Road safety entertainment for the first junior group on the theme “Little pedestrians”

Open lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “Our friend the traffic light”

Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “Our friend the traffic light.”

Program content: Continue to develop safe behavior skills.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s ideas about traffic lights, its signals, and actions.

2. Consolidate knowledge of primary colors (red, yellow, green).

3. Develop speech activity through introducing words into the active vocabulary: traffic light, red, yellow, green.

4. Instill in children a friendly attitude towards animals and a desire to help them

5.Reinforce the ability to draw with a brush over a sketch.

Materials: Bunny toy, traffic light model, traffic light sketches, green and red paints, brushes, laptop, cartoon about traffic lights.

Progress of the lesson

-Guys, look how many guests have gathered! -Let's say hello to them. - Hello! - Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met a bunny who was sitting under a bush and crying bitterly. - I asked the bunny what happened? - The bunny told me that he ran away from the forest from his mother, from his family. - And he ran to the city, where there are a lot of cars. - Now he doesn’t know how to get back to the forest. - He approached the road and doesn’t know how to cross it. - I told him: Zainka, don’t be upset! - Come visit us, in the children's room, we will tell you and the guys and show you how to cross the road correctly. (knock on the door). - Guys, here comes the little bunny in a hurry! -Let's say hello to him. -Hello, bunny! -Come in! -Guys, let's now tell the bunny how to cross the road correctly. -Now I'll tell you a riddle, and you listen to it carefully.

Day and night I'm burning

I'm giving signals to everyone.

I have three colors

What's my friends name?

(traffic light)

- That's right, guys! - Well done! - This is a traffic light. - Why do we need a traffic light? Children: To cross the road. - That's right. - We've already looked at the traffic light, let's remember what kind of lights the traffic light has? (red, yellow, green). - If the red light is on, it means the path is closed! -Yellow - wait a little! - And the green light is on - this means the way is open! - Here, guys, you and I remembered what lights the traffic lights have. -Danya, what does the red light tell us? (the path is closed), - Vika, what does the yellow light tell us? (we have to wait), - Styopa, what does the green light tell us? (the path is open). - Well done guys! - That's right! - Now let's warm up a little and play with bunny

Physical school

Traffic lights have three colors

They are clear to the driver

Red light - no way through (squat down)

Yellow - be ready to go (get up, stop)

And the green light is rolling (running in a circle)

- That's how we played well. - Guys, so that the bunny doesn't forget you and I how to cross the road correctly. - Let us now look through our magic window and see how the traffic light works on the road. (Watch a cartoon) .- Guys, you and I looked through our magic window and saw how a traffic light works on the road. - Guys, the bunny tells us that he liked the traffic light and he remembered how to cross the road. - Let's draw a traffic light for him and for his forest residents. - What if they find themselves in the city, so that they also know how to cross the road. - Go to the table, sit on the chairs. - Guys, look at my traffic lights, are all the lights on? (no). - Now look at your traffic lights. -Which lights are not lit at your traffic lights? (red, green), (I ask each child what color they will use to draw the lights). - Guys, what are we going to use to draw the lights? (with a brush). - That's right. - We hold the brush with three fingers (I show how to draw the lights). - Now let's draw the lights with you. - Well done guys! - Look what beautiful traffic lights we have turned out. - Let's give our traffic lights to the bunny and he will take it to the forest dwellers so that they don’t forget how to cross the road correctly. - Guys, the bunny says “thank you” to us! -He thanks us for telling him about the traffic light, and now he knows how to cross the road. -And now Bunny hurries to his friends and says “Goodbye” to us. -Well done guys! -Now we remember why a traffic light is needed and how to cross the road. -Let's tell our guests: Goodbye!

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group on the topic “Cars and traffic lights”

Goal: Continue to develop safe behavior skills.

Software tasks:

Educational: consolidate children’s ideas about traffic lights, their actions, and signals. Improve knowledge about transport, types of transport. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors (red, yellow, green). Developmental: develop children’s speech and motor activity, attention.

Educational: instill in children a desire to acquire new knowledge and safe behavior.

Preliminary work: P/i “Find your color”, looking at illustrations, observing transport.

Demonstration material: traffic light model, toys: bear, bunny, red, yellow, green circles.

OD progress

Educator : Guys, today Bunny and Mishka came to visit us. Let's say hello to them. Bunny and Mishka brought a very interesting book. It's called "Rules of the Road". There are many pictures in it that show how to cross the road correctly and traffic light signals. Guys, tell me, is it possible to play on the road, to run out onto it?”

Children's answers: No!

Educator : Why do you think?

Children's answers: Cars drive along the road, and they can run over a person.

Educator : That's right, well done! But recently, I saw children playing on the road. Is it possible to do this?

Children's answers: No!

Educator: Remember, Mishka, Bunny and you guys: playing on the road is dangerous to life! Do you know what types of cars there are?

Children's answers : Big and small.

Educator: Yes, there are different cars. Look at the picture.

- What kind of cars are these?

(Bus, truck, car.)

Educator: “What are these machines for?”

Children's answers.

Educator: “Well done! Let's repeat once again: this is a truck, it carries cargo (sand, firewood, bricks); this is a passenger car, in which mother takes Olesya, Masha, Dima... (children's names) home from kindergarten; This is a bus, it carries people.

Educator: Maxim, what kind of car transports bricks and sand? Anya, what car will we use to go to the children's park? Makar, what car will you and dad use to visit grandma?

Educator: What parts do you think the car consists of?

Children's answers.

Educator: The car has: wheels, a steering wheel, doors. Look (looking at a toy car).

Educator: Can the machine sing? How does she sing? Who knows? Beep.

Didactic exercise on sound pronunciation “Machine”.

Educator : That's how loud the cars honk! How do cars drive? Children's answers: Quickly!

Educator : Do you know who helps cars drive correctly? Look, did you find out who it is? (draw the children’s attention to the layout of the traffic light).

Children's answers.

- That's right - this is a traffic light (examining the layout of the traffic light).

Educator: Why do we need it?

Children's answers.

Educator: A traffic light stands on the streets of the city and with its eyes shows people and cars when they can drive or cross the road. Tell me, what color are the traffic lights?

Children name colors.

A child recites a poem


“Red - stop!

Yellow - wait!

And green - come on in!”

Educator: If the light turns red, it means it’s dangerous to move.

Yellow warning light, wait for signal to move.

The green light says: go ahead, the path is open. Let's repeat.

Educator: What does the color red mean?

Children's answers: The color red tells us to stop because cars are driving along the road.

Educator: What does the color yellow mean?

Children's answers: Yellow color warns, you need to wait.

Educator: What does the color green mean?

Children's answers: The color green allows you to cross the road, because the cars have stopped and are allowing people to pass.

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"

The teacher has three mugs in his hands. One circle is yellow, the other is green, and the third circle is red. The teacher explains the rules: if he raises a red circle, then all the children must stand still; if he shows a yellow circle, everyone must clap; if it is green, then the children must march in place.

Educator: That's how fun we played!

Guys, you did great today! Everyone did a very good job. They were attentive and answered questions. I hope you all cross the road correctly. Always be attentive and careful.

The bear and the bunny are also very happy with you and want to give you gifts - this wonderful book “Road Rules” and (balloons). What color are they? That's right, green, you can cross the road with this color. Let's say thank you to Bunny and Mishka and goodbye! Bear and Bunny say goodbye to the children.

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