar (using calendars, seasons)

The choice of method and types of observation depends on the program content, on the content of the activity, on the level of development of skills, children’s , age and individual characteristics, the skills of the teacher, and his preparedness.

Observation management techniques .

- game techniques, surprise moment.

— survey and search actions, questions, comparisons.

- artistic expression, visual activity, verbal descriptions.

- setting a cognitive task, personal experience, generalizations, modeling, work, use of demonstration material, paintings, illustrations, living objects.

Preparing for observation .

First of all, the teacher determines the place of observation in the system of the upcoming work, the task (the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the program, which can be most fully solved with the help of this type of activity. Then he selects an object for observation inanimate object , which should be interesting for children and at the same time accessible to perception.

General requirements for organizing surveillance .

1. The purpose and task of observation must be set clearly and specifically.

In all cases, the task should be educational in nature, force the child to think, remember, and look for an answer to the question posed.

2. Each observation should give children new knowledge, gradually expanding and deepening their initial ideas.

3. The organization of observations should be systematic, which will ensure their interconnection. As a result, children will form a complete , deep understanding of the surrounding nature .

4. Observation children’s mental and speech activity .

5. Observation should arouse children's interest in nature , the desire to learn as much as possible about it.

6. The knowledge acquired by children in the process of observation must be consolidated, clarified, generalized and systematized using other methods and forms of work. These methods can be the teacher telling a story, reading a book about nature , drawing and modeling, keeping nature , and talking about what he saw.

7. As a result of each observation, children should form an idea or an elementary concept about a particular object of nature . Correct organization of observations ensures the formation and development in children of clear ideas about animals and plants, seasonal changes in nature .

When organizing observations, the following points are important:

1. Comprehensive implementation of the cycle. One observation must follow

others without large gaps in time.

2. The predominance of the visual source of knowledge over the verbal one.

3. Coverage of observations of all children . Each specific observation , if

it is carried out in subgroups, repeated several times.

4. Reliance on biological characteristics, species specificity of animals and


Organization of observations:

1. The observed object must be accessible to every child participating in the observation . In each specific case, the teacher considers how many children can simultaneously participate in the work and how they should stand or sit in order to be able to receive the necessary sensory information about the object - examine it, feel the nature of the observed surface , determine its temperature, the heaviness of the object emanating from it sounds, smell.

2. The teacher’s verbal information should not replace the direct perception of the object. The teacher must verbally designate everything that the children see, but the word must follow the perception: only in this case does the child develop full-fledged knowledge.

3. The perception of any objects should be short-lived, since observation is a mental activity that requires concentrated attention, volitional effort, and mental effort. During observations, children should not talk, play, or manipulate objects. Optimal time for intense mental activity in children (depending on age )

- from 3 to 10 minutes.

With younger children, short-term but often repeated observations with small subgroups should be planned, since children of this age get tired quickly and their attention is unstable.

In the middle group, it is possible to introduce children to some qualitative changes in nature , sometimes using simple games - assignments, such as: “Find the same one”

“Who noticed?”
and etc.

In older groups - longer, sometimes repeated observations of the same phenomenon, which makes it possible to teach children to notice changes , to lead them to the simplest generalization of accumulated ideas about nature . Walking with children will be joyful, interesting, educational and will achieve the goal, provided that the teacher is able to supplement and enrich the children’s . Guided by the program, it is necessary to determine the range of ideas that children must acquire over a certain period of time about inanimate nature , about the life of plants and animals, about human labor. By organizing observations of children on walks , the teacher forms these ideas gradually. children's attention to the characteristic seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals, and with the help of questions, help children establish connections between these changes. The combination of observations with artistic words contributes to the formation of especially vivid, lasting images and at the same time enriches children's .

The observation is built according to a certain structure: beginning, main part and final part.

Observation can take place in a corner of nature or on the street . At a younger age, observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright and interesting; at an older age, observations should last from 15 to 25 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time children should be offered different objects to consider.

Before starting observations, it is necessary to gather the children and concentrate their attention. Here it is inappropriate to use unexpected effects that cause strong emotions: emotional arousal will not allow children to engage in intense mental work. organizational techniques are those that evoke light positive emotions and the readiness of children to collaborate with the teacher:

• an invitation to watch something interesting together; surprise;

• affectionate, intriguing intonation;

• riddle-description, riddle-action about the subject of observation .

The second - main - part ensures that children independently receive sensory information. The teacher invites the kids to look at the object and asks them questions. There should be pauses of 2-3 seconds between questions. These seconds of silence and silence are very important: they allow children to concentrate and, by observing find the answer to the questions.

The main part of the observation should be integral , unified. It should not be interrupted by stories, poems, games, riddles.

You can complete the work by playing or reading a fairy tale, poem, or drawing.

Requirements for guiding observations in different age groups

Junior groups.

When thinking through the organization and management of children’s observations , the teacher needs to take into account the characteristics of mental processes and the level of cognitive activity of children. It is known that the attention of young children is attracted to bright objects. Therefore, it is better to organize the first observations of animals rather than plants. At this age, children do not yet know how to keep the goal set for them, accurately follow the plan proposed to them, or summarize the observation . The volume of generated ideas is quite limited.

In this regard, at the beginning of observation, the main task of the teacher is to attract children's attention to the object . You can use a variety of surprise gaming techniques: you can interest kids with the help of puppet theater characters and funny toys. Then is organized . The teacher asks the children questions, encouraging them to name this or that action. In the second half of the year, comparison can be used during observation in the younger group. The teacher selects two animals or plants and offers to compare them. You can compare a living object with the image in the picture. The main task of comparison is to establish signs of difference between one object and another. Kids will see that animals and plants differ from each other in size, color, nature of movement, etc. When teaching children , the teacher clearly poses the question, directing their attention to the characteristics being compared, for example: “Look at the sparrow and the dove: which one of them?” more?" or “What color are the feathers of a sparrow and what color are the feathers of a dove?”

It is important that during observation children behave freely, naturally, so that they can show their attitude towards animals and plants. Much here depends on the adult. When the teacher gives all children the opportunity to actively act, express themselves freely and express their feelings, children receive great joy from communicating with nature .

At the end of the observation , in order to enhance the emotional impression of children from communicating with animals or plants, it is advisable to sing them a song, read a poem related to the topic of observation , or play a game where the corresponding character acts.

Observations of animals and plants in younger groups should be carried out repeatedly. It is useful to repeat them both with the whole group and with small subgroups and even individually. It is very good if observations are associated with a game , visual activity, for example: “Let's look at the Christmas tree, and then draw it”


Middle group.

Pupils in the middle group already have some stock of specific ideas about nature . Looking at surrounding objects, they are able to perceive them in detail. At the same time, independent observation at this age is still imperfect . Children cannot identify characteristic features of difference or see common features in several objects. Pupils in the middle group gradually learn to accept the observation set by the teacher.

During observation, children listen to the teacher’s questions and, following the plan given by him, examine the object. As a result of observation , with targeted guidance, each of them can create a holistic image of the observed object and give its verbal description.

Now, during observation, each child (or a small group of 2-3 people)

receives an object
(or several)
for individual consideration.
This is the so-called observation using handouts. Starting from the middle group, long-term observation of the development and growth of plants is organized. The scope of ideas that are formed during observation in the middle group also expands significantly. Children continue to be introduced to the appearance features of some plants and animals, the components and characteristic features of each of them are highlighted. By watching animals , children also learn about how they move, what they eat, and where they live. Gradually, preschoolers begin to understand some connections and relationships between natural .
On this basis, it becomes possible to develop knowledge about some adaptations of animals and plants to the environment. Observation in the middle group

begins with the teacher setting a cognitive task, which often coincides with practical activities. During observation , the teacher uses various techniques to help him focus the children’s on the features of appearance, life manifestations, and establish the necessary connections and relationships.

Pupils in the middle group are able to hear questions addressed to them and answer them, distracting themselves from the manifestations of animals that are of immediate interest.

Particular attention should be paid to developing in children the ability to talk about the results of observation . To this end, the teacher thinks through techniques that activate children’s : asks the same question in different versions to different children, suggests pronouncing difficult and new words in chorus, chooses the most accurate designation of a feature from two or three proposed by the teacher, etc. Children are taught to compare objects based on differences and similarities.

During observation in the middle group, it is recommended to use riddles, songs, nursery rhymes, and poems related to the content of the lesson. The teacher can invite the children to remember the poems they know and read them to their peers.

Students in the middle group begin to learn simple ways to care for plants and animals; therefore, during observation , the teacher can ask them to perform simple labor actions.

Children to form a clear idea of ​​the observed object , knowledge of some ways to care for it, and a caring attitude. Therefore, when completing the observation , you should use questions to find out how the children learned the knowledge. Questions need to be formulated so that they are interesting to the children and lead to a generalization of the acquired knowledge. For example: “Tell me how we will care for the plant” or “How will you recognize a bullfinch if you see it on the street?” The result of observation can be the practical activities of children : reflection of the observed object in a drawing , caring for it in a corner of nature .

observations of plants are carried out more widely than in the younger group . Examination of plants can be organized during labor : for example, invite children to examine the seeds before planting. In the middle of the year, they begin to organize observations of plants for educational purposes (in classes)

. An example of such an activity would be “Examining and comparing begonia and aloe.”

Senior group.

At older preschool age, children are able not only to accept a cognitive task set by an adult, but also to independently set it during a variety of activities: play, work, and visual arts. Quite often, independent task setting in older preschool age is also associated with cognitive activity and the emergence of questions and contradictions during its course.

The surveillance is becoming more and more systematic. Children can draw up a simple observation and act in accordance with it. Under the guidance of the teacher, preschoolers identify in objects characteristics that are characteristic and essential for their entire group. On this basis, it is possible to form a generalization. characteristic of observation that children can consider an object not in isolation, but in the system of its connections with the outside world: place and habitat, adaptation to the environment. Thus, children's knowledge, skills and abilities become more complex .

In the older group, the teacher introduces children to new objects that can be observed in the immediate environment, and to those that live in other climatic zones. Children continue to be introduced to the appearance features and lifestyle of animals (movement, nutrition, seasonal adaptations, protection from enemies, growth and development). At the same time, an important task that the teacher solves is to establish connections between the appearance of the animal, its lifestyle and habitat. Observations are also organized using handouts.

Pupils of the senior group are given greater independence in using the methods of observation , determining its plan and summing up the results. The teacher helps children in case of difficulties with questions, uses models that ensure completeness and accuracy of perception, establishes connections and relationships, and leads them to independent conclusions. the results of observation in speech and use them in various activities (labor, visual arts, etc.)


School preparatory group.

The main tendency in the cognitive activity of children in the seventh year of life is the desire for generalization. This is explained by the fact that the children’s ability to see significant signs in objects and natural phenomena has increased . Observation becomes more independent.

generalized elementary concepts in the process of observation children to understand increasingly complex patterns that exist in nature , and to foster independence.

When organizing observations with children of this age , the teacher selects material that contributes to the systematization and generalization of knowledge, helping to see significant signs natural Based on the identification of these essential, general features, children form elementary concepts: “animals”, “plants”, “living”, “non-living”, “winter”, “summer”, etc. The teacher helps students see the general patterns between the environment habitat and appearance of plants and animals, between the conditions of existence and their needs, way of life.

Just as in the older group, observation begins with setting a cognitive task for the children. But now, during the lesson, the teacher more often uses a question-task that requires children to be able to observe and systematically report on the results of observation .

The teacher strives to ensure that the children’s examination actions are conscious . To this end, survey activities are used to verify impressions obtained during observation . The teacher, with the help of questions, encourages children to understand the method of acquiring knowledge: how did you find out about this? Check it out. Labor activities are widely used to ensure the development of skills and abilities in caring for plants and animals. It’s good if the teacher asks the children riddles, reads poetry, and tells interesting stories, as all this helps expand the knowledge of preschoolers . A special place among pedagogical methods and techniques is occupied by questions of a search nature. They help children understand the relationship between observed natural phenomena . The observation ends .

A lot of educational work is carried out with materials that are replenished in the corner at different times of the year.

Children see them during walks and excursions, in the preschool and beyond. For longer observations , they bring some plants and natural material to the nature corner . Seasonal material is used by the teacher to conduct classes and organize independent children's activities.

In autumn, flowering plants dug out from flower beds are brought here; They continue to bloom indoors for some time. Beautiful low-growing varieties of plants (asters, marigolds, petunias, etc.)


In addition to flowering ground plants, preschoolers bring colorful autumn leaves of trees and shrubs from excursions and walks. The teacher teaches children (all age groups )

Make small bouquets from leaves.

The teacher involves the children in collecting dry seeds, interesting driftwood, cones, pebbles, from which they then make funny toys and educational aids. After harvesting the garden, you can arrange an exhibition of vegetables grown by children of nature Children look at these vegetables, note how large and beautiful they are, how many there are. After this, you can conduct a lesson in which you can organize the didactic game “Vegetable Store”

or have a conversation about vegetables and their cultivation.

As a result of observations of nature :

children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

• a consciously correct attitude towards objects and natural ;

• the beginnings of children's ;

• children receive practical knowledge on nature ;

children's speech skills develop ;

• children learn to experiment, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Structure of pedagogical observation

The organization of pedagogical supervision of a preschool educational institution assumes compliance with the following structure:

  1. Setting the purpose of observation.

    Pedagogical observation must have a clear goal aimed at studying a specific area of ​​children's activity or aspects of the child's personal development. Based on the set goal, the teacher formulates tasks, the gradual solution of which will “lead” to achieving the goal.

  2. Choosing a situation in which the process of pedagogical observation will take place.

    The choice of situation depends on the intended purpose of observation. If the teacher is studying the interaction between pupils, then suitable situations for observation include children playing together, a walk in the area, free activity time, etc. If the purpose of observation is the level of development of the child, then it is more appropriate to observe him in the process of GCD. However, regardless of the goal, in order to obtain the most accurate and complete picture, it is necessary to carry out pedagogical observation of children in all types of activities and record the facts obtained.

  3. Drawing up a Pedagogical Observation Program.

    In order for the information collected during the process of pedagogical observation to be accurate and complete, the research must be carried out systematically and systematically. For this purpose, the teacher develops a Program that includes goals, objectives, observation tools, methods of recording and processing data. The choice of method for recording and subsequent processing of the received information and data depends on the goal and the nature of pedagogical observation. In addition, the Program indicates the time for conducting pedagogical research.

  4. Direct implementation of pedagogical observation.

    During this period, the teacher observes the students and records the information received.

  5. Processing and interpretation of the results of pedagogical observation.

    All obtained results are processed and presented in visual form (diagrams, tables, graphs, etc.). Based on visual data, the teacher formulates conclusions and records them in an observation card (diary). The data obtained is compared with data that was obtained earlier, and appropriate conclusions are also drawn, on the basis of which the teacher can see the dynamics of the child’s development. In the event that the dynamics are insignificant or completely absent, then the educator is faced with the question of the effectiveness of the educational process he organizes.

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