Consultation for parents “Work education of a child in the family.”

Consultation for parents “Work education of a child in the family.”

Municipal preschool educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 73" in Magnitogorsk

Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category

Dmitrieva Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Consultation for parents

“Labor education of a child in the family.”

Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of a child’s personality. Hard work is not given by nature; it must be cultivated from early childhood. Thus, it is in the family that the foundations of labor education are laid.

If previously children worked from an early age, now many parents, due to their busyness and lack of patience, protect their children from work by doing everything themselves, thereby doing a “disservice.”

Labor activity is multifunctional. In the process of work, children develop physically and mentally, master skills and abilities. Parents don’t even think that the child’s work is connected with the need for active participation in the lives of adults and the desire for independence. Participation in household work allows children to really feel their involvement in the concerns of the family, to feel like a member of the family team. This helps to develop many important personality traits: responsiveness, caring, thrift, responsibility.

Work also has a significant impact on the mental development of a child. It develops intelligence, curiosity, initiative, active perception, observation, attention, concentration, and trains memory. And work also develops thinking - the child has to compare and contrast objects and phenomena with which he deals.

Identify the basic principles of labor education

children in the family:

— introduction to work through self-service; — a gradual transition from self-service to work for others; — gradual expansion of the range of responsibilities, increasing their complexity; — tactful and constant quality control of the execution of work assignments; — organization of training in performing labor operations; - developing confidence in the child in the importance of performing the work assigned to him; — taking into account the individual characteristics and inclinations of the child when distributing work assignments; - encouragement of diligent execution of assignments, manifestation of independence and initiative; - alternation of work and rest, as well as different types of work in the regime.

So, in a family, work for children should be feasible

. A child may have household chores that he performs constantly. For example, taking care of your shoes, clothes, toys. At an older age, the child can already wash his own dishes, care for pets, water indoor plants, etc. And it is not at all necessary to entrust the child with cleaning the entire apartment; you can, for example, ask him to wipe the dust from the window sills or help his mother prepare dinner.

Remember, when giving instructions to children, it is necessary to clearly explain what is being done, why and why.

The child needs to know why he needs to perform certain tasks and what result should be achieved. We need to tell for what purpose we are doing this or that work. For example, if flowers are not watered, they may die; If we don’t wash the dishes, we’ll have to eat from dirty dishes. It is necessary to help the child feel the benefits of his work efforts, to teach him to experience joy because his activities are useful.

Never force your children to help you.

Coercion is disgusting. Moreover, such work will not differ in quality. Help must come from a pure heart. It is clear that the child may not notice that it is difficult for you and that you would not mind accepting help from him. Here you can cheat a little: groan and groan: “Oh, how tired I am,” “Oh, my back hurts.” It’s a rare child who doesn’t realize that his help would be in place.

Teach children to finish the work they start.

, do not rush or push them, know how to wait until they complete the work themselves.

Work is no less attractive for a child than play. You can use work-play as a means of developing children's activity.

Playful images help children do their work with great interest. It is easier to teach a child to work while playing. For example, your house is a spaceship, and it needs to be cleaned before departure. Young children easily humanize inanimate objects - this quality can be used effectively. Tell your child on behalf of the toy that it is cold for her to lie on the floor, or let the bear ask to be put on the shelf.

Gradually, the child develops a positive attitude not only to those types of work that are associated with play, but also to those that are not so interesting, but necessary, that is, there is an awareness of the importance of work activity.

The work of children should not go unnoticed by adults. It is necessary that work brings pleasure to the child. Praise him for the results he has achieved

. Praise can be expressed in words or by organizing joint family entertainment (a trip to the cinema, park, etc.); in no case should you reward your child with money, this can develop the skill of doing everything for money. Any work should be rewarded, even if the child did something wrong. And if he breaks something, don’t even think about scolding him, because the child wanted to help. Work and its results should always be accompanied by positive emotions.

In parallel with this, it is necessary to instill in children respect for the work of adults

, careful attitude to its results. Words of notation, as you know, are unconvincing methods for a child. He must see the good example of adults. The activities of adults serve as role models for children. If the adults themselves work with enthusiasm, then the child will strive for the same. When a child sees that work for adults is a heavy burden, then he himself will have the same attitude. Therefore, parents themselves should take on any work with desire, diligence and responsibility, setting a good example for their children. When a child in a family hears stories from parents about their work and the production activities of other people, this expands the child’s understanding of the work of adults, their professions, and forms interest and respect for the work activities of their parents.

Tips for parents:

1. Be consistent in your demands.

2. Consider the individual and age characteristics of your children.

3. Before entrusting something to a child, show an example of the correct execution of the assignment, teach this to your son and daughter, and complete the assignment several times together.

4. Do not forget about playful moments in the labor education of children.

5. Teach your child to respect the work of other people and take care of the results of their work. Tell your children about your work and your friends.

6. Encourage your child more often for independence, initiative, and quality of work performed.

7. Tactfully evaluate the results of your child’s work.

Consultation “Labor education of preschool children.”

Labor education of preschool children.

Education should develop in a person

habit and love of work; it should

give him the opportunity to find

work for yourself in life.

K. D. Ushinsky

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. Interest in work, the necessary work skills and personal qualities are established in childhood. The task of teachers and parents is not to miss this moment, because preschool age is a responsible and fertile time when a child joyfully discovers the wonderful world of the surrounding reality.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky deeply believed in the ennobling power of labor: “If a child has invested a piece of his soul in the work of people and found personal joy in this work, he will no longer be able to become an evil, unkind person.” Emphasizing the role of education, K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “The opportunity to work and love for it is the best inheritance that both the poor and the rich can leave to their children.” So what is labor?

In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them. Labor activity helps to improve the overall development of children, expand their interests, demonstrate the simplest forms of cooperation, and develop such moral qualities as hard work, independence, responsibility for assigned work, a sense of duty, etc. In the process of labor, the physical strength and mental activity of children are activated.

By teaming up with peers in work, preschoolers gain experience in relationships, learn to see the emotional state of a peer, his sorrows and joy. All this encourages the provision of help, support, and the manifestation of humane feelings: empathy, sympathy. But such opportunities can be realized only if certain conditions are met: the teacher creates an emotional environment when organizing children’s work, demonstrates to them their interest in the upcoming activity, participates in it as a partner, and encourages children’s desire to participate in joint activities. The attitude of children to work largely depends on the importance we teachers assign to it. You can help a child fall in love with work, feel the joy of work, or you can discourage the desire if you use dry techniques that are uninteresting for children.

At preschool age, the child first begins to feel the need for independent activity, declaring his intentions and showing himself to be the subject of his desires and interests. Fostering this need is one of the central tasks of children’s labor education. In order for hard work to become a stable trait, adults need to ensure that the preschooler systematically exercises, performing various work activities, and strives to fulfill his plans as best as possible.

At the same time, we must not forget that the success of labor education is impossible without special attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including small ones, is a unique, peculiar person with his own interests, affections, capabilities, and character traits.

A special feature of child labor is that, despite the presence of all the structural components of the activity, they are still in the development stage and necessarily require the participation and assistance of an adult.

An important pedagogical requirement is the awareness of work, which involves revealing to the child its goals, results and ways to achieve them. Children of primary preschool age cannot independently set goals in their work. This happens because they do not yet have the ability to retain the entire process and result in memory. To develop the ability to set goals in work, the following are important: - awareness of the goal; - ability to see results; - possession of methods of action, skills.

For younger preschoolers, all this is only in the initial stages. At this stage, the role belongs to the adult. He sets a goal for children and helps them realize it. Children of older preschool age set goals themselves in familiar situations. When forming purposeful work activity, it is important not only what and how the child does, but also what he works for. The motives may be different:

-receive a positive assessment of your actions from adults;

- to assert oneself;

-enter into communication with adults;

- to benefit others (social motive).

It must be said that all of the above motives can be present in children of different ages, but only at 5-7 years old is a child able to formulate them.

The process of planning work activity in children is also carried out in a unique way. A young child does not plan his activities at all. But even in older preschool age planning is specific. Children plan only the process of execution, “forgetting” about the organization of work, and outline only the main stages, but not the methods of execution. Monitoring and evaluation of work are not provided. Verbal planning lags behind practical planning - the child cannot draw up a work plan, but acts consistently.

The attitude of children to the result of labor is peculiar. For younger preschoolers, it is often not the material result of labor that is important, but the moral one, most often expressed in a positive assessment from an adult. An older child is interested in achieving a practical, materially presented result, although the assessment of an adult is also very important for him. At the age of 5-7, children may already develop pride and satisfaction from independently achieved results in their work.

The most important pedagogical requirement is the organization of work that is varied in content. Only varied work arouses interest in children and a desire to participate in it. Children's work activities should be systematically made more difficult. Skills become more complex, the range of knowledge is enriched, children’s observation and planning skills develop. Work activity must be regular. Children's work must be feasible. The physical effort expended by the child should not cause overwork. Otherwise, he develops a negative attitude towards work assignments. Tools must be absolutely safe and correspond to the height and strength of the child, but at the same time it is necessary that the equipment is not toy, but real

Along with the achievements in the labor education of children in preschool institutions, there are still many problems and unresolved issues. Not all preschool institutions provide interaction between an adult and a child at the level of co-creation, assistance in play, work and cognitive activities. There are difficulties in selecting objects of labor activity, the scope of work of preschool children is limited. Often, teachers in older groups, when organizing the joint work activities of children, do most of the work themselves. And the children are left with only individual tasks - bring, serve, help, hold, which, naturally, does not arouse their interest in the work process. There is also another extreme in practice, when educators give inflated work assignments without taking into account the children’s capabilities. Children also get tired when they spend a long time doing one thing, stay in one position, use equipment that does not correspond to their age capabilities, and perform a large amount of work at a fast pace. In some preschool institutions there is no plan and systematicity in organizing children's work, in teaching them labor skills, and they participate in work from time to time. Those educators who, during the work process, are too protective of children, dictate to them what to do, and do not give them the opportunity to show activity and independence, also act badly. Unfortunately, you can often observe how a nanny or teacher in front of children redoes what they have done: washes the table, sweeps the floor, puts away books, rearranges chairs, etc.

In the work of a preschooler, a connection with play is clearly revealed. When performing a work task, children often switch to play - they play with water while washing, play out work actions, etc. At younger preschool age, the desire to turn the work process into a game is clearly expressed, but even older preschoolers do not yet master work actions or tools , also play with them, beat them. And they always gladly accept a game situation that involves work. The work activity of a preschooler must be organized so that work has something in common with play and is an integral part of it. This is how a child learns, gets used to working, without noticing that this is no longer a game.

The labor education of children in a preschool institution should not be carried out in isolation from family education. When working together with older family members, the child, imitating the elders, quickly masters work skills and adopts rational work methods. Working together with parents brings joy to the child. Participation in household work allows the child to really feel his involvement in the concerns of the family, to feel like a member of the family team. This helps to develop many important personality traits: responsiveness, caring, thrift, responsibility. The activities of adults serve as role models for children, which is confirmed by their role-playing games. Children enthusiastically play “Barbershop”, “Steamboat”, “Construction site”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, betraying not only work activities, but also the relationships between people, their attitude to work.

In order for parents to be able to carry out labor education in the family in conjunction with the kindergarten, it is necessary to systematically familiarize parents with the content and methods of labor education for children of different ages.

To promote among parents the content and methods of labor education of preschoolers, various forms can be used: meetings, consultations, conversations, lectures, open days, thematic stands, exhibitions, etc.

Many parents of preschoolers tend to underestimate their capabilities. The teacher’s task is to convince parents of the need for timely introduction of children to work, fostering independence, to reveal the role of the child’s age-related characteristics favorable for this (activity, imitation, receptivity to the demands of adults), the content and methods of labor education of younger preschoolers in kindergarten and in the family.

Thus, the work of preschool children is the most important means of education. The entire educational process must be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treating work with love and seeing joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person’s creativity and talents.

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