Card index of didactic games for children 1.6-2 years old
"Ball in a Spoon"
improve the skill of taking a ball from a flat plate with a spoon, transferring it a short distance and putting it in a glass.
Materials: tablespoon, small plate, glass, four balls.
Progress of the game
The teacher puts red balls into a plate and says: look, children, I have red cherries in my plate. I’ll take a spoon and fill it with cherries and feed the doll. Feeding the doll. This is how Mashenka eats cherries well. Did you eat it? I’ll put the bone in a glass.
Children, let's feed all the dolls with cherries (children feed the dolls).
development of coordination of small hand movements and visual control.
Material: cardboard card (can be in the shape of a shoe, jar, etc.) with holes and lace.
Progress of the game
The teacher shows the template. Look, children, there are holes around the edges and a string is tied. We will embroider today. I thread the lace into each hole: first on one side, then on the other. Look how smooth the path turned out. Now, you guys try it. As a complication
suggest cross stitching.
"Collect a flower"
consolidate knowledge of primary colors, improve the skill of finding the right one among circles of different colors and inserting it into the middle of the flower; develop fine motor skills of fingers.
flowers of red, blue, yellow, green with a cut out middle and circles for them.
Progress of the game
Children, let's collect beautiful flowers on this table. You have circles of different colors lying next to you. You need to find a circle of the desired color and insert it into the flower. When each of you collects your flower, we will make a bouquet and show it to the doll. (The teacher asks the children what color their flowers are, the middle).
"Clothes pegs in the basket"
develop fine motor skills of fingers; develop the ability to remove and put on clothespins.
Material: small clothespins, basket (with thin handle).
Progress of the game
A bunny comes in. Children, look, a bunny came to us and brought something with him. Children looking at the basket
with clothespins. The teacher says:
the bunny wants to play with you. And shows actions with clothespins. Children try to put clothespins on and off a basket. After this, the gameplay takes place. One clothespin is put on by the child, the other by the teacher (in the role of a bunny). And they film it the same way.
"Let's assemble a pyramid"
Exercise children in the ability to assemble a pyramid: remove and string rings. Teach children to find objects of the same size by placing one object on top of another.
Material: five ring pyramids
Progress of the game
The teacher shows the children a pyramid, they look at it. Then the teacher removes the rings from the pyramid, accompanying his actions with the words: “There was a pyramid, the rings were removed - we will put the rings on the rod! Then he disassembles and reassembles the pyramid again. After this, he invites the children to do everything themselves.
Sports games for children 3-4 years old
The harmonious development of children is impossible without physical activity. It’s good if at home there is a wall bars and a horizontal bar, where the baby can work out and throw out the accumulated energy. But even this is not enough for little fidgets at this age. Daily walks outside and morning exercises are considered mandatory for them. It is necessary to warm up between games for children 3-4 years old. In the summer, children’s stay in the fresh air should be maximized, combining a walk with activities useful for development. These are considered sports and entertaining games for children 3-4 years old.
Outdoor games for kids 3-4 years old
Following the rules, losing with dignity, adhering to a given line of behavior, this is not about younger preschoolers. Children of this age category are not yet ready for such activities, therefore, in the matter of organizing interesting leisure time, they urgently need the help of adults. An alternative solution for the latter are active games for children 3-4 years old, for example:
- "Search for toys."
On the site, a table of 6-8 cells is drawn with chalk, in which the available toys are schematically depicted. The adult hides these toys, and the child looks for them and puts them in the appropriate cells. - "Overcome obstacles."
An obstacle course is constructed from plastic bottles, toys, and blocks, which the child must overcome by avoiding obstacles on a bicycle or scooter.
Dance games for children 3-4 years old
For organizing a children's party or just for pleasant leisure, round dance games for children 3-4 years old will be a real find. It’s a joy to watch the little ones dance around the New Year’s tree or cheerfully sing a song congratulating the birthday boy. Entertainment of this kind contributes to the communicative development of children, develops a sense of rhythm and an ear for music. They are accompanied by songs and poems that coordinate the movements of the little fidgets. In a modern interpretation, round dances look something like this:
- "Monkeys."
The kids form a circle, with an adult in the center. The task of the little dancers is to copy the movements of the leader as accurately as possible. - "Slow and fast."
Children learn the movements and, at the command of an adult, begin to perform them, taking into account the constantly changing pace set by the leader.
Health games for children 3-4 years old
Preserving and strengthening the health of the child is the main task of caring parents. Health-improving games for preschoolers will help them cope with it, which include sets of exercises aimed at developing an even posture, a beautiful gait, endurance, and quick reaction. Through this game for children 3-4 years old, by the age of 6, the child will have mastered the basic types of movements and will be physically ready for the school lifestyle.